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That’s right! With Chapter 3 being recently completed– I can now announce my AWESOME PLANS for the future of Solanaceae, yay!

I’ve still got a ton of stories to tell with Battam and Sal (And Satine!) and I’ve decided to do so in two ways: a short comic that covers the prologue (so how they met; got together, etc) and a longer ongoing visual novel that will come out in episodes (it’ll be about their adventures starting a new coven!).

I’m  so excited and SO pleased to make this announcement; and if you want to  follow the early stages of development for the Solanaceae VN; the game already has a landing page here!

Thanks a ton everyone for all of your support and patience; I’m super excited to start making more stuff for ya’ll come January!

See you soon!


This counts as the last paid post of this month/this year-- but it also represents ALL of the X-mas related pictures I've been posting/will post! 'v'9
