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TLDR: Please bookmark (or switch your sub over to) my Substar page. Secondly, bookmark my website and scroll to the bottom of the page to put your name on my mailing list. This is so I can get in contact with you in case something happens to this page.

Alternatively, you can follow me around the web to keep track of what's happening.


As you may or may not have seen around socials today, Patreon has sent out a mysterious and rather uninformative e-mail today about creators signing a "new consent form" which uh, frankly, doesn't actually make much sense for the site!

Patreon has banned almost everything to do with real life photos and scenarios on this site: so a lot of us are left wondering who this consent form is for? We've all had to put our information into the system already, so we have no idea what this new "consent form" is going to look like. Are they just making us agree to new terms? Are they putting in another, more secret ban on content? We have no idea what's coming; all that we know is something is coming.

Furthermore: they mentioned Visa and Mastercard by name and saying this new form was in compliance with that THEY had asked for. It doesn't feel great to read, honestly.

This is all just a part of the sweeping NSFW ban a lot of us have come to expect. I do not plan to close my page until I absolutely have to (because wow, once this page closes, my life is going to be really hard for a while) but we have no idea how long my Patreon page has. Another year? Five years? Only a month? It's all up in the air right now.

More and more adult content is being pushed off the internet and it's becoming ever more difficult to actually make a living off it. So, I wanted to thank you again for all of your amazing support. Without folks like you, I literally couldn't do what I do. I appreciate you so dang much and I'm going to keep fighting and keep trying to make what I make.

Thanks for bearing with me as I continue to try and keep everyone updated about this situation. I hope you're doing okay tonight!



This is so ridiculously frustrating, I’m sorry you and all other adult content creators have to deal with this


All I can hope is that folks eventually get some sense, but uh, it's probably going to get much worse before it gets better <:[


We are very sorry to read this, me and everyone in patreon, and if something happens with the topic, believe me, we will be here even if you have to close the account (which I hope doesn't happen ;-;) the only thing we can do for now is hope nothing bad happens for the creators of NSFW things :'<


Things are likely going to get worse before they get better: so def follow people around socials if you can. Thanks!