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Hello, everyone!

With Patreon updating their community guidelines, my page is in trouble of being terminated. Because of that, I'm asking you to switch to supporting me on Subscribestar as soon as possible.


Substar uses a system that charges you when you sign up, and then charges you again on that same date the next month. So, I'd recommend only signing up right now if you have the money: otherwise, wait to sign-up at the beginning of next month. (I'll post a reminder about this.) Substar only charges you once, while here on Patreon you can choose to pay me once or weekly depending on your budget.

To put it bluntly: when I do get the boot, it's going to be the biggest pay-cut I've taken in my entire life. My whole career is about to get re-structured so please bear with me through the growing pains.

Right now, I'm in the middle of re-uploading all of my PDFs to Substar to make them available to folks pledged there. Solanaceae page backlog will come next. This is an ongoing process, since I have a ton of stuff, so please be patient as the archive gets up to date.

The Secret Club site will not be affected at all by this process, as it operates entirely on it's own and is hosted by a fantastic person.

I do not plan on taking down my Patreon page until I absolutely have to: but you may see work from the archive here disappear as I clean up. I recommend downloading as many PDFs off this page as possible, while you still can. 

What are the next steps?

First, we try to get as many folks as we can moved over to Subscribestar. Then, we wait it out. It's going to be very tough to get folks to move over to Substar and I can't afford to close down this page until I'm forced to. I'll be updating both pages simultaneously for now.

I'll have to be a lot more focused on commissions and game work for a while until I can start making money from PDFs again.

Again, to be clear, I am not shutting down this Patreon page until I'm forced to.

Why is this happening?

Patreon recently updated their community guidelines to ban and restrict a bunch of content, and some of those bans affect my page. Specifically their updates policies about monster stuff, BDSM, and bondage.

Even though I think all of my content is still up to snuff with the guidelines, there is now a huge possibility my page will be wiped from the site without any prior notice. This is something all of us saw coming, we just didn't know when it was going to happen. 

So, I'm preemptively moving my content over to Substar and trying to get as many folks to follow me as I can.

What forms of payment does Substar take?

Unfortunately, Substar doesn't accept Paypal. (But remember, Paypal is a bit part of the reason I'm even in this mess right now...) You must use a debit or credit card to pay. I'm pretty sure pre-paid cards are allowed though, which is something Substar has over Patreon.

And as with Patreon, I don't think Cashapp, Apple pay, or Google pay work either.

What changes are you making to tiers?

Tiers here on Patreon will remain the same until I'm booted. As for Substar, I've trimmed it down quite a lot. The $3 and $5 tiers remain as is, but the commission tier has combined into one, bigger commission slot of $30 for a 2 person, color sketch commission. 5 slots are available-- feel free to grab one!

How are you doing?

Frankly, I'm stressed. But, there are a lot worse things going on in the world right now so I'm just trying to take it step by step and keep looking forward as much as possible. My life will probably change for a while, and that's just how it goes. I appreciate everyone here so much and I can't thank you enough for the support you've given me.

It's my Mom's birthday today, so I'm going to go spend time with her. Love you all.

Feel free to ask more questions below and I'll try to answer you best I can and include them above. I'll be adding more info later, when I'm more available.


Do I need to be subscribed on Substar to get the Secret Club password?

I'm still going to be updating this Patreon page for as long as possible alongside now updating Substar too. So, you can be subscribed to either Substar OR Patreon for the Monthly Passwords. (You don't need both.)

You moving over to Substar just ensures that you're able to stay in touch with me and my content when the inevitable big delete happens. 

I'll be looking into alternative ways for folks who can't use Substar to buy the Secret Club password once Patreon goes down. I'll post about that as soon as I have more details.




Done and done


Gonna switch over once the patreon gets shut down for sure (bookmarked it in my bowser), good luck dude


Thanks! Yeah, I think waiting is perfectly fair (and smart) and that's why I haven't shut down my Patreon page either. I know some folks ARE fed up with the site though and have wanted to move over for a bit, so having the option is good. Hopefully I'll be able to send out e-mails when/if the shut-down does come tho!