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At last! Let it be known that on this day, Princess Claire'elene oz'Visania IX, sovereign of the moons of Mara and all that orbits the God-Star Tel'ruun has saved the deva from extinction, banishing the specters of doubt and uncertainty, giving her empire a new life and securing her dynasty for another thousand years! Let all the deva sing! Exalted is Tel'ruun! Exalted is the Visanian princess! After months of effort drinking as much cum and taking as much dick up her ass as she was able, Princess Claire has finally produced what may yet enable Dr. Nona to move on to the next step of the breeding program. And what a serendipitous time for the doctor to call. Surely she knows the Princess is hard at work, maybe she wants to see how it's going? Or could there be another reason...? Find out next time on Princess Claire: A Royal Endowment!




Nice for the twins to get a bit of action.