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Sorry for getting these in so close to the deadline! I'll write up the usual flavor text tomorrow after I've gotten some sleep.




Vushika completely understands how Claire feels. She also lost her vagina like Claire and, when being fucked in the ass so hard, she forgets she even has a cock and feels like a normal girl again. I am sure Khayn feels the same way. Thing is, they are still girls, pussy or no pussy. They just have to realize that.


It wasn't really my explicit intention when I started this comic, but yeah this comic can be seen as really pro-trans. I'm not trans myself, I try not to talk about real politics in this comic because I love how much of an escapist fantasy it is from the real world, but yeah, its pretty clear this comic has a very gender fluid narrative. For anyone who is trans, I hope I haven't written or said anything painful or hurtful or insensitive. I hope it can be an escapist adventure full of characters who are trying to understand or reconnect with their bodies, caught in a culturally repressive regime.


I like where this is heading, very nice!! :)