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We'll see another page of Zoshear and these daemons next month before moving on to Tov'enel and then Pravahn.  Again, I'm really happy with this style of lighting and this overall cleaner look of this image. I also like the thicker way Pop Lee is drawing the fluids. These are all things I've been talking about with him for a while, and its great to see his style developing.

These daemon pages are going to give us insight into the conflicts of Deva society and how they result from historical developments. I hope this gives some people a better sense of immersion in the story of the main comic. The art on these pages aren't canonical, but the text is.




The daemons are a threat to all Deva with fat asses, tight holes, and sensitive prostates!


That's right! Love the part "sensitive prostates" ;) Hope the daemons tickle the Deva's sensitive prostates, with their dicks until the Deva's balls have been emptied of all their cum!!