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The Deva may never learn of the sacrifices their Princess and her Entourage have already made to give them a future, but if they do, High Priestess Leleshara has sworn Dr. Nona to secrecy about something even more threatening to the fundamental nature of Deva society. How much longer can Princess Claire and her inner circle keep their enormous secrets hidden? How will they explain suddenly being able to safely impregnate Deva women? And what exactly is the Stud Breeding Project? Find out next time in Princess Claire: A Royal Endowment!




I guess Khayn is not helping the twins get Claire ready because she is having too much fun getting ravaged by the robot!

Mars Project

I am slightly irked that parts of the research descriptions are covered by character chatter, I am a sucker for context and backstory. I know it might be inconsequential in the long run but will there be versions where we can read the entire reports without the chat bubbles over them?


Not at the moment, the intention is to keep it ambiguous and mysterious. While I definitely want to build a lot of lore and backstory for this comic, I want some things to remain up in the air- at least for a while longer.