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Brokering an interstellar alliance, admitting your a dickgirl princess AND being ridden by your new magical unicorn friend all in one afternoon? Even the easy days are still turbulent and full of life changing adventures for Princess Claire'elene. But is the Pontifica really finished riding the Royal Endowment? Or does she have one final gift to impart to the tiny but gifted monarch? Find out next time in Princess Claire: A Royal Endowment!

Sorry for the delay everyone! Totally my fault, not Pop Lee X's. Also, note that this chapter is going to go on for a little bit longer than 40 pages. I know people liked Growing Hex Appeal, but there was also a sense that I rushed through things a little too much and I want to make sure this chapter is wrapped up a little better.



Mars Project

You know its about time Claire actually got to fuck someone instead of being fucked by someone.


Yeah, it is something I know a lot of people have been waiting for since the comic began. Its one of the reasons this chapter is going to be extra long. I want to make sure I don't rush through highly anticipated moments like this one.


Seems like something broke inside the princess' mind x)