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Woo, sorry for missing this everyone! I moved at the beginning of this month and in trying to get everything else posted ASAP, the monthly report got away from me.

Today, we reached 100 patrons for the first time! I'm sure the number will go up and down as usual, but its another huge milestone for the project. Since this comic has come such a long way, I thought I would share a little bit more about myself quickly, so new people can understand who I and Pop Lee X are.

I started writing this comic and commissioning Pop Lee to make it about 9 months after a near death experience that put me into a medically induced coma for over a week. It's also about a lot of other health problems, relationships and other crazy stuff that has happened in my life. I write this comic as a form of therapy and I think about it like putting my journal through a prism so I can look at it in a safe way. The fact that people have responded so positively to this project and that I get to keep doing it is an incredible privilege. Pop Lee has been wanting to do an ongoing project like this for a long while and I'm incredibly lucky to get to partner with him. Although its a lot of work to organize and write this, the vast majority of the work is done by Pop Lee. Pop Lee is able to dedicate so much time and effort to this project because I take care of the logistical stuff and all the money goes straight to him.

I can't imagine I will ever get to be part of such an incredible and unique project ever again in my life, so believe me when I say I am trying to make this the best comic it can be. Thank you all again for your ongoing support.

This month we can expect:

5 comic pages

2 pieces of concept art

1 color pinup

1 two character sketch

2 animations

1 side comic page (This month from "A Hard Lesson")

NOTE ON ANIMATIONS: I am planning on rolling the animation reward into the $15 tier. We will be releasing an animated version of last month's Dr Nona pinup for free!



Congrats on 100 Paterons! You and Poplee are such amazing people I'm glad you made this comic♥️ And found Someone like Poplee who's just as dedicated as you are. You guys really are Unstoppable!


Wow, I didn't know you had such a serious set of circumstances going on... but I'm glad you're pursuing your dream, and that it seems to be going well! ^_^


Working on this comic has genuinely helped a lot. Its been really good to be able to tell a narrative no matter what its like and to see how people respond to it in a safe way. Thank you again for all the support!