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For this month, pledges from 72 patrons were processed, with $411 in total, our highest membership level yet.  For the past several months, I have been putting in more money than normal to get us up to 5 pages, because I love this comic and often the fifth page of each drop is one of the best. From now on, though, I can't keep doing that. If we make it up to $440, we'll be back to 5 pages, but for the month of November, we will be making:

4 comic pages

2 pieces of concept art

1 colored character pinup

1 sketch pinup, featuring 2 characters

This month we're going to try making the pinups first and taking the whole month to do the comic pages. For really no good reason, we've been giving Pop Lee X the least amount of time to do the comic pages and giving him much more time for single character pictures. Now that we are giving Pop Lee more time and more money to do the comic pages, we should also expect him to continue to improve the quality of the comic, as he has been doing for the last year. I have communicated this expectation to him this month and I expect Anirah's real debut in this month's pages to be really worthwhile.

Side note, its been a full year since the first pages of this comic were made with Sae'lise and Khayn watching after Princess Claire's huge floppy dick! Thank you so much to everyone who has helped this project grow so big. Before this time next year, we can expect Duchess chapters to begin.



I've decided to bump my patronage up to $10, at least. Happy enough with the Lady tier rewards, but I just want to contribute a little more on top of that.^^