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"Don't forget," the old woman says, handing me keys to my dream house with its sea view.

I laugh, dismissing her superstitious nonsense.

There's no car access. Humping furniture down the narrow coastal path to the cottage is hard work. And my friends - initially excited by my purchase - are all suddenly very busy.

I urinate into the salty waters below before collapsing into a deep sleep.

The sound of splintering wood wakes me.

Furious waves froth with anger and churn with rage.

Outside, a seagull crackles like an old woman as the livid green ocean smashes through the front door.



Fjordur #18

*Any re-upload of this series will be copyright striked and legal action will be sought.



Should try hit wally with a secret lil jordan belfooorttttt for a throwback


I was actually super impressed that the "army" you took to the boss fight actually worked, people normally take the fights so super serious with mutated dinosaurs and shit (myself included), and then you and Walley just rock up with basically a mish mash of dinosaurs LOL, and actually win. I shall never never doubt the Legends Security Service again! Im half tempted to actually breed up a fully mutated army of Gachas just to see if it works (I got increased maturation rates on my server so wouldnt take TOO long). The antics you and walley get up to looks so bloody fun bro. Hello from Sydney btw!