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“Captain? Are you ready?” the voice behind me asked.
“Just one more moment,” I answered. I ran my hands down the metallic sides of the ship. She felt like an old friend— a partner. We had been together through so much.
While my hair had long gone grey, and my eyesight failed, she looked as fresh and beautiful as the first day I had boarded her.
Fifty years had come and gone on the decks of that ship. We had sailed amongst stars and traversed the paths of comets.
“Goodbye Dauntless.”
Gathering myself, I turned and saluted her new Captain.



Fjordur #10

*Any re-upload of this series will be copyright striked and legal action will be sought.



Ayy papi, idk the 1st thing about uploading videos, but I've noticed a bit of trouble playing over 360p and was wondering if it has something to do with the upload side? I only ask because I usually only have trouble with anything over 1080p. Either way, love the series, muah


It's always the baryonics fuck head to wreck the day rip Lorenzo he was just cruising in his benzo hit a log and got stunlocked then he was donezo