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The linoleum was antiseptic blue shining like a threat. A coffee machine hisses. Whoosh of Nescafe and macaroons,sacred time of sweet daydream bites .

A lady with a dowager's hump was guided, forcefully, by a volunteer in a Fortnite t-shirt failing to cover his indulged belly.
A breezy nurse in brogues,50 denier legs, under a white coat with a selfish looking watch fob.
A window and a sun drenched patio. Two medics were flirting. A youthful giggle floats airily through the sober ward.

'Here Bridie. How are we?' says the patronising one. Bridie turns and punches her face.



Fjordur #7

*Any re-upload of this series will be copyright striked and legal action will be sought.



Imagine just riding a wheelie on a sabertooth


Class content when you're laughing yer arse off over "bad-ray-po" and Walley's straight on the metal grind hahaha