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We just carved our fist jack o lantern in the new house! I hope this spooky season has been treating you well! I was able to sit down and work on Red Moon last night and got a great portion of the plot finalized. I have ideas EVERYWHERE in my phone notes, sketchbooks, sticky notes. I’ve begun to string together key events and I’m thrilled to find that I’m closer to cracking this thing than I thought I was.

I have a playlist going and I love to have a glass of wine or smoke a bit, pop in my headphones and draw whatever scenes come to mind. I haven’t been able to smoke in 2 years because of motherhood but last night was my first time in ages and I had so much fun and was so productive!

Some people write chronologically but I’m complete chaos and this type of erratic idea jotting seems to be what works for me. Hopefully I’ll have enough for a pitch soon. I just want to make sure it’s pretty concrete before I start looking for ways to publish because writing under a deadline will stress me out. I want to have the story done so I can just crank out pages every week.

I don’t have childcare at the moment so I’m full time mom and doing my work work while the little guy naps and at night. I havent been able to do much personal work but I have some sketches and witchy smut I’d love to share. This time of year I feel the most creative and it’s always the busiest for some reason! All the publishers are trying to wrap up projects before the new year. Thank you for your patience and I hope you find some time to light some candles and get yourself a pumpkin spice latte and a good book 💙

Xo Sabine



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