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WTF. I applied for this not thinking I would get it but they really liked my topic! 

I'll be talking about how NSFW art can be used as a tool for rebellion against harmful puritanical ideologies in the self and society.  I'm kind of nervous because it seems like it will be a mostly male audience and I was planning on using the ideas I've been playing with for my WIP graphic novel "Red Moon." The anecdotes are pretty personal and from a female perspective but, from what I've gleaned from talking with people of all genders, are experiences most people share as a result of puritanical and close minded  oppression. Last festival's NSFW Panel was just called "TITS 101" and Im afraid to open up about the ideas I've been writing about and working through in my art; they are a little heavier than I imagine the tits panel was.  But, thats the reason I started this project in the first place, to rise above the fear that has been covering my mouth for so many years. I just need to be brave and be myself and if people don't like it, there's really no skin off my bones. I can't hide who I am anymore and I have to stop diluting myself in order to please other people. I have some outlining to do but I think, whatever happens, this will be a good trial run to air what I've been working on. 

If you'd like to attend, all you need is to be 18+, have a newgrounds account and be able to log in to discord :) 

You can register for the festival here- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehxsV_KrArdYk3zENphhNg6VyVTdxPrYTmWp1gzInWmNX7_g/viewform

Hopefully see you there! 





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