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2x14 Angel FULL

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Sofía Reyes

Thanks for this reaction!! It is very interesting to see how Angel's character declines and sinks, but his attempts to help in any way give us hope that everything will have a more positive turn in the future. I think that of the incidental characters, Anne has also been one of my favorites. Her transition from Chanterelle on Buffy to now is great. Thank you for sharing this interesting episode with us. Take care and say hi to Quynh. See you in the next one ;)


Yeah the gradual change in Angel (or regression perhaps?) has been my favorite thing about this season outside of having Darla and Dru as villains. But like you said it's not like Angel has given up completely or anything, and that struggle is fascinating to watch. Also it's so great to see Anne more in Angel. I love the empathy her character has for those in need and I hope she comes back for more screentime!