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Gosh I'm not sure where to start for this one. Uh, I have a feedback poll where you can tell me what you like about my audios, the Patreon, and where you think there could be some improvement~

Edit: The poll is now closed! Thank you to everyone who filled it out! I'll pick an idea that was suggested to use next month or the month after~!

I go over it with you at 03:35 in the video, which is hopefully more fun than filling it out alone~? Except for the first and last question, everything is optional so you can just skip whatever you don't feel like answering~


Something big I totally forgot to mention in the video:

The exclusive audio series for this month is going to start unprompted, and then you'll vote on what action your character takes next. It's a bit different from our usual, but I think you'll like it~!


Some links:

  • Here is a link to the sci-fi story I've done previously that got a comments scroll in the video.
  • And here is a link to the Robert Wun fashion show that I showed a few clips from~
  • If you haven't voted yet, the monthly story poll is here and it closes in a week-ish~!
  • The schedule is pinned to the top of the page, but if you need a link you can click here.


Too long, didn't watch?

I'm so sorry but I'm not gonna do a tl;dr on this one, I'm exhausted and this video took much longer than I thought it would~! I promise you're not missing anything crazy. (I wasn't kidding about my back either, I was LAID UP, and it messed with my production schedule. I'm ranked in badminton (D+ BABY) in Switch Sports and those 12-year-olds I was playing against really pushed me~)


Context for the bonus audio included, if you want it:

Characters: (They're all Changelings, escaped Fae slaves)

  • Claves, my PC who is voiced - a Frenchwoman amnesiac from the late 1800's who's recently escaped from the Fae Realm and found herself in Kansas, USA in 1997.

  • Ignus, her boyfriend - The one she leaves the voicemail for. He's a Summer Court Knight and charged with defending the Freehold, a group of Changelings who have banned together for safety. The Freehold is divided into Courts for each season (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter)

  • Orm, mentioned in passing - King of Summer Court, essentially Ignus's boss.

  • Lady Lilac, who was dead in Claves's vision - Queen of Spring Court. Former lover of Orm!

  • Lydia, who is offscreen but not voiced - Claves's angsty goth roommate from Winter Court who dutifully helps her navigate the perils and joys of the modern age.


Claves ate a Goblin Fruit, a Fae consumable that gave her a vision of a possible future. She saw the funeral of Lady Lilac, who was murdered! She has held back a few details, because her roommate Lydia was implicated as the murderer. Torn between her oath to keep the Freehold safe and concern for her roommate and friend, she has an attack of conscience and calls Ignus to set up a meeting with his boss to give more details.




I filled it out, can’t wait to see whose story idea you pick in the end! Overall I’ve been happy with the content you produce and always enjoy listening to these “speaks” audios, and the editing on this video was tight and fun to watch!


Hey I saw my name in there :D


Thank you Zeppo~! I like editing videos, especially when it's not very serious~! I'm really happy you like these out of character moments from me~


Kcory you're famous~!! The comments on that video were so funny, it was hard to pick. But of course you made the cut~