Audio in Advance: Your Magic Rival (Unknowingly) Tries to Pick You up at a Bar~! (Patreon)
Here is the audio for this Thursday~! You're trying to drown your sorrows at the bar when a persistent woman starts to proposition you... Before you've even turned around in your barstool~! What happens when she recognizes you, and your reasons for drinking alone~?
"I know, let's pretend we're strangers... Hi there, what's your name? Wanna see a card trick?"
I tried to be extra dialogue descriptive/worldbuildy with this one, it's quite 'conversational' as well, so there are lots of pauses. I mixed up background music too~!
This was supposed to be 'tarot card reading to break your chains' but it just wasn't coming together. T-T; So I decided to simplify with a cute bar pickup story. I will try again with the tarot story later~
Please enjoy~! I will see you soon~