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Happy Summer to all of my patrons. I hope everyone has been doing well and i deeply apologize for the lack of updates. There has been a lot of complications happening with regards to moving houses and a lot of construction projects I have to uphold on my shoulders.

What I have planned as part of the June/July rehaul, I want to make my art production be more concrete and mature in terms of how I want it to run while at the same time, making it loose enough for discussion and other forms of communication.

I have signed myself on, on my own terms with a partner to make this a proper part time job. In other words, the hours I will put in for art will be regularly keyed down while I have an executive manager who will be working with me to schedule and review the workoad.

My executive manager will also be dealing with submission of Patreon responses and communication that are incoming; meaning receiving responses or inquiries from you while I will be making outgoing communication which is uploading all the artwork, announcements and request for monthly reponses.

I entrust this role to a long time friend of mine who definitely has qualifications and expeience in managing some proper administrative work whilst at the same time, having worked together in some tiny projects in the past.

I introduce to you; Lexal Hunter to be my Executive Manager in dealing with not only Patreon and other commission works I have along my belt. He will be assisting me with scheduling deadlines, managing uploads of other websites except Patreon and dealing with commission or Patreon communications and inquiry.

Keep in mind that all formal medium of Direct Messages will be communicated through Lexal Hunter that is FurAffinity Notes, Patreon Messages and e-mails etc.

Other forms of communications through IMs or Discord Servers will be through me personally. I hope that with Lexal Hunter's help, we can quickly shoot down this massive backlog, create proper guidelines and help communicate with everyone better.

Let's hope we can work together and flourish this platform better so that I can provide so much more awesome artwork for everyone!

- Dralffeine


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