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Good morning to all my patrons! As you can see that the details request have been sent extremely late to the patrons. I do apologize deeply and I have no excuse for my tardiness.

However, I have been preparing for a move out of my old room to a new one where it will be affordable for myself to survive on. The other issue that made me quite busy with life is that at the start, I was looking for a job to help buffer the finances before deciding on the move. Additionally, the heart issue has been something that I have been checking thoroughly with the doctors at the nearby hospital.

I have been uploading again recently and slowly catching back up and getting things up to speed. I will be making a lot of time for Patreon this April and May to clear up whatever's been owed the last few months.

Expect a lot of personal contact with me and always check your Patreon Messages for any updates. If you don't use Patreon Messaging, you can join the Discord and get notified of any current updates!


Other than that, I thank everyone for the patience and I have contacted a bunch of you for the sketches for Patreon Rewards. Stay tuned for more art being uploaded over the last week of April!


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