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Cédric Bardoux

That series is growing so much in me. I wasn't sure at first about the relationisph between Li Gong and Ze Shou, it feels a bit artificial but now I found it so healthy. A talking couple, a sharing thought couple, a real one at last. Now to speak about generationl gap, you are right. We are living in an age we do have the need of that conversation. And even more important because of social media, we could have open minded discussion about everything. I am part of those who could have a real dialogue with a clever homophobiac rather with a single-minded tolerant. It is strange at first but I ''hate'' stupid-open-minded-politically-correct-style-you-name-it people. The kind : I love everyone because it is today. And today told me to love everyone. Mindless monkey, basically... I burn alive jews (gays, muslims, heretics...) because today told me so... To be politically tolerant is basically to be homophobiac, if we stand in the LGBT+ topic.


Yes all of them but especially the conversations they have regarding after the divorce cases. They have so much meaning and is such a simple but powerful move of the scriptwriter! And I agree I love having the discussions as long as it's not the my way or the highway or rather comes from a place of, I don't see it that way can we talk about where you are coming from and where I'm coming from and maybe we will have a deeper understanding and respect for each other. I think we lost that debate climet a bit though now. It's all about winning then agreeing to disagree if you get what I mean? And that sometimes has me at a loose. It's like with CP and KP, I try to give my view on them, sharing deep personal stuff to make you all understand that this is why I see it like that, not to force you to think the same but to at least respect where I'm coming from. And I'm all for the I don't agree and here is why but thank you for sharing comments because that is how a society grows! And that's is also why I don't judge the father or the mother here in an instant. Did it hurt me ofc it did but I could see why they reacted the way they did. dealing with human emotions and experiences requires a level of empathy and try to remember that not everyone will think exactly like you.