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Recently I changed my studio, and now I am using KoikatuSunshine CharaStudio. However, compared with its previous work, the plug-ins in it are very chaotic, often make mistakes, and the characters need to be modified, which is very time-consuming. Today, I spent several hours modifying the characters I made before so that they can be used in the new studio. I also make time to test new features

The new computer is still familiar with and transferring the previous data these two days; In short, the video quality will be better and improved in the future, please wait and see

最近因为换了工作室,目前在使用KoikatuSunshine CharaStudio,但是相较于它的前作,里面的插件非常混乱,经常会出错,人物也需要修改,非常耗时间,今天花了好几个小时修改我以前做好的人物能在新的工作室用;也抽时间在测试新的功能;新的电脑这两天还在熟悉和转移以前的数据;总之以后视频质量会更好提升,请拭目以待了



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