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By the way, the small gift video in the special offering video is my own quik. Originally, I used to do mixed cutting, so I will record several differential sources, and then simply make extra differential rewards for sponsors to see, in fact, it is not in the original special offering plan.

To get to the point, although no one mentioned it, when I watched other great God videos, I sometimes felt aesthetic fatigue because of too many differences in one video, but it doesn't matter if I can choose to download it. Therefore, we ask for your opinion on whether to make the difference into a mixed cut or keep the original plan. (Crafting does not affect the source of the record, only the presentation)



*选项字数限制 中文(其实英文用的翻译器,我英文白痴):


* The results will be shared by Patreon and Patreon

Emphasis on English options:

1.Each video material is made into a separate video, keeping the original differential video scheme

2.Mix and clip each video material into 1-2 mixed cut videos





我不明白你的意思?选项的英文翻译不正确? I don't understand what you mean? The options didn't translate in English correctly?


1.Each video material is made into a separate video, keeping the original differential video scheme 2.Mix and clip each video material into 1-2 mixed cut videos


你通常做什么选择?选项1.还是选项2.? What option do you normally make? Option 1. or option 2.?