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Things are starting to change for our priest and his unwilling sidekick, though they fight the change tooth and nail. They can’t escape their pasts, but sometimes a dark, painful history can be more than a source of pain — it can be motivation to do the right thing in the present. With the help of some kind of advice, even the most wounded can find a way to heal and move forward.

Not only did we deep dive into Dae-young's past and find out why he hasn't been the ideal cop, but we also got to see a glimpse into Kyung-seon's rough past with her deadbeat dad.

After stopping by the convenient store, Hae-il finds Yo-han asleep on the counter. After screaming to wake him up, Yo-han claims that he's going to quit working at Wangmat Foods, but Hae-il has a better idea.  He wants to use Yo-han's super hearing and full belly power to spy on Wangmat foods.

All the while, Dae-young is threatened to stop Hae-il by any means possible.  We get a flashback to when his partner dies, and it explains his character so much better.  This is also where Chul-beom becomes so much darker.  You see him for the criminal he truly is.

Despite the threats and mistakes along the way, Dae-young made some heart-felt decisions in these two episodes that truly show how he's a really good guy deep down. 

These two episodes were dark and action-packed, but they left me hopeful for Dae-young to turn a new leaf soon.

Written with the aid of https://www.dramabeans.com/



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