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Things got a bit crazy last night leading us to start our stream late and only watch the first half of it, but for one half of an episode, we're already hooked. The concept and performances on this show are already better than we expected. We can't wait to watch more! 




Honestly, talking about concept as much as I love having globals trainees and koreans one, I don't love the competition aspect that MNET put between them, or at least it would have not bother me if they had only kept it for the audition part but until the cover mission it's like that, which I'm not really fond of because since you didn't see much of MNET survival show, sp you might not know, but at the end, MNET also Koreans fans tend to actually want little foreigners, often Koreans have one or two token foreigners but that's it, it won't be half koreans/half foreigners and they also tend to vote mostly for Koreans (during elimination compare Koreans votes for a Korean trainee VS a Global one). Internations tend to vote for people they see on screen or know so depending on how MNET highlight, erase or even evil edit trainees, it might help or disadvantage them. If i'm being honest, in those show, MNET already have trainees they want you to vote for and some they don't so depending on their editing, it can tell you who they wan t or don't. Personnally I watched BOYS PLANET already but I felt like not a lot of G-GROUP trainees were advantaged (screentime wise etc) here, it's sad especially when you know/saw some of these trainees in others survivals who were biiiggg like PRODUCE JAPAN (Anthonny who performed Glitch Mode here was a big contestant in it), YOU WITH YOU 3, CHUANG 2021 . They truly shined in those and suddenly they are almost nonexistent I loved GIRLS PLANET in term of the concept because they actually put the girls in "cells", in every cell you had 1 Chinese, 1 Japanese and 1 Korean so in a way it felt more mixed and since you had to vote for cell, it felt like more foreigners could survive which is different here. Someone mentionned GIRLS PLANET being different and it was, since it was during Pandemic, one big thing that changed too is the fact for the performances, the winner were mostly decided by the judges which I liked for fairness, a thing that will not be the case for BOYS PLANET since they will put public again like every others PRODUCE show Also I mentionned evil edit so I want to warn about that, MNET is really good at this not like JTBC with PEAK TIME because as much as they wanted to create drama/tension in PEAK TIME, it didnt work out well. I think that JTBC in my opinion was way nicer too (especially since it was their first survival show with idols) because they highlighted more of the behind to make you understand or even show you they were conflict but it was resolved. MNET don't do things like this, they are really good at cutting scene putting them together to make a whole ass narrative, even saw that at some point they change the subtitle of what a trainee really say, or make a whole scene seem to be tense when what the trainee wanted is normal or not bad, so unfortunately those things can benefice someone or totally make another trainee fell down. So when you watch the show be careful of this especially they tend to do that with popular Chinese trainees which already happened in GIRLS PLANET, Chinese contestants revealed about some sinophobia which is not a surprise since you know it's also related with politics tension etc (Korea/China but you also have Japan/Korea). Chinese contestants tend to be evil edited and the Japanese more like not highlighted enough Also, don't be surprise to see a lot of songs being choreographed by Baek Kooyoung or Choi Yoojung ( the dance masters) being used here during the audition because MNET have a list of songs they give to the trainees. However, for some, they actually directly gave them the song they need to do, like they are forced (I remember one contestant of PRODUCE was forced to do a song he didn't want to, he didn't do good and wasn't edited well, he ended up getting mocked and hated). I think one of the Chinese team trained to do LOVE SHOT but at some point MNET told them to do LOVE ME RIGHT so they had less time to practice compared to others teams. One Japanese team, I think you will see them at some point were composed of 6 members, but for some unknown reason, 3 members didn't perform. The 3 others only had 1 hours to change and practice everything before they perform with 1 member fluent enough in Korean ---- Talking about the episode So Gunwook is definitely a teddy bear, he was in WILD IDOL with Kamden (who performed with Jay) but also Hamin from TEAM 4:00 aka BXB who was in PEAK TIME and Changsun who wasn't not in PEAK TIME but is part of 24K Also Jiho from NINE.i, we saw him with Seowon at some point (they are in black/red outfits), he is the brother of the member of BLIZTER who had the long hair during PEAK TIME Taebeen from TEAM 15:00 aka BLK was a vocal teacher for some of those trainees Takuto that you adopted, it's funny because Yongguk (B.A.P) and him are both under YY ENTERTAINMENT 😂


When you compared Keeho and Jay it made me laugh because Jay and Kamden are besties and Kamden is under FNC, he was a trainee with Keeho so they know each other ... It's a small world lol