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Hey Kcordies,

Small hiccup this week, but we were unable to record an I-Land reaction for all of you or a Run BTS (though Run BTS has been kinda hit or miss anyway lately.) This week has just been really busy since both of us have kids who are finishing out the school year and have a lot of events. Free had an award ceremony for one child, a field trip for another, and her middle baby has his special Olympics tomorrow. Mer homeschools so wrapping up the year for her little ones has been jam-packed too. All that said, we still managed to record three days this week between our schedules and yet still couldn't get everything done. We're so sorry and we're working hard to get everything recorded each week, this week just didn't go to plan. Luckily, with schools letting out, we should have an easier time. Anyway, thank you all again for your support and patience! We promise to work even harder to get everything done next week. 

P.S. We are live streaming on Twitch both Friday and Saturday night as we watch episodes 2 and 3 of Peak Time! If you can't make the stream, no big deal, we'll have them posted here within a day or two. Thanks again!

xoxo Mer & Free


Anna M

No worries! I know those crazy days all too well especially when the kids school and activities are involved.