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We completely understand why this is the best episode of The West Wing and possibly on TV.

Next week: The West Wing (518, "Access")

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Download full audio: https://archive.org/download/cordkillers-ep-487/STEp487%20-%20Best%20West%20Wing.mp3 



Mrs. Landingham, the name of the secretary that died in the car crash, gave a collective motherly or grandmotherly energy to all the other characters. It was clear that none of them would want to disappoint her, and she would be the one who could discipline any of them if the good natured ribbing got out of hand with just a steely look. There was a Christmas episode where Toby (grumpy eeyore communications director) had a business card in an old donated jacket found on a dead homeless man near the Vietnam War Memorial. Turns out he was a veteran of the Korean War and his mentally disabled brother was given the last bed in a shelter. Mrs. Landingham tells the story of her sons, twins who went to medical school who volunteered for the army. They were killed on Christmas day. So when Toby pulls strings to get the homeless man a proper burial at Arlington National Cemetery, Mrs Landingham repeated and quietly admonishes him "Toby you absolutely should not have done that" she asks "Toby can I can along with you to the service?" The actress who played her was hired for Desperate Housewives, and though wouldn't be in every episode, Aaron Sorkin decided to kill of her character. The episode "Access" is so out of character of the series, it's easier to understand the non-canonical episode "Isaac and Ishmael" that was injected as the episode after 9/11 with a beginning that explicitly stated it was not part of the overall story arc. It can not be understated as to how wildly not-West Wing this particular episode was, and maybe this could have been a good episode for a series that it fit in but that series isn't The West Wing.


While I don't think every series could work that way, I'd definitely be game with a Spoilerin Time format change of Pilot/Best/Worst/Finale for a while. There's a lot of short series where that would work great. Castle might be a good one to add to the list.