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Dear TimeGhost Army,

We are very sorry to announce that the latest episode won't be available for early viewing due to production delays. The episode itself may even be late for a public premiere.

We have received some messages asking if we are still doing early access, rest assured we will continue to do so!

Without the TimeGhost Army, this channel wouldn't be possible, and the early access is our way of saying thank you. We have been working incredibly hard recently, with plenty of writing, shooting, and even an updated set.

We sincerly thank you all for being members and apologise deeply for these last two productions delays. We hope to be back on schedule very soon.

Thank you all for your patience.

- TimeGhost Team



Is this the October 28 production that I just watched on YouTube? If so, I received no notification it had been released. Something I had been watching wrapped up and there it was in that multi-available display of what else to watch.


That's OK, the last episode was 26 minutes, so the episodes are twice as long as when you started.