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212 - Jailbreak! Mussolini on the Loose Again! - WW2 - September 17, 1943

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Not following the episodes recently since I dont find the time, but always fills me with joy to get an email about a new episode. Since my ww2 knowledge is somewhat existant, I can always relate; "crazy nazi commando guy* doing nazi commando things with gliders incoming" / spoiler Keep up the good fight! *he might be a baddy


Well the Axis are grabbing the headlines this time for once with that Mussolini escape, even though they are falling back slowly across all fronts…


The Moose is loose!


the escape of Mussolini is one of the great commando raids of WW2 that is usually glossed over because it was one by the 'baddies'


Applauding the intro this time with the history drop on the Kuban. I would love to see similar intros with anecdotes or history of the affected areas for the week. Keep up the amazing work!


Will Post here since YouTube would cause a storm! WRT the Russian front, I would very much like to know the % of Ukrainians on the Russian side fighting towards Kiev. I seem to recall around 50% but would love to hear the real numbers. One can’t help but think if the numbers are high, that there is a lesson here in that they have a history of fighting for their lands…. Maybe I will… would get the # of comments to go up pretty quick


Great episode. Mussolini's rescue never fails to impress me.


A short while ago the Russians dismantled a WWII memorial with a T-34 tank in Ukraine. I can't remember exactly where, but that T-34 made headlines.

Greg Whearty

I had a couple of commercials in this episode.Not sure if that is a glitch on your end or from YouTube. YouTube has been out of control with commercials lately, had 4 or 5 commercial breaks in one 10 minute video recently.


Yes T-34s are just about everywhere in Ukraine… now since the war, Russia has shipped many/most back home, taking apart the monuments.


I have been experiencing the same problem. I think it is Youtube personally.


Common knowledge among history nerds. Other people know zilch about most stuff.


Yea I decided to join the dark side and get premium. Worth it if you spend your life on youtube.


Forcing you into premium by degrading the regular is the idea.


With those cool ties, how could Indy not look good?