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TimeGhost Podcast Episode 001





(sorry ... I'm a bit late and back a bit)


Well I wasn't able to last until 2am for the livestream on my end before I had to go to bed, so I'll come back later to watch the podcast once I'm back from work today. Thanks for the podcast team.

The Art of the Reel

Wasn't twitter always privately owned? And how can Musk be a threat to free speech if he only owns one media outlet? In Russia were seeing the danger of government control of the media.


Sorry I don't agree your rendition about Bengal famine. Churchill is the cause


Mention of cobra and rat affect just after mentioning Bengal famine is intriguing and suspecting. Resembles Churchill words


Amazing podcast. A lot of fun and very informative.


The handling of Bengal famine and his demeanor during the discussion of the topic clearly shows that a person with complete bias and with racial outlook towards Asians in general and Indians in particular. This is unacceptable and I curse myself for being a member of timeghost army which blatantly encourages such attitude.


Further please tell me whether this Podcast business is started for us to hear someone drinking Pepsi. What anyone should care if someone drinks his excretion or someone else... Badly handled episodes


They have very clearly tied the famine to British policy multiple times in dozens of other episodes. While I appreciate that this is a sensitive topic, this is a massive generalization that inaccurately portrays the coverage of this topic by fixating on one example in what is clearly a more casual context.


Twitter is currently a public traded company which means that anyone can buy/sell shares, they have to publish statements and other financial information, and they have to make choices that look at the interests of more than one (or a few) shareholders.


Rohit- your way out of line, and you’re lying about the discussion. Both Spartacus and Indy clearly stated that racism played a role in the decisions the led to the Bengal Famine. Spartacus clearly stated that British policy created the famine. You have no leg to stand on in your criticism, not even the coverage in this podcast.


Mr Sharma, you are completely out of order, the blame was placed on the British. The comment regarding excretion was unpleasant.


This yr Ww over 5M children will die of malnutrition so we still have ppl who dont get enough to eat It was over 7M in 2021 do to Covid b/c trucks were not taking food to where it should of been


Tht 5M # for this yr is an estimate That was made back in sept of 2021 now with this war that # could go to as much as twice