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This week at TimeGhost we're putting out our Christmas episode. Because you are all honorable members of the TimeGhost Army, you're getting it a little early and off date, but we still wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you.

Thank you for joining the TimeGhost Army.

Thank you for raising your pledges to make new projects possible.

Thank you for being patient and understanding when we experience production delays.

Thank you for supporting us when we're working on episodes which are draining and painful to cover.

Thank you for all your comments, likes, questions, memes, and direct messages.

Thank you for being the most dedicated community on YouTube.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays.

- TimeGhost Team


174 - A Red Christmas - WW2 - December 25, 1942

The Soviet offensive Operation Mars is over; it has failed, but Operation Little Saturn has been such a success that the Axis are forced to cancel their own Operation, Winter Storm, which was to relieve the troops trapped in Stalingrad. They remain trapped because Adolf Hitler has now forbidden them from trying to break out. The Allies run into tough Axis defense in both Tunisia and on Guadalcanal, and a French bigwig is assassinated. Join us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TimeGhostHistory Or join the TimeGhost Army directly at: https://timeghost.tv/signup/ Check out our TimeGhost History YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/timeghost Between 2 Wars: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrG5J-K5AYAU1R-HeWSfY2D1jy_sEssNG Follow WW2 Day by Day on Instagram: @ww2_day_by_day Follow TimeGhost History on Instagram: @timeghosthistory Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TimeGhostHistory/ Hosted by: Indy Neidell Director: Astrid Deinhard Producers: Astrid Deinhard and Spartacus Olsson Executive Producers: Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson, Bodo Rittenauer Creative Director: Wieke Kapteijns Creative Producer: Maria Kyhle Written by: Indy Neidell Research by: Indy Neidell Edited by: Karolina Dołęga Map animations by: Daniel Weiss Map research by: Sietse Kenter Sound design by: Marek Kamiński Colorizations by: Mikołach Uchman Daniel Weiss Dememorabilia - https://www.instagram.com/dememorabilia/ Klimbim Source literature list: http://bit.ly/WW2sources Archive footage: Screenocean/Reuters - https://www.screenocean.com Image sources: Bundesarchiv Nara National Archive Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe Library of Congress Imperial War Museums: NA-2476, COI 499, COI 499 Soundtracks from Epidemic Sound: Dragon King - Jo Wandrini Deflection - Reynard Seidel Weapon of Choice - Fabien Tell Break Free - Fabien Tell Dark Beginning - Johan Hynynen Rememberance - Fabien Tell Please Hear Me Out STEMS INSTRUMENTS - Philip Ayers Epic Adventure Theme 4 - Håkan Eriksson Maze Heist - Max Anson Force Matrix - Jon Bjork It's Not a Game - Philip Ayers Not Safe Yet - Gunnar Johnsen A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.



Happy Holidays and thank you for your wonderful material


I'm not sure if It's on my end but I'm hearing an echo, like you're in an enclosed nook with bouncy walls. Did this episode get recorded in a bathroom?


Got recorded in the same studio as always, but we'll see if we can fix it on the post production side. Thanks for letting us know.


Thank you all for your hard work and dedication for this dreadfully important project. My grandfather served the United States Navy in the Pacific. I feel that by being a tiny part of this endeavor I am honoring his memory. May you all have a blessed and safe holiday season and the very best of new years.


MC & HNY to the team and fellow subscribers. And don't forget to shake hands with your enemy on Xmas day.

Ted Jones

The thing to remember about the fighting in the center was that the Germans were stronger there, too. So a numerically larger Soviet attacking force might not have had the proportional advantage they had in the south. Also, by this point I don't think the 6th Army still had that many horses as I'm pretty sure they had already started eating them. If you don't have enough to pull you out to safety, you might as well eat them and reduce the need for fodder. What was wrong with the sound this episode? Was the microphone in a strange location?


Merry Xmas and a very happy New Year, guys! Thoroughly enjoying everything, great content, great presentation. My own personal wish list has minesweepers on it, being as my Dad served on HMS Albacore - and was on active service long after 1945, including being at the Big Bang at Heligoland

Marc Steenbergen Netherlands

Wow, Heligoland is still an interesting place to visit, now there are 2 of them on account of the big bang by the Germans. Some terrible things happened there as well in WW2.


Merry Xmas everyone!




Congratulations TImeGhost on another great episode in another great year of production. I look forward to every one of them and appreciate all the work that goes into them.


Fantastic episode with a suitably grim ending. It left me feeling like I usually do after Sparty's WAH episodes.


I’m going to be cruel. Yes, it was a sad Christmas for the Nazis stuck in Stalingrad, but they deserved it. Merry Christmas to the TimeGhost Army and thank you for your wonderful work.


grim ending for an episode regarding grim times...considering soviet losses were almost half the number the US lost in the entire war.....thanks for all the work going into this channel.....