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We're a bit late with this week's B2W episode as one of us was called away on family business and we had to shuffle editing a bit - we apologize for the delay. It will go public on Monday. We will then be back to schedule with the upcoming episode about Poland.


Czechoslovakia - the Last Bastion of Democracy | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1935 Part 1 of 4

Czechoslovakia is holding on to democracy by a thread. It even looks like they might be able to integrate the German Czechoslovakians, but Hitler's rise to power changes everything. Join us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TimeGhostHistory Subscribe to our World War Two series: https://www.youtube.com/c/worldwartwo?sub_confirmation=1 Like TimeGhost on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TimeGhost-1667151356690693/ Hosted by: Indy Neidell Written by: Francis van Berkel Directed by: Spartacus Olsson and Astrid Deinhard Executive Producers: Bodo Rittenauer, Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson Creative Producer: Joram Appel Post-Production Director: Wieke Kapteijns Research by: Francis van Berkel and Rune Væver Hartvig Edited by: Daniel Weiss and Wieke Kapteijns Sound design: Marek Kamiński A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.



"Czech out" this video, amirite? What "Sudeten" for?


10:04 "...like friggin' everywhere...." Our Patreon contributions at work 😜


Family first.


Czech please!


No beer for the occupiers? Harsh


First It was a name of the countinious mountain ranges at Northern borders of Bohemia and Moravia. Because mostly Germans lived in this area in 19. century the Sudentenland started to be used for all Germans living at the teritory Bohemia and Moravia.


Looks like the Sudetens have 'czeched' out of Czechoslovakian statehood then.... :)


My question is, when does Hitler start showing public support for the Sudeten Germans?


My question is: In how many languages can Indy order a beer?