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The artist would take two weeks off for Christmas. 

So after chatting with the artist, here's the schedule for the rest of this month.

There will be no update on NMGD on the 13th, next Tuesday (Or Friday :P). 

We will Update One Page On the 21st, which is next Wednesday (Or the 24th depending on your tier :P)

And then, starting from January 2023, everything would go back to our ordinary update schedule AKA Four pages a month, update on each Tuesday. 



A big thank you for all the work you have done. I wish you good luck and success for the future and for the work you do and that I appreciate. once again thank you and good continuation. always take care of yourself and your health (・ ω <)


Great work, just wondering, how many pages would you think would make it complete? I thought it was like 2-3 pages and the story is done, right? Or am I wrong?