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The Poll shows the great majority of you guys wanted to see Lucy so Lucy will be here next week around this time then! 

I just finished watching it and I had to say that it's way too touching. 

I loved the story, the brutal world, the friendship, and overall, the sadness. 

We hope that we could deliver some awesome stories with NT, but before that, let's do Lucy! XD



Admiral Forrest

Kuma would you mind a little spoiler… Will we see the daughter as depicted in those earlier concepts… :))


No the daughter won’t show up in the manga. If she does then we’ll have the incest problem with Patreon again… >_< And we don’t have the resource to add her into a sex scene, drawing two female characters basically doubles the workload, if not more >_<


oh man the plot just got more interesting with Lucius in the picture, I wish i can see some action with her and Lucius now!!!


Surely incest is only an issue if there is sexual activity depicted between mother and daughter? The current work is amazing and I do appreciate the resources argument but it still seems a great shame to me that you have left out the daughter side of the storyline and I wonder whether you would consider a poll of patreons to see how many would be interested in delaying the start of NT to add some scenes with the daughter? Even just a 3/4 page 'bad ending' in which she is found, captured and gangbanged would be worthwhile I think...


No More Golden Days really has been a big hit!! I definitly want to see more, story with the daughter, story with Lucius


I know everyone wants to see the daughter >_< But the harsh reality is that we just don't have the resources to deliver her in this NMGD manga. She was in the very early stage draft but delivering her a decent story/sex scene would cost us around two months of production time, while only introducing her in the ending wouldn't be the best way to deliver this character. (You either make her shine or make her die, just mentioning her using one of the ending page isn't so ideal, in our opinions, to deliver Lucia) Maybe we'll add NMGD into NT as a game/manga which MC plays/reads, we'll see. lol


Peter, we wish we could but we really need to focus on Cornelia; finish her story, then jump back on NT >_<