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Your opinion and ideas matter a lot to us, and please don't be afraid of speaking out your true feelings and opinions about MT.

What could we do to improve the game and therefore your experience?

  • And please, be bold, you could even say things like: I think MT would really shine if it's a sandbox based VN instead of a pure VN
  • Feed us with your ideas and opinion! We'd like to hear them all.
  • Express your feelings! What do you feel of your MT gaming experience and what feelings are you looking for, and hoping us to deliver? 

We are all ears, and we deeply appreciate every single thought from you!

Please leave comments down below, and I'll try to answer/comment on every single one of them.


Robert Arctor

Art is amazing - the drawings, the music, the UI all work really well together to create an elegant, unique style. Your level of communication with patrons is also great, and overall I really do like the game and intend to keep supporting it. I hope the following observations will not sound too harsh, they're meant to be constructive. I am not too happy with how the game plays in terms of decision making. Available choices don't really seem to give enough clues to the significance of actions, and missing opportunities based on time management - whether you decide to do homework in the evening or brush your teeth in the morning - feels very frustrating. The requirements to trigger specific scenes seem absurd, in the sense that they are highly restrictive and don't seem tied to the scene itself. Example, Claudia's dress: picking it up at different times of day gives different options. To me that doesn't make any sense. Give the player the option to pick the wrong number in both cases, ideally giving them a hint that the kind of dress they will get is quite different; this gives the player a good sense of what kind of content they will get to see, and makes them morally responsible for the outcome. Another example, according to the change log a Claudia scene in Ch 14 has a set of specific requirements on day 3, which is way too far in the past, and then all of the prerequisites to trigger a whole other scene with Karen. Seriously? I have no idea what's in this Claudia scene because I haven't bothered working out how to get it yet. I would have to look up the prerequisites for all those other things in turn. It feels like we have to use a flowchart to even try to work out how to get at the content you're producing. Same with all the ways for the hidden camera to play out, I can't even keep track of what you have to do to get the footage in various ways, let alone how to use it if you get it. In short, it's entirely possible to play through the game multiple times without ever having any idea of all the content you're missing, and triggering the content is not at all intuitive. I would strongly suggest simplifying and clarifying the choices you give players. PS I know you're joking but for the love of f*ck don't make it a sandbox ;)


I get your point, and yes the choice system has been received many criticism in the past and we did implement some reform of it. Day 14's trigger goes way back is something none of us want to do, which is why we made that cheat option located at frontpage. When I was making such decesions, I placed the overal logic (wether it would make sense or not) of the story over simplicity, which is always a hard one for me. On the one hand I don't want any of the choice and the plot it leads to seems too ridiculous, on the other hand, I don't share the same view as our players do (I've tried my best to place myself into the roles of players but believe me, it's wayyyyy harder saying it than done) and try to give options/choices that both matters, and make sense. But sometimes it is just really hard to do. So I apologize for the choice system, I do share the same feelings, believe me. We'll see if we would do another round of simplification in the future to improve that part of the gameplay. I don't think it would be anytime soon though, since it has been evolved into a very complexed system and tweaking any bit would need a ton of works. Thanks for the insight mate, it's very objective and constructive.


Tried to edit my chunk wor words and put some spaces inbetween each paragraphs, but Patreon wouldn't let me do it. Lol. Sorry that you have to read through it like that. P.S. we'd love to hear your ideas/thoughts on how to reform the choice system, so if you are in our discord channel, pls Ping me anytime and we can chat about it.


Just one request, add a redhead, would be nice

Robert Arctor

I like your challenge - it's much easier to point out where something doesn't work than to find a good solution to the problem :p I'd like to pick up that gauntlet and put my money where my mouth is and come up with some actionable suggestions. I have a rough idea but I need to give it some thought first - I need to sit down with the game and the walkthrough and make a map for myself of what's there. I don't envy you having to put yourself in the shoes of all the players, sounds like mission impossible to me ;) No worries about the formatting, it was easy enough to read. Thanks for trying :)


After reading the comments of the players above, as a senior player, I feel that the game is not complicated enough and there are too few branches. For details, you can refer to the same type of game in Japan, but I know that it is difficult to adjust. In addition, whether the update speed should be accelerated :p


Hi. Is it possible to add variety in daily clothes? There used to be a version for Claudia. I hope this idea is not abandoned.


I think the current design of the game/gameplay is fine. I think adding more fetishes is the way to go. More rough sex for the dom players or more other types of fetishes for say sub players. Having more options for the types of sex scenes is always a plus. Me personally anything dom is great. Not just rough sex but corruption, exhibitionism training, making the female characters wear more skimpy outfits, and the prostitution stuff in the game also seems promising. I could go on. Good job on the game so far it'll probably be great no matter the direction it goes


It is possible but the issue is rather would it be wise to spend time on them. creating each daily sprite variation takes about 1/2 of the time of creating each standard scenes, always a tradeoff there.


Monthly update is all we can do for now, pushing it more would add tremendous pressure tbh, we've tried delivering a small update per 15 days but nobody in the team felt comfortable working with that kinda tight schedule, including me. I think it is possible to do it if we are using Daz 3D as our main creativity tools.


There will be more fetish being implemented for sure, just wait n see pal. The exciting part of MT has just began.


I suggest that maybe in the relationship page can add level of intimate between MC and character so players can check progress during the game. Also I think conceive is kinda a hot items that you can add into the games...maybe a number count of spreading inside or a ending toward this direction, let MC achieve the ultimate goal of a relationship, right?


Our scenes are triggered by previous choices not by relationship level so it won't work. It would be a useful system in our upcoming games in the future tho.


Refuse to appear various NTRs, pregnancy and other abnormal tendencies, fetishism, increase the sense of role substitution, increase the female character’s performance after the protagonist’s intimacy, such as address and dress, such as in public or work, and the protagonist without being discovered The intimate activities between the two keep the artist healthy, thank you too


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, thanks for the insight but I don't think the majority of your ideas fit in out vision for MT.


Don't get upset pal, I just don't share your vision and it happens all the time in life, we can't all be the same no? It's normal for you to not like my ideas and vice versa.


I mean a pregnancy ending or MC try so hard (corrupt the girl, collect info abt the period, swap/hide the birth control pill etc...) to make it happen, thats make player have a concept the all the preparation are for the ultimate goal, it also fulfil most of the guys desire -to have offspring...something like the basic instinct of human


Lol 😂 like I’ve said million times, there will be one, it would be towards the end of the story so just wait n see.


Song13520 - I have to disagree with you about paying players having the final say. Each of us chooses to support a Patreon based on what we see and enjoy about their work. Their creativity brought us to this point. This is Kuma's story and we get to provide a lot of feedback on what we would like to see. We Can't know his vision for the entire story - we are here to experience it. If Kuma decides that something does or done not fit into his vision for the story, Kuma would know best. Either we trust Kuma to tell a great story, incorporating our feedback where it fits into this story or we don't. I don't have the final say, nor do you, Kuma does - the Creator of the VN gets to make the final call.


so far i like the game as it is, what i would like for the future would be more possible ways to deal with the ladies. As an example, the scene in the "night club" with the teacher, I have the option to reveal myself or not. Here it would be nice, for example, if both ways could lead to becoming intimate with her, only in different ways . The nice rescuer in an emergency and the use of knowledge. I could imagine this option for other characters as well. I haven't played since the party update so I don't know if something has been integrated in the meantime. When making decisions, it was usually indicated which character this decision led to and in the "night club" I didn't think I saw it. But even if you don't think something like that fits this story, I'll continue to enjoy the game as long as I'm not forced into NTR content.


The club and Octavia will receive some major updates after our epic release in December. It will be great and we really like the club element as well


nice, would like to see more from Octavia, specially in diamond lingerie :)


Lots of titfuck scenes/animation


Glad to hear you like that titjob too. POV titjob scenes are great too, especially with cumshot


More sex scenes. No Sandbox please its counter-productive to any game. Look at Being A Dik. You can have a Great game with good sexy stories. And no blue balling.