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Chapter Thirty-Five

The next day, I wore a pair of regal robes. Purple. The color of a king. I was in the first floor of the embassy. My companions were all here to witness my wedding to the princess. Maya winked at me and Crystal had a smirk on her lips.

“You're so handsome,” Mrs. Maia said, adjusting my collar.

“Thanks,” I said.

“So, we doing this?” Nina Naughty asked. “Let's get you wed!”

Trumpets blared.

“That's the signal,” Morana said, looking surprisingly giddy over something a “prep” as a wedding.

“It'll be lovely,” said Hagza. She was here, along with Kassie, Priestess Lysila, Fara, and Bellia.

“I do love a good wedding,” said Mrs. Lucina.

I took a deep breath. I had a harem of women I loved, but I was actually nervous. The treants opened the doors, their branches rustling as they smiled. I stepped outside to the square full of elves. They were cheering again. They all had white ribbons in their hair, men and women both. I marched out with my monster girls.

Garnet was waving and blowing kisses. So was Alizee. I smiled at that as I moved down the corridor of elven soldiers that kept back the crowd. At the far end, the soldiers of King Thanitis formed up. Knight-General Arthemar commanded them. He nodded.

We swept inside to the crowds of nobility. King Thanitis was there with his betrothed, Lady Aliana. Siwang had brought Anji and his companions. Munjan had his cheerleaders. Melin stood with a fomorian on his arm, which was surprising.

At the far end waited King Barianialitha along with his daughter, Princess Nyilianathiamia. She wore a wedding dress of white leaves with gold stems that clad her body. A fine veil of gauzy silk covered her hair and face, her ears bedecked in rings.

She looked so beautiful there.

Just so regal.

My heart was pounding faster as we reached the front. The High Priest of Chimes, Garianiliath, emerged from the side. He wore a gray robe covered in little bells that tinkled as he walked. He moved up to perform the ceremony.

Behind the throne, a robed figure lurked. The wind dragon. I was glad she was here to be passed to me along with the sword. That would make this simple.

I stared at Princess Nyilianathiamia. She would soon be my Nilli. My wife. Well, so was Maya, really. I was glad she was so supportive of the union. I left behind my honor guard of monster girls and stepped before the king and princess. The old elf nodded to me and passed me his daughter. I took her delicate hands.

She smiled at me through her gossamer veil.

“We are gathered beneath the Wind Chimes of Love to call upon the blessing of Lord Anu and Lady Tiamat on this happy couple,” the high priest said, chimes tinkling above. Wind was blowing through the room. I tried not to smile. Lord Anu despised me and lady Tiamat desired me.

Well, desired her freedom from the Blessed Blade of Air.

The priest launched into a sermon about the gentle caress of a breeze. How a husband had to be strong to weather powerful winds like a mighty oak before the gale. How a wife had to bend beneath the storm to provide shelter to her husband.

All the standard metaphors with a focus on wind and the blessing of the guys. It was boring. Dry. I doubted this old man had ever felt love. Maybe he was celibate like a Catholic priest or something. I had to endure it along with everyone else.

My little succubus fidgeted as she watched, her tail swishing back and forth. Nina Naughty looked like she wanted to check her phone. I didn't miss my cell phone most of the time, but now... I really wish I had my galaxy to death scroll on Facebook.

So boring.

I had to endure it.

I was Emperor Leo the True now. I would have two nations beneath my protection. Two kings sworn to me. A princess for a wife. Nilli smiled at me the entire time. She was a beautiful thing. She would make a wonderful addition to the harem.

Lady Aliana's eyes felt smoky on me as she stood by the king. I hoped it was just my imagination and that she really didn't have the hots for me.

“Let the winds sing through the chimes, through the boughs, and across the nations to proclaim the blessing of Lord Anu and Lady Tiamat on this happy couple,” continued the priest. “Let them announce to the world through their loving breeze that Emperor Leo the True has claimed Princess Nyilianathiamia as his wife.”

The priest stared at me, expectantly. So did the elves.

“Lift my veil and kiss me,” the princess whispered softly.

It was over. I lifted Princess Nilli's veil and claimed the lips of my wife. They were sweet and soft on mine. A joy to feel. Her ears twitched as I kissed her. Bells rang through the room along with joyous singing. I savored kissing her as enthusiastic applause echoed from my monster girls.

“Go, Leo, go!” whooped Alizee.

I blushed and broke the kiss.

“The Emperor and his new bride,” proclaimed the priest, the winds swirling through the tops of the palace.

“I vow to serve you, my husband,” Princess Nilli whimpered and I felt that connection happen. She was bound to me like Halia... I swallowed the pain. Like Kassie, Hagza, and my other followers.

Then King Barianialitha moved before me and knelt. So did the other elves in the room. They all knelt to me. “I, Barianialitha, King of Kalianiathrastia, do pledge my fealty and my people's to you, Leo the True, Emperor of the Dungeons. We surrender to your authority and to your protection, to be added to your demesne, and serve you in your causes. You are the hope for the future. The one chance for the cycle to end, and Kalianiathrastia will serve you.”

The king became my subject, bound to me.

“I, Leo the True, Emperor of the Dungeons, accept your pledge of fealty and promise to protect your lands from the threat of other builders. Your lands are mine, and I vow to be a good steward of them.”

The chimes played louder. King Barianialitha rose and motioned to the robed figure to step forward. The person did as the chimes rang out and the chorus sang. The ancient dragon. I drew in a deep breath, a smile on my lips.

The wind howled behind me. Someone shouted. I spun around to see the wind form into the shape of a grandmotherly dwarf, vapor swirling outline her body. She swung her screaming blade and struck me as I twisted away.

Pain burst in my side. Blood spurted and splashed on the king's fine robes.

My stomach lurched as I clutched my side against the pain. The wind saint. Of course Lord Anu had not blessed this wedding. He cursed it and sent his pawn to kill me.

“By the ancient pact, I free your shackles, Kugimasahalam!” the wind saint cried, her voice roaring like a gale. “By ancient oaths sworn, I liberate you to fulfill your duty!”

The robe about the dragon exploded as her body expanded into gray-scaled dragon with white belly. Silver horns sparkled as she expanded. Her wings swept out wide across the throne room. Bells flattered. The chant became screams. Her blue eyes burned with intensity as she flapped her wings, sending a gale that swept over the room, knocking down those behind us.

The dragon snarled and snapped her head down, biting in half King Barianialitha while the wind saint slashed her sword at me.

Chapter Thirty-Six

Garnet watched in horror as her Owner staggered. The dragon roared and swallowed the queen. The princess screamed in horror. Garnet didn't think. She formed a whip of shadows as the wind saint drew back her blade for another attack.

Her whip cracked out, her Owner raising his right arm to block the blow. Garnet's whip cracked around the wind saint's wrist...

Now, her weapon went through the windy woman, hardly rippling her misty flesh. The blade cut through her Owner's arm above the elbow. Blood spurted as he roared in pain, his arm dropping to the floor. He howled in agony.

Terra charged forward and threw herself at the wind saint. The golem struck the airy enemy. Unlike the succubus's attack, Terra was made of Earth, the opposite of Air. She slammed the wind saint to the ground while blood gushed from her Owner's wounds.

*  \ * /  *

The dragon devoured King Barianialitha. King Thanitis seized his betrothed, Lady Aliana, and pulled her close. He grabbed High Priestess Lysila, too, shoving her before him pressed into the panic crowd. His soldiers shouted at the far end. The monster girls attacked.

Fire, lightning, ice shards, blades of wind, and more ripped through the air. Chaos rained as the elves panicked. King Thanitis could do nothing as the massive dragon howled. This was the fight for Leo and his monster girls.

If Leo lived.

No, no, he'll live. Leo had to live because... King Thanitis held Lady Aliana closer. His solders were pushing people out of the throne room. They had formed up a battle line, Knight-General Arthemar shouting orders.

An explosions boomed behind him. Debris hissed through the hair. The dragon's roars shook the ground. He staggered, Lady Aliana sobbing as she clung to him. Priestess Lysila staggered before him. She glanced back, fear on her face.

Wind howled hard. The blast threw King Thanitis down. He landed beside his betrothed. Bodes went flying. Some struck the walls. Others were hit by flying debris. One of his soldiers staggered, clutching at his face.

Lady Aliana screamed. A piece of wood buried into her side. Blood spilled around it. The king staggered to his feet and scooped her up. He held his betrothed and raced for the soldier, High Priestess Lysila running before him.

The soldiers all but shoved him outside into the square. The embassy was ahead. His men were around him, pushing into the frightened elves. They were milling about, those outside unsure of that happened inside.

Lady Aliana whimpered.

The ground shook. Wood snapped. His soldiers were stuck in the press of people. High Priestess Lysila spun around. She grabbed the piece of wood in Lady Aliana's side and ripped it out. Blood spilled out after

The priestess put her hands on the wound and prayed to Lady Ninli.

*  \ * /  *

Siwang shoved Anji into his step-mother's arms. The wraith held the frightened girl as the dragon roared. Wind buffered them. “Get her out of here.”

Xiongbu nodded and held the girl close. The wraith ran into the panic crowd as the rest of Siwang's monster girls formed up around him. Munjan's already attacked. So did Leo's. The dragon roared, wings flapping. The wind howled through the room, knocking people down. Leo staggered, blood spurting from his wound and whipped away by the wind. Terra rolled on the ground with the wind saint, the pair trading blows.

Chunks of clay flew from Terra.

Garnet rushed toward Leo, but the princess reached him first. The elf put her arm around Leo's body, holding him as he staggered, in pain. Maybe in shock. Garnet reached him, holding a big dildo as a club. Maya was right behind her. Lightning fired from Lana Fulmine, and blade of wind from Alizee. Nina Naughty threw flaming pitchforks and Crystal knives of ice. A halo of light flew from Mrs. Lucina. Morana and Ms. Trueno screamed.

The dragon's head snapped down and devoured Nina Naughty. Motes burst from dragon's maw as her tough scales weathered the attacks. Siwang's monster girls pressed around him, shielding him from the flying debris even as they fired attacks.

Yinfu spun into a whirlwind of fire and surged forward as Guang fired beams of light, Shandian blasts of lightning, and Shui grabbed Leo's blood and turned it into daggers flying at the dragon. Caihong song echoed through the room, inspiring hope and blunting fear. Muyang with swords of ice, Lei in her silver armor and clutching her hammer, and Jinzi with her gold chains swinging, formed around Siwang to guard him.

Yinfu fiery whirled slammed into the dragon's face. Flames burst from the impact. The dragon roared and breathed. The ifrit's flames exploded apart. Yinfu died in an instant, leaving burns on the beast's snout.

Monster girls took to the air. The dragon snapped Mrs. Lucina out of the sky and slapped Alizee out of the air, ripping through the monster girl. Siwang's guardians pressed him back as the dragon lunged her head down at him.

Lei shoved him down.

The dragon swallowed his cyclops.

Siwang scrambled back on his hands and feet. Terra screamed and burst into motes. The wind saint rose and attacked Leo. Hagane leaped between them, slashing with her armblades. They passed harmlessly through the saint.

The saint cut off Hagane's metallic head.

Shandian died, killed by the dragon's rending claws.

Ms. Trueno and Morana screamed at the wind saint. For a moment, the airy form wavered, almost blowing away before she reformed, grinning. Vina leaped at the dwarf next, but Munjan's wild maenad passed right through the enemy. She spun around, her white hair flying, only for the saint's sword to cut off her head in a blurring strike.

Lightning flashed up from Macka's twin tails at the dragon. The beast hissed and slammed a paw down on her, crushing her. Andea fired light from her halo. Lana Fulmine, now airborne, attacked with lightning. The dragon rampaged, slashing forward. Pogisa and Crystal attacked its feet, attacking with a sword of darkness and daggers of ice.

Seg Ki-Se!” Kassie shouts, ice striking the dragon from above.

Sum Gidim!” Melin cried, a spectral scythe hitting the dragon's cheek.

Leo collapsed, dragging Princess Nilli down. He lay on the ground, her head on his lap,bleeding from two bad wounds. Siwang could heal him with Life magic, but he didn't have the range attack. He had to get close. He ran forward, fear for his friend beat in his heart.

Muyang ran at Siwang's side, her ice swords raised. The wind saint saw them and turned her attacks. Muyang ducked and attack and slashed with their sword, her blades passing through the enemy, the dwarf's windy form hardly disrupted. Jinzi's gold chain flashed through the creature and saint into the ground, unable to hurt her.

The wind saint rushed at Siwang, cutting through Muyang and Jinzi with ease.

He did not have Earth.

Sjanja, Munjan's redcap, through herself in between. She blocked the blow with a sword. The wind saint flicked her blade and cut the red cap in half. The monster girl vanished with motes and grinned at Siwang.

Blinding brilliance hardened, let the light of Lord Shamash cut!”

Dazzling sword burst between the pair and slashed the wind saint passing through her. It made her flinch, but did little else to slow her attack. She drew back her blade. Siwang had no monster girls around him.

Kisib Na!” cried Hagza.

A rock slammed into the wind saint and knocked her back. She caught her balance.

Kisib Na!”

The second rock threw her back and opened the way for Siwang to reach his wounded friend. The elf holding him looked so worried. Siwang thrust his hand onto his friend. The moment he touched him, he spoke the words to the healing spell.

Graven wounds pulse in pain, let the healing of Lord Dumazid flow!”

Leo gasped, the blood spurting from his arm slowing, but it wasn't enough. Hagza shouted in pain behind him.

“Watch out!” screamed Maya. She threw herself past Siwang. The wind saint attacked her.

The blade struck the undine, but she parted her body and flowed around the attack. It went through her without harming her. The air rang with shouts. With spells being cast. Pogisa slashed at the wind saint. The fomorian's blade did nothing. She blocked an attack only for the wind sprite to use a blast of air to deflected Pogisa's weapon.

The wind saint killed her with a hard thrust.

Then the wind saint thrust at Maya. The blade penetrated her. Wind exploded and ripped the undine apart into burst of motes.

Graven wounds pulse in pain, let the healing of Lord Dumazid flow!”

Leo gasped and the pallor vanished from his face. He blinked, coming awake. Siwang let out a sigh of relief even as Caihong died. The dragon roared. Death swirled around them. Leo looked confused.

Then determined.

*  \ * /  *

Crystal died.

I felt it as Siwang stared down at me. I was confused for a moment before I realized my new wife, Nilli, held me. The dragon roared. The wind saint fought. Most of my monster girls I had brought where dead, and...

I was missing my right arm.

Kisib Na!” Hagza shouted. A rock struck the wind saint. I spotted my dwarf bleeding from a nasty cut to her face.

Agubnamus!” I sent as I satup. People screamed. The dragon killed the elves. Her breath threw their bodies into the walls and claws ripped them apart.

Yes, my Lord!” she growled.

Are you outside?”


I burned three mana veins, dropping to twenty-eight, and unleashed her. I felt her growing, expanding into her true form for the first time since I had owned her. Her roar shook the building, a challenge to Kugimasahalam.

The ancient wind dragon heard the challenge and roared back.

As she did, the wind saint slashed her blade at Hagza. My dwarven mage fell back in a spurt of blood. I had no idea if she was alive or not. I had to get into the fight. Siwang stood over me facing the windy dwarf.

Thunderclap deafens, let the roar of Lord Ishkur disorient!” Siwang shouted.

Thunder burst. It hardly did anything to the wind saint. She flew forward at him to cut him down. Before I could cast my spell, Munjan shouted out his own.

Water's crushing weight surround, feel the grasp of Lord Enki squeeze!”

Water engulfed the wind saint. She became a froth of bubbles inside Watery Grasp. Siwang staggered back, panting. The bubbles burst out of the spell and slashed for Siwang anyways, but Tao had already grabbed him. The treant drew him to safety.

I gained my feet and focused on Hagza. Blood poured over her body. She lay in a pull already.

Life revitalizes and mend, let the restoration of Lord Dumazid mend!”

An arrow of healing energy struck her. She shook and spasmed, gasping out for air. Wind whipped around me, throwing me to my feet. The princess screamed, caught by Garnet. The ancient dragon soared into the sky and ripped through the leafy canopy. Debris crashed to the ground as she flew off to fight Agubnamus.

The wind saint lunged at me.

Kisib Na!” spat Hagza, blood spraying from her lips.

A first of rock struck her in the head. Pushed myself up, or tried to. My right arm was missing. No time to deal with that. I gained my feet as the wind saint recovered from the blow and flung herself at me, murder in the old dwarf's cloudy eyes.

Hard and enduring, let the rocks of Lady Ki defend!” I chanted.

The blade struck me, but this time, it didn't cut through me. My flesh had become stone. Her blade bounced off, the granite cracking. The wind saint narrowed her face even as I threw a punch with my left fist.

She twisted out of the way, grinning at me.

The thick night falls, let the enmity of Lord Zuen smother!” Munjan cried.

Darkness engulfed the wind saint. She laughed from inside. I readied for her attack, but she flew out not at me, but Munjan. He shouted with shock as Talasa, his selkie, threw herself between them. The blade cut down the monster girl.

Garnet slashed with her whip, but it passed through her, doing nothing.

“I'm the only one with earth!” I shouted. “Get out of here, Siwang! Munjan!”

Kisib Na!”

Rock Fist struck the wind saint again, knocking her back from Munjan. Already, he was retreating. Hagza, dripping in her own blood, grinned at her. The wind saint flicked her eye to me, boring in on me. She smiled.

“You like to protect people,” she purred and slashed at Hagza.

The wind rushed at her as I shouted, “No!”

Chapter Thirty-Seven

The wind rushed at Hagza and engulfed her. It swirled around her, pushing down at her. She gripped her magic circle, her clothes soaked in her blood. She still hurt from the attack that had cut her to the bone, but she was a dwarf.

Leo's dwarf.

His lover.

She would not flinch.

Na-Nir Uzu!” she cried, completing the spell as the wind cut at her.

Her stone became flesh, like Leo's had. The wind attacked her, but only chipped her outer protection. She burned through the power in her charm, the bit of a Void Crystal taken from a defeated builder. It poured the spell, not her life force.

Na Kak!”

Rock spikes erupted around her, attacking the wind prison about her, dispersing them. The wind saint did not look happy. Hagza grinned at her.

“Where is that woman you were going to marry,” purred the wind saint, her body swirling. “The elf.”

“No!” Garnet shouted and took to the air. She flew off. “You will not touch her!”

“Bitch,” snarled Hagza, anger boiling in her veins. “I know you! Makarza! The last wielder of the Blessed Blade of Earth!”

“At your service,” she said, bowing. “The fight is never over, traitor.”

Hurtling down the mountain, let the boulder of Lord Abzu crush!” Leo cried at the same moment.

As a massive boulder slammed down on the saint, she became wind and rushed away.

*  \ * /  *

In the chaos of the fight, Mrs. Zoe Maia had grabbed Princess Nilli and led the elf away from the fight. She hurried through the chaos, stepping over the wounded. Her roots were so ineffective at combat. She was not the most martial of monster girls.

But she could protect Leo's new bride.

Wind howled before and the wind saint appeared. Mrs. Maia threw the girl behind her and attacked with her roots. They snaked across the ground and reached the saint, trying to grab the enemy's feet. Only the roots went through the airy thing.

The wind saint laughed and slashed, cutting Mrs. Maia down. She burst into motes that drifted through the air. She found herself in the Void, hugged by Souleen. Her fear wasn't blunted, though. Leo was in danger.

And so was his new bride.

She had done what she could.

*  \ * /  *

I would not let my new wife be killed, but... Where had she gone? She had been back behind me. The wind saint rushed through the chaos. She knew. Fear swept through me. My dryad died. The glittering motes of her passing drew my eye.

“No!” Garnet cried. She had moved before me, and now she landed between the wind saint and Nilli, taking another blow. My little succubus vanished into motes. Anger boiled in me as Nilli fled.

Lightning flashes, let the passion of Lady Uttu fly!”

Electric Jump and appears before the wind saint. Her slash of wind struck me instead. The blow hit me hard, stone shattering. I reeled back and fell onto the princess. I landed on her. She cried out beneath me as the wind saint rushed up and slammed her blade down on my stomach, trying to shatter my protection.

Hard as rocks, let the first of Lord Abzu punch!”

She became wind to dodge Rock Fist, her airy form swirling before me. The wind saint grew solid and slashed. The wind struck Leo, throwing him off the princess. He rolled to his feet and snarled out the words to Electric Jump.

Lightning flashes, let the passion of Lady Uttu fly!”

The princess sobbed as the wind slammed into Leo again. The blow threw him off his feet. His granite flesh shattered as the wind saint rushed at him. She swirled about him, but he already chanted the words to his next spell.

Hard and enduring, let the rocks of Lady Ki defend!”

He became stone as her attacks fell fast. Hard. She pounded him as he lay on the ground.

Everyone who is not a monster girl, needs to get out of her now!”  I sent, a plan bursting in my mind.

*  \ * /  *

Lord Leo's warning rang through Fauraliiithiliana's mind. She had pressed into the side, watching the battle. The chaos rained. Everyone was running for the door, many were trampled. The dragon's rampage was indiscriminate. So many had died.

The wind saint focused on Lord Leo while his new bride huddled on the ground. She sobbed, overwhelmed by the events. Fauraliiithiliana darted toward her, running over dead bodies. This was as frightening as Fuegin's assault on the library.

No, far more frightening.

She grabbed the princess and said, “My Lady, we must flee.”

Siwang ran by, ushered to safety by his treant. Munjan and Melin raced by, followed by Kassie, the halfling holding her robes as she ran on her short legs. Bellia was at their rear, her sword out, her face wild with fear. Fauraliiithiliana pulled the princess to her feet.

“My Lady, come,” the librarian said and tried to draw her up.

Princess Nyilianathiamia shook her head and glanced back to the swirl of wind. “But, but...”

Hurtling down the mountain, let the boulder of Lord Abzu crush!” Leo roared.

A boulder slammed into the wind, but it flowed around it. Lord Leo was on feet again, his clothes bloody. He had lost an arm. The wind attacked him. He is struck again and fell to the ground, the stone cracking.

“W-what about L-Lord Leo,” the princess sobbed.

“He can care for himself,” Fauraliiithiliana added. “We cannot in this situation.”

The princess did not resist but ran with her through the ruins of the throne room. They raced over crumpled bodies. Bellia grabbed the princess's other hand, pulling her along. Roars bellowed in the sky. Outside, people fought. Monster girls, the treant guard, were out front of the tower.

They followed the others through the crowd to the treants. The people watched the skies. Agubnamus and Kugimasahalam battled in the sky. Holy Water of Death battled Holy Silver Wind Destroyer, the translation of the two dragons names. That fact flitted through her mind as they battled above the trees. Water sprayed through the air and rained down on the people. Wind screamed over them, ripping branches off tall trees. Chimes rang through the air as they battled around the temple.

The treants parted for them. Fauraliiithiliana panted as she pulled her into the spire where King Thanitis held his bloody betrothed to him. Priestess Lysila stood nearby, her hands clasped together. Paetu darted outside and became a whirlwind, taking to the skies.

Fauraliiithiliana peered up at the sky. Agubnamus and Kugimasahalam slammed into each other again, clawing at each other. They spun apart, wind and water howling from them. Fauraliiithiliana did not know which ancient dragon was winning.

*  \ * /  *

I can fight!” Hagza shouted in my mind as I rose again. The wind saint swirled around me.

Get out!” I shouted as the old, airy dwarf slammed into me. I staggered, people still fleeing. She came in again. I tried to use my right arm to block. “That's an order, Hagza!”

My stone cracked beneath the windy blow. I kept wanting to use my missing arm.

Na Kak!” Hagza chanted.

A rock spike hurtled at the wind, but the enemy was one with the atmosphere. She flowed around it. She was impossible to hit with any missile attack. Hagza stood there, bloodied and determined. Everyone else was fleeing. Almost out of the throne room.

Those that lived. God, so many had died.

GET OUT!” I roared with fury. “NOW!”

I'll see her out!” Lana Fulmine shouted.

She dove to the ground and snagged Hagza. The dwarf cried out as my lightning sprite flew her toward the entrance. I watched, relieved. I needed everyone out of here. This plan was a gamble. I had to endure—

A blow struck me from behind.

I snarled and staggered. I spun around to see the airy old bitch grinning at me. She raised her sword to shatter my defenses. I dodged to the right and rolled on the ground. I came up, feeling fatigue wash over me.

Life energizes and enervates, let the grace of Lady Ianna empower!”

Revitalize invigorated me.

The wind saint rushed at me, slashing with her sword. I moved fast to dodge her. Granite Flesh wouldn't endure too many more blows. She caught me on the head. I stumbled and fell to my knees. she laughed in triumph.

The wind saint raised her weapon to hit me. I had to buy more time. “Hurtling down the mountain, let the boulder of Lord Abzu crush!”

Boulder Fall conjured a rock above her head. It hurtled down at her, but she became wind and flowed away. The attack slammed into the ground. I needed an attack she could not possibly dodge. She reformed and slammed into my leg.

She swept it out from behind me. I fell on my back with a grunt. She raised her weapon to hammer down at me, laughing with such joy. She took such pleasure in killing me. I formed the words in my mind.

We're clear!” Lana Fulmine shouted. “No one else is left alive in there.”

The earth heaves, let the fury of Lord Abzu rumble!”

I spoke the words to Quake.

Ultimate Earth Magic.

The floor heaved beneath me. Stones burst up around us and struck the wind saint suddenly. She flowed into vapor, but the spikes ripped through the ground everywhere, thrusting into the air. They ripped into her as she flew through it, disrupting her. She screamed in pain as they tore her vaporous form apart.

The flour heaved, the entire building shaking. The columns holding up what was left of the roof buckled. They shattered. Leaves drifted down from the canopy. The walls snapped. The force of the shaking ripped the building apart.

The the palace collapsed down on us. On me.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Lana Fulmine gasped at the loud sound. She landed before the entrance to the tower and spun around. She released Hagza as the palace shook. Elves screamed as the wooden, living building collapsed. Horrendous groans and cracks of wood breaking filled the air. It slammed down on them.

“No!” Hagza shouted. “Leo!”

“He lives!” Lana Fulmine shouted, grabbing her. The building had collapsed. Dust burst from it and washed over the square. “He lives. Don't you feel him. We have not died. He is in there, and he is alive.”

Agubnamus roared in the sky. She slammed into the wind dragon. Mist spilled from the dragons and washed over the square. The broke apart, Agubnamus streaking low over the square. Her wings flapped. Blood dripped from her wounds.

Lana Fulmine had to help her. She flapped her wings and joined the other flying monster girls who were just watching the fight. Agubnamus soared out over the city, chased by the wind dragon. The gray-scaled bitch slammed into Leo's dragon-MILF. The pair roared, their tails slamming into the tree tops, ripping them apart.

The beasts came apart, more blood spilling from Agubnamus's hide. She whipped her head around and bit the enemy dragon on the neck. Crimson rained down on the forest. Lana Fulmine clasped her hands tight.

Which one would win?

*  \ * /  *

Agubnamus's teeth gripped Kugimasahalam neck. She clawed at her, trying to hurt her. Wind blasted her. The water dragon spun in the air. She came free and spread her wings wide. She skimmed the forest top. She turned her head and breathed water, striking Kugimasahalam in the belly, throwing her back.

Wings flapping, the water dragon climbed. She clawed into the air, hurt and wounded. She gained altitude, but Kugimasahalam was faster. The dragon was born of Wind. This was her element. It was disgusting.

Agubnamus breathed water down at her foe. The torrent missed and struck the trees, ripping off their branches. Wind struck her right wing, a hard breath from Kugimasahalam. It spun Agubnamus around. She tumbled and crashed into forest. She struck a large tree, breaking it.

The enemy bitch pounced.

Kugimasahalam landed on Agubnamus and bit into her neck. Agubnamus roared and clawed at her enemy's belly. She ripped through scales, blood spurting. The teeth in her neck dug deeper. Fear washed over Agubnamus.

Lord Leo, I am sorry!”

With a violent jerk, Kugimasahalam snapped Agubnamus's neck. The dragon of water screamed in pain then she lay limp. She could not move. Could not breathe. Her enemy ripped out a chunk of flesh. A river of blood spurted from the wound.

The world grew black.

She burst into motes and fell into the Void. Into the loving arms of Souleen.

*  \ * /  *

The motes exploded out of the woods around the enemy dragon. Horror slammed into Lana Fulmine at Agubnamus's death. Isatu, flying nearby, roared in fury. The younger fire dragon trembled with fury. Others cried out. Lana had with her Feya, Paetu, Ljosa, Heilera, and Sefebe.

Attack!” Lana Fulmine shouted and dove at the wind dragon still at the ground.

The others soared with her. Lightning crackled from her wings and shot down at the dragon. Feya flicked her fairy wand, firing a blast of light. Beam of radiance shot from Ljosa's eyes. Paetu swirled down as a whirlwind, chased by Sefebe, the busty succubus wielding a whip of shadows. Heilera's presence strengthened them.

The dragon shot her head up as the attacks hit her. Feya flicked her wand. More beams of light fired from Ljosa's eyes. Lana Fulmine unleashed all her lightning. The bolts slammed down at the enemy to destroy her.

She roared. Sefebe cracked her whip, striking the dragon in the jaw. The beast devoured her in a single bite, motes bursting from the monster's teeth. She flapped her wings and took to the air, flying through Paetu.

Wind exploded from the dragon's maw, slamming into Lana Fulmine, Ljosa, Feya, and Heilera. They screamed as it scattered them in the air. Lana Fulmine tumbled, the beat climbing up toward them.

The monster swallowed Feya.

Flames struck the dragon as Isatu flew by.

Lana Fulmine spread her wings wide. She stopped her tumble, her heart pounding. The dragon climbed higher. She focused on the beast and fired her lightning at the monster. Bolts slammed into the bleeding hide.

The creature turned her head. Lana Fulmine flapped her wings to flee. The beast inhaled. Wind screamed own at the lightning sprite. The movie starlet screamed as the powerful jet stream engulfed her and slammed her into the forest.

She crashed into a tree and—

Was in the Void.

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