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Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Garnet, I need you,” her Owner called to her in the void.

She rose out of it and spun into the room. Leo was there and his arms engulfed her. Her Owner held her tight, stroking her back. He was trembling. She clutched to him, resting her head on his chest and hearing his heart pounding.

“I'm so sorry that you had to die that way,” he croaked. “I'm so sorry I couldn't save you.”

“That's so sweet, big bro,” she said, “but you did save me. See. I'm here right now.” She lifted her head, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him with passion. Her tongue thrust into his mouth. She was so glad to be here with him.

So glad that he cared this much about her.

The submissive love she felt for her Owner had her shuddering. She kissed him with passion as his hands squeezed down on her rump. Her tail wished back and forth. She was so happy right now. She could just float away.

He broke the kiss and dropped to the floor. She grinned in delight as he buried his face into her shaved twat and licked her.

“Dark Lord Big Bro!” she squealed, her wings flapping.

She gripped the back of his head as he feasted on her. He licked and lapped at her with all that he had. It was so good to feast on her like that. He tongued her twat with passion. He licked through her folds, devouring her with such a fervent heat.

This is more than him feeling guilty over my death, thought Garnet. Oh, that idiot. He's feeling bad for killing Todlicht. That idiot.

His tongue thrust into her pussy. It was almost like a prayer the way he ate her pussy, like he was asking the Incarnation or God to forgive him as he made love to her. His hands squeezed her rump as his tongue danced around her pussy.

She shuddered, loving it, though. It felt so good to have him feasting on him like this. It was a wonderful to have him churning me up. Garnet enjoyed every last second of that tongue flicking around in her snatch. It was amazing. Wondrous. Glorious.

That tongue flicked around in her snatch. she whimpered, her wings flapping. She gripped the back of her Owner's head. She held him to her pussy as his tongue flicked around in her. He drove her wild with his feasting.

“You're such a loving Dark Lord!” she moaned. “Oh, yes, yes, all hail Dark Lord Big Bro, devour of pussies and master of naughty cunts!”

“Such a master!” he growled and licked to her clit.

She gasped as he brushed her bud. Her petite body quivered, and her tail swished behind her. Her wings fluttered as he feasted on her with such passion. It was so good to feel him do that. She loved it immensely.

He flicked around her bud. It was just such a wonderful thing to have him devouring me. It was just so good to have him flicking around her bud. Her orgasm built and built. Her Owner drove her wild. She was so glad to be his little succubus.

His naughty little succubus.

“Ooh, ooh, big bro,” she whimpered.

“Drown me!” he growled, his voice hoarse. Rough.

“Yes, big bro!” she squealed as he suckled on her.

She burst in rapture.

Her body trembled through all that wonderful bliss. She convulsed through it, her small breasts quivering. She drowned him with her pussy cream. It wall spilled out of her. She was so happy to have all that pleasure spilling out of her cunt.

She enjoyed every last second of it rushing out of her twat. She whimpered, her head tossing from side to side. It was just a beautiful thing to have all that rapture sweeping through her body. She whimpered as she drowned him.

He licked up her juices. He reveled in them. Her Owner squeezed her asscheeks. He held her tight as he growled out his passion. He enjoyed this so much. He was so glad to devour her like this. She was so thankful to be devoured by him.

She trembled through all that bliss as he feasted on her with all that he had. She whimpered, her wings fluttering. She felt so light-headed.

“My Owner,” she whimpered.

She sank to the floor, pulling her pussy from his. He pounced on her, naked and naughty for her. He kissed her, his lips stained in her spicy juices. His lips melted to hers. She loved that flavor. She enjoyed it so much as his mighty cock found her pussy folds.

Her Owner thrust into her cunt.

She felt so complete.

She held him tight as their tongues danced. His big dick filled up her tight twat. She was so glad to be his little succubus. She squeezed her cunt down on his cock as he drew back his dick. He massaged her with that wonderful cock.

He thrust back into her. It was so good to feel him thrusting into her depths. She loved it so much. She needed to have him churning her up. It was just a fabulous moment. He thrust away at her with such passion.

She broke the kiss and moaned, “I love you, big bro!”

“I love you, too!” he growled.

He plunged hard into her. He churned her up with that wonderful dick. She was in heaven as he fucked her. He pounded her cunt with all that he had. It was so good. She clamped her pussy down on him, reveling in every thrust.

In every plunge of his big dick into her pussy.

It was so glorious to have her Owner ramming into her. She squeezed down on him, building and building toward her climax. She clutched to him, her wings fluttering as she lay beneath him, Souleen watching.

“Garnet!” he groaned, burying into her.

“Big bro!” she moaned, her pussy clamping down on him. She kissed him.

He buried into her pussy deep and hard as she kissed him. Her nipples rubbed into his chest. She loved this sensation so much. It felt so good to have him burying into her snatch. She enjoyed every second of that delight. It was just an incredible moment. She shuddered, savoring every last second of it. She loved that big dick fucking her deep and hard.

Her tail twitched on the floor beside her as he drilled into her. She moaned into his lips. He groaned, his cock feeling so wonderful in the succubus's pussy. Her twat clamped down on him, increasing the friction.

He growled in delight as he thrust into her pussy. He filled her up in such a wonderful way. She burst beneath him. Her cunt writhed around his dick as he growled and buried back into her. He erupted into her cunt.

She broke the kiss and gasped, “Big bro!”

Her pussy went wild around his dick. It was so good to have all that pleasure washing through her. She shuddered through all that wonderful ecstasy. It was a beautiful moment. Her eyes rolled back in her head as he groaned, fucking her spasming snatch.

“Garnet!” he groaned.

“Cum in me, big bro!” she moaned, wanting her Owner's seed in her.

He plowed to the hilt in her and growled out his pleasure.

He erupted.

His cum spurted into her snatch. He flooded her again and again with his hot spunk. It was such a beautiful moment. She loved every second of that heat washing through her. It was so amazing. She trembled through all that bliss. It was just incredible.

She quivered through all that wonderful passion. It felt so good. She whimpered, her face twisting in delight. It was glorious. Wondrous. He spurted all that spunk into her snatch. He flooded her twat with everything that he had.

“Big bro!” she moaned as her pussy writhed around his dick. She worked out all the cum he had. “Yes, yes, that's so good!”

“Garnet!” he groaned as he spurted all that spunk into her snatch.

She was so happy for that passion. It was so good to have it spurting into her cunt. She whimpered on her back, her pussy milking him. It was just a wonderful treat. She was so happy for it. Just so thrilled about that big dick fucking her.

Pounding her.

She trembled in delight as he spurted into her again and again. It was a delight. A wonderful joy. Her pussy rippled around him. She quivered in delight as he spurted all that spunk into her snatch. She was so happy.

He smiled down at her. She made him happy. That was even more important. She was so glad to feel him on her. She was so happy. She trembled beneath him as he kissed her. It was so glorious to have him on her.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. All my monster girls were alive. I had made love to them. I had a few hours before the meeting with King Barianialitha. I would become engaged if not married to his daughter, Princess Nyilianathiamia.

Mrs. Maia and Mrs. Lucina were off to make breakfast. Alizee was bouncing around with too much energy while Morana ghosted after me as I headed into the Vault. I wasn't eager to full around. There were mana veins to find. Sadly, neither Siwang nor Munjan were anywhere near these mana veins.

I hoped Munjan would find Sulanga's dungeon. It was out there in his territory. I don't think he had really tried to look, but maybe after his victory of Sayf he would feel more inclined to increase his power.

I searched for the next hour. It wasn't hard to find them. I knew where all their dungeons where now. In all, I claimed nine new mana veins. Five from Todlicht's dungeon and two from Sayf's and Bilksem's.

When I finished, Mrs. Maia had breakfast ready. She ate while Maya and Crystal were making sure my gray robes were looking presentable. I thought that was foolish since I just could conjure a new set out of nothing, but...

They were eager for it.

I pulled it on before I transported all my monster girls to their propositioned places beneath Verianithila. Just in case things went badly. Kassie teleported me to embassy that I had erected before the king's palace. Paetu was there to meet me.

“They are all ready for you, Leo,” she said as we moved through the embassy. “Is it wise for you to be here in the flesh?”

“I want to do this face to face,” I said. “King Thanitis is right about King Barianialitha. I can trust him.”

“I'm glad that you put such faith in my judgment,” King Thanitis said. He had his royal guard led by Knight-General Arthemar there.

They formed up around us. I was before King Thanitis who walked beside Paetu. He kept sneaking glances of the djinn's naked body. Her dusky flesh was quite stunning. More soldiers pushed open the doors. I hadn't had time to make up the monster girls to guard it, but I did have access to the army of Myreman.

We stepped out into the courtyard. Elves were gathered. They sang songs and threw flowers. I had sent word ahead that the three dungeon builders were killed. I smiled at their celebration. They didn't fear me. Perhaps it helped that I had the human soldiers around me.

I don't know.

I was just glad. This was a city and a sword that would be recovered peacefully. I turned and headed for the front of the palace. It was as stunning as ever grown from trees. The elven soldiers stood in ceremonial armor before the gates. They bowed as we headed inside where the finely dressed nobles applauded.

It wasn't as boisterous, but it felt genuine. The soft pluck of harps mixed with the resonant tones of xylophones. The elves bowed and curtsied as our procession moved up to where King Barianialitha awaited with his beautiful daughter, Princess Nyilianathiamia. With them was an old elf with white hair and blue eyes. He wore gray robes with chimes dangling from the belt. They made a musical note.

“Welcome, Leo the True,” said King Barianialitha as he rose from his throne. The applause stopped, but the music kept plucking and resonating in the background. “Welcome to our court.”

“Yes, be welcome,” Princess Nyilianathiamia said, her eyes smoky as she stood by her father.

“Be welcome,” said the newcomer. “I am High Priest of the Chimes, Garianiliath, here to give witness to your words.”

“My forces have destroyed Sayf the Bloody Blade, Bilksem, and Todlicht the Glowing Specter.  Ushaenamilia is liberated and the food taken by Bilksem has been returned to the surrounding villages.” I bowed my head low. “This I swear on the power of my Void Crystal. I wish only for the peace and safety of the elves of the Kingdom of Kalianiathrastia and for joy to resound beneath the eaves of the Shaliania Forest.”

King Barianialitha smiled in delight and moved toward me. “Then I embrace you as a brother and as my future lover!”

He hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. The cheers erupted again. Louder this time. The music played. He stared at me, his eyes studying me. I was glad that I came here in the flesh. It would have been wrong to do that with my ally.

“You are truly what the stories say about you,” said the king.

“I am,” I said. I hesitated. “Is there a wind dragon protecting the city.”

His eyes grew shrewd. His brow furrowed. “There is. Yes. A noble creature that has defend us for many long centuries.”

“And the treasure in the Temple of the Chimes?”

“So there is more than friendship,” said the king.

“I would like to be friends regardless, but that treasure is necessary for the world's peace. To end the cycle of the Builders. I swear this to you.”

The king nodded. “You have upheld your end. I am committed to our agreement. You shall marry my daughter, and I shall swear the kingdom to serve your empire. Your child through her shall follow me on the throne.”

“And you will swear the dragon's loyalty to me?” Leo asked.

“Yes.” He stepped back and raised his hands. The jubilation died down. “Leo the True had slain our foes, and as agreed, he shall take the hand of my beloved daughter, Princess Nyilianathiamia to be his wife. His protection shall encompass our woods as he becomes our emperor. We shall be kept safe from the tyranny of other monster girls. Tomorrow, we shall have a wedding feast!”

Tomorrow... I wanted this to be done today, but there was no helping it. One more day wouldn't make a difference. And I had work to do. I had restored all my slain monster girls last night, but I didn't investigate the ones that I had gained from killing Todlicht. I had been too weary.

“Tomorrow,” I said and bowed to the princess. “I shall return to claim your daughter as my bride. I pledge that as my subjects, my forces will fight against any dungeon builder who threatens your safety. Your enemies shall be my enemies, and my friends shall be your friends.”

The king nodded and smiled.

I turned back around. King Thanitis smiled and nodded. Paetu grinned at me. She didn't follow us out. She stayed behind. I supposed to make the arrangements for the wedding. That made sense. I returned to the embassy. The soldiers there bowed as we headed through the gates, the crowds of cheering elves still throwing flowers at me.

I paused at the entrance. I saw hope in their eyes. I would fight for them all. I waved to them as the doors closed. They boomed shut. I dropped it and turned to Kassie. She was reading a book. She closed it and rose. The soldiers were taking their ease.

“See that your men are fed well,” I said to the king.

“Of course,” he said. “A wedding.” He had an eager smile.

“Excited for your own.”

He nodded. “Once things are settled for my people. The rebuilding continues. It's too soon to disrupt their lives with that. In a few more months.”

I nodded and clapped my hand on his shoulder. Making friends was better than enemies.

Kassie teleported me to the Vault as I told my women, “We're having a wedding tomorrow. For now, I'm keeping the forces in place. Just in case.”

You think he'll betray us, dirty boy?” Crystal asked.

He won't betray the Dark Lord,” Morana said.

No way!” Garnet added.

It would be illogical, but history is replete with leaders making decisions out of pride and vanity,” Hagane said. “Not all leaders can humble themselves to another.”

True,” Naughty Nina said.

We'll be ready to subdue them if the king betrays us,” Smerta said.

So ready,” Baaghi said. “We're ready to go down here!”

I smiled at their support as I took off the robes. I hung it up in the room as Kassie wandered off. I had time to kill. I touched the Void Crystal and inspected if I had gained any new companions. I found that all of his companions had chosen to serve me.

Also, that a carbuncle had refused to serve him because I know could make Level 1 versions of them. I had four different types of Level 1 Earth monster girls now. I was collecting quite a few of them. How strange.

Well, I had time to kill and new companions to summon. The first one I chose was a shade named Geista. She had translucent, pale-blue skin with black hair that formed a cloak. She floated like a ghost. I thought about who to summon to share her and...

It felt like opposite day.

Mrs. Maia appeared, blinking. She turned to me and smiled. “Oh, are we summoning new monster girls, Leo. You are a horny young man.”

“Yep,” I said. “Geista, appear and serve your new lover.”

“Lover,” Mrs. Maia said, nodding in approval.

The shade spun out of the darkness. She stretched her arms, her round boobs peeking through her black hair. She floated a few inches off the floor and smiled. She didn't have the mournful air of the ghosts.

“New lover,” she purred. “Mmm, you really frightened that disgusting sadist. He was in a panic when you just invaded his dungeon without even a warning. I see that the entrance to his throne room didn't kill you.”

“I had more tricks than he did,” I said. A sadist... I wanted to resurrect Todlicht and kill him all over again.

“Well, I am glad to be here.” She shuddered. “He was an awful boy and a terrible young man. Creepy. Always watching. I wouldn't have been surprised to learn that he was a mass murderer. What you Americans call a serial killer.” She did have a faint, German accent. “So... Lover. No torture, not that Todlicht could hurt this body, but the others...”

“No torture,” I said. “Just pleasure.”

*  \ * /  *

Mrs. Zoe Maia dropped down to her knees before the shade. “No torture. My lover is a wonderful man. You are going to help him save the world.”

“Fascinating,” she purred as Mrs. Maia sank to her knees before her. “From Global Warming? The Black Death.”

“Dungeon Builders,” Leo said.

“Yes,” the dryad moaned and buried her face into the shade's ethereal pussy.

Geista made herself tangible as the dryad nuzzled into the shade's tangy pussy. Mrs. Maia could feel death in her. The shade had the power to drain life. She could snuff out Mrs. Maia's or her lover's with a thought. But she wouldn't. She was bound to Leo.

Mrs. Maia loved that thought as she thrust her tongue into the shade's tangy depths. She swirled around in her. She licked her. The shade gasped in delight. Her back arched and boobs jiggled beneath her curtain of hair.

“Oh, that's so much better than anything Todlicht did to us,” whimpered Geista. “Oh, yes, yes, let's save the world with wild sex!”

“Diplomacy,” said Leo. “We have to show the world we are not their enemies. We're beginning. You'll get caught up. For now, just enjoy the perks of serving me!”

“Oh, that's a delicious perk!” she moaned. “Oh, wow, she's just licking my cunt. Yes, yes, that's an amazing perk!”

Mrs. Maia's lover chuckled. He slapped his cock down on her rump. The dryad shuddered, her tongue swirling around in Geista's cunt. It was so delicious to feast on her like that. To dance around in her and enjoy that tangy delight.

She flicked about in her as her lover's dick slid down to her pussy. She loved taking him into her juicy cunt. Her lover belonged in her. His seed belonged in her womb. He nuzzled into her folds as she licked at Geista's tangy twat. She tongued the shade as her lover thrust into her.

“Leo!” she moaned. “Oh, yes, yes, Leo!”

“Mrs. Maia!” he groaned.

“Oh, yes!” gasped Geista. “That's so hot! Her tongue's in me!”

“So hot,” Mrs. Maia moaned as she enjoyed her lover's thick cock filling up her pussy.

She clamped down on him and wiggled her hips from side to side. She flicked her tongue around in Geista's snatch. She stirred her up as her lover drew back his big dick. He stretched her out. She was in heaven here as he thrust back into her.

He buried his big dick into her twat. She loved it. He thrust in and out of her. He plowed into her with force. She loved it. Her pussy melted around his cock as he plunged over and over into her snatch. She was savored every second of it.

He grunted, fucking her hard and fast. He plowed into her with force. He buried deep and hard into her snatch. It was so good to fuck her like this. It was just a delight to have that glorious dick plowing into her pussy. The dryad loved it.

“Mrs. Maia!” he grunted as he fucked her. Her boobs jiggled from the force of his thrust.

“Yes, yes, that's so hot!” moaned Geista, the translucent shade grinding her tangy pussy on Mrs. Maia's mouth. “Oh, you're such a wicked monster girl.”

“Dryad!” groaned Leo as he pummeled Mrs. Maia's juicy snatch. “She's a dryad! A Life monster girl.”

“I can feel how alive she is,” Geista moaned. “That's so hot. Ooh, and look at all those glyphs on your chest. You have them all, don't you?”

“Yes, yes, yes!” he grunted, fucking her hard. “And Level 4 Monster Girls. I'm more powerful than that pathetic worm.”

“You are!” Geista moaned, her head throwing back. “Oh, that's it. Lick at my cunt. Just lap at me. You're driving me wild with that hot tongue. Oh, your dryad is delicious.”

“Yes, she is,” Leo grunted. He fucked her hard. “Damn, Mrs. Maia!”

Mrs. Maia savored her lover moaning her name as he fucked her. It was such a turn on for the wanton dryad. She squeezed her snatch down on him as he churned her up. He fucked her hard and fast. He plowed into her with force.

She groaned into that delicious pussy. She licked and lapped at the shade's ethereal cunt, reveling in those tart juices. The dryad's orgasm built and built as her lover fucked her hard and fast. He churned her up. She loved every moment of him fucking her like that.

He buried deep and hard into her. He pounded her with such passion. It was an incredible delight to have him burying into her with all that he had. She enjoyed every last second of that big cock fucking her with force.

“Yes!” she moaned and licked at Geista's clit.

“Pighound, that's good!” she whimpered. “Oh, that's so good. That's amazing! Oh, you're such a delicious MILF. And Leo... such a sexy mousebear.”

“Mousebear?” Leo groaned.

“It's a term... of affection... in Germany...” she moaned. “We like our animals. Ooh, yes, yes, that's it. That's so good. Mrs. Maia. Yes!”

Her tangy juices gushed out and bathed the dryad's lips. She lapped them up as her lover's big dick fucked her pussy. Her cunt clamped down on that thrusting dick. She loved every inch of his cock plowing into her. His nuts slapped into her bush. She squealed in delight.

Her orgasm burst in her.

Warm waves of rapture washed out of her spasming snatch. He grunted, fucking her convulsing cunt as she licked up the tangy juices spilling out of the shade. Her lover buried into her writhing twat and snarled in pleasure.

“Mrs. Maia!”

He erupted.

His cum spurted hot into her pussy. His seed flooded her womb. She gloried in that, her twat writhing around him while her big, milky-heavy tits swayed beneath her. She lapped at the shade's snatch, the translucent woman trembling through her rapture.

“Oh, yes!” she gasped. “Pighound, that's good! That's so good! Shit, yes!”

Her lover pumped more and more of his cum into her pussy. Her twat milked him. She worked it all out of him. It was so good to have all that pleasure washing through her. She lapped at that hot flesh, loving the flavor.

Her lover grunted and fired the last of his cum into the dryad's pussy. She savored that delight as she purred into the shade's pussy. She shuddered as her lover pulled out of her. The shade stared at Leo's cock. She knew that shudder.

“You're so hung,” Geista moaned. “Oh, my, you are. I have to feel that in me.”

“While licking my cum from my MILF-dryad's pussy?” he asked.

“Yes!” Geista shuddered and dropped to her hands and knees. Well, she was still floating an inch or so off the floor. “Let me feast on that pussy, Mrs. Maia.”

The dryad rose, her cunt full of all her lover's seed. Her big boobs jiggled as she stepped before the shade. The hungry Death monster girl buried in her face into the Life monster girl's sloppy twat and feasted.

Mrs. Maia moaned as she enjoyed that tongue licking out the delicious and salty cum from her pussy. Pleasure rippled through her body as that cool tongue lapped at her. She shuddered, her boobs jiggling as her lover dropped down to his knees behind the ghost.

He pressed his dick between her butt-cheeks.

“My ass?” moaned Geista. “Oh, mousebear, fuck my ass! That's so good. Just ram that big dick into my asshole! I'll take it up the ass!”

The shade moaned into the dryad's pussy as Leo drilled his cock against that ethereal backdoor. Mrs. Maia watched as Geista's asshole surrendered to her lover. The shade moaned into the dryad's sloppy cunt, licking up the jizz as he sank into her.

Mrs. Maia smiled. Not from the pleasure, but from the fact she could see her lover's cock through the translucent shade's body. His dick filled up her asshole. She moaned and feasted on the dryad's snatch. Mrs. Maia shuddered, her tits jiggling.

“Oh, enjoy her, Leo,” she purred to her lover, so eager to watch him ass-fuck the shade.

He grinned at her as he drew back his dick.

His cock emerged from the shade's asshole. Geista moaned into the dryad's sloppy cunt. The shade's tongue flicked coolly through those hot folds, gathering up the jizz spilling out of Mrs. Maia's depths.

Geista groaned as Leo fucked her asshole. He pounded her the way he always loved his women. He was a stud that always gave them such hard fucking. He loved them with his mighty dick. He pounded the shade with all that he had. It was such a delight to watch him as she feasted on his cunt.

Mrs. Maia enjoyed that tongue licking at her cunt. She savored that wonderful delight flicking through her folds. It was such a good treat. She shuddered, her face twisting in delight with the pleasure of that tongue.

“Oh, Geista,” she whimpered as that hot tongue buried into her snatch. “Oh, that's so good. That's amazing! Lick up all that wonderful cum!”

She purred and did just that. She rooted around in Mrs. Maia's snatch. The dryad loved it. She groaned as the ghost's ethereal tongue scooped out the spunk from her depths. A big smile spread on her lips as she enjoyed every last second of this delight. It was so good for her to experience it. She quivered through it.

Her boobs jiggled and bounced as she did. It was a hot time for her. She groaned as that tongue flicked around in her snatch and drove her wild. She would have a big climax. A huge one. She couldn't wait for all that pleasure to erupt from her.

“Oh, yes, yes,” she whimpered. “Oh, my, that's so good. That's just amazing. Oh, you're churning me up. Yes, yes, you're just driving me wild. I love it. I love it so much!”

She shuddered through all that wonderful pleasure. It was so good for her to experience that tongue dancing around in her folds. Her lover grunted as he fucked Geista's asshole, the shade moaning into the dryad's hot cunt.

Mrs. Maia quivered there, her heart pounding in her chest as the shade licked at her. She gripped her tits. She brought one to her mouth and latched on. She gulped down her own sweet breast milk. It was just such a delight.

The pleasure shot down to her pussy as she gulped down the creamy treat. The ghost flicked her tongue around in the dryad's snatch, finding every last drop of that hot cum that resided in her depths. The dryad moaned around her nipple.

“That's it,” groaned her lover as he fucked that slut's asshole. He pounded the shade hard, his cock burying into her translucent flesh. “Drown her, Mrs. Maia!”

Mrs. Maia moaned around her nipple, enjoying her breast milk. She would. She moaned and nodded to her lover, wanting him to know that she would have such a huge cum. She would just burst with such delight. She was eager for it.

Her hips wiggled from side to side. It was a beautiful thing to witness as she took that huge cock and stirred him up in her asshole. He grunted, fucking her with force. He pounded her with all that he had. He thrust away at her.

“Yes, yes, yes,” he groaned. “Damn, that's good. That's so good. Geista!”

“Mousebear!” moaned Geista into the dryad's cunt, the ghostly tongue sweeping around in her twat.

“Make her cum!” Mrs. Maia moaned.

Her lover winked at her and fucked the shade hard and fast.

The pleasure built and built in her pussy. She would have a big climax. She couldn't wait for that pleasure to burst through her. She was so ready for it to explode through her body. The naughty shade suckled on the dryad's clit.

The shade moaned around that bud, the sensation delicious to the dryad. She groaned, her head tossing as she rose toward that moment when she would climax. It was just so good. She trembled, her heart pounding in her chest. She whimpered, the heat building and building in her.

Mrs. Maia exploded in rapture.

The dryad bucked through her climax, her nipple sliding out of her mouth. She whimpered in delight as the pleasure flooded out of her. She tossed her head, her boobs bouncing as she enjoyed the pleasure flooding through her.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned.

“Oh, that's good!” gasped the shade. “My God in Heaven, yes!”

She squealed into Mrs. Maia's pussy as Leo buried his dick into the shade's translucent asshole. He growled. His cum spurted into her bowels, outlining the sheath even more. It was so hot to see his spunk flooding her through her translucent form.

Mrs. Maia shuddered in delight at the sight. Her body quivered through such delight. It was so such a wonderful thing to witness. She groaned through her pleasure. She enjoyed it absolutely. The bliss swept through her mind and drowned all her thoughts.

She smiled from ear to ear as the pleasure washed through her. She groaned, her head tossing as she quivered through such delight. She was just so happy to enjoy such pleasure. Her breasts rose and fell with her joy.

“Damn!” groaned her lover as he dumped more of his cum into the shade's asshole.

“Oh, that's good,” purred Mrs. Maia as her orgasm died in her. “Oh, Geista, welcome to the dungeon!”

“It sounds great!” Geista moaned.

Chapter Thirty

Morana appeared in the Vault. She shuddered, her mist spilling over her pale, eternally youthful body. She smiled in excitement, so glad to be in his presence. She was thrilled as she trembled here. If she had a heart, it would be screaming with excitement.

“Yes, yes, a Death monster girl to play with a Life monster girl,” Leo said. “How does that sound?”

“Oh, wonderful,” Morana said, the banshee quivering in delight. “Who are we summoning.”

“Heilera the Simurgh, appear!” he said.

A woman with rich, brown skin and large breasts spun out of the darkness. One of Todlicht's servants who we locked out of the dungeon. She had golden hair that spilled down her back and dog-like ears thrusting from her tresses. Wings with golden feathers stretched from her back. She rose on her tiptoes as she groaned, a very healthy warmth washing off her.

It made me tingle.

“You exude Life,” said the Dark Lord in awe. “I can feel it washing over me.”

“I do,” she said. “And Todlicht loved to use it. To hurt his monster girls while I slowly healed them up. To see how long he could prolong his... amusements before they died. Your soul did not feel at all cruel, unlike his. I wished his mother had drowned him in the tub.”

“Sounds like it,” Leo said.

Morana shuddered. “How awful. Now you have the honor of serving Dark Lord Leo the True, Emperor of Myreman and Kalianiathrastia.”

“I'm not the emperor of Kalianiathrastia yet,” Leo said. “That waits for the wedding tomorrow.”

“Todlicht wanted to rule Kalianiathrastia. He had fun playing with those elves, too.” Heilera shuddered. “I'm glad he is dead. May he rot in Hell and be buggered by the Austrian painter!” She spat on the ground.

Leo nodded.

Austrian painter? Morana had no idea who that could be, but she didn't want to sound stupid. She was no airhead like Alizee even if she wasn't as smart as Hagane. Or even Nina Naughty.

“So, I have to serve you,” purred the simurgh. What a strange monster girl. She was like a winged bitch. Those canine ears twitched as she knelt before Leo. The warmth of her made me tingle even more. It was... exhilarating for my cold body to be touched by Life. “Mmm, you've been fucking a woman in the ass.”

“Geista,” he said.

“My best friend,” purred Heilera. “I'm glad that she chose to serve you, too. Mmm, that's just delicious. Her asshole. How naughty.”

She swallowed the Dark Lord's cock. He groaned as the simurgh buffed him clean of Geista's asshole. Which one is she? Morana quivered there, wondering if it was the shade? She had gotten into the dungeon and caused some problems.

Either way, she wanted to feast on that pussy. It had to be brimming with more life. The banshee sank to the floor, black mist spilling around her. She slid her face beneath Heilera, staring up at her thick bush of golden hair. The sweet scent of cunt filled the banshee's nose.

She grabbed the simurgh's thighs and pulled her down. Heilera moaned around the Dark Lord's dirty dick. She suckled hard on him as those curls brushed Morana's lips. She loved them. She licked at that hot pussy, wanting to make her cum so hard.

“She is delicious, Dark Lord,” moaned Morana.

“Good,” Leo groaned. “Damn, you're good at sucking my cock, Heilera.”

The simurgh moaned, her wings fluttering as the banshee licked. Morana feasted on that sweet snatch, loving every moment of licking at her. She stroked her tongue through that delicious twat. She lapped with all her might, wanting to drown in some delicious cunt cream.

The simurgh trembled on her, wiggling her hips back and forth, smearing that furred muff on Morana's face. Heilera moan around the Dark Lord's cock which she suckled diligently. He groaned at the sloppy sounds she made.

“That's it,” he growled. “Oh, that's good. Just like. Fuck, that's good!”

The simurgh moaned in delight, her wings rustling with her joy.

“Yes, yes, worship Dark Lord Leo,” Morana moaned.

“Or you can just call me Leo,” said the Dark Lord. “I'm not really a dark lord. Just a dungeon builder.”

“You are the Dark Lord whose passionate shade shields me from the ravages of the force of light so I may be eternally beautiful and at your side for all eternity,” Morana moaned into the simurgh's pussy.

“She was a goth girl,” Leo explained.

“Yes, yes, I was no prep who didn't know the deep and glorious truth of darkness!”

Morana lapped at the simurgh's folds, wanting to educate the Life monster girl on the mysteries of the dark and death. She thrust her tongue deep into Heilera's sweet pussy. The flavor was exquisite. So was the healthy energy.

Life radiated out of Heilera's womb. Morana felt that wonderful truth the deeper she pressed her tongue into the simurgh's pussy. She tongued around in Heilera, the banshee loving that healthy tingle that swept through her undead flesh.

Her pussy clenched.


She swirled around in that sweet pussy, stirring up Heilera as she suckled hard on Leo's cock. She nursed on him with passion, wanting to make him cum. That was just what her place was. Her purpose was to pleasure him. Morana was so glad that the simurgh polished their Dark Lord's pole.

The banshee was so happy that the simurgh was giving him pleasure. She was performing her role, and that was a beautiful thing.

Morana swirled her tongue around in Heilera's snatch. It was just such a hot thing to feast on that sweet and lively pussy. The banshee was having so much fun feasting on that twat. She teased the Life monster girl with delicate licks at her clit.

Heilera groaned, entire body quivering with the pleasure.

She suckled on Dark Lord Leo's dick with passion. She polished his pole clean of Geista's asshole. Morana encouraged that pleasures with her flicking tongue. She did such naughty things to her. She licked and lapped at her with all that she had. It was so good to feast on her like that.

“Damn,” the Dark Lord groaned. “You're so good at that, Heilera. I'm going to cum!”

“Yes, yes, deliver your reward to your faithful servant,” moaned Morana.

She suckled on Heilera, eager for her own reward of healthy and sweet pussy juices.

The simurgh moaned as she suckled with noisy passion. She squirmed on the banshee's face, those curls tickling Morana. She loved them as she flicked her tongue around that naughty bud. She teased that clit, wanting to make her cum.

“Shit, shit,” groaned Leo. “Yes!”

He grunted as he erupted. The simurgh gulped down the cum. She swallowed it all as he erupted again and again. He flooded her with all that he had. He spurted again and again, filling her mouth to the brim with his cum.

He soaked her with all his spunk. He erupted over and over again. She enjoyed that. She swallowed it all down. She gulped down his cum. I loved the sounds he made as he flooded the new monster girl with his spunk.

The simurgh's wings flapped. She squealed. Her pussy juices gushed into the banshee's mouth.

Yes! resounded through the banshee's mind as all that delicious pussy cream soaked her lips.

The lively cunt cream soaked her taste buds. She gulped it down, her undead body growing warm. The tingles raced through her. She trembled, her cunt on fire. She licked up the delight, tonguing Heilera's snatch.

Morana enjoyed those pussy juices immensely. She licked and lapped them up. She gathered up every last drop of passion she could find. She enjoyed it so much. It was so good to drink all that cunt cream. Just so wonderful.

“Damn,” groaned Leo. “Why don't you feast on that naughty succubus while I fuck your cunt, Heilera.”

Heilera ripped her mouth off the Dark Lord's cock and moaned, “That sounds delicious!”

He grinned at her and nodded.

Morana trembled, black mist spilling around her body. It rippled over the floor, disturbed by the simurgh who crawled down her body. The banshee spread her legs wide, ready to be feasted upon by the lively monster girl.

“Yes, yes, devour my dark cunt with that lively mouth,” the pale banshee moaned. “Feast upon the Dark Queen of Banshee's delicious pussy.”

“Queen of the Banshees?” Heilera asked in amusement. “How many banshees do you rule.”

“Just one, but I knew that our Dark Lord will recruit more, and I shall rule over them.”

“Yes, you will,” Dark Lord Leo said, smiling at me as he moved behind the simurgh.

Dog ears twitching, Heilera lowered her head to the banshee's hairless twat and began her feast. She licked at Morana's pussy. The banshee gasped, her passion echoing through the room as the simurgh feasted upon her.

The Dark Lord dropped to his knees and slapped his big dick down on the simurgh's brown rump. He slid his paler cock down. It vanished from sight. Her golden wings flapped. She squealed in delight as he rammed into her cunt.

“Oh, Leo!” the simurgh moaned, her doggy ear twitching. “Oh, that's amazing!”

Heilera feasted on Morana's cunt with such abandon. The banshee whimpered, savoring that wonderful tongue stroking up and down her folds. She would have such a big cum. She couldn't wait for that moment.

She would just burst. She groaned as the Dark Lord gripped his new monster girl's hips and fucked her hard. He pounded her cunt. The hard thrusts pressed the simurgh's face tighter into Morana's pussy. She loved that sensation.

It was so good to feel.

She quivered there, loving that hot tongue swiping up and down her flesh. She's so good at feasting on my cunt! thought Morana. Ooh, that's amazing!

“Feast on my cunt, you lively monster girl,” whimpered the banshee.

“Such a yummy cunt,” purred the simurgh.

Her lively energy swept through the undead monster girl. The banshee moaned, loving that pleasure. The delicious tongue licked at her folds and brushed her clit. She quivered there, whimpering as he orgasm built and built. She would have a big orgasm. Just such a huge one.

Her Dark Lord fucked the Life monster girl hard. He pounded Heilera with this mighty strokes, his muscular chest rippling. Morana stared with such lust at her Dark Lord, glorying in his manly strength as he fucked the simurgh.

“Oh, that's so amazing!” whimpered Heilera. “Shit, that's good. Yes, yes, fuck my cunt. My God in Heaven, that's amazing!”

“So is that pussy!” he growled. “Damn!”

The banshee loved it. That lively tongue stroked over her bud. The sparks shot through her. She would have such a big climax. She trembled, her body quivering as that hot tongue danced around her clit. Then soft lips suckled on her.

The banshee whimpered, her orgasm rising and rising. The simurgh's golden wings spread wide. They flapped as she suckled at her. The naughty banshee loved that. Her head tossed. Black mist spilled from her hair and washed around her.

“Yes!” she wailed, her deathly shriek echoing through the room.

Her pussy juices gushed from her cunt.

She bathed the simurgh with her rapturous passion as she bucked through the orgasm. Her small breasts quivered as she loved this moment. It was so good to have all that bliss sweeping through her. She moaned, her head tossing from side to side. She loved this so much. She savored that hot bliss gushing through her.

She tossed her head from side to side, loving every last second of this bliss.

“Oh, Leo!” the simurgh gasped.

The lively heat washing through the room intensified with the simurgh's climax. The living delight washed through the cumming banshee. The Dark Lord groaned and buried his cock into his new monster girl's pussy.

“Fuck!” he snarled as he came.

He dumped his cum into the simurgh's pussy as the banshee shuddered on the floor. She trembled through all that bliss. She was so happy. A big smile spread on her lips as she enjoyed every last second of this bliss.

It was a glorious time.

A wondrous moment.

She was so happy to enjoy it. she savored every awesome moment. Her body quivered in delight. A big smile spread on her lips as she cried out all her ecstasy. Her orgasm crested in her. She panted, grinning from ear to era.

Another wonderful servant has joined Dark Lord Leo's harem.



Will they betray him or won’t they that is the question??😂😂 though looking forward to the rest of this it is very good