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Chapter Twenty-Six

Todlicht is dead,” Leo reported, his words echoing through Siwang's head.

That's a relief to hear,” Siwang answered. He was already back in his dungeon and had just reached his Vault. After hugging Anji tight to his chest. “You had to pull your reinforcements?”

He had some tricks and was more powerful than we were led to believe.”

Siwang hesitated. “Do you think the king hoped you would die.”

No.” Leo said that with such confidence. “That would only make a threat inside his borders even more powerful. No, no, Todlicht hid his Level 3 Monster Girls in his dungeon.”

I'm glad it is okay,” Siwang said and gripped his Void Crystal.

We will have our alliance. There will be no need to conquer the elves.”

Siwang hoped that was true.

His awareness sank into his interface and discovered that both the rakshasa and the pooka wanted to serve him. That was both of Bilksem's summoned monster girls. In addition, Siwang had gained an additional type of Level 1 Lightning monster girls: devas.

“Kati and Hynderi, appear!” Siwang commanded in a firm and ringing voice.

The two monster girls spun out of the darkness. Kati was the rakshasa, the Life monster girl, with a pale body with black stripes across her back and sides. Her breasts were round and quivering. She had a tiger's head, her whiskers quivering and cat ears twitching. Her green eyes fixed on him while her tail swished behind her.

Hynderi was the pooka, the Lightning monster girl. She stood on hoofed feet, a horse-type monster girl like the unicorns. She had bronze skin and white hair that fell down her back. A matching tail swished behind her like a mare's in heat. She had large boobs and a thick bush, her lips crackling with electricity as she smiled.

“What a treat to serve you, Siwang,” said Hynderi.

“And not that fat pig,” added Kati. “I'm so glad you are in good shape.”

“He would make us lie there while he feasted on our bodies.” Hynderi shuddered, her hoofs clattering as she shifted position.

“I would never do that,” Siwang said, his dick hardening. “I treat my monster girls with respect. I bet he never ate your pussy.”

Hynderi shook her head while Kati purred, “He just shoved his greasy, little dick in us and came in a few strokes wheezing like he would have a heart attack.”

Siwang dropped to his knees before Hynderi and caressed her thighs. He wanted to eat out his new monster girl. He wanted to feast on her. He nuzzled in the pooka's bush. He had no idea what mythology she was from, but she was sexy.

Her big boobs quivered as her curls rubbed on his face. The tart aroma of her pussy filled his nose. He breathed it in, loving the scent. Then he kissed her cuntlips. He licked at her twat, stroking his tongue through her folds.

She gasped as he did that. Her body arched. Her boobs jiggled. It was a delight to have he do that. He licked at her. Lapped with hunger at her pussy. He savored her pussy's tart flavor as Kati purred in such a kittenish manner.

“Lord Siwang,” Kati cooed.

She kissed the edge of his cock before she swallowed him. He groaned as she did that. Her tongue was rough as it swept over the crown of his dick. He loved that sensation. It felt so damned good as he lapped at Hynderi's snatch.

“Oh, Siwang,” Hynderi groaned as he flicked his tongue through her folds.

“Mmm,” he groaned and plunged deep into her pussy.

He stroked her pussy walls, loving the texture of her cunt. It was so much fun to do this to her. She shuddered as he did. He enjoyed this immensely as he licked at her. His tongue brushed her clit. He stroked over her bud. She gasped as he did that.

It was so much fun to lick at her like that. He tongued her with passion. She groaned, her pussy lips smearing on his mouth. He loved the way that she squirmed on him. Her eyes were bright as she rubbed her twat on his face.

Her curls spilled over him. He enjoyed every last second of her smearing her cunt on him. He was so happy for it. He stroked to her clit as Kati suckled with such passion onhis dick. Her rough tongue swept around him as she took him all into her muzzle.

Her whiskers brushed his thighs.

“Yes,” he groaned, the pressure in his balls growing.

“Oh, make him cum, Kati,” whimpered Hynderi. “Oh, that's so good. Just keep tonguing my clit. I'll drown you!”

Lightning crackled from her lips as Siwang suckled on her bud. He nursed on her as he enjoyed the rakshasa's mouth around his dick. Her tongue bathed him. Her sharp teeth grazed his rod. He could bit down hurt him.

She wouldn't.

She was his companion.

He loved her.

She loved him.

“Oh, that's so amazing,” whimpered Hynderi. “Oh, Siwang, what a wonderful master you are. Oh, I'll serve you! Yes, yes, I'll serve you, Siwang!”

Her pussy juices gushed out of her cunt and bathed his mouth. He licked and lapped at her cumming twat. He stroked my tongue through her folds, gathering up the tart juices that spilled out of her. More ran down his chin.

He growled into her pussy as he licked through her folds. He lapped at her with such eager pleasure. It was so good to feast on her like that. Kati suckled hard on Siwang's dick. The dungeon builder hurtled toward his bursting point.

He erupted.

His cum spurted into her mouth. He flooded her with all the spunk that he had. Pleasure shot through him as he field the rakshasa's mouth with his spunk. She purred as she gulped down his cum. She swallowed it all.

“Siwang!” Hynderi moaned, grinding her furred muff on his lips.

“Yes!” he groaned as he erupted over and over into Kati's mouth.

It felt so good to spurt into the rakshasa's muzzle. Just so amazing to have her nursing down all that spunk. He loved every last second of it. The pleasure shot through him. Stars flashed across his vision as he spurted more and more cum into her mouth.

She swallowed it all down. It was so good to have her doing that. Just so good to have all that cum erupting from his dick. He felt dizzy with the bliss. Just so happy to have it all shooting from his dick. He groaned and erupted one last time.

“That's good,” he groaned.

“So good,” the pooka moaned. She stepped back, her hoofs clopping.

Kati ripped her mouth off his dick and moaned, “I have to lick your asshole!”

“Really?” gasped the pooka. “I thought you only did that for him.”

“I liked the taste,” purred Kati as the pooka turned.

Siwang's dick twitched as the rakshasa buried her furry muzzle into the pooka's butt-crack. The Lightning monster moaned in delight as the Life monster girl rimmed her asshole. Kati's tail swished, her orange bush dripping with juices.

Siwang moved behind her and pressed his hard cock into her bush. Her long, fuzzy tail rubbed across his chest and brushed his cheek. She tickled him as he found her cuntlips. He thrust into her pussy with hard strokes.

“Yes!” purred Kati.

“Oh, you naughty things,” whimpered Hynderi. “Lick my asshole. Oh, that's it. Lick me!”

Kati's head moved as she licked up the pooka's butt-crack again and again. Bronze asscheeks clenched about Kati's muzzle. Siwang shuddered, his dick buried in that hot pussy. He drew back his cock, enjoying that hot flesh around him.

He thrust back into her pussy. He slammed to the hilt in her cunt, enjoying the feel of her twat around him. She massaged him with her silky embrace. He groaned and gripped her hips. He fucked her cunt hard and fast.

He buried into her with all that he had, loving to pump away at her. she felt so good. He reveled in this immensely. It was a treat to fuck her asshole. He buried into her anal sheath again and again, loving the way that she felt around him.

She squeezed her cunt down around him as he pounded her. He buried into her fast as she lapped at Hynderi's asshole. The pooka's white tail swished back and forth, ruffling Kati's triangular ears. Hynderi moaned her delight.

“That feels so good,” she moaned, her hoofs clattering on the stones as she shifted her position. “Oh, Siwang, she's a naughty kitty.”

“Yes, she is,” groaned Siwang as he fucked his new monster girl's cunt. “Damn, she's got a tight pussy!”

“He hasn't cum yet,” purred Kati. “I get to cum on his big dick.”

“I can't wait for my turn,” the pooka moaned.

“You'll receive it,” Siwang panted, enjoying that hot pussy.

He thrust away at Kati's snatch. He fucked her cunt with hard strokes. He buried into her with all that he had. It was so good to do that. He buried over and over into her pussy, savoring the silky walls massaging him.

The pressure in his balls increased with every stroke into her pussy. Her hot cunt squeezed down on him. She felt just so delicious. He loved every moment of burying into her cunt. It was an outstanding delight to pound her.

To fuck her with all that he had. He loved it immensely. She whimpered, wiggling her hips and stirring her pussy around his dick. Her tail swished over his chest as he fucked the rakshasa hard. She purred as she lapped at Hynderi's asshole.

“Siiiiiwang,” purred Kati as he pounded her snatch, her voice muffled by Hynderi's asshole.

“That tongue,” moaned the pooka, her head tossing and white hair dancing. “Yes, yes, that's so good. That rough tongue! Oh, you dirty slut!”

Kati purred, her pussy gripping Siwang's dick. He hurtled closer to his orgasm. He fucked her hard and fast, wanting to dump his load in his rakshasa's pussy. He gripped her striped sides, her fuzzy tail swishing over his chest.

The tip kissed his lips, ticking them. He slammed into her cunt as lightning crackled from the pooka. She threw back her head. She almost whinnied with her delight, her hair standing up on end from the current crackling through the air.

“Kati, you whore!” howled the pooka.

“Mmmmmm,” purred the rakshasa as Siwang buried his dick into her.

Her pussy convulsed around his dick.

Kati's delicious snatch rippled around his cock while her tail swished over his chest. He enjoyed that wonderful delight convulsing around him. He drew back his cock, his balls drinking in the silky pleasure spilling down his shaft. He thrust into her.

“Yes!” he groaned.


He flooded Kati's pussy. His cum spurted over and over into her twat. He filled her to the brim with his passion, loving the feel of her twat rippling around him. He grunted, spurting again and again into her snatch.

The pleasure slammed through him. So much wonderful passion swept through him. He felt so good. It was an incredible moment to have all that pleasure washing through him. The dungeon builder erupted one last time.

“Oh, Siwang,” Pooka moaned. She stepped forward, her tail swishing. The clop of her hoofs echoed through vault. “Did you feel that little kitty cat up with cum.”

“Yes,” he groaned, his body trembling.

“Soooooo much cum,” Kati purred. The rakshasa licked her lips as twisted her head around. “You're such a stud. So much better than that fat fucker.”

“Such pig,” added Hynderi. “But you, Siwang... Mmm, you're so handsome. Let me eat her pussy clean of your cum while you... do what ever you want to me.”

Kati laughed and rose, her cunt sliding off Siwang's dick. The gorgeous rakshasa stood there, her tail swishing behind her. She liked that idea. She quivered with in such a delicious way as she crooked her finger to the pooka.

Hynderi dropped to her knees, her horse tail swishing over her bronze ass. The Lightning monster girl buried her face into the Life monster girl's hairless pussy and licked up his cum. She lapped at Kati while Siwang groaned.

He moved behind Hynderi and stared at her bronze ass. Her white tail swished back and forth. He sank to his knees, her tail slapping his belly. It was made of fine hairs that crackled. The air was alive with electric current around her.

“Mmm, fuck her, Siwang,” Kati purred, her fingers sliding through Hynderi's white hair. “She wants to be pounded by you.”

“Yes!” Hynderi said as Siwang pressed his cock into her butt-crack. “Ooh, you are going to plunder that hole. Please, please, Kati warmed my asshole up.”

“Such a tasty asshole,” purred Kati.

Siwang smiled as his cock nuzzled against the pooka's spit-soaked asshole. He drilled against her backdoor. The monster girl moaned as her anal ring widened for his rod. She feasted on his cum spilling out of the rakshasa's pussy as her sphincter opened and swallowed his dick.

“Yes,” he groaned as he sank into her flesh. “Thank you, Hynderi.”

“No, no, thank you for killing that fat fucker,” moaned Hynderi.

“You did the world a favor,” Kati said.

“Did I?” Siwang groaned. “I supposed his evil had to be stopped, I just... What if he had considered others instead of himself.”

“Most people only think of themselves,” Kati moaned.

“Yes, that's the problem.”

Siwang sank deeper into Hynderi's asshole. Her tail tickled his stomach as he bottomed out in her bowels. She squeezed her anal sheath around him. It was so good to feel that. She wiggled her hips from side to side, stirring her bowels around him.

It was such a wonderful moment. He enjoyed it immensely having her anal sheath around his cock. He held her hips tight as he drew back his rod. She moaned into Kati's pussy, that tight asshole massaging his dick. He savored the velvety friction.

He slammed back into her bowels, his balls slapping into Hynderi's asshole. A tingle raced through his cock. A tingly that was just such a delight. He fucked deep and hard into her bowels. He pounded her with all that he had.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I groaned. “That's so damned good!”

“Isn't it?” purred Kati. “Oh, she's got her tongue licking at my snatch. It's so good to have her feasting on me. She's licking out all your cum!'

Kati's whiskers twitched as she trembled there, her round boobs jiggling. Her green eyes squeezed shut. He loved the sight as he fucked the pooka's tingling asshole. The electric crackle of her bowels massaged Siwang's dick.

His nuts drank in the pleasure as they slapped into Hynderi's taint. He enjoyed every moment of fucking into her bowels. It was such a wonderful treat. He pounded her with all that he had. He plowed into her flesh. It was beautiful

She gripped him with that velvety sheath, the pressure in my balls growing as he pumped away. She moaned into Kati's pussy who trembled, her round boobs jiggling. Her tiger's head tossed, whiskers twitching.

“Oh, she's lapping up your cum!” Kati moaned as she trembled through her bliss. “She's got her tongue wiggling around in my pussy.”

“Yummy pussy,” the pooka moaned, her tail swishing back and forth, the silky hairs caressing his stomach. “And such a big dick! He's reaching so deep into my asshole.”

“Yes, yes, fuck her so hard!” the rakshasa whimpered.

Siwang grinned at her as he fucked the pooka hard, building toward his release. He would spurt all his cum into her anal sheath. He would flood her with everything that he had. He couldn't wait for that moment. It would be so good.

She squeezed her anal sheath down on him. It was such a good moment. He plowed into her anal sheath with so much passion. It was just an incredible delight. He fucked her hard and fast. He thrust into her bowels with passion.

He slammed to the hilt in her. It was so good to feel her anal sheath gripping him. Her bowels massaged him. He groaned with each plunge into her asshole. He fucked her with passion. It was so good to have pound her.

“Yes, yes,” he growled. “Shit, that's good!”

“So good!” whimpered Hynderi. “Oh, Siwang!”

“Hynderi!” gasped the pooka. “I... I... Yes!”

She trembled through her pleasure. It was so good to have all that ecstasy bursting through her. She tossed her head, her boobs bouncing. It was so hot to watch. They heaved while she growled out her feline passion. She drowned Hynderi.

Siwang buried his cock to the hilt in the pooka's asshole. She squealed around him, her anal sheath spasming in such a wonderful way around his dick. It was such a beautiful thing to feel. She suckled at him with all that she had.

“Yes!” he groaned as he enjoyed her bowels convulsing around him.

He erupted into his newest monster girl.

He flooded her bowels with his spunk. Her anal sheath spasmed about him. She suckled at him. It felt so good. The pleasure was so delicious. He loved every second of it. He grunted with each eruption of cum into her asshole.

She milked him with all that she had. She worked out her flesh. It was so good to have her doing that. He felt so amazing as he flooded her with the last of his jizz. He panted, his dick twitching in her bowels.

“Siwang,” moaned the pooka as her assholes rippled around his cock. “That was amazing.”

“Yeah,” he said. He had no idea who to summon for his Life and Lightning companions. And he has other new monster girls to make. For Level 1's, he had two types of Lightning monster girls to conjure. Both will o' wisps and devas, a bonus type received from Bilksem. He also had satyrs. Then he had the two Level 2's to make, quetzalcoatls and werebears.

He had a lot of work to perform.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Munjan stood in his vault with his companions. His cheerleaders. “Okay, we have got two more of the squad to summon!”

Macka, her two tails swishing behind her, purred out, “Dijamanta! Summon Dijamanta!”

“Sjanja!” Vina squealed, her hands rubbing together, her wild hair spilling around her beautiful face.

Andea's angelic wings clapped as she thrust an arm into the air. “Mirisi!”

“Noca!” Plamena cried out, her four arms all thrusting up into the air, her boobs bouncing.

Talasa's big boobs jiggled as she clapped her webbed hands together. “Senka! Senka!”

“Ooh, and we can't forget Jaje!” added Macka, her eyes sparkling.

“And Ordaziti,” Andea squealed. “She's so sexy!”

“So many wonderful possibilities,” said Munjan as he gripped the Void Crystal, Soulanna bouncing up and down on the black jewel. She was as excitable as his cheerleaders. “How about... Noca and Sjanja!”

The girls all went wild, bouncing up and down as he gripped the interface and sank the Darkness monster girl section. He focused on Noca. Petite and perky Noca with her black hair. He could see her clearly as she became...

A succubus. Like Garnet. Noca had red horns peeking out of her black hair and red eyes. Crimson wings and a narrow tail sprouted from her back. She looked so ready to get naughty. He gripped the Void Crystal.

“Noca, the squad needs you!” he roared. “Appear!”

Out of darkness, Noca the succubus spun into existence. She caught her balance before she squealed in delight, bouncing up and down. The rest of the squad cheered, too. Andea hugged her first, the angel kissing the succubus. Plamena engulfed them in her four bronze arms. Macka darted in along with Vina. Talasa snuggled in, all of them squealing in delight.

He sank into the interface to the Metal monster girls around thought of Sjanja. She was a tall cheerleader with black hair, too. A busty girl that always had a sultry smile on her gorgeous face. She appeared, her skin even paler and her hair fiery red now. She wore a red cap and carried wicked swords. Big boobs and a hairless pussy.

A red cap.

“Sjanja, join the squad!” Munjan commanded, his words conjuring a copy of her into the world.

She appeared out of the darkness, wearing her red cap but she didn't have any weapons. Her huge tits jiggled. She jumped up into the air, doing the splits. She landed with grace. The other cheerleaders squealed in delight.


They all rushed to her, Noca included. They engulfed her, kissing her. Hugging her. The squad was growing more and more complete. Munjan couldn't wait until he had all twelve of them here. Just needed Death, Life, Earth, Ice, and Wind. Jaje, Ordaziti, Dijamanta, Senka, and Mirisi would be his one day.

He pressed into the midst. The cheerleaders broke apart and he stood before his red cap. He licked his lips before he dropped to his knees before her.

“Munjan,” she purred, her hands sliding through her hair. “Not that little nerd always watching us.”

“Not that perv who creeped us out,” added Noca. “You're so sexy.”

“Yep,” he growled and buried his face into Sjanja's pussy. The tangy, almost metallic, taste of her pussy soaked his taste buds. “Damn, that's good!”

“Oh, yes, yes,” Sjanja moaned, her big boobs jiggling. “You're such a stud, aren't you, Munjan.”

“He is,” Plamena purred.

“Melin's not bad,” added Andea, “but Munjan is the best ever.”

“Really,” Noca said. “He's such a bad boy bringing us here to be his sex slaves. Such a naughty, naughty boy.”

“So fucking naughty,” Munjan growled and thrust his tongue into Sjanja's pussy.

“Noca!” gasped Talasa. “Oh, you're such a bad girl.”

“I love it,” Vina purred.

What is she doing? thought Munjan as he swirled his tongue around in Sjanja's tangy twat.


Pain exploded across his ass. A stripe of heat burned across his rump. “Holy shit!”

His other monster girls laughed. He threw a look to see the succubus holding a shadowy look. She had this wanton heat in her red eyes. She winked at him. She drew it back, a wicked smile on her lips like she dared him to stop.

“You're going to pay for that, Noca,” he said.

“Good!” she moaned.


The pain burst across his rump. He turned his head back and buried his face back into Sjanja's snatch. He lapped at his red cap's pussy. He feasted on her tangy twat as his succubus drew back her whip again, a wicked giggle bursting from her lips.


The pain burned across his rump.

He snarled into that hot twat. He licked and lapped at that delicious pussy. He tongued her with all that he had, the pain burning across his rump. He thrust his tongue into her pussy as his succubus had her fun. He would have his.


His dick throbbed. It was... exciting to be spanked by his succubus. To have her whip his ass as he feasted on Sjanja's pussy. He flicked his tongue through her folds. Her big boobs jiggled. She moaned in delight as he feasted on her.


“GO, MUNJAN, GO!” the other cheerleaders squealed. “BUFF THAT MUFF! SNACK THAT SNATCH!”


“Yes, yes, Munjan, feast on her cunt,” Noca moaned. “She has such a yummy cunt!”

“So do you, Noca!” moaned Sjanja. “Oh, yes, yes, but Munjan... He's a stud. Oh, I love you, Munjan!”


“I love you, too,” Noca purred, his ass burning from her whippings. “I love you so much, Munjan!”



It was such a hot thing for Munjan to hear as he tongued Sjanja's pussy. He feasted on her twat, tonguing her clit. He wanted to make her cum. He craved to drown in her pussy cream. It was so wonderful to feast on her.


His ass burned as he growled around Sjanja's clit. He nursed on her bud. The red cap threw back her head. She gasped as he flicked his tongue about her pearl. He drummed against that special button. She trembled and bucked, her tits heaving.

“Munjan!” she howled as her tangy pussy juices gushed out of her cunt. She bathed his mouth with her passion. He loved that wonderful passion. He drowned in her cunt cream. “Oh, Munjan, that's amazing. That's so good!”

He licked at her pussy as she drowned him with her cunt cream. It was so good to flick his tongue through her folds. He enjoyed her hot juices spilling down his chin. He drank the rest, his ass burning and his dick so hard.

“Munjan!” she moaned. “Oh, Munjan, you're such a hero! You're not a zero. A stud! Not a dud!”

“MUNJAN!” howled his other cheerleaders, Noca included. “WE LOVE YOU!”


He rose and spun around. Noca grinned at him like a naughty cat, thrusting her whip behind her back. He grabbed her and thrust her against the wall. She giggled in delight, her eyes were so turned on right now.

“Sjanja, get over here and eat her pussy,” he growled.

“So not a dud,” moaned Noca.

He kissed her hard, thrusting his tongue into his succubus's mouth. She trembled against him. He loved the taste of her mouth. He broke the kiss and stepped back so the red cap could move into place. She dropped to the ground her blood-red cap perched on her fiery hair.

“What a delicious pussy,” purred Sjanja. “I know where to lick her, Munjan. How to make her purr.”

“Good,” he growled and dropped to the ground behind her. He slipped his cock in between her pale butt-cheeks. His ass burned. “Devour her.”

“Yes,” moaned Sjanja. She buried her face into Noca's pussy.

“Oh, you dirty slut!” gasped Noca. “She loves to buff my muff! Ooh, she's snacking on my snatch!”

The other cheerleaders squealed in delight as Munjan's cock found Sjanja's backdoor. He thrust against her asshole. He loved the way her anal ring widened before his cock. She gasped as he popped into her bowels. He sank into her, her flesh engulfing him.

He loved every inch of her bowels sliding around him. It was a perfect delight. Her bowels massaged him as he went deeper into her flesh. He filled her to the hilt, reveling in that delight. She felt so amazing around his cock.

Just so delicious.

“Fuck,” he groaned as her hot flesh engulfed his dick.

“Mmm,” she purred into Noca's pussy.

The succubus shuddered, her crimson wings stretched along the wall. She rolled her eyes back into her head as she ground her face on the red cap's pussy. Noca purred, her small breasts quivering. A big smile spread on her lips.

“Oh, that's so good,” she moaned. “Ooh, that's just delicious. Oh, wow, that's amazing!”

“So amazing,” Munjan groaned. “Feast on her, Sjanja. You're my cheerleader.”

“Yes, we are!” Sjanja moaned.

“Your sex slaves! You're cheerleaders. Your slutty monster girls!” Noca winked at him. “Now fuck her asshole hard!”

He grinned at Noca, his ass burning. He drew back his cock, reveling in that velvety sheath around him. He thrust to the hilt in her bowels. He fucked her with force. It was so good to bury into her bowels. It was just a delight to fuck her.

To pound her.

He thrust away at her anal sheath. He pounded her asshole with force. It was so good to thrust away at her with all that he had. She gripped him as she moaned into Noca's pussy. Sjanja's asshole massaged his cock.

The pressure in his nuts rose with his every thrust into her asshole. He fucked her hard. He buried into her with force, eager to cum in her. He wanted to spurt all his cum into her bowels. Just flood her with so much jizz.

“Oh, yes, yes,” she groaned. “That's so good. Ooh, that's amazing!”

He loved fucking her like this. He pounded her bowels with all that he had. It was so good to bury into her anal sheath over and over again. It was just so delicious. Just so amazing to pound her anal sheath with force.

He buried into her with passion. He fucked her with such passion. He plowed into her deep and hard. He fucked her with all that he had. It was so good to thrust into her bowels, his nuts tightening as she feasted on Noca's snatch.

“GO, MUNJAN, GO!” howled the cheerleaders as they watched. “FUCK THAT ASS!”

“Fuck it!” Noca whimpered. “And munch on my muff! Oh, Sjanja!”

“Noca!” whimpered Sjanja, her asshole gripping Munjan's dick.

He hurtled toward that bursting point. He would have a mighty cum, just spurt all his cum into her asshole. He pounded her hard and fast. He buried into her with everything that he had. He savored that hot asshole gripping him.

Massaging him. He grunted, fucking into her with everything that he had. He loved that hot asshole around his cock. It was such a good thing. He fucked her bowels hard and fast. He churned her up with all that he had.

“Shit!” he growled.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned, her asshole massaging him. “Oh, wow, that's so good! That's amazing!”

He thrust into her bowels, loving the way that she massaged him. She held him tight with her bowels. He fucked her hard and fast. He plowed into her with all that he had, loving her velvety sheath. She moaned into Noca's pussy, the succubus trembling.

“Fuck!” gasped Noca. “Oh, Sjanja!”

Her petite titties quivering, Noca trembled through her orgasm. She drowned Sjanja. The red cap's asshole clamped down hard on Munjan's thrusting dick. The dungeon builder groaned, his nuts tensing. He drew back.

“Oh, yes!” gasped Sjanja, her asshole spasming around his dick.

He plowed to the hilt in her. “Mine!”

“YOURS!” howled the cheerleaders as he erupted into Sjanja's asshole.

He spurted his cum into her bowels. He erupted over and over again, flooding her anal sheath with his spunk. The pleasure shot through him. He threw back his head, growling out his pleasure as he dumped his load into her asshole.

Her flesh rippled around him. He groaned with each spurt of spunk into her bowels. He erupted over and over into her flesh. It was so good to do that. He loved every second of that treat. It was wild. He enjoyed every last second of that passion.

“Damn,” he groaned. “That's good. That's so good!”

“So good!” whimpered Noca. Her eyes flicked to me. “Now you have to fuck me!”

“With my dirty cock right in that cunt!” he said.

Her eyes sparkled with delight. “Yes, yes, yes! Munjan the Stud! He's not a dud!”

“STUD!” squealed the other cheerleaders.

Munjan ripped his cock out of Sjanja's asshole and snapped his fingers at the ground. “On your knees, slut!”

“Yes, Master Munjan,” cooed Noca. She slapped him on the ass with the spade-like tip of her tail.

The pain flared, but he just ignored it as he watched her sink to the floor. She wiggled her hips at him, her pussy dripping juices. They spilled down her thighs.

He dropped to his knees behind her and pressed his dirty dick into her pussy. She smiled from ear to ear as she winked at him over her shoulder. He rubbed up and down her juicy folds, her passion soaking his tip.

He thrust into her.

“Master Munjan!” she groaned, her flesh clamping down on him. “Oh, that's so good! That's just perfect!”

He grinned at her as he thrust away into her pussy. He buried to the hilt in her as Macka pounced on Sjanja. The naughty nekomata's twin tails swept behind her as she buried her face into Sjanja's ass-crack and started rimming her.

“You dirty slut!” gasped Sjanja. “Yes, yes, lick up that cum!”

“So yummy!” purred Macka.

Vina and Talasa fell to the ground, the maenad and the selkie tribbing each other. They ground their pussies together while Andea buried her face into Plamena's pussy, kneeling before the four-armed asura. The angel feasted with passion, her white wings flapping behind her.

Munjan savored being in his succubus's pristine pussy. Her juicy cunt buffed his cock clean of Sjanja's asshole. He gripped the succubus's hips and drew back his dirty dick. She clamped her twat down on him, polishing his pole.

“Ooh, ooh, that's so dirty!” moaned Noca. “I would never, ever do this for anyone but you, Master Munjan.”

“That's fucking right,” he growled.


His hand cracked own on her ass.

She squealed in delight, her pussy clamping down on his dick. He thrust away at her. He fucked her with force. It was so good to do that to her. He pounded her cunt with his big dick. He thrust into her with all that he had.

It was so good to that to her. To fuck her hard. He plunged over and over into her flesh. He loved how she clamped down on him. She massaged him with her flesh. It was just a delicious moment. He enjoyed every last second of it.

“Fuck!” he groaned as he fucked her. “That's so good. That's just fucking amazing!”

“It is!” she whimpered, her pristine pussy massaging him. “Oh, oh, you're so good at fucking my cunt! You have such a big dick!”

“Munjan's no zero, he's our hero!” Plamena moaned, two of her hands holding Andea's face to her snatch. The other two cupped her bronze tits. “Oh, Andea, you're such a good pussy lapper. So divine!”

“She's an angel!” Talasa moaned, her gray boobs jiggling. “Oh, Vina, you wild slut! Grind that cunt on mine!”

“Pussy kisses!” Vina moaned, her white hair flying as she trembled.

“Oh, you dirty catgirl,” whimpered Sjanja. “Wiggle that tongue around in my asshole!”

Macka's tail swished behind her, crackling with electricity. His first cheerleader. He grinned as he watched her feasting on his cum from Sjanja's asshole while fucking his dirty dick in and out of Noca's cunt. He fucked her hard.

He pounded her flesh with all that he had. He rammed into her, loving how she squeezed her flesh down on him. It was such a good thing. He loved every second of fucking her. He pounded her with all that he had, hurling toward that moment when he would cum.

He was so eager for it.

So ready to just burst.

He fucked that tight cunt with force. He pounded that hot pussy with all that he had. He loved every last second of fucking her pussy. He buried to the hilt in her cunt. He plowed deep and hard into her snatch, loving the way she held him.

It was so good. So amazing. He fucked into her with force. He loved every second of it. She squeezed her cunt down on him. It was fantastic. He loved how he thrust into her. It was beautiful. Glorious. He was so happy for it. So thrilled to fuck her twat with all that he had.

It was a beautiful thing. She gripped him with that hot cunt as the others were moaning and gasping. He loved the sounds they made as he fucked his succubus. She rubbed her tail across his chest as her wings flapped.


He spanked her ass.

“Master Munjan!” she gasped.


“Fuck, yes, I love being your succubus-slave!” she moaned, her pussy clamping down on him, buffing him clean.

“It's the best!” squealed Sjanja. “Ooh, you have to get the rest of us! What does he need!”

“More shrines or to kill more builders!” gasped Plamena.

“Let's hunt down some evil builders and exterminate them!” moaned Vina. “I want the whole squad!”

“You know Leo,” Munjan groaned. Still, they're evil...

The idea burned hot in Munjan as he fucked to the hilt in that tight asshole. He wanted to help. He had to be on the watch for builders around the halfling city. That was where his dungeon lay. He had killed a builder, but it would Leo who would claim the mana veins.

He had to find one. He had to redouble his efforts and stop fucking around.

Well, right now he was fucking around.

He fucked Noca's pussy hard as his monster girls moaned around him. Sjanja gasped, her head throwing back. Her big boobs bounced as she enjoyed Macka's rimming. And the nekomata's fingers. She churned up the red cap's pussy.

The maenad and the selkie ground their cunts together while the angel devoured the asura's snatch. It was all so hot. They were building toward their orgasms as he fucked Noca's cunt. He pounded her hard, his nuts slapping it her shaved pussy.

Into her clit.

“Munjan the Stud!” she gasped.


“Yes, yes, Master Munjan!” she moaned, her ass glowing red from his spanks.


She squealed and came on his dick.

He groaned as her hot pussy spasmed around him. She convulsed about him, buffing him fully clean. He drew back his dick as she nursed at him. He plowed deep into his succubus's snatch and erupted his cum.

“Yes!” he growled.

“Master Munjan's spunk!” howled the succubus.

Her cunt writhed around his cock. She milked him. It was so good. He spurted cum into her pussy. It was just an incredible rush to have all his cum spurting into her pussy. He flooded her with his jizz. It was fantastic.

“Shit, shit, shit,” he groaned as he flooded her. “That's fucking amazing!”

“So amazing!” she groaned.

“Ooh, Andea!” Plamena gasped, her body trembling as she drowned the angel.

“Yummy,” Andea cooed, her halo glowing brighter.

“Fuck!” Vina gasped.

“Yes, yes, yes,” whimpered Talasa.

The tribbing pair shuddered through their orgasm, their passion echoing through the room. Munjan dumped more and more of his cum into Noca's pussy. Sjanja gasped then. Her fiery hair flew and big boobs bounced.

“Macka, you delicious slut!” gasped the red cap.

“Mmmm,” the nekomata purred, her tail swishing behind her.

Munjan groaned and spurted the last of his cum into Noca's pussy. He panted and rose, heading for the Void Crystal. He had to find out if Sayf's women would serve him. Munjan liked the man's style. Porn star statues.

He gripped the Void Crystal. He definitely had to start decorating the throne room with them. He delved into it and both of Sayf's Darkness monster girls, Kitty Delight and Pogisa, wanted to serve him. But not the hysminai. So he had those as Level 1 Metal monster girls in addition to the goblins.

He hadn't recognized the hysminai as a porn star, but he had the hoofed girl that jumped out of shadows. She had been quite the delight. Kitty Delight, to be specific. He was glad to have her. Pogisa must have been Sayf's claimed monster girl.

Hence why she wasn't a porn star.

“Kitty Delight and Pogisa, appear and serve your new master!”

“Master Munjan!” squealed Noca who had her pussy being devoured by Plamena now while Sjanja was eating out Andea's pussy.

The two monster girls spun out of the shadows. Munjan felt eyes and glanced back to see Melin peering in. Munjan wanted to keep Kitty Delight for himself, but he wanted Melin to have another monster girl. Tira was already Melin. She was hovering behind him.

“Which one do you want?” I asked, pointing to the purple-skinned Pogisa or the black-skinned Kitty Delight. Other than her skin, Pogisa looked human with blue eyes and big boobs. Kitty Delight's slender body was as dark as midnight with hoofs for feet. Her hair was black. So were her eyes. She practically melted into the shadows.

“The fomorian,” Melin said, grinning.

“Likes the big tits,” said Munjan. “Pogisa, you are Melin's lover. I mean, I'll be poking you, too—I still own you—but he saved my life. He gets to enjoy my monster girls.”

“Oh, sure,” Pogisa said. “He was so brave. I don't mind at all.”

She sauntered by. Munjan smacked her on the ass.

She giggled.

“And you, Kitty Delight,” he groaned. “I spanked it to you so many times.”

She grinned from ear to ear. “That's so wonderful.” She vanished into the shadows only to hug him from behind. “I love meeting a fan. Sayf was a big fan. He wanted a whole harem of porn stars.”

“Cheerleaders for me,” he said. “Was the hysminai a porn star? I didn't recognize her.”

“That was Fulladha. His wife. I guess they're together in the real world and maybe in paradise. I have no idea how this works.”

“Me, either,” Munjan said. “I just know I've always wanted to have you ride me.”

She melted away again and purred from the shadows, “Then get down on the ground, Munjan!”

Munjan sank to the ground, eager. Melin moaned. He already had Pogisa sucking on his dick. She worked her mouth up and down his dick, nursing on him as Kitty Delight appeared over him. Her black hand grabbed his dick. She pressed him to the midnight folds of her pussy. She winked a black eye. He could only see her eyes because they were glossy.

As were her lips.

She plunged down him.

He groaned.

She was practically a living silhouette, her details almost impossible to see. Almost. He groaned as he enjoyed her pussy around him. Her small boobs quivered. He slid his pale hands up her body to cup those inky tits.

He kneaded them as she squeezed her cunt down around him. She slid her cunt up his cock. Munjan reveled in having one of his favorite porn stars riding his cock. She worked her twat up and down him. It was insane.

“Yes, yes, yes,” he growled. “That's so good! Fuck, that's good!”

She winked at him.

“Damn, that's just outstanding!”

She purred in delight, plunging her cunt down his dick. She squeezed her pussy around him. Her twat gripped his cock with that hot and sensual feel. It was just incredible to have that wonderful twat around my dick.

She plunged down Munjan's shaft and slid back up. He growled as she rode him. He found it so amazing to have that tight snatch working up and down his dick. She massaged him with her pussy. The pleasure built and built at the crown of my cock.

“Kitty Fucking Delight,” he groaned.

She giggled. “Fucking is my middle name! Oh, yes, yes, but it's so good to be away from the porn. I hated it so much! It was so degrading! It was fun at first, but... Now I get to be yours! We're in another world! Ooh, what are we doing!”

“Helping Leo save the world!” he groaned, squeezing her breasts.

“Yes, yes, let's save it!”

She bounced on his dick, her enthusiasm amazing. She squeezed her cunt down around him. The pressure in his nuts built and built. He hurtled toward the bursting point. He loved her riding him. She felt so good on his dick.

He thumbed her black nipples as he rose toward that bursting point. Melin moaned behind him. His cheerleaders gasped around him. He savored Kitty Delight's hot cunt working up and down his cock. She squeezed about him with all her might.

It was so good to feel. Such a wonderful moment to enjoy. She plunged down his dick and rose back up him. He couldn't last much longer in the porn star's pussy. He would spurt into her and flood her with all that he had.

“Oh, my, yes!” she moaned, her eyes rolling back in her head. “You're so amazing! Fuck, Munjan!”

Her pussy convulsed around his dick.

He gasped as the porn star suckled at him. The pressure in his balls burst. He erupted into her pussy.

He flooded her cunt with blast after blast of his spunk. An incredible rush swept through him. He groaned with each explosion of cum. It was fantastic to have all that delight shooting through him. It was just outstanding.

He filled her twat up with his spunk as Melin cried out in the background, dumping his load into the fomorian's mouth. Munjan filled the baku's cunt with his jizz. He loved how her twat rippled around his dick.

It was outstanding.


“Shit!” he groaned as he spurted the last of his cum into her pussy. “Oh, damn, Kitty Delight.”

She smiled at him. “Mmm, are we going to do that?”

“First,” he said, “I have to revive Aullida. She gets to spend the night with me. Her reward for finding Sayf's dungeon first.”

“Then let's reward her,” cooed Kitty Delight as she rose off his dick. His pearly cum spilled down her black thighs.

He grinned and rose, eager to do just that.

Click here for the next part! 


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