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Chapter Sixteen

Siwang's monster girls surged up the steps from Leo's dungeon into the area where the dungeon builder lay. He waited for his monster girls to report on the status. He had brought all his monster girls not manning his outposts.

His Level 1's, his Level 2's, and his companions, both claimed and summoned.

So he had lemures, ghosts, choirs, unicorns, cockatrices, sphinxes, orcs, salamanders, tennyo, harpies, wendigos, lamias, yuki-onna, and oozes with him. Once they reported it was secure, he followed them out into a dense woods.

It was thick.

“We'll have to search it,” he said.

“Split up into parties,” suggested his step-mother. “That way we can cover more ground.”

“By elements?” suggested Yinfu, his ifrit.

“Mmm, we'll stay here and guard you,” said Muyang. “And you can put your claimed companions in charge of the scouting parties.”

“Yes, yes, we have to keep you safe,” said Guang. His lampetia glowed brightly.

“Yes,” Caihong said. The sarimanok's tail feathers fanned out. They were all a different hue. A rainbow. “That's best. We'll stay here and wait for their report.”

“It's a good idea,” said Tukeni. She was his banshee, a pale thing bleeding black mist. He claimed her from Tuerien.

“Okay,” Siwang said. “Take the lemures and ghosts. Head east.” Siwang surveyed around as the others were moving in, thinking. “Skrige, why don't you take the Light monster girls.”

“Me?” Skrige asked. She was his second cyclops, a thunder monster girl.

“I think you'll work good with the choirs and unicorns,” Siwang said. He only had one Light companion, and that was Guang whom he summoned. “Go northwest.”

Skrige nodded and headed that way, the unicorns trotting with her, the choirs humming as they rushed after.

“Savurma!” I said, my other Thunder monster girl I had claimed. “Take the cockatrices and sphinxes to examine the north.”

A maenad, Savurma flashed me a wild, almost insane, grin, and ran off, her white hair fluttering behind her.

“Kao.” He glanced at his sigin. A Death monster girl, she had white hair and black skin with fangs and hoofed feet. None of his goblins were here, nor were any of his hippocampus, so he combined his Level 2 Metal monster girls and Level 1 water monster girls. “Take the orcs and the oozes. Go northeast.”

“Yes, Lord,” Kao said and loped off. The orcs roared and followed.

“Mei...” I stared at my shesha. She was my fiery snake woman. I had more ice monster girls present than fire, so... “Take the salamanders and the wendigos. Head east.”

“Yessss,” she hissed in delight, her cobra-like hood spreading wider. She slithered away, the monster girls following.

“Frosseta, you can have the other ice monster girls,” I said to my dog-like adlet. “Head southeast.”

Her tail wagged behind her as she yipped, “You got it! Let's go!”

She ran off with the lamia and the yuki-onna following.

“Verja... Let's split the flying monster girls in two pairs. You take the tennyo and head south.”

The manticore nodded and leaped into the sky. The heavenly maidens rose after her, trailing flower petals.

Kyuuma smiled at me. She was an erinyes, a Metal monster girl, but she had wings. “So I have the harpies and heading southwest?”

Siwang nodded. “Good hunting.”

The harpies screeched in delight and leaped into the air. The erinyes followed, her wings beating hard. She formed her metal whip, eager to use it on the wicked.

“Well,” Muyang said. A dahu, she possessed skin pale and hair gray. Horns peeked out of her tresses and hoofed feet. She was his Ice companion and former Hong Kong actress. “Do you think this will take long?” She sat on a log, her round breasts jiggling.

“It will take as long as it will take,” Guang said, stretching. Her glowing boobs, both of them large, jiggled. “Do you have anything better to do?”

“We can always make love to Siwang,” Muyang said. “Pity the wendigos are gone. They are good at ravishing a woman.”

Siwang knew his companions spent time with the monster girls of their elements. He should come along and see this ravishing.

Yinfu shot an arched look to Lei. In the other world, the pair were lovers though the Ifrit had been a married woman. Her black hair fell around her dark-red face, her expression purely naughty. “Lei is amazing at ravishing women, too.”

Lei, Siwang's busty and one-eyed cyclops, laughed. She pulled Yinfu to her bronze body and purred, “Should I ravish her right now?”

“Yes,” moaned Yinfu. The pair kissed.

“You can ravish me,” purred Jinzi to Siwang. A gnome, she was short and busty, her brown skin wrapped in gold chains that bound her breasts. The landlady for Siwang's apartment building, she was another of Lei's married lovers.

“We could daisy chain,” Muyang suggested.

Siwang's step-mother shook her head, her black mist spilling over her large, pale breasts. The wraith did not look amused. “This is not the time.”

Siwang nodded. “We must be vigilant. We are in enemy territory.”

He stared ahead, a throbbing warmth in his groin. He breathed slowly. This was a dangerous day. He wanted to come back safe and sound. Anji waited for him. She must be worried right now. Fretting over him.

Caihong snuggled up against him. The sarimanok had been his classmate, those few days when he had been well enough to attend class. She was a slender monster girl with rainbow-hued hair that matched her wings and the fan of tail feathers that draped over her rump.  “Thinking of Anji?”

He smiled. “Always.”

“She's lucky that you love her.” Caihong rested her head on his shoulder.

“Do you love him that way, Caihong?” asked Shui, his nixie. A busty, blue-skinned monster girl with kelp-green hair. His step-mother's friend.

“Why, yes,” said Caihong. “I always felt such pity for you. I wished you to have a good wife who would care and tend to you. One who would make you better with her love.”

“I love you, Caihong.” He felt all their eyes on him. “I love you all.”

Caihong slid her arms around neck and kissed him. Her lips were warm and sensual. He groaned at the strength of it. The heat melted through him. He loved the feel of her mouth on him. It was a delicious moment. He—

His step-mother cleared her throat.

He broke the kiss, cheeks warm. “We should just wait for news. This not the dungeon.”

Caihong wore a mischievous grin. A schoolgirl's smirk.

Siwang, the wendigo have a scent,” Mei sent, excitement in her voice. “It comes from a village we just passed. Something has happened.”

Yes, I see the village,” Kyuuma added. “There is a large building they're gathered around. It was broken into.”

Food raid...” Siwang pondered that idea. “Track them, Mei.”

Wendigo are on the hunt,” Mei reported.

I see them,” Kyuuma reported. “Mei's salamanders. Not the wendigos. They're east of your position heading south, Siwang.”

“Let's go,” Siwang said.

His harem formed around him and they set off to the southeast. Caihong stayed at his side while Muyang fell in on his left. His step-mother and Shui were at the rear with the others in front, blazing a trail through the trees. There was no track where they were, so they had to weave beneath the boughs.

“Do you think he'll cooperate?” asked Shui.

Yinfu shrugged. “He's just stealing food. It's not like he's a great criminal.”

“Just?” Caihong asked in such disgust. “My great-grandmother remembers the famines of the Cultural Revolution. She lost most of her family. Stealing all their food is cruel.”

“We'll return it to them,” Muyang said with a gentle smile. “Once he understands what he's done, he'll stop doing such evil things.”

“We'll see,” Lei said, her voice heavy with doubt. “Most builders are quite nasty.”

“Yes, they are,” Guang added.

“Not you,” Jinzi said, smiling back at Siwang. “And certainly not Leo.”

Siwang nodded as they kept walking through the woods. They navigated to the south, moving at a brisk pace. It was invigorating to be out of the dungeon and moving through nature. Like something out of a fantasy story. The Lord of the Rings. He loved those movies, even if he often fell asleep before finishing one.

Through gaps in the trees, Kyuuma and her harpies soared overhead. The flying monster girls looked beautiful as they drifted above the trees. The harpies all screeched in greeting to Siwang, loving him as much as the others.

The brush rustled and Frosseta rushed up. He was surprised to see her so fast. She must have run with her yuki-onna and lamias. They were rushing after her, the lamias slithering fast to keep up with her. The dog-like adlet stopped before me, a big smile on her lips.

“We have the scent?” she asked.

“The wendigos do,” Siwang said.

“Lovely!” she yipped.

I see the thieves,” reported Verja the manticore. “It's a group of devas.”

Devas? Not will o' wisps?” Siwang nearly came to a stop as he thought about that. “Well, Lightning must be his claimed glyph. He's killed a builder before.”

Are we going to fight him?” Verjaasked. She must have caught up with her tennyo. She had gone south, so that wasn't surprising.

Maybe,” Siwang said.

We're going to fight him,” said Kao. “We're coming fast.”

We found the entrance,” Mei reported. “It's hidden in the roots of a great tree.”

I see Verja circling over it,” Kyuuma reported. Her and her harpies turned slightly more to the south.

Siwang's group followed, Frosseta running so eagerly at the front of them. She was an adorable monster girl. It wasn't much longer before they arrived. Mei slithered up to Siwang on her red snake's tail, her black hair spilling around her face. Her serpent eyes are slitted. She looked satisfied.

Very satisfied.

“Negotiations await, Siwang,” she said, motioning to the thick roots of a tall tree the wendigos and salamanders stood around.

Siwang arched an eyebrow at her. “Did you and Tukeni make a bet?”

“Yep.” Mei looked so smug.  She and Tukeni were lovers who had been recruited by the same dungeon builder. That man later killed by Tuerien. “She lost, so she has to give me a massage and make me cum without getting any action herself.”

I smiled as other monster girls rushed in. Tukeni the banshee did not look happy at all, her skin paler than usual. The ghosts with her looked even more mournful as Mei swayed happily. Siwang smiled at such camaraderie.

Caihong stayed at his side as the other monster girls arrived. Skrige with the choirs and unicorns. Savurma with the cockatrices and sphinxes. Kao arrived with her oozes and orcs, a grin on the sigin's lips. Siwang waited until all his forces had arrived before he stepped onto the threshold of another's dungeon.

“Good luck,” Caihong said, standing just behind him outside the dungeon.

Greetings,” Siwang sent to the Void Crystal of this dungeon. “I am Siwang, Vassal Builder to Emperor Leo the True, who has come to negotiate with your Master. I mean you no harm and wish to enter and speak with him.”

A vassal builder?” a man asked. “You serve another?”

Yes. Whom am I speaking to?”

Bilksem.” There was a pause.“Leo the True? What sort of name is that?”

Should he have a name like Sayf the Bloody Blade.”

Bilksem laughed. “I've been wondering how to deal with that prick. He goes around executing villages. Murdering the men. It's terrible.”

Relief washed through Siwang. He glanced back at Caihong and his step-mother, nodding and smile. “I'm glad we feel the same.”

It's a waste. How will they grow their food if they are dead? It's pointless to kill them. They're frightened lambs. They hand over what they have without the need of killing them.”

Siwang's smile fell and his stomach curdled. “You think it's right to raid them for their food?”

Of course. They're in my territory. I own these lands. They're peasants. Isn't that how it worked in old days? The lord, given his divine right to rule by God, claimed the food. Like a tax. Well, the Incarnation gave me the right to rule.”

But these elves already have a lord. A king.”

He's not doing a good job stopping me.” Bilksem laughed again, this evil sound.

They're starving because you're taking all their food.”

I'm a hungry man. I have big appetites.”

I see.” Siwang did not like this. “You're one man? How much food can you possibly consume that you would have to let them starve?”

One man? My monster girls have to eat!”

They do not require sustenance!”

You don't feed yours? How cruel to deny them that pleasure.”

Siwang ground his teeth together. “They do not have to eat or sleep. They are magical beings, not of the flesh like us.”

I like watching them eat. To glut. It's wonderful. I want them all plump. There's not enough meat on any of them. And you know what, when you have Life, you can ignore the problems of being fat. No doctor to whine about cholesterol, blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetes here.”

Such an ugly laugh echoed from the builder. It was disgusting. Siwang pushed down his loathing for the man. He had to exhaust diplomacy first even if it felt pointless. “Be that as it may, I have come to negotiate for you to join Emperor Leo's service. He is a powerful dungeon builder who can protect you from enemies.”

Siwang, a satyr is watching us,” Kyuuma reported. “He has another exit.”

An alliance?” Bilksem asked. “Why?”

Surely you're worried about Sayf the Bloody Blade and what about the Glowing Specter.”

True. They are concerning me. They disrupt my digestion. But can this Leo can help? I've never heard of him. How powerful is he?”

Very. He has destroyed Tuerien Ironbane.”

Never heard of him, either. Well, I am worried. So I think you are just what I need to help.”

Good, then we can talk?”

Why yes.”

The ground beneath Siwang's feet opened up and he fell into a pit screaming.

Chapter Seventeen

Siwang gasped as he fell, his robes billowing around him. His mind seized with panic as—

Caihong seized him and spread her wings wide. Feathers rustled he jerked to a near stop in her arms. A moment later, he hit the bottom of the pit hard. His right leg snapped. The bone cracked and pain exploded through him. He rolled on the ground, tumbling with Caihong.

A boom echoed overhead.

Siwang!” his step-mother shouted. “He closed the pit!”

Siwang didn't answer. He snarled at the pain ripping up his leg. Caihong lay on him. She scrambled up, her feathers spilling through the air. She bled from a cut on her head. She gained her feet and whipped her head around. They were in darkness.

“I'm sorry,” she gasped as she stared down at him in pain. “You were too heavy for me to stop your fall. Oh, no, you're leg.”

“It's okay,” he said. “Set it.”

Siniya the wendigo died followed by Predatelstva, a yuki-onna.

We're under attack, Siwang!” Guang informed him.

My leg's broken,” Siwang sent to all his monster girls. “Caihong saved me.”

You lived,” Bilksem said with some surprise. “We'll have to change that.”

A blast of lightning slammed into Caihong. She fell on the ground, back smoking. It hadn't felled her, though. She sang. A soothing and inspiring song that filled the corridor and banished the pain in his leg. He couldn't walk on it, but he could focus.

Strong and durable, let the strength of Lord Nabu shield!”

A metal shield sprang up before him as a second blast of lightning exploded at him. The light revealed a bronze-skinned monster girl with white hair. Tall and busy, she raced forward on hoofed feet. Lightning crackled from her mouth, exposing her position.

Siwang had never seen a monster girl like her.

She jumped high over him. He twisted around to track her progress, but his leg slowed him down. She landed on the singing Caihong and crushed her head. She burst into motes that spilled around the enemy monster girl's legs before vanishing.

Radiance erupts, let the brilliance of Lord Shamash explode!” snarled Siwang.

A burst of light exploded, sending the strange lightning monster girl stumbling back, blinding her in the near-darkness. It gave Siwang a chance. He found the next spell to use, a plan forming in his mind.

Light can bend, let the lie of Lady Sherida hide,” he whispered and vanished.

He rolled to the side as Khvosta, one of his lamia, died.

The lightning monster girl looked about, blinking her eyes. The crackling lightning in her mouth gave Siwang enough light as he slid on his belly, fighting against the pain in his leg. Her hoofs clicked as she turned around.

“Invisibility,” the monster girl said. “That's a neat trick.”

Hard and unyielding, let the steel of Lord Nabu attack!” he chanted.

She jumped instinctively at the sound of his spell-casting as the bar of metal from him and swept beneath her. It hit the far wall and burst with sparks before vanishing. The spell broke his invisibility, revealing him. She landed, her eyes sparkling as she focused on him.

Strong and durable, let the strength of Lord Nabu shield!”

Lightning struck his shield. Sparks sizzled that half-blinded him. The spell vanished. He prepared to cast another, but she was crashing down on him. The monster girl straddled him and clapped a hand over his mouth.

He snarled against it, panic consuming Siwang as her eyes sparkled with such sadistic gloat. She licked her lips and purred, “Can't speak. Can't fight. Poor, poor dungeon builder. You thought you could bully my owner?”

Movement flashed overhead. Something moved in the darkness.

His step-mother slammed down on the enemy monster girl. The creature screamed and reared back, ripping her hand from his mouth. She rose to her height and slammed into the wall, hoping to crush Xiongbu, but she was a wraith who could phase through the wall.

Cold and hungry, let the power of Lord Nergal consume!” snarled Siwang. Leach Life struck the enemy monster girl. Her energy flowed into him. His leg popped as the power mended his broken leg.

The enemy monster girl snarled in pain as he fed on her life. She arched her back and exploded into a burst of molten light. His step-mother fell to the ground and crouched there. She scurried to him as darkness plunged down over him.

“Siwang!” she gasped and hugged him.

Above, Shkala, one of the lamia died, followed by Raevatima, a tennyo.

We're entering the dungeon!” Yinfu shouted in Siwang's mind. “Has your step-mother reached—”

Yinfu died.

What happened to Yinfu?” demanded Siwang as he hugged his step-mother in the dark.

She stepped on a lightning blast trap,” Guang reported.

“Are you okay?” his step-mother asked.

“Fine, fine,” he said. His leg still hurt. He hadn't fully mended it, but he put weight on it and rose. It was dark in the enemy dungeon, but he wasn't worried about that. He leaned on his step-mother and whispered, “Pain retreats, let the chill of Lady Ereshkigal sustain.”

Endure pain stole away that discomfort. He could stand on it normally. A dangerous spell to use. He could easily push his body too hard and die, but right now he needed all the help he could get. He wished he had Life.

Well, he would have it soon.

Steel wards with unyielding strength, let the defense of Lady Nisaba protect,” he spoke next. A suit of armor appeared around him thanks to Metal Coat.

“You're going to fight?” Xiongbu asked.

He nodded and chanted his next spell, Flamebody. “Incarnation of flames, let the passion of Lady Lamashtu embrace!”

Fire crackled beneath the armor. He smiled and said, “Mother, let's find him.”

She nodded. “Care to light the way?”

He smiled and cast Illuminate, a Beginner Light spell that conjured a floating, blowing ball. “Brilliant and revealing, let the light of Lord Shamash float!”

The dark walls of the dungeon came into view. He marched down it, his step-mother taking the lead to find any traps. Above, a salamander named Anfibia died. Followed by a tennyo named Alamkaraya and a harpy named Kantavak.

His step-mother ducked into the floor. She moved through it, her arms sweeping through the stones, searching. He followed her, his armor clinking behind her. At the end of the hallway were it branched in two, she paused.

“There's a trap here,” she said. “Another pit trap like the one he triggered beneath your feet. Unless he created it.”

“No, no, I was in the dungeon,” Siwang said. “It must have always been there. A trap that he moved his monster girls into position. He must have had her near the entrance.”

Xiongbu nodded as she kept scouting. Shouts echoed through the room. Muyang perished.

This is a nasty trap room,” Shui sent. “The light so bright we can't see. She fell into a pit fall trap in the floor.”

More died. Alienta the salamander, Ocharovaniye the lamia, and Frosseta the adlet.

Brutal,” Mei hissed, “But we're through.”

We're exploring, too,” Siwang sent, his heart pounding.

Siwang,” Guang said with exasperation in his tone. “Stay put. Let us kill him.

His step-mother glanced back at him. He shook his head and kept moving. She sighed and swept her arms through the floors, hunting for traps. She wasn't finding any. That was relieving. Or worrying. What if she missed one. A wrong step, and Anji...

He would never see Anji again.

The ghosts are scouting the dungeon, trying to find us a path,” Tukeni reported. “This place is deadly. I don't think you should be moving, Siwang.”

Absolutely not,” Kao added. “The orcs are eager for the fight. Let them kill this bastard.”

Siwang smiled and sent, “Bilksem must be sweating. He chose treachery.”

That's right!” Kao said.

Siwang and his wraith came to a door. A heavy one that looked locked. Siwang stared at it. He didn't have the magic to batter it down. Leo could get through this door with ease. He glanced at his step-mother, a sly smile on his lips.

“Do you think it opens from the other side?” he asked.

She laughed and passed through the door. A muffled shout preceded the lock click open. Siwang yanked open the door as his step-mother scream. She burst into motes before him, torn apart by a snarling rakshasa on the other side of the door, her maw dripping with notes.

His step-mother had to make herself solid to open the door. It had left her vulnerable.

The rakshasa leaped at him and crashes into his armor. Claws screeched across metal. Her jaw snapped own on his head, trying to crush him. The tiger monster girl snarled as he slapped his hands into her side. Flames burned in his gauntlets, the metal hot. Skin sizzled. A terrible sound filled the air. She yowled in pain and jumped back.

Her feline eyes fixed on him. Beyond her, a man lounged on a throne. Naked and fat. He had food crumbs all over his corpulent belly. His extra chins wobbled as he pointed a finger at Siwang and almost negligently chanted the spell for Lightning Spear.

Spark of lightning, crackle of electricity, let the wrath of Lord Enlil explode!”

The crackling spear of lightning struck Siwang, bursting across his armor and snuffing out the protection of Flamebody. He reeled back from the attack and knew that another one was already coming.

Spark of lightning, crackle of electricity, let the wrath of Lord Enlil explode!”

Strong and durable, let the strength of Lord Nabu shield!”

Siwang's metal shield blocked the second blast of lightning. Sparks sizzled in the air. His conjured defense vanished revealing the rakshasa leaping at him, snarling. She struck him and knocked him back, her claws scratching at his armor.

Fire explodes, let the rage of Lord Gibil erupt!” snarled Siwang.

Fireburst engulfed the rakshasa. She flung off him, her whiskers burning. The stench of roasting flesh filled the air, a terrible stench.

Life energizes and enervates, let the grace of Lady Ianna empower!” chanted Bilksem. He threw himself off the throne.

The fat, naked man raced across the room far, far faster than should be possible. An Olympic sprinter couldn't clear that ground fast enough. He leaped over his dying rakshasa and flung his heavy body right at the prone Siwang.

Death reaps and harvests, let the scythe of Lord Nergal kill!” roared Siwang.

A spectral scythe flashed out for the fat man. It struck an aura of static energy that sizzled around Bilksem and neutralized the attack. The enemy landed on Siwang, his armor creaking from the weight. A fleshy smile spread on Bilksem's lips.

Sizzling touch, the spark of pain, let the prowess of Lord Enlil stun!”

Stunning Touch shot through Siwang. It was excruciating and it would have incapacitated him, but he had Endure Pain. Bilksem smiled down at Siwang. He thinks I'm stunned, flashed through Siwang's mind. “That he's won.”

Bilksem's triumph was so sickening to see. He licked his lips like he wanted to eat Siwang.

Cold and hungry, let the power of Lord Nergal consume!” Siwangroared, putting all his disgust into the words.

The spell struck the fat builder. Shock crossed his face as he recoiled. “How?”

He stumbled back as his hands blistered. Leach Life stole his vitality and flowed into Siwang. It strengthened Siwang as Bilksem fell onto his fat ass. His blubberous belly jiggled as he thrashed. Siwang rose to his feet, staring at his enemy. He would be dead soon, but...

He wasn't dying fast enough.

Revitalize sustained him.

Hammer concusses, let the might of Lord Ishkur deafen!”

Thunder Hammer slammed into the crown of Bilksem's head and cracked it open. Blood spilled down his scalp as he fell on his back, his fat jiggling. Power rushed into Siwang as the dungeon shuddered. He clenched my fists as he gained new power.

A new Glyph burned on his chest.

Siwang stared down at the dead body then around the room. He was alone. The scent of cooked food filled the air. He looked about and found a kitchen. Food had been actively being cooked. Had the pig kept a monster girl or two in here keeping him fed?

Siwang found sacks of grains, racks of salted meat, jars of pickled vegetables, and cans of fruit preserves. The pantry bulged with so much food. It could feed hundreds. He shook his head at how sad this was. All these people suffered so that disgusting sack of pig shit could feast.

After about ten minutes, Guang arrived. His lampetia and former teacher hugged him from behind. He savored her embrace. Her hands caressed him. Soothed him. He was glad to have her. His women always knew how to comfort him.

He couldn't look at that body. He hated killing. Hated that all this suffering happened in the world. Didn't they understand how precious life was? Siwang was so grateful that he had his second chance. So thankful that Leo offered him friendship.

“Gather up the food,” Siwang ordered, pushing down his pain. “We have to return it to the villages.”

Chapter Eighteen

Munjan emerged for the dungeon into the elven forest with his monster girls. His companions were eager for the fight. Melin stood nearby, the mage, fiddling with his medallion. He looked magey in his robes.

“Hellhounds, find the dungeon!” Munjan barked.

“We will,” Luza the hellhound squealed. She darted to him and licked his face, her tongue sliding over his lips. Then, with her tail wagging behind her, the Fire monster girl loped off with the others.

“We are going to destroy him,” Munjan said and held up his hand to him.

Melin returned the high-five with a big grin. Munjan taught his friend how to do this.

“We'll kick his ass,” Macka yowled, the nekomata's two tails swishing behind her. They both crackled with lightning. She was a nubile thing with ebony skin and white stripes running down her sides. Her golden eyes sparkled

“Our team always wins when we cheer them on!” Vina screeched, the maenad thrusting her pale arm in the air, her wild, black hair whipping around her face. Her red eyes sparkled with madness.

“That's right!” Plamena jumped into the air, all four of her arms thrusting high holding burning swords. Her bronze tits bounced as she landed. “Go, Munjan, go!”

Andrea did a high kick, flashing her angelic pussy. Her halo pulsed as she squealed, “We're going to crush him!

“That's right!” Talasa, the gray-skinned selkie, jumped in the air and kicked out both her feet, an aerial splits, before she landed. “Isn't that right, Melin?”

Melin nodded and grinned.

“Yep!” Tira nodded. She was my claimed companion. She snuggled up to Melin. An asura, she had bronze skin like Plamena and four arms. The former stripper grinned. “I love being on this team.”

Munjan grinned. The same excitement always filled the air at a pep rally before a big game. He wanted this to last. An idea popped into his head. “Which ever hellhound finds it gets to spend the night in my bed,”

They all yipped back at him.

Then the waiting began. The hellhounds were scouting the area. His other monster girls were close at hand, ready to guard him and to take the fight to Sayf the Blood Blade. What an utter douchebag. I mean, he sounded like a complete sick fuck.

Decimating villages. Munjan couldn't wait to put him down and steal his power.

After about thirty minutes, Aullida the hellhound squealed in his mind, “I get to spend time in your bed, Master! I found it! I'm southwest of you!”

Hellhounds, converge to the southwest,” Munjan sent.

Yes, Lord Munjan!” the rest chorused.

“Shall we?” Munjan asked, offering his arms to his monster girls.

Macka and Andea took his arms and giggled. They snuggled up to him. He had his angel and his nekomata. He smiled as Tira kept a hold of Melin's arm. The pair had become quite close. That made Munjan happy.

His sluts were Melin's to enjoy. Munjan would take care of the mage who saved his life.

Guided by the hellhounds, Munjan's force found the entrance to Sayf's. It was carved into the side of a cliff. There was nothing subtle about it. The entrance was grand with two statues flanking the sides of busty women who “held up” the opening.

Munjan smiled at the hotties. “Man, he does have style. Shame he's a douchebag.”

“Shame,” Melin said, glancing at the tits.

“Mine are better,” Tira said. “Right?”

“Oh, yes,” groaned Melin, glancing at her bronze tits.

“Mmm, I love it,” Plamena said. “You should copy this style.”

“I'm for it,” said Talasa.

“I'll think about it.” Munjan looked about. He had to command this invasion. Oozes, you're first. Hellhounds, follow. Then cockatrices, choirs, and will o' wisps! We'll bring up the rear.”

“Yes, Lord Munjan,” Samudri the ooze said before she and her two gelatinous friends darted in first, their bodies jiggling.

The hellhounds howled and charged in next followed by the cockatrices, choirs and will o' wisps. Right now, the alarms were going off. Sayf would be shocked. He'd have to scramble to defend his dungeon.

Munjan smirked and strode in with his companions, Melin and Tira bringing up the rear. It grew dark in the dungeon, but the choirs all glowed and the halo about Andea's head shone with a brilliance. Munjan felt he was in the dungeon.

He had to take this seriously and chanted, “Lightning crackle and hiss, gird me in the love of Lady Uttu.”

Static Aura crackled around his body. His monster girls grew alert as they ventured into the enemy's dungeon.

Traps!” Samudri reported. “We're disabling it.”

Munjan nodded as they pressed forward into the dungeon, passing bas-reliefs of more busty women. The guy had them decorated every dozen steps. He was hornier than Leo, and that was saying something.

The hallway branched ahead. The hellhounds sniffed about and all pointed to the left. He nodded. They headed that way. The oozes found a few more trap before the hallway rounded a corner and widened, growing twice as wide. It became almost a hall, but not quite.

The oozes marched in followed by the hellhounds. It was dark ahead. Munjan, near the rear, had trouble seeing what was going on. Suddenly, shouts erupted ahead. Women screamed and yip. Metal jangled.

Lahara the ooze died along with Estrella and Cola the hellhounds.

“What is that?” roared Munjan.

The thunderous shouts of the cockatrices resounded. Lights flashed from the choirs as they sang their heavenly arias. Metal crashed. His monster girls were fighting goblins. He spotted them in the flash of light.

Then wildhounds leaped out of the shadows, their pale bodies fierce. One slammed into Samudri and ripped he apart. She died as chaos engulfed Munjan's monster girls. The fight was one. His heart pounded with excitement.

Zelenyy the choir died.

Munjan pushed forward with his monster girls.

Foneva the cockatrice died.

Sparks flared as the monster girls fought. Hellhounds bayed. Wildhounds screamed.

Aullida the hellhound died.

A goblin's scream was cut off. A final burst of motes drifted through the hall as Munjan and his monster girls reached the fight. It was over. He looked around at his panting monster girls, the hellhounds all smiles. The glowing cracks of hellfire that crossed their black bodies swelled in ruddy intensity.

“We killed a dozen of them, Lord Munjan,” reported Luza the hellhound. She wagged her tail. “A few escaped.”

“That has to be most of them,” I said.

“Yep, that's what—” Streamers of silk shot down from the ceiling and grabbed Luza. She screamed as she was yanked up int to the shadows above and died, her motes drifting down.

And she wasn't the only monster girl grabbed by streamers of silk.

Mellekneva a cockatrice, Zhovtyy a choir, and Zvaigzde and Kometa, who were both will o' wisps, gasped as they were snatched up into the shadow ceilings and died, glimmers of their lives falling down on the stunned party.

Battle cries erupted as orcs burst out of false section of the walls. The green-skinned monster girls were armored and holding swords. They slashed, cutting down Mordera a hellhound, Ige a cockatrice, Rozhevyy a choir, and Menuli a will o' wisp.

Munjan stood stunned. Sayf the Bloody Blade had Level 2 monster girls.

More silk shot down from the ceiling. Arachne prowled up there. They seized Szo, Siryy, and Vidurdieni. Thecockatrice, choir, and will o' wisp were hauled upward screaming to their deaths. The orcs hacked at his forces as Munjan shook his head.

He had to fight.

A gout of flame, let the breath of Lord Gibil burn!” he shouted.

Burning Breath swept up into the shadows, revealing the arachne. The flames engulfed two of them. They screamed as they burned, dropping to the ground and bursting into motes before they hit the stones.

“Bastards!” Macka snarled, the nekomata leaping forward onto an orc, her tail sparking. The orc spasmed as she ripped at the monster girl, tearing her apart.

Kikotesi screamed at an orc rushing at Munjan. The orc stumbled and slashed her sword, cutting off the cockatrice's head. Kikotesi's attack cut off as she vanished into gleaming sparkles. The orc grinned and slashed at Munjan.

Static Aura discharged in a crackle of lightning, killing the orc.

Nevmas and Mondata, last two cockatrices, screeched at the same orc. Together, the Level 1 monster girls over came the Level 2. They stunned the orc who fell onto her back. The two cockatrice fell on the enemy and tore her apart.

Three will o' wisps—Saule, Uztemima, and Vanikas—all shot their ball lightning at one of the scurrying shadows at an arachne, felling the spidery monster girl. An orc's sword cut down Vanikas a moment later.

Tira and Plamena charged at the orcs, both asura's holding their fiery swords. They hacked at the orcs, dancing with death. They cut down the orcs, the enemy monster girls bursting into motes. There was a lot of them.

Spark of lightning, crackle of electricity, let the wrath of Lord Enlil explode!”

Munjan's lightning spear killed another arachne scuttling along the ceiling.

Sum Gidim!”

Spectral scythe from Melin cut in half another arachne, her body vanishing into motes. Andea threw a halo of light that cut off an orc's head. Then she screamed, stabbed from behind by another of those green-skinned bitches.

The angel vanished.

Blakytnyy the choir died. So did Cueva and Boca, a pair of hellhounds.

Urudu Hum!”

A bar of metal crashed into the orc who killed Andea, sent by Melin's magic. Her breastplate crumbled. She fell gasping to the ground, her chest crushed. She couldn't breathe as she slowly died. Munjan ignored her and focused on the last arachne that had killed Blakytnyy.

Water's crushing weight surround, feel the grasp of Lord Enki squeeze!”

Watery Grasp seized the arachne. Her eight legs flailed in the sphere as it crushed and drowned her. Talasa breathed a stream of water that knocked over an orc about to cut down Caza. The hellhound pounced and tore the orc's throat out.

The orcs were still thick in the fight. Macka died. Munjan missed it. So did Uztemima, one of the will o' wisps. Korychnevyy the choir fired a blast of light into an orc's face. The monster girl staggered back, half-blinded, but still managed to cut down my choir, killing poor Korychnevyy.

Hammer concusses, let the might of Lord Ishkur deafen!” Munjan roared.

Thundered hammer caved in the orc's head.

The last orc spasmed, being suffocated by Vaju the ooze, died. The battle was over. Munjan panted and looked around. He had Melin, Vina, Plamena, Talasa, Tira, Saule the will o' wisp, Chervonyy the choir, two cockatrices namedNevmas and Mondata, Caza the hellhound, and Vaju the ooze. No one else had survived.

“Level two monster girls,” Munjan said, shaking his head. He smiled. “We won, though, and he has only two elements. Let's keep going. We have him.”

“Yeah, we do!” Vina said, her eyes burning wildly with madness.

“Yes! Go team, go!” Plamena waved all four of her burning swords above her head.

“I'm with you,” Melin said.

Munjan smiled as they pressed deeper into the dungeon.

Click here for the next part! 


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