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Chapter Twelve

An hour later, I had all my companions, my most loyal servants, and King Thanitis in my meeting room to discuss how to tackle meeting with King Barianialitha. I sat down at the head of the table. I left Siwang out of the meeting but included Munjan.

Siwang was out of the dungeon, so I couldn't have brought him here if I wanted to.

“We will need a plan if this goes badly,” I said. “Or if this is a trap. I want to go in and meet him in good faith, but...”

“Elves can't be trusted,” said Garnet, her eyes hard.

“Interesting,” said Fara.

Garnet blushed red. “I mean... I didn't... Not you! You're different.”

“People in power are not to be trusted,” said Nina Naughty. “Elves, men, it doesn't matter. They saw a way to twist it to their advantage. They took it.”

“Some advantage,” muttered Morana. “They rejected the Dark Lord and now are under occupation of Fuegin.”

“So ungrateful!” huffed Alizee, her white hair dancing around her head.

“Exactly,” I said. “That is way I want to make sure I don't get trapped. That...” My gaze drifted to where Halia liked to sit. Vern sat there, the human warrior giving me a puzzled look.

“They are supposed to have lots of mages,” King Thanitis said. “That is how they defend the capital from builders.”

“Are there any builders in the forest?” I asked.

“Yes, yes, if we crush any interlopers, we can show them we're on their side,” Bjorni said. The bugbear looked fierce.

“Win hearts and minds,” said Terra. “Like we tried to do in Iraq in the early aughts.”

“Only we'll be successful,” said Alizee. She jumped to her feet. “Lord Leo will wipe out the evil builders and win the king's favor. Go, Leo!”

“Go, big bro, go!” squealed Garnet.

“I have no idea if there are,” King Thanitis said.

“Statics bear out there should be,” said Hagane. “It is something we should offer.”

“Absolutely,” I said. “Their is no way I wouldn't.”

“What is the layout for the city?” Crystal asked. “That's where we should start.”

“Yes, maps are wonderful things,” said Chara. The icy snake woman smiled. “I always love staring at them in the front of fantasy books. Just thinking about things.”

The king began to sketch out the city, talking as he went. “The city is ovoid shape with the palace at the north. It widens as it goes south before tapering again. In the center, where the city is thickest, lies the Mighty Linden with its chimes. That is where the Blessed Blade of Wind will be held. The temple is built into the trees high above the rest of the city.”

“Not only should we make preparations to get you out safely,” Crystal said, “but we should be ready to take it.”

“Yes,” said Mrs. Maia. “There is little point in prolonging this affair. If they betray you, we'll get you out and strike at the temple. Bring the adventures there to grab the sword.”

I nodded. “Then let us figure out what to do for the worst case scenario and be ready.”

“If this can go badly, then you can't be there in person,” Maya said, her face rippling with worry. “You must use Illusory Doppelganger when you speak with the elven king. You're not going to be in that position again.”

Mrs. Maia nodded. “Absolutely.”

“It would be imprudent not to use it,” Hagane said.

“Yes! My number-on fan must preserve himself.” Lana Fulmine gave me a direct look.

“That is exactly the sort of scheme a dark lord would use,” Morana said, nodding.

“You should be using that spell all the time, dirty boy,” Crystal said. “It's far, far too useful.”

I rubbed at my left wrist and nodded. I glanced to King Thanitis, wondering if this was another elf I shouldn't trust. “What is the king like?”

King Thanitis leaned back in his chair. “King Barianialitha is an older elf. He's said to be wise and fair. He has ruled his people for a half a millennia.”

“He is said to have defeated three builders who have attacked his nation,” added Fara. “Or, at least, the capital.”

“How?” I asked. “Any indication that he unleashed a dragon.”

“Through cunning plans and his forces,” said Fara. “I do not know the power level of the builders, though.”

“Whose going to be the ambassador?” asked Alizee. “We have to know who we're sending with you to plan the backup plan!”

“Yeah,” Terra said, giving Alizee a surprised look. The wind sprite did have a reputation for being an airhead. “We don't want to send a lot of monster girls with your doppelganger. Let's not spook him.”

“That would not be wise,” Ms. Trueno said, the light playing on her coppery scales.

Mrs. Lucina's halo pulsed. “They do like their wind. Maybe we should send Paetu as the ambassador.”

“I would be honored to be your ambassador,” Paetu said. The genie rose and bowed. I had gained her from Sulanga Stormfury. She was a very useful monster girl in battles because she could turn into a whirlwind.

“I love it!” Garnet jumped to her feet, her red wings spreading wide. “Paetu is amazing. She's very faithful, and she has a yummy pussy.” My little succubus licked her lips.

“She is a loyal vassal you can trust with his, Dark Lord,” Morana said, black mist spilling around her pale body. “And I must second the yummy pussy comment from Dark Succubus Naughty Garnet.”

Paetu squirmed and sat back down. “Now I am blushing.”

Maya leaned close to me and whispered, “Her pussy is yummy. Though you know that, big perv.”

King Thanitis swallowed, sitting stiff. Akiz chuckled, the dwarven adventurer looking amused.

Now my cheeks were warm. It was one thing to say those things when it was just my lovers around, another thing when we had others. “We're not choosing her because she has a yummy pussy.” I caught Paetu's eyes. She stared at me in wonder. “She does, but I think she'll be a great choice for being a wind monster girl. And you are not monstrous in appearance.”

King Thanitis cleared his throat. “Perhaps, we should focus on the battle plan?”

I nodded and glanced at Hagane. “What's your battle plan?”

“Just assuming she has one?” asked Lysila. The priestess wore her blue vestments. She sat by her former king.

“Of course she has one,” Hagza said.

“Hagane doesn't visit the latrine without a plan,” Akiz added. The dwarf grinned at Hagane.

“Akiz,” Vern muttered. The human adventure shot me an apologetic look.

I waved my hand and nodded to my animated statue.

“I have been thinking about forming battle forces made of the elemental groupings. Twelve pods that can be assigned to various tasks. Your summoned companions would lead their element with support from claimed companions and your pledged servants where needed.”

I nodded.

“Now, if this goes badly, we need to consider conquering the city in its entirety,” Hagane said.

“What?” I stared at her in shock. “We just need to raid the temple and fight an ancient dragon.”

“We are planning for the worse case scenario,” said Hagane. “This is a kingdom that is on our border. A raid might very well precipitate a war. We must be decisive about this and make an agreement with King Barianialitha no matter the cost. So, we should use the Level 1 monster girls who are stationed in the outposts.”

“You want to occupy?” I asked.

“I did not say that,” she said. “Our goal should be through diplomacy or force to sign a treaty with King Barianialitha. Its nature should preclude the elves from a threat. Whether that makes them an ally, a subject nation, or a sovereign party that vows not to commit acts of aggression against our territory.”

“Yes,” Lana Fulmine said. “We do not want to fight a war. If we seize the city and capture the king, we can dictate the terms of our treaty.”

“If we steal the sword, the elves may be driven to reclaim it,” Mrs. Maia said. “We don't want that.”

“Best to just get a treaty of peace,” said Ms. Trueno, “but if we must use force, then it should be decisive.”

“History is full of idiots that tried to half-ass war, and it only got bad,” Nina Naughty said.

“Fine,” I said.

Hagane pulled out a book and sat it down. “Then here are the twelve divisions of our forces I suggest we use for organization from now on. I have excluded any forces that are guarding the embassies or the village of Astovin.”

The Lightning monster girls were lead by Lana Fulmine. She would have the will o' wisps (Sviesos, Zaibas, Svyte, Kibir, Gintaras, and Dvasia), the quetzalcoatls (Iaidas, Vaivory, Gyvate, and Sparnas), the thunderbirds (Erelisa, Griausti, and Dangu), and the cherubim (Kardas and Aureole).

“That is an eclectic force,” I said.

“Flyers with ground artillery,” said Hagane. “This gives them some flexibility in their tactics as does the Darkness monster girls.

Garnet would be leading that group. She had a large force of wildhounds (Hela, Ci, Du, Nos, Gwyllt, Marwo, Cysgo, Garda, Cior, Faire, Sula, Tura, and Caisleana) who would be joined by the arachnes (Damhanalla, Sreaga, Nimhe, Gaiste, and Greasai), the leprechauns (Mona, Tuar, and Ceatha), and the demons (Deamhana and Olca).

“We shall be Squad Dark Hotties!” Garnet declared, hopping up onto her seat and putting one foot on the table. She thrust her arm up in the air, her pigtails flying around her face.

Crystal shook her head. “Really?”

“Yep!” Garnet stuck out her tongue at our roommate. “You're just jealous that I thought of an awesome nickname first.”

Crystal rolled her eyes, more mist spilling off her frosty body.

“Mrs. Maia shall command the Life monster girls, of course,” Hagane said.

That force consisted of the satyrs (Bakara, Seeng, Havas, Khur, Doodh, and Ullo), the treants (Vrakash, Patta, Jadi, Supaaree, Chhaal, and Shaakha), the werebears (Bhaaloo, Panja, Daant, Garjan, and Maan), the werewolves (Bhediya, Chaandi, and Cheekha), the hydras (Garadan and Zahar).

“What's your nickname, Mrs. Maia?” asked Garnet. Her wings flapped eagerly and her tail swished behind her.

“I'm sure I'll think of something, honey,” Mrs. Maia said, not all that concerned.

“Maya, you will have support from other monster girls to make up for the deficiencies in your group,” Hagane said.

“We're amazing in water,” Maya said, folding her arms together.

“Of course,” said Hagane. “So besides the water monster girls, you will have Baaghi, Bjorni, Chara, Paanee, Ljosa, and Esclava to support you.”

“Ooh, a bunch of hotties,” said Maya.

“I am rather cold,” Chara said, the icy snake-woman grinning.

“So cold you literally make my nipples hard.” Maya giggled.

The water monster girls consisted of the oozes (Cikhala, Cikata, Philtara, Debake, Ole, and Vanaspati), the mermaids (Mas, Skela, and Pani), the hippocampi (Ghoda and Kelpa), the kelpies (Beduka, Jibha, and Thunkane), and the kappas (Kasava and Sela).

Garnet looked at Maya eagerly as Hagane continued on with the Earth monster girls led by Terra. She would have the cockatrices (Csirke, Asszony, Zoldi, Hangosy, Keki, Sikoly, and Hullo), the gorgons (Parklioni, Voka, Poznik, Valasy, Istota, and Cryvony), the rock elementals who did not protect Astovin (Achova, Achounika, Vieza, Voka, Posuk, and Zamaki), the basilisks (Skamianiela, Vielmi, Piaro, Mastab, and Dychannie), the oreads (Dongara, Apsara, and Spaika), and the ogresses (Voina and Pacvara)

“A solid force,” Terra said with a big smile on her face.

Alizee burst into giggles.

“I shall lead the Metal monster girls,” Hagane said, nonplussed by the jokes.

That force consisted of the goblins who did not protect Astovin (Skatitiesa, Sargsi, Tornisa, Acsi, Mekleti, and Pilsa), the red caps (Rudsa, Karsi, Ciniti, Kauja, Vardarbiba, Vacinsa, and Taktika), the orcs (Zobens, Briesmoni, Slepkavi, Orka, and Dzelzs), the animated armors (Brunasi, Aizsardzi, and Neredza), and the giants (Milzisi and Stiprsa).

Crystal would lead the Ice monster girls. She would have the wendigos (Ubiystvo, Rvata, Klyka, Zasada, Iovuskha, and Snegi), the yuki-onnas (Snezhinka, Moroz, Belyy, Prekrasnyy, and Sukkub), the yetis (Goloda, Zuby, and Yesti), and the jotnar (Vysokiy and Lednika)

Garnet gave Crystal an anticipatory look, waiting to see if she would give them a nickname. Crystal ignored our roommate.

Ms. Lucina led the Light monster girls. The choirs (Dobre, Nebesa, Zoloto, Dіvca, Povstanetsa, and Bohynya), the unicorns (Rih, Sriblo, Nezaymana, Chystota, and Kin), the aos sithe (Zhinka, Divochyy, and Hrudei), and the houris (Nebo and Poviya)

Nine had the Fire Monster girls. The fire sprites (Balleri, Jugari, Fantasmi, Hermosa, Joveni, and Verana), the hellhounds not guarding Astovin (Mirara, Escolta, Torre, Ojo, Buscara, and Castilla), the salamanders (Engana, Malvada, Astuta, Dolor, and Horca), the phoenixes (Vida, Pica, and Pajara), and the seraphim (Ciela and Ala)

“Well be Squad Burning Sluts,” Nina Naughty declared, her big, red boobs bouncing. She winked at Garnet.

“Love it!” squealed my little succubus.

Morana would lead the Death monster girls. The lemures (Cuvar, Vojnik, Porta, Predoka, Svetiliste, and Oltari), the ghosts (Duhot, Dusata, Grobi, Ipalsi, and Nevidena), the vampires (Palka, Krvi, and Udel), and the dullahans (Glavata and Konja).

“We shall be known as Squad Unending Beauty,” Morana purred. “Our undead perfection shall carry out your will, Dark Lord.”

I nodded to her.

Ms. Trueno would lead the Thunder monster girls. The cockatrices (Csirke, Asszony, Zoldi, Hangosy, Keki, Sikoly, and Hullo), the sphinxes (Talalo, Oroszla, Ordita, Gyama, and Igazsa), the sirens (Dala, Nimfa, and Veszeli) and the kitsune (Roka and Magasa)

“For the Wind monster girls, I am including both dragons,” said Hagane. “This will be our best airborne unit, so I want them with Alizee's forces.”

“Woot!” Alizee squealed.

So Alizee would command Agubnamus and Isatu, the two dragons, plus the Wind monster girls. The pixies (Oralosuva, Araksakaya, Kuluna, Aesa, Sevima, and Balakotuva), the harpies (Pihatu, Hota, Piyayuru, Bittaraya, and Kaputan), the hippogriffs (Asvaya, Rajaliya, and Tarkiyusis), and the griffins (Simhaya and Manna)

“Let's go Squad Flying Cuties!” Alizee cheered, thrusting her arm so high into the air, she flew from the floor and nearly crashed into the ceiling. Her white hair fluttered around her body.

“I am feeling so left out,” Maya said. “Okay, I am commanding Squad Wet Delights.”

Bjorni burst into roaring laughter, her fist pounding the table.

“Very wet,” agreed Esclava, the ifrit smiling.

“I'm wet right now, Leo,” Baaghi said, the rakshasa's feline eyes meeting mine. Her long whiskers twitched.

“As I said,” continued Hagane, “I have included all the monster girls not guarding your embassies or are your ambassadors. I think these should be the organization for our forces going forward. Though if we're going to be doing more city invasions—”

“Raids,” I corrected.

Hagane gave a slight inclination of her head. “Raids, of course. I was merely saying you should make more level one monster girls. They are more than capable of taking care of the mortal races of this world in numbers.”

“You have nothing for my girls,” Munjan said. “I don't have Leo's forces, but I could produce a group or two with my monster girls.”

Hagane glanced at him and said, “I believe your forces are well-suited to guarding our dungeons while our forces are committed.”

“So I'm stuck on guard duty?” Munjan asked.

I did not like that sentiment. He looked put out.

“What would you have assigned Siwang if he were here?” Munjan asked.

“He is not here,” said Hagane. “I would have him support us in taking a city. For you, Munjan, I think it would be prudent if were proactive in dealing with rogue builders that cropped up in our area. Increase your power. Search out Sulanga's dungeon since you are in his territory, That would raise your power to a Level 3 builder.”

“So I'll be useful?” Munjan asked.

“You are useful,” I said. “If band of adventures get in the dungeons while we're all out in the field, we're all fucked. I'm putting all our lives in your hands, Munjan.”

Munjan shifted. “Damn, sorry for whining. I'll find Sulanga's dungeon.”

Hagane nodded and said, “Now, for my plan. I propose to have you in your illusory guise enter the city with King Thanitis, a squad of ten of his soldiers for an honor guard, and Paetu. You will enter the city on horses and proceed to the palace.”

“You're okay with that?” I asked the king. “You and your men will be in danger.”

King Thanitis waved his hand. “I am sure King Barianialitha will seek to take me as a hostage instead of killing me, and for my soldiers, they know the risks. They also love you, Leo. You saved their families. They would follow you into the Grave.”

“We shall not leave you and your men at risk,” said Hagane. “Morana will be your secret guard. We shall place her forces beneath the palace. Her ghosts shall come up through the floor at once while Leo, safely in his Vault, can open up his dungeon across the city, including in the palace. Then the rest of your forces can rush up to pull the king and the soldiers to safety.”

“I will not let you perish, King Thanitis,” Morana promised, sounding solemn. “You are the Dark Lord's beloved pawn.”

“I will leave myself in the hands of the your unending beauty,” the king said, bowing his head.

“Backing you up will be Maya's team,” Hagane said. “Maya, you and your monster girls roll is to seize the leadership of the kingdom. The king, his daughter, and any lords or ladies. With so many unique monster girls, you should be able to sweep the palace guards with ease. If the dragon is there, you can stall her.”

“Sounds fun,” Maya said.

“Yessss, it doessss,” Paanee said. The naga swayed back and forth, eager for the fight.

“Securing the temple will be Alizee's team,” Hagane said.

“You're leaving something that important to me?” Alizee asked, blinking in shock.

“You are one of Leo's trusted companions,” said Hagane. “You are capable of great deeds. Since the temple is in the boughs of the Great Linden, you and your forces are the best ones to fly up and seize it. Lana Fulmine's team will support with her will o' wisps securing the base of the tree.”

“We'll have your back, Alizee,” Lana Fulmine said.

“I get to have Jane Dangerous guarding my back!” squealed Alizee.

I smiled at that.

“And the dragon?” asked Munjan. “She might not be in the palace. If she's in the temple...”

She put us in Alizee's team so we can be used,” Agubnamus said. “Lord Leo has the mana veins to unleash me.”

I nodded, understanding Hagane's plan. “If the wind dragon appears, Agubnamus, you will lead her outside of the city where I will engage her with you. I want to keep civilian deaths to a minimum.”

“Of course, my Lord,” the blue-scaled dragon-MILF said. She bowed her head.

“Ooh, ooh, will you unleash me, too?” Isatu asked. The younger dragoness shot me a hopeful look.

“Maybe,” I told her. “We'll play it by ear.”

“And what about my adventures,” Vern asked. “You left us out.”

“Again,” Akiz grunted.

Hagane glanced at me.

I steeled the pain in my heart and nodded.

“I have not, Master Vern,” said Hagane. “You are in command of the adventurer squad. You shall lead your adventures into the temple from the ground and retrieve the Blessed Sword of Wind. There maybe traps. I want yo out take all of your forces. Akiz, Ashiliozia, Sarkz, Vargi, Hagza, Bellia, Karvin, and Nomaz.”

Bellia perked up. The young woman looked so happy. I had saved her from captivity at the hands of Jindag. Now she was going into danger. She had been practicing with the other recruits from Astovin.

“I finally get to go on a mission?” she asked.

Sarkz, another dwarf, slapped her on the shoulder. “You're ready, lass. So are you, Karvin, and Nomaz.”

“Not me?” Melin asked. He was the last of the Astovin recruits.

Hagane shook her head. “You are Munjan's personal mage now. Your place is to assist him.”

Munjan grinned. The pair had become good friends. Best friends, even. Munjan shared his monster girls with Melin.

“And I'm with Leo, right?” Kassie asked. “His personal mage.”

Hagane nodded.

Hagza grinned and leaned back. “I'm might be Leo's lover, too, but I like being on the squad and getting into the thick of things.”

Bellia, her cheeks burning red, declared, “I'm Leo's lover, too!” She shot me a nervous glance. “Right”

I nodded. I hadn't bedded the other two female adventures, Vargi the dwarf and Ashiliozia the elf. They both had their own lovers, Sarkz and Vern respectively. I wasn't about to cuckold my loyal servants. That would be fucked up.

“That leaves many of us without a task,” Crystal pointed out.

Nina Naughty nodded. “You're not going to leave us out. I don't want to be lying around bored when the fun happens.”

Fun? What was fun about this.

Ms. Trueno said, “We're discussing invading a city. Don't be so flippant.”

“I have not forgotten you,” Hagane said. “Garnet, your squad shall—”

“Squad Dark Hotties!” squealed Garnet.

Hagane grimaced and pushed up her glasses. “Squad Dark Hotties shall patrol the streets. Mrs. Baldwin and Ms. Trueno, your forces will secure the northern part of the city around the palace while Mrs. Lucina and Terra, your—”

“We're Squad Earthly Delights,” Terra declared, her wiry hair spilling around her face. She wore an impish smile.

Hagane sighed. “Fine, fine, Mrs. Lucina and Squad Earthly Delights shall secures the southern part of the city. Nina—”

Nina arched an eyebrow.

Hagane shook her head in frustration then shot her gaze to Crystal. “Do you wish to name your squad something fanciful?”

“You can pick,” Crystal said.

“Fine, Squad Burning Sluts and Squad Frozen Sluts will act together.”

“Ooh, I like that name,” Crystal said. “Well done.”

“I thought it was dumb,” Garnet said.

“Just as dumb as yours?” asked the ice sprite.

Garnet bristled while Hagane just continued, “Squads Burning and Frozen Sluts secure the center of the city and support the mission to secure the Great Linden.”

“Perfect,” Nina said. “I do love working with Crystal.”

“It always is stimulating,” Crystal said.

I rose. “We must keep civilian casualties to a minimum.” I looked around at them and was glad that they all nodded. “Anything else?”

Hagane shook her head.

“Then we're finished,” I said “King Thanitis, I'll see you returned to your palace.”

“My thanks.”

We had a plan. I hoped it wouldn't come to occupying the city and taking the king captive. I would have to position my dungeon and monster girls. That would be a few hours of tedious work, but it would be worth it to do this right.

We must possess that sword. God, I hoped it was even in the city.

Chapter Thirteen

King Thanitis brimmed with hope when he returned to his palace. He appeared in his personal quarters. His betrothed, Lady Aliana, was on a divan reading a book. She closed it as she noticed him, her green eyes sliding to him. Black hair slid around her face. She rose in a dressing gown of pale blue that fell over her slender frame.

“How did it go?” she asked as he sank down into a chair. She moved behind him, her hands falling on his shoulders.

He sighed as she began massaging him. “We finalized our plans with Lord Leo. Hopefully, we will secure an alliance and the Blessed Blade.”

“Good, good,” she said, her voice growing breathy. “And Lord Leo is happy with your service and loyalty?”

“Very,” he said.

She slid her hands over his shoulders and down to his stomach. She pressed her lips into his ears, nuzzling against him as her hands found his crotch. She rubbed at him through his codpiece. He swelled at her touch.

“Wonderful,” she purred and began unlacing his codpiece. She threw it to the side. “Serve him well, my Lord.”

“I shall,” he said as her hands unlaced his pants. She reached in and found his cock. She drew him out.

“Be his loyal vassal,” she cooed, her hand stroking up and down his cock.

“Very loyal,” he groaned, savoring her hand stroking up and down his royal rod.

“Good.” She nibbled on his ear as she stroked him. She worked her hand up and down his cock. This was pushing the bounds way beyond propriety. “That's so good.”

King Thanitis just savored that hand flying up and down his cock. Being around Lord Leo's sexy monster girls was a trial for any man. All those exotic women naked, their breasts quivering, their pussies on display. Each one different and enticing.

He savored that hot hand stroking him. He loved feeling her working up and down his dick. She stroked him with her delicious hand. He groaned, the pressure in his nuts building and building as he pictured Garnet standing on the table, her small breasts quivering. Her tight pussy dripped with juices. Or Alizee hovering in the air, her legs spread wide, the pink folds of her cunt on display.

The way busty Nina's breasts jiggled as she said such wicked words.

The mist spilling down Crystal's round breasts. Touching her would freeze off his fingers, but it would be worth it.

Fierce Baaghi with her bountiful breasts and her tiger's head. Or crackling Lana Fulmine whose beauty could galvanize the blood. The lush delights of Leo's dryad or his angel and her overflowing bosom.

He envied his Lord.

Lady Aliana's hand flew up and down his cock. She stroked him with all that her might. She licked his ear as she stroked his dick. He groaned as the pressure grew at the tip of his cock. He hurtled toward that moment when he would come.

“Oh, my Lord, serve him,” whimpered Lady Aliana. “Serve the great and noble Leo. He is our sovereign, my King. He rules over us.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” King Thanitis groaned, his dick throbbing in his betrothed's hand. “My Lady.”

“Don't hold back your fervent passion,” she cooed, her hand flying up and down his dick. She stroked him with that silky grip.

He hurtled toward his orgasm, the lovely monster girls of Lord Leo dancing in his head. The cold and perfect Hagane. The flirty and deathly Morana. They spun in his mind as he hurtled toward that moment when he would erupt.

Lady Aliana's soft lips nibbled on his ear. That brought him closer and closer to bursting. Her hand flew up and down his cock. His nuts tightened. The pressure swelled at the tip, hurtling him toward that bursting point.

“Yes!” he howled and erupted.

His cum spurted into the air and splashed onto his pants. He groaned at his release, his betrothed fisting her hand up and down him. He gripped the armrest of the chair, snarling out his pleasure. The fire crackled before him.

“Be loyal!” moaned Lady Aliana as she milked his erupting cock with her delicate hand.

He grunted and kept spurting. The pleasure slammed through him. His eyes rolled back in his head. He panted as he hit that peak. His entire body shook. His heart thundered in his chest. A wave of dizziness swept through him.

He felt so damned good.

“Mmm,” she purred and released his cock. She moved around before him and brought her hand to her lips. She licked up his pearly cum that had spilled down the back of it. Her eyes were hot on his. “Sleep well, my beloved, and dream of me and our wedding night.”

She turned and sauntered toward the door of his chambers, returning to her own. The king panted, feeling so good. He closed his eyes, the warmth of the fire and his orgasm washing over him. He had a long day coming up.

Lord Leo would ensure it was a success. He could not be defeated.

*  \ * /  *

The dungeon rearrangement was ready. All the chambers to hold the reserve forces were in place. I stretched, ready for bed. Souleen smiled at me. Fara rolled up her map of the city. She had sketched out where to position everything.

“Good night,” I told her.

“Good night, my Lord,” she said and left.

“Who are you sleeping with tonight?” asked Souleen as Fara left.

I grabbed the Void Crystal. “I've neglected Bellia, and Paetu... She's about to be an ambassador. She deserves my attention.”

“So generous,” Souleen purred, her big (for her tiny frame) breasts jiggling.

Bellia gasped as she appeared in my chamber. She was lying on the floor in a dressing gown. She saw me and jumped to her feet. “My Lord!” she ripped off her white nightgown, revealing her trimmed, black bush and her round breasts. “Oh, my Lord, I am ready to service you!”

I winked at her and summoned Paetu. She appeared on the other side of me, naked and delicious. Her large, dusky breasts quivered. The gold rings threaded through her nipples gleamed. She wore gold bracers on her wrists and nothing else. Her shaved pussy dripped with her excitement.

“Leo!” she purred in delight and threw her arms around me. “Mmm, this is a pleasant surprise. Are Bellia and I pleasuring you tonight.”

“We are!” Bellia declared. She shot me a hesitant look, though. “Right?”

“Right,” I said. “You shouldn't have to ask if you're my lover, Bellia. You are.”

She smiled from ear to ear and threw herself against me. I had the djinn and the adventurer squirming against me. My hands slid down to squeeze both their asses. They both nuzzled their lips against mine and kissed me.

I savored the flavor of their mouths. Their soft lips worked together. My dick was so hard as I squeezed both their asses. I had to pleasure them both. I was eager for that. I broke the kiss, their eyes so hot.

“I have a wonderful idea,” the djinn said. She broke from me and took Bellia's hand. “Come on!”

She drew the girl out of the Vault toward my bed in the other room. I followed, my dick bobbing hard. I watched the two women, their black hair swaying down their backs. Bellia was so much paler than Paetu. She had the dusky-tan hue of the Middle East. An Arabic princess.

A genie.

Paetu winked at me before she fell on the bed and pulled Bellia on her. She had been Sulanga's sister-in-law, married to his brother. She hated him for claiming her and had been so loyal. She had been a valuable monster girl in so many fights.

I was eager to reward her.

The pair started sixty-nining. Bellia moaned as she was on top, her face buried in the djinn's snatch. I watched them, both moaning as they devoured the other. Paetu's dusky fingers squeezed Bellia's pale ass.

Then, with a flick of her hand, Paetu caused a whirlwind to swirl around my dick. I groaned as her winds suckled at me. It was like she was giving me an airy blowjob. She moaned, her fingers twirling for a moment longer.

“Enjoy, Leo,” she purred.

“Shit,” I groaned as the winds swirled up my dick.

The suction they created at the tip was incredible. The vortex pleasured me. I staggered and gripped one of the bed posts. The pleasure shot through me as I stood over the sixty-nining beauties. The adventurer and the monster girl devoured each other's pussies.

It was such a beautiful sight. A scene of pure cooperation and friendship that should be emulated. I was so delighted to see it as I enjoyed that wind swirling around my dick. My nuts twitched at the gusty grasp. It was amazing.

“Shit,” I groaned. “Oh, shit, that's good.”

“Mmm, enjoy, Leo,” purred the naughty djinn.

“Yes, yes, enjoy,” whimpered Bellia, her eyes flicking to mine. “I'm enjoying her pussy.”

I smiled at her. She was such an earnest girl. I was glad that she had joined my harem and served me, even if she was risking her life. She was fighting for her world. To make it better. I had to accept that.

I sucked in a deep breath as that wind suckled harder at me. Paetu swirled her fingers again. I groaned at her windy massage. The pressure in my nuts grew as I watched the sixty-nining hotties. They moaned and groaned. They made such delicious sounds.

I couldn't look away from them. My nuts twitched as the winds danced around them. The two women trembled together. They feasted. Paetu's fingers dimpled Bellia's pale ass. I loved the sight of them.

“Oh, Paetu!” gasped Bellia.

“Mmm, that's it, sweetie,” purred the djinn. “Just burst!”

“Yes, yes, yes,” gasped Bellia. “I... That's so good!”

She bucked atop the djinn, drowning her in pussy cream. I smiled at the sight, my nuts about to erupt. The djinn moaned, her fingers digging into the adventure's cute ass. Gold flashed on the djinn's wrists as she squealed in delight, joining her.

“Fuck,” I groaned as the two beauties climaxed before me. They drowned in each other in pussy cream. The spicy and tangy flavors filled my nose. “Oh, fuck, yes!”

I erupted.

My cum spurted into the wind. The end of the vortex grew frothy with my jizz. I shuddered, the whirlwind sucking at my erupting dick. I grunted again and again. I unloaded more and more of my passion, the pleasure slamming through me. It felt so good. All that pleasure shot through me. Stars flashed across my vision.

“Fuck!” I snarled.

I filled the end of the vortex with my jizz. The two women moaned as they enjoyed their passion. Bellia trembled as she feasted on Paetu. The djinn's legs kicked. I grunted as I erupted over and over again. It was so good.

“Damn, Paetu!” I groaned.

Bellia looked up and gasped, “Oh, my!”

“I know!” purred the naughty Paetu. She swirled her hand as I erupted one last time.

I panted, my body buzzing with delight. The funnel wound from my cock, carrying the cum right to Bellia's mouth. She opened wide and the whirlwind poured my spunk into her mouth. She squirmed atop Paetu as she enjoyed my spunk.

It was so hot watching my jizz pouring into her mouth. I loved the sight. My dick was so hard. A big smile spread on my lips as I watched, nodding my approval. The girl gulped down my cum and trembled in delight. The last drops spilled out.

The wind vanished.

“I have to fuck that cunt, Bellia,” I groaned.

Wind seized the girl. She gasped as she was lifted off Paetu. She spun in the air and landed on her back with her legs spread wide aimed right at me. Paetu rose and straddled the girl. The djinn winked at me and slid her hands up to cup her breasts.

“Fuck her so hard, Lord Leo!” she moaned.

I grinned from ear to ear as I climbed onto the bed. My dick was so hard. Tomorrow would be good day. I could feel it. Things would work out. King Barianialitha would be amenable to my overtures. He was a wise, old king. I just hoped he didn't have his prejudices.

That he wouldn't try to betray me like those elven fuckers.

I pushed down my rage as I brought my cock to Bellia's dripping bush. I nuzzled through her cunt hairs as she licked at Paetu's pussy. She feasted on the girl's snatch. I loved the sight as I pressed my cock into her folds. I loved the feel of her on me.

I thrust into her. She squealed into Paetu's pussy. My djinn smiled at me, her lips dripping with tangy pussy cream. I leaned forward and cupped her face. I kissed her. I loved the way her mouth melted to mine. She thrust her tongue into my mouth.

I made out with her as I drew back my dick. The delicious Bellia squeezed her cunt down on my cock. She held me tight as I buried into her cunt. I fucked her hard and fast. I plowed to hilt in her snatch. I fucked her hard.

“Lord Leo!” she squealed, squeezing her cunt down on my dick.

I kissed Paetu hard as I fucked the adventure's cunt. I hadn't enjoyed her much at all since taking her virginity. I had to spend time with my growing harem. Monster girls and the mortals who loved me. I churned up Bellia's pussy.

“Oh, yes, yes,” she gasped. “Oh, this is so good! I love making love to your monster girls, but... but... Your cock is the best!”

Paetu broke the kiss and purred, “Yes, it is.”

“Better than your husband's?” I asked, slamming into Bellia's snatch hard.

“So much better.” Paetu smiled. “I hardly remember him. He has the other me. The one who loves him. I'm your Paetu. I am glad that mother fucker brought me here. It was worth it to serve you!”

She kissed me again. Her passion was incredible. I savored it as I fucked to the hilt in Bellia's cunt. I pounded her hard and fast. Her pussy gripped me. She brought me closer and closer to cumming with every stroke into her pussy.

I loved fucking her. I pounded her with such force. She gripped me with that hot snatch. I loved it. I would just spurt my cum into her pussy. I would flood her with all that I had. It would be just fantastic. I couldn't wait to erupt in her.

I would flood her with so much spunk. Just flood her with all that cum that I had. It would be fantastic. I churned up her pussy. I fucked her twat with all that I had. It was brilliant to have her gripping me.

Paetu broke the kiss, moaning out, “Yes, yes, Bellia! You're so good at eating pussy!”

“I've been learning from all the monster girls!” she moaned. “They're all so sweet to me!”

“I bet,” I groaned, ramming deep and hard into her pussy.

“Especially the wildhounds. They helped save me!” She squeezed her pussy down on my dick. “And you saved me, Lord Leo!”

“Yes!” I growled, fucking her cunt hard and fast.

The pressure swelled in my nuts as that sweet pussy gripped me. Her thighs held my waist. She humped against me as she moaned into Paetu's pussy. She devoured the djinn's cunt as I fucked hard into that sweet snatch.

It wouldn't be much longer before I erupted. I loved the pressure swelling in me. I hurtled toward that big climax. I pounded her cunt, fucking her hard and fast. It was so good to bury into her. She felt so great around me.

“Lord Leo!” Bellia whimpered.

“Cum on his cock, sweetie,” whimpered Paetu. “Just cum on his big dick!”

“Yes,” I growled, gripping her big boobs. I squeezed her tits, loving their softness. “Explode on me, Bellia!”

I plowed to the hilt in her cunt. She squealed out in delight.

Her pussy went wild around my dick. She suckled at me. The heat rushed through my body. I loved how she nursed at me. It was so passionate to have her pussy writhing around me. It was so good to feel her worshiping me.

“Oh, yes,” moaned Paetu. She threw back her head and climaxed.

The Wind monster girl bucked on Bellia's face, drowning her in pussy cream. It was so good as I fucked the girl's writhing twat. The pressure in my nuts hit that bursting point. I buried to the hilt in her snatch and erupted.

I flooded her pussy with my cum.

The heat shot through me. Pleasure slammed through my mind. I groaned with each spurt of cum that fired out of my dick. It was so good. The rapture washed through me. I moaned with each blast of spunk that pumped into her cunt.

Would I breed her? Could I?

Her pussy convulsed around my cock. She milked me as she drowned in Paetu's passion. The pleasure slammed through my body. I groaned, loving this bliss. It was outstanding. My heart pounded in my chest.

I erupted one last time into her pussy. I felt so good dumping all my cum into her snatch. Her pussy rippled around me. It was such a good moment. I shuddered, enjoying how her cunt convulsed around me.

It was just perfection.

“Mmm, my turn,” Paetu purred. “Right?”

I grinned at her.

Click here for the next part!


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