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Chapter Eight

I was nervous as I peered through my illusory doppelganger.

We were on the edge of the elven forest, the Green Waters separating us from the woods. The boundary between Fuegin's new lands and the halfling nation of Milianire. I had Hagza with me along with a squad of animated armors led by Smerta. Around us were my two giants while my werewolves prowled in the grass. My vampires were ready to take flight and my dullahans to gallop forward. In the dungeon itself, Hagane waited with a backup squad to provide even more reinforcements.

This was where we were supposed to meet.

There are arachne in the trees watching us,” Smerta sent through the telepathic bonds.

I stared at the woods on the other side of the Green Waters. The shade of the trees painted the river that hue, perhaps the source of the name. It would flow east across Milianire to the Amorvin Sea, the great inland body of water.

Smerta was beside Hagza. If anything went bad, Smerta would get Hagza back to my dungeon. I didn't like exposing her, but someone had to take the sword. Just a day after contacting Fuegin about it, he had recovered it.

Vilkas was doing a good job, even if she was lonely and cut off from the dungeon. I hoped she didn't try to hunt down the leaders, the sages who had betrayed me. They had escaped Fuegin, as far as I knew.

They worried me. They knew things about builders. Deep magic. Ancient lost to others.

Something approaches,” said Stiprsa, one of my giants. She peered into the woods, at her full height. “A dullahan with a man.”

Out of the trees on the other side of the river, a dullahan appeared. She looked similar to my own, but I could tell she wasn't mine. Something about her spoke of a delight in fire. She was Fuegin's to the core.

She waded her horse across the Green Waters. A stout, balding man rode behind her, a sword strapped to his back. She reached the other side, glancing at Smerta. The dullahan wore a smug smile like it amused her I had brought protection.

“Lord Leo,” the dullahan said, bowing to me. “I have the high priest with the sword. Who will take it from him?”

“That would be me,” Hagza said.

My stomach clenched tightly as my dwarven lover stepped up. She had no fear as she moved beside Smerta. Hagza folded her arms before her, refusing to be intimated by the Level 4 Death monster girl. The dullahan only looked more amused.

“Dismount, rat,” she said.

“Yes, yes,” the man said. There was something wrong with his expression. It burned with bliss. Pure, unadulterated bliss. “Lord Fuegin has commanded me to hand this blade over to your servant, Lord Leo. I am so happy to serve him.”

“Who is this?” I asked as he approached Hagza.

“The high priest.” The dullahan smiled. “He's under the domination of my Lord's Siren's Wail.”

I grimaced

“He did not wish to cooperate, so this was the fastest way.” The dullahan laughed. “You do not like my Lord's methods. Yet, how will you get the swords from the temples that aren't under my lord's control. Or yours. Blood will be shed one way or the other.”

“I know.”


The priest handed over the sword to Hagza. The dullahan whistled like he was a dog. The priest rushed to her and scrambled back into the saddle. She wheeled her mount around and galloped toward the river. She splashed across it and vanished into the trees.

“Let's go,” I said. I kept up my illusory double as we headed for the dungeon entrance. I was still worried. If Fuegin launched an attack and managed to get a monster girl into my dungeon, it would be very, very bad. I was the one at risk here, not him.

But not attack came.

The moment Hagza descended into the dungeon, I released my spell and sat up from my seat in the Vault. Souleen flashed me a curious look. I nodded. She sighed in relief. I felt good, too. I grabbed the Void Crystal and closed my dungeon. I drove it deeper under ground, but kept the spur toward the forest. It would be useful.

Hagza appeared in the Vault with the sword.

“Well, that was painless,” she said.

“For us,” I said. “For that priest... Siren's Wail robs them of their thought. It's a disgusting spell.”

“Seems useful to me. Least he's alive.” She opened the door to the Goddess's chambers. Lady Sherida and Lady Ninli slept side by side. I had created a holder for the Blessed Blade of Metal. Hagza placed it in the spot and stroked it. She shivered. “It has power. I wonder if I could use it.”

“Let's not risk it,” I said. “We don't need to have to track it down again.”

“You just don't want me to die.” She shook her head. “I'm mortal, Leo. We all die. Even you builders. Death is not something to be feared. To be avoided, yes, but it is the end that comes to us all. But it's only the start of a new adventure. You might very well see Halia again in the next world.”

I nodded.

“Now, I think I deserve some of that big dick.” She licked her lips.

I snorted.

“Since we found the Blessed Blade of Metal, let's have Hagane join us.” I headed to the Vault, grabbed my Void Crystal, and shifted Hagane to my presence. She looked around and smiled at me, her eyes gleaming.

“Our alliance is bearing fruit,” she said.

“Is that good or bad?”

“Only that Fuegin is committed to this path for the moment. If he will stay committed, that is another question. He is scheming for his own advantage in this matter. Perhaps he is luring you in with this tactic.”

“We stay the course,” I said. “For now.”

“Of course,” she said and glanced at Hagza stripping out of her robe. The dwarf's big breasts appear. “I assume we are being rewarded for our leal service.”

“Of course,” I said.

*  \ * /  *

“Mmm,” Hagza purred with abject delight as she dropped to her knees and opened her mouth wide. The dwarf burned with delight. She swallowed Lord Leo's cock, moaning around him. It was so wonderful to have his dick in her mouth.

Wonderful, she thought.

Hagane wasted no time. Hagza loved the feel of the animated statue's cool, metallic fingers sliding through her thick bush and finding the folds of her pussy. Two fingers plunged into Hagza's cunt and buzzed to life.

The pleasure stirred through her body.

She moaned in delight at that heat humming through her. It was a perfect tree to enjoy. She quivered there as they stirred her up. Her eyes rolled back in her head as those fingers wiggled about in her pussy.

It was a delight.

A real treat.

Then they vibrated.

Hagza squealed about the dick in her mouth. She suckled hard on her lord as the animated statues fingers pumped buzzing in and out of her snatch. Hagza's cheeks hollowed with the force of her devotion to her Lord.

He groaned with the pleasure she gave him. That was quiet a stirring thing for her to do. She was more than happy with sucking on his dick. She swirled her tongue around his dick, nursing on him with all that she had as Hagane's buzzing fingers worked in and out of her pussy.

It's so great to be rewarded, thought Hagza as those fingers drove her pussy wild.

The buzzing fingers drove the dwarf to love her Lord's dick. She suckled on Lord Leo's cock with all her might, her cheeks hollowing. Her big boobs bounced as she worked her mouth up and down him. Her pussy clenched down on the buzzing digits.

They drove her pussy wild. She was enjoying every second of them teasing her like this. She rose toward that moment when she would burst. She would have a mighty climax. She couldn't wait for it to explode through her.

She swirled her tongue around her Lord's dick. She massaged him with it as those wonderful fingers buzzed away in her cunt. Hagane drove the dwarf wild. She clamped her pussy down on those vibrating digits, hurtling closer and closer to her orgasm.

“Damn,” Lord Leo groaned.

“Yes, she's quite enthusiastic,” Hagane said, her voice cool. Almost passionless.


“Your fingers are driving her wild. The way she moans...” Lord Leo's dick throbbed in Hagza's mouth. “It's incredible.”

Hagza winked at her Lord. The dwarven mage suckled with even more prowess. She worked her mouth up and down his dick as he stroked the multitude of her braids. He gripped a pair of them, holding her black tresses as she loved him.

She hurtled closer and closer to that moment when she would cum. Those fingers were naughty. And they grew even wilder when Hagane pressed her thumb into the dwarf's asshole. The fat digits popped into her bowels.


The dwarf squealed around Lord Leo's dick as the animated statue massaged both her holes. The pleasure swept through her. She squealed out in delight as her orgasm swept through her body. Her pussy and bowels spasmed around Hagane's digits.

“Damn,” Lord Leo groaned as she moaned around his dick.

She suckled so hard on him as the waves of pleasure washed out of her. She quivered, her big boobs bouncing as she trembled through her bliss. It was so good. The dwarf was in heaven as she worshiped her Lord's dick.

He growled out, “Hagza!”

He erupted.

His cum spurted into her mouth.

She groaned as his thick and salty load pumped over and over into her mouth. She gulped down his seed, the warmth melting down to her belly. She savored that wonderful delight. Her pleasure washed through her body.

Hagane stirred up the dwarf's spasming holes. More and more bliss flooded through her. She enjoyed it as she swallowed Lord Leo's spunk. He grunted, his handsome face twisting in delight. Even without a beard, he was a stunning male.

I love you, my Lord, she thought as she gulped down his final load of cum.

“Damn,” he groaned. “You need to be fucked in my your pussy.”

She ripped her mouth off his cock and gasped, “Yes, my Lord! Fractured rocks, fuck my cunt!”

Drool ran down her chin as she quivered there. Hagane pulled her vibrating digits out of the dwarf's holes, leaving Hagza shuddering. The animated statute shifted back. Metal clattered as she sat on her rump and spread her thighs.

Hagza glanced back to see the animated statue's pussy. Her lips were fully captured in the shiny metal. She was a work of art. Even the finest craftdwarf could not capture the wondrous detail of her labia and clit.

“You are beautiful,” Hagza groaned, turning on her stone. “Fissured stone, you are gorgeous.”

Hagza, lusting for the animated statue's perfect snatch, bent over and buried her face into the metallic monster girl's twat. The tang of metal filled her mouth as she licked at that cunt. Hagane had no juices, but she still tasted amazing.

Hagza licked and lapped at the animated statue's finely wrought pussy. Hagane moaned, her small breasts quivering. She pushed up her glasses as she enjoyed the delight. She tongued her as Lord Leo grabbed her hips.

He pressed his cock into her thick bush and found the folds of her pussy.

“Fissured stone!” moaned Hagza in delight as her Lord buried into her cunt.

His nuts sapped into her bush. She moaned at the heat of his dick plunging to the hilt in her. She squeezed her cave down on him, loving having his big pick in her. He would mine her and make her explode so hard.

She wiggled her hips, stirring her snatch around his cock. She tongued the animated statue's metallic twat. She licked at those tangy folds, savoring that wondrous flavor. Hagane moaned her own delight.

“Oh, my,” whimpered Hagane.

Hagza thrust her tongue into Hagane's depths and swirled around in the animated statue. That made her quiver in delight. She whimpered as the naughty Hagane teased her. She wanted to make her cum and cum hard.

That would be a perfect delight to her.

Lord Leo drew back his cock. Her pussy clamped down on him. She held him tight with her silky cunt. It was so amazing to have him in her. He buried into her twat. He fucked her with all that he had. It was so delicious. So wondrous.

He thrust in and out of her cunt. It was amazing having him mining her cave with his mighty pick. She squeezed her twat down around him, the pleasure rippling through her. He pounded her as she swirled around in Hagane's snatch.

The metallic monster girl shuddered. She whimpered in delight as Hagza feasted on her. The dwarf tongued the animated statue as Lord Leo pounded her. He fucked the dwarf hard and fast, his dick driving deep into her.

“Yes, yes, mine my cave!” moaned Hagza. “Find the treasure!”

“Yes!” he snarled as hes fucked her. “Damn, Hagza.”

She flicked her tongue to Hagane's clit. She stroked over the animated statue's bud. Hagane whimpered, her face twisting with delight. Hagza suckled on that delicious nub, savoring the metallic tang suffusing her taste buds.

Her Lord fucked her cunt hard and fast. He buried into her with all that he had. It was so good having him do that. He thrust into her again and again, driving her wild. It was so magnificent having him thrusting away at her.

She squeezed her cunt down on his big dick. He thrust into her again and again, hammering her with all that he had. It was so amazing. She wiggled her hips from side to side as he buried into her with all that he had.

“Mine my cave!” Hagza hissed, her orgasm rising.

“Shit!” growled Lord Leo.

He fucked deep and hard into her cunt. He buried into her with all that he had. He plowed to the hilt in her as she tongued Hagane's clit. The naughty dwarf suckled hard on the animated statue's bud. She nibbled on that little nub.

Hagane threw back her head and squealed out in rapture. No flood of juices gushed out, but the metallic tang of her pussy grew stronger. Hagza licked at the animated statue's cunt as Lord Leo drove his dick hard into her cunt.

“Fissured stone!” Hagza howled.

Her cunt went wild around his dick. She suckled at him as he grunted, spurting into her cunt again and again. She loved his seed splashing against the entrance to her womb. She would be so honored to bear his child.

“Hagza!” he grunted as he dumped more of his cum into her snatch.

“My Lord!” she moaned, her pussy milking his dick.

He spurted into her again and again. It was fabulous to have all that cum rushing through her. She grunted with each blast of cum that she fired into her cunt. It was fabulous to have all that pleasure rushing through her. She hit that amazing peak. She savored the heat washing through her as he fired his last spunk into her.

He ripped out of her and rose.

She purred in delight, his cum pooling in her. She lifted her heard from Hagane's pussy and turned to her Lord. She expected to see him smiling. Instead, he was gazing at the Void Crystal, his expression distant.


He still missed her.

“We must gain power,” Hagane said. “The hunt for builders must be expanded. We have much work to do.”

Leo nodded and sighed.

“We're getting close,” Souleen said. The little woman on the Void Crystal smiled up at him. “I know it. You're on the right path.”

Leo sighed and turned his back on them.

*  \ * /  *

Hagane rose and moved to her lover. She put her arm around him. She felt his pain. He needed comfort. She thought about summoning Maya. She discarded it, though. He had to face reality and not allow himself to be comforted by false platitudes.

“I know this is terrible, but you must become a tyrant to save the world,” Hagane said, her words clear.

“Really?” He shot her a look full of such disgust.

“What do you think about Abraham Lincoln?”

Confusion rippled across his features. “I mean, he's a hero. He ended slavery. Saved America from being ripped apart.”

“Yes, and he did it by being a tyrant.” She fixed him with a firm glance. “He put down draft riots with the army, killing hundreds. He suspended habeas corpus, and when the Supreme Court ruled against him, he ignored them. He eroded the checks and balances on the power of the president to do it, nearly destroying the republic in the process. He did what he had to do, and history smiles on him because of the good he accomplished while glossing over his... methods.”

Leo nodded slowly. “I suppose.”

“Most builders are corrupted by power and have to be stopped. You are protecting the world, and once we have all the swords and can protect the Incarnation, she will surely stop summoning them.”

“And the sooner we do this, the lest evil will spring up in the world.” Leo nodded, his back straightening. She could see that he was growing strong. “You're right.”

“I know,” she said.

“Arrogant bitch,” he said and shook his head.

“Stating facts is not arrogance,” she said. “Now, Hagza has achieved her reward, I insist on my own.”

“You insist?” he asked. “Didn't you have a nice cum from Hagza.”

“It's not the same when you do it to me,” Hagane said. She stroked his cheek. “I do love you, Leo, even if I have... difficult in expressing it.”

He stroked her cheek and said, “You're right. Thank you. I just...”

“I miss her, too.” She touched his heart, stroking over the myriad of glyphs that he had burned into his skin. “None of us live forever, Leo. What matters is what we do with his life we were given. Do we strive to make the world a better place, or a worse one. She strove to make it better unlike those elves.”

Anger flashed across Leo's face. “Fuckers are lucky they are not in my territory. I would...” He took a deep breath. “No, no, I can't think like that. I can't let the pain prod me into vengeance.”

She nodded.

He dropped to his knees before her and grabbed her hips. He stared at her pussy before nuzzling into her. She whimpered as he licked at her folds. They were so sensitive. She trembled, her legs shifting apart. She moaned in delight as his tongue stroked through her flesh.

Hagza slapped her on the ass. “You are a work of art, Hagane.”

“As are you,” the animated statue purred, her pussy feeling so good.

Hagza parted Hagane's butt-cheeks. A smile spread on her lips as the dwarf nuzzled into the crevice and found the animated statue's puckered backdoor. She quivered as the dwarf rimmed her and Leo devoured her.

It was glorious to have them both feasting on her. Leo's tongue boldly stroked through her folds. Pleasure rushed through her metallic body. If she had a heart, it would be drumming. Her asshole tingled as Hagza licked at it.

The dwarf swept her tongue around the backdoor. It was such a sensitive part of her. She was so glad to experience that. It was a delight to have the dwarf's tongue pressing on her asshole. Then that naughty appendage wiggled into the animated statue's backdoor.

“Oh, my,” she whimpered.

Leo's tongue stroked around her bud. He danced around it before burying into her snatch. She shuddered in delight, her butt-cheeks clenching about Hagza's face. Both of their tongues wiggled about in Hagane's holes.

Her passion echoed through the room. She slid her metallic fingers through Leo's hair. She trembled through all that delight. It was so good to feel them licking and lapping at her. She was happy for this delight.

“Oh, my, yes,” she moaned. “Oh, you two are just so wild. That's it. That's so good. Please, please, keep feasting on me.”

“Going to devour you until you cum!” he growled.

She shuddered at his words. She wanted that. His tongue stroked through her folds and danced around her clit. Hagza's tongue flicked around her asshole. It felt so good in her. She whimpered, her face contorting with this moment. She would have a mighty climax. She couldn't wait to burst in delight.

Hagza's tongue swept around in the animated statue's asshole. The heat melted to her pussy being so thoroughly plundered by Leo's tongue. Her lover stroked her with passion. He caressed over her clit. It was so amazing having him do that.

She loved it. The pleasure burst through her as she quivered on him. She tossed her head, wanting to just have a mighty climax. She would just burst with delight. Just cum so hard. She couldn't wait for the pleasures to rush through her.-

“Oh, yes, that's good,” she whimpered. “Oh, my, you know what you are doing to me, Leo!”

“Yep,” he growled and suckled hard on her clit.

She trembled, her orgasm swelling faster and faster. The naughty tongue danced around in her asshole. Hagza swirled it around in her. Hagane trembled, her wiry hair spilling around her shoulders. She threw back her head.


She climaxed.

Her pussy convulsed. Leo licked at her twat as the pleasure vibrated through her entire body. She loved his bliss sweeping through her. It was so perfect. She was so glad for it. She squeezed her eyes shut as the bliss suffused her mind.

She quivered, her glasses slipping on her nose. She pushed those up as he lapped at her. She moaned, her pussy so ready for his dick. She ached for him to fill her up. She wanted Leo's cock in her. She needed her lover.

“Please, please, I must have you in me,” she moaned.

He pulled his mouth from her pussy and stretched out on the ground, his cock thrusting up. “Then go for a ride!”

She smiled and dropped to her knees, straddling him. She grabbed his cock and raised it to her pussy. She wondered if her other self would ever get over her crush on Leo. She hoped she would. She deserved to find a man who could love her. Leo would have Maya.

But Hagane was lucky to be summoned to this fantasy world and have her desire for Leo satiated.

She pressed him into her metallic folds and plunged down him. Pleasure rippled out of her pussy. She groaned in delight, her boobs jiggling. It was a delight to be impaled on him. She squeezed her cunt down on his dick and wiggled hips back and forth. She stirred her twat around him and winked.

Her pussy vibrated.

“Shit!” he groaned.

She smiled at the pleasure sure gave him. And, well, when her pussy vibrated, it was pleasurable to her. Her inner flesh buzzed away, massaging him. She trembled on him. He groaned, his hands gripping her smooth flesh.

He stared up at her, grinning. He stroked her sides as her pussy pleasured him with her vibrating snatch. She was so happy to give him this bliss. She wanted him to just spurt into her. It would be so fascinating to have all his cum spurting into her snatch.

She wanted that immensely. She craved it with all that she had. She wiggled her hips from side to side as he groaned, staring up at her with his passion. She didn't even have to ride him. Not when her flesh buzzed like this,


It would make them both feel even better.

“Oh, shit, Hagane,” he groaned as she rose up him.

It gave her such pleasure that she had such unique ways to pleasure him in this form. Being an unliving statue had its advantages. She plunged back down him, taking his dick to the hilt in her snatch. It was such a wondrous moment to enjoy.

She rode him, his hands gripping her hips as she worked her vibrating pussy up and down his cock. Hagza and Souleen watched on, their eyes hungry. She enjoyed her reward. She would have much work ahead of her.

Dungeon paths had to be plotted. Calculations on power to be had. Reports to be examined on potential builder activity. It would soon be time to use the adventures. Sending them off after the lowest level builders with escorts of Level 1 monster girls.

“Yes, yes,” she moaned, working her twat up and down him. “Oh, that's perfect.”

“Yes,” he growled, not realizing she was thinking of other matters.

She focused on him, though. On her reward. His cock. She smiled at him as she worked her vibrating pussy up and down his cock. She massaged him with all that she had. He groaned as she did that, his dick twitching in her pussy.

He felt so good in her. Just so wondrous. She was glad to ride him like this and eagerly awaited his cum spurting into her pussy. He would soak her womb with all his spunk. She worked up and down him, massaging him with her flesh.

“Yes, that's it,” he groaned.

“It is, Leo,” she purred.

Her vibrating pussy stroked up and down his cock. The pleasure rippled through her. She rose toward her own climax, eager for all that pleasure to burst through her. She would have such a mighty climax. She couldn't wait for that delight to wash over her.

It would be a wild to burst like that. She wiggled her hips from side to side, stirring her cunt around his dick. He groaned, gripping her hips as she plunged down his shaft. He reached to her depths. She didn't have a womb, but...

She wished she did.

“Leo!” she cried out as she came, wishing she could be bred.

He erupted into her pussy. He flooded her cunt with his jizz. He spurted into her again and again. It was a wondrous treat. It was a delight to have all that spunk spurting into me. It was so good to experience it.

“Yes!” he snarled.

He erupted.

His cum spurted into her pussy.

Her vibrating snatch rippled around his cock, milking him. She bucked on him, the pleasure buzzing through her metallic body. She savored every second of that delight. Stars flashed across her vision as he dumped more and more of his cum.

It was so good to have all that treat spurting into me. He filled her up with his spunk. She was so happy for this. She trembled in delight as she hit that peak. She whimpered in delight as he spurted more and more of his cum into her pussy.

She wrung him dry.

“Damn,” he groaned.

“Mmm,” she purred. “Oh, Leo, with your permission, I will start working with the outpost monster girls to patrol their territory. To make peaceful contact with any nearby villages and vow to defend them. To learn of any dungeons nearby that are problematic.”

“Fine, fine,” he groaned. “I have to drive my dungeon to Verianithila to make contact with the elves.”

She smiled at him.

Chapter Nine

Maya slipped back into my room with clothes for Halia to wear.

“I hope these will fit,” she said. “I...” She glanced back at the door that hadn't shot. My younger roommate peered in.

“Who is she?” Garnet asked, pushing open the door more.

Maya stopped her from coming inside. “I told you. She's a classmate of ours.”

“I don't recall ever seeing her at our college,” Garnet muttered.

“She's a friend of Maya's,” I said.

“Yes, that's who I am,” Halia said as she took the clothes. She pulled on the panties first.

“And the... the noise?” asked Garnet. “It sounded like...”

My cheeks burned.

“She was... was...” I floundered.

“Crying!” Maya blurted. “She was crying, and we were consoling her. She's had a rough time. Had to... to runaway from home. Her father was very abusive.”

Halia hung her head. “His soul was corrupted,” she whispered. “It wasn't his fault.”

“You sure?” Garnet asked as I moved to the door to stare at her. “Does that mean you have to console Maya a lot?”

My cheeks burned. “You shouldn't spy on people, Garnet. Okay. Halia just needed some comforting. She'll be leaving now.”

“Oh,” Halia said.

I pushed the door closed, saying, “We'll take later, Garnet.”

“Fine,” the younger woman said with a huff. The door shut. “I'm not a child!”

I closed the door and watched as Halia pulled on the top. It fit her more snugly than Maya. Halia was not only bustier, but taller. She drew on the jeans which rode high on her hips and she couldn't actually fasten.

Maya was just slimmer.

“What are we going to do with her?” I asked. “She can't stay here. Mrs. Maia will have questions, and Garnet and Crystal are going to pry at her.”

“Mrs. Lucina should have a spare bedroom,” Maya said. “Since her kids are off to college.”

My dick throbbed at the idea of leaving Halia with my married lover. I still had trouble believing I was having an affair with the busty MILF that lived up the street. It was surreal, but she was one of my women.

An angel.

“That'll work,” I said. “Come on, Halia. Mrs. Lucina will take you in.”

“She is touched by Lady Sherida's light,” Halia said and rose. She stared down at her clothes. “So strange. How do they cut the fabric so precisely, and the stitching is so fine.”

“Machines,” I said and opened the door.

Garnet was waiting, her black pigtails framing her cute face.

“Don't you have homework?” I asked as I stepped up before her.

“But...” Her lower lip trembled. “Big bro...”

“You want to get good grades.” I smiled at her. “Now go.”

“Fine,” she said and vanished into her bedroom. I sighed and headed for the stairs, but someone was coming up them. I tensed, fearing it was Mrs. Maia.

Instead, it was my older roommate Crystal. Her round face had a cool, almost disgusted, look on it. She wore her black hair pulled back, leaving her ears exposed. Earrings decorated them. She wore a tight pair of jeans shorts and a boob tube that hugged her round boobs. She stopped on the stairs and practically struck a sexy pose, daring him to look.

God, she was a cock-tease.

“Don't ogle me, dirty boy,” she hissed and marched past me. She pressed against me, her boobs rubbing on my arm through the thin material. She had no bra, her nipples hard and rubbing on me. “You're so disgusting!”

She past me and vanished into her room, slamming the door behind her.

Halia was blinking behind me. “She's icy even as a human.”

I suppose that was true. She definitely left me bewildered.

We headed down the stairs and outside. Halia gasped as she looked around. She bent down and swept her hand over the grass. She looked up and down the street, searching for something. Then she yelped when a car drove by.

“A magical carriage?” she asked.

“A car,” said Maya. “What were you looking for.”

“Why, the flock of sheep that must keep all these lawns trimmed so.” She peered around. “It must be a large one to keep so many lawns trimmed.”

“We have machines that do that, too,” said Maya.

“Nothing like mowing the lawn,” I muttered.

We crossed the road. She stared at the asphalt, her jaw dropping. She had never seen stone like it. Nor the cement sidewalks. She stroked it and glanced in awe at us. Then she stared at the houses. What must that fantasy world be like?

“Are you rich?” she asked. “You must be, Lord Leo.”

“Rich?” I chuckled. “No, no, this is a... middle-class neighborhood. Not poor, but definitely not rich.”

She shook her head as we reached Mrs. Lucina's house. Her husband would be at work. I rang the doorbell as we stood on the porch. Halia fidgeted. She really didn't fit in these clothes. We'd have to guy her some.

The door opened and Mrs. Lucina smiled. “Oh, are you and Maya eager for some afternoon... delight...” The MILF's words trailed off as she stared at Halia. “Oh, my.”

She kissed Halia. Cupped her face and planted a passionate smooch right on the lips. They melted together. My dick twitched at the sight. It was very stirring. My heart beat faster. I glanced around at the street. This was not the place for it.

Mrs. Lucina broke the kiss and gasped, “Why do I know you?”

“It's a long story, Mrs. Lucina,” I said.

“My husband won't be home for hours, so...” She pulled Halia in to the house and kissed her again. They made out, Halia's black hair sweeping down her back. Maya stepped inside. I followed and closed the door, my dick so hard.

The two were attacking each other's clothes. Mrs. Lucina wore a sundress. Halia had no problem dealing with the zipper in the back while Mrs. Lucina ripped off the tight top. Halia's big boobs spilled out much to the MILF's delight.

“Oh, my,” she purred and cupped them. “These are lovely.”

She buried her face into Halia's cleavage while shoving off those pants that were barely on her hips. My dick was so hard at the sight. My dick throbbed. I wanted to get naked, too. Halia pulled off Mrs. Lucina's dress, exposing her white bra and panties.

The bra came off. Halia squeezed those tits, moaning, “You're beautiful even when you're not an angel, Mrs. Lucina.”

“You think I'm an angel?” asked Mrs. Lucina.

“I know you are,” Halia cooed and buried her face between those lush mounds.

They were both in their panties. Maya wiggled out of her jeans, too. She had a thong on, her round tits free. I blinked and realized I had to join the fun. I ripped off my T-shirt as Halia suckled on Mrs. Lucina's pink nipple.

My dick was so hard as I shoved off my jeans. My boxers came off next. My cock bobbed before me. I throbbed before me as I watched the hot sight. The woman from another world suckled on the married MILF's hot nub.

“Oh, that's amazing,” whimpered Mrs. Lucina. She glanced at my cock. “Mmm, and there's Leo's big dick. I take it you know Leo.”

“I love and serve him,” Halia moaned. “He is my Lord. In my world, we are all his. All in his harem.”

“My, my, you have a story to tell, but...” Mrs. Lucina grinned, this heat in her eyes. “Why don't we three take care of Leo's cock. He can cum all over our faces.”

“Oh, yes,” Maya said and dropped to her knees before me. She grabbed my dick and swallowed my cock before the other two could even join her.

“So greedy,” said Mrs. Lucina. She dropped to her knees beside her. “But that's okay.”

“Mmm, she is close to him,” Halia said. “I am just honored to be Lord Leo's champion. I was sent to your world for a reason.”

“Sure, sure,” I groaned as Maya suckled on me.

She popped her mouth off my dick so Mrs. Lucina could swallow me. The MILF took my dick. I groaned, loving to cuckold her husband. I tired to picture her as an angel. With white wings that spread from her back and a halo glowing over her head.

She would be stunning like that.

My married MILF suckled hard on me. She bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down my cock. She swirled her tongue around my dick. I groaned, enjoying Mrs. Lucina's mouth. She slurped on me before she popped her mouth off my dick.

Halia took over.

The woman from another world suckled hard on me. She nursed with passion on my dick. It was fantastic. I groaned in delight as she suckled on me. She bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down my dick. That was just incredible.

Just so wondrous to feel.

She nursed on me with all that she had. I groaned, my face twisting in delight. She worked her mouth up and down me. I loved it immensely. She was such a delight. A tease. The pressure in my nuts rose toward that moment when I could come.

Halia passed me to Maya.

She winked at me as she worked her mouth up and down my cock. I tried to picture her made of water, but that was much harder. How would that work. Still, I just enjoyed my girlfriend's hot mouth on my dick.

She felt amazing.

She was amazing.

She suckled hard on me and worked her mouth up and down me. She swirled her tongue around my cock, driving me wild. I loved every last second of her nursing on me like that. It was perfect. Just an amazing delight to enjoy.

She nursed hard on me. I groaned as she did that. My face twisted in delight as she popped her lips off and handed me to Mrs. Lucina. My married MILF engulfed my cock. She swallowed my rod and suckled hard.

“Shit!” I groaned.

“Mmm, your angelic MILF is loving you, Lord Leo,” purred Halia.

“Yes, she is,” Maya purred. “You're such a cock-sucking slut with him.”

Mrs. Lucina popped my dick off and moaned, “I am. He inspires me! That connection to the other world... Yes, yes, I can almost feel it. Almost remember it.”

Halia swallowed my dick as I smiled down at them. This was so wild. I savored the heat of her suckling on my dick. She nursed on me with all that she had. It was fabulous to have her sucking on my girl-dick.

It was amazing to have her worshiping my cock. She loved me with such passion. Her eyes brimmed with such heat. I groaned, the pressure building and building in my nuts. I had to cum, but... Not just yet.

Maya took over. She suckled with noisy passion. Then Mrs. Lucina loved my cock with motherly hunger. The three passed me from mouth to mouth, all of them so eager to make me cum. This was such a delight. I was so glad for it.

Just so happy to have them loving me like this. They were so amazing. I groaned, my face twisting in delight as they worked their mouths up and down my dick.

They suckled on me with passion. With such delicious hunger. I groaned, my face twisting in delight as I hurtled toward the moment I would climax. I groaned, my hands balling into fists as Maya suckled on me.

“Yes!” I growled.

She ripped her mouth off my cock and fisted me, gasping, “Cum on our faces, big perv!”

“Please, please, Leo,” whimpered Mrs. Lucina.

“Yes, Lord Leo, jizz all over us! Rule us!”

I erupted.

My cum splashed across Maya's face. She waved my cock before her so I drenched all three of them. My ropy lines to cum painted from Halia to Mrs. Lucina, drenching Maya. I groaned as the pleasure shot through me.

Such rapture shot through me. I was in heaven here as I dumped more and more of my cum onto her face. The pleasure slammed through me. Stars flashed across my vision. I groaned with each blast. Each eruption.

It all shot such bliss through me. I was so glad for it. Just so thankful to have all that rapture exploding through me. Stars flashed across my vision. I groaned with each eruption. I was in heaven here.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I groaned. “Fuck, that's good!”

I soaked their faces. I drenched them with all my spunk. It was an amazing moment. I erupted again and again. I coated my women in my jizz. They were my women. Somehow. I didn't get this. I rubbed at the scar on my side.

I had been marked.


“Yes!” I growled.

The heat was so incredible. I loved this ecstasy rushing through me. Stars flashed across my vision. I dumped more and more of my spunk on their faces. I hosed them down with all that I had. A big smile spread on my lips.

“Damn,” I groaned. “Damn, that's good.”

“Mmm,” Maya purred.

“So good, Lord Leo.”

“Leo,” groaned Mrs. Lucina.

They licked up the cum from each other. I shuddered at the sight, my dick so hard. It was such a wild moment to witness. My heart hammered in my chest as they stroked their tongues over each other. It was so hot to watch them do that.

Just so wonderful.

They stroked their tongues over each other as I stared down at them. I was eager of things to get wild with them. I wanted to fuck them. I wanted to be in Halia again. I stared at her. She glanced up at me, her eyes sparkling.

“Do you wish to take me, Lord Leo, while I, perhaps, devour Mrs. Lucina's heavenly pussy?”

“Oh, my, yes,” Mrs. Lucina said. She rose to her feet, her big boobs jiggling. She shoved off her white panties, exposing her blonde bush. She sank onto the couch, spreading her legs. “Come and eat me out, Halia.”

“Oh, my, you have a bush in this world,” Halia purred. “How delicious.”

She crawled to her while my dick throbbed. I wanted to just fuck her so hard. I was so ready to pound her hard. She still had her borrowed panties on. She nuzzled her face between Mrs. Lucina's thighs.

“Mmm, yes,” Halia purred and buried her face into the MILF's furred muff.

I moved behind her and yanked down those panties. I was so ready to be in her. Her black bush dripped with her juices. Mrs. Lucina moaned, her face twisting in delight. I pressed my cock against Halia's hot flesh.

I thrust into her.

“My Lord,” she moaned into the MILF's snatch.

“Oh, that's so good,” whimpered the busty Mrs. Lucina.

Her hands squeezed her breasts as I savored being in Halia's pussy. She gripped me with her hot flesh. She wiggled her hips from side to side, stirring her flesh around me. I groaned at that heat. I gripped her hips and drew back my dick.

She groaned, her pussy clamping down on me. She held me tight as I buried back into her snatch. I fucked to the hilt in her twat. I buried deep and hard into her twat. It was so good to do that. I loved fucking her hard and fast.

She whimpered as I did that. Her hot flesh held me tight as I fucked into her again and again. I loved the heat of her snatch. She felt so amazing around me. She licked at Mrs. Lucina's pussy as I fucked her hard and fast.

“Oh, yes, yes,” Mrs. Lucina moaned. “Oh, that's so good!”

“Mmm,” Halia purred.

Maya watched on with a big smile, her face dripping in my spunk.

I hammered Halia's cunt, my nuts slapping into her bush. She gripped my cock with her hot flesh. The pressure built and built at the tip of my dick. I would erupt into her cunt. I would flood her with all that I had. It was so good.

Just so amazing.

I rammed into her cunt. I fucked to the hilt in her snatch. It was a fabulous rush to bury into her. I pounded her with all that I had. It was an absolute joy to fuck her with all that I had. It was fabulous to bury into her snatch.

It was fantastic. I loved every last second of slamming into her cunt. I enjoyed that passion with all my might. It was an incredible rush. She groaned, her pussy gripping my dick. She felt so fantastic. I loved every last second of this.

“Oh, that's so good,” Mrs. Lucina moaned. “Oh, Halia, you're so good at that!”

“I have loved your pussy many times!” she moaned, her pussy clamping down on me.

“Yes, yes, that's so hot!” I growled, fucking into her snatch. “Love her cunt, Halia!”

“Yes, my Lord!”

Mrs. Lucina gasped, her face twisting in delight. Her fingers dug into her tits. She shuddered there, her head tossing back and forth. She was clearly in the throes of pleasure. She shuddered, her big boobs jiggling as I fucked Halia hard.

Mrs. Lucina hurtled toward her orgasm. I could feel it as I fucked Halia's pussy. Her cunt clamped down on me. She felt amazing around my dick. Just fantastic. The pressure in my nuts hurtled toward the moment when I would cum in her.

I would flood her with all that I had. Just spurt my jizz into her snatch. She would savor every last spurt of my cum flooding her spunk. It was just such a treat. A wonderful passion to have her hot flesh around my dick.

She held me tight.

She massaged me.

Loved me.

“Yes!” I growled. “Halia!”

“My Lord,” she whimpered.

“Yes!” squealed Mrs. Lucina. “Halia!”

She bucked on the couch as she climaxed. Her breasts heaved as she squeezed her thighs around Halia's face. She held her to that pussy and groaned out in delight. It was so amazing to watch. I fucked to the hilt in my champion's cunt.

“Lord Leo!” she gasped as her pussy went wild around my dick. “Yes, yes, flood me!”

“Flood her, big perv!”

I buried to the hilt in her cunt and erupted. My cum erupted into her snatch again and again. The heat swept through me. Stars flashed across my vision. It was a fantastic rush to have all that bliss sweeping through me.

I groaned, dumping my cum into her pussy. She whimpered, milking me. She worked out every drop of cum that I had. It was so fantastic to fill Halia's pussy up with my spunk. My seed pumped into her writhing snatch.

“Lord Leo!” she moaned, her voice muffled by hot pussy.

“Yes!” I groaned, unloading more of my cum into her snatch.

She milked me dry. I grunted, spurting that last blast into her. I shuddered, savoring this passion. It was so good to have all this bliss rushing through me. A big smile spread on my lips as Mrs. Lucina whimpered her delight.

She licked her lips, her eyes closed. “Oh, that was amazing.”

“I'm so glad to have another chance to be with you, Lord Leo,” moaned Halia.

“Yeah,” I panted, my dick throbbing in her pussy. “How much time do we have before your husband returns, Mrs. Lucina?”

She grinned at me.


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