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Chapter One

I stared down at the busty, black-haired woman lying naked on the grass in the backyard of the boarding house. She had called out my name before she passed out. I didn't know what to do. Garnet, another college student who rented a room at the boarding house, peered down and squirmed there, her black pigtails swaying before her.

“Big bro, what do we do?” she asked. Garnet, who was a year younger than me, had called me big bro ever since she moved into boarding house. She looked up to me as if I were her big brother, I guessed.

“I don't know,” I said as my girlfriend Maya caught my eye. We had been best friends since we were kids. She even attended the same college as me though she lived in another boarding house. Her brown hair framed her heart-shaped face, freckles dusting her cheeks. “What?”

“I know her,” she said, staring down at the strange woman.

Garnet shot my girlfriend a glance, the petite girl bouncing on the ball of my feet. “How? Does she go to our college?”

“Er, yes,” said Maya. “That's Halia. She's in some of my classes.”

I was very confused. Halia? She wasn't in any of my classes. I would have remembered a girl that hot, plus... She looked a few years older than us.

“Well, I'll call 911,” Garnet said. “That's what we should do.” She spun to run inside.

“No!” Maya shouted. A look of panic shot across her face.

“No?” Garnet spun back around. The eighteen-year-old cutie looked so perplex. “She's hurt.”

“She's just tired,” said Maya. “Why don't we just take her inside. Let her lie down on Leo's bed.”

Garnet planted hands on her hips and gave us both a suspicious look. “What is going on?”

“She's a friend,” Maya repeated. I know what's best for her. “Leo, pick her up and let's take her inside.”

I was as confused as Garnet. I bent down and scooped up the strange woman. I lifted her with a grunt, shifting her weight to hold her. Maya rushed to the back door of the boarding house and slid it open. I followed her inside into the kitchen. I was glad that my other roommate Crystal was out with friends and Mrs. Maia, the landlady, wasn't home. I had no idea how to explain this.

“What is going on?” Garnet whined as I carried Halia through the house, Maya hot on my heels. I headed up the stairs, holding the unconscious girl. “Come on, big bro! What is going on? Talk to me?”

I reached the top of the stairs. Maya managed to slide past me to my door. She opened up my room. I carried Halia inside. It was pretty clean these days. Since Maya and I had started dating after I was struck by lightning, she had kept my room tidy. She cleaned up my clothes and made my bed.

Of course, we made love in it so messed it up right after that.

Maya ripped back the covers of my bed. I set down the unconscious Halia. Maya pulled the covers back over her. Garnet came up beside me, peering down at the sleeping girl. Halia didn't look like she was in distressed, just that she was sleeping.

Still, shouldn't we call 911?

And what was this about Halia being Maya's friend?

“What is going on?” Garnet asked. “Huh? Who is she?”

“Out,” Maya said sternly like she was a mother. She marched up to Garnet and backed her up.

Garnet retreated, spluttering, “But, but! Big bro! What is going on?”

“Don't disturb her,” Maya said, pushing Garnet back to the door. “She needs rest. Okay.”

“But... I... What is going on?” Garnet whimpered.

Maya closed the door in her face and leaned against it. My girlfriend sighed in in relief.

“What is going on, though?” I asked her.

Maya sighed, her face looking baffled. “I really don't know.” She pushed off from the door and headed to me. She took my arm, snuggling up against me. “But it's like with Mrs. Lucina.”

My cheeks burned at the thought of Mrs. Lucina, the married woman I was having an affair with. She lived just up the street, the MILF-next-door. It just sort of happened. She had flirted with me, and then we were fucking. Maya caught us and was so hurt until... She just embraced it and joined in.

Now I was in some polyamorous threesome with them.

“I just... know she's yours,” Maya whispered. “Like I am and Mrs. Lucina is, too. I feel it in my heart.”

“I've never even seen her,” I protested softly, not wanting to wake up the sleeping woman.

“She knows you.”

“Fuck,” I muttered, staring down at the sleeping girl. The blanket just covered her breasts. They rose and fell slowly. “What do we do with her?”

“Kiss her.”

I stared at my girlfriend in absolute shock.

Maya smiled like this was the best idea she ever head. “Kiss her to wake her up.”

“She's not Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. Plus, isn't that bad to do without her consent.”

“It's romantic!” Her hands rubbed together. She bounced on the balls of her feet, excited. “Oooh, it would be so romantic if that woke her up.”

“Romantic?” I asked, my girlfriend so eager for this. God, this was so insane, but...

She was my girlfriend. If she wanted me to kiss a strange girl sleeping in my bed to wake her up, well, this was strange. I swear this Halia had come out of nowhere. Like she just popped into existence naked and fully formed in my backyard.

I leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

*  \ * /  *

Fauraliiithiliana entered her study in the dungeon.

She was back from her captivity in the Great Library of Lyrialiasa, her heart heavy with the cost of her freedom from Fuegin's grasp. The elf moved naked through the room. She didn't have to be clothed in the intimacy of Lord Leo's dungeon. This was her home. She was safe here. She could wander the most dangerous portions of his dungeon and not set off a single trap or be attacked by any of his myriad monster girls.

They would welcome her.

Love her.

Make love to her.

Her black hair fell down her back to her ass. She possessed milky skin that contrasted greatly with her midnight tresses. Her large, violet eyes surveyed the room and settled at her desk. The journal she had copied for Hagane before leaving lay there.

A plain cover of brown leather. She stroked it before she sat and opened it. Her familiar writing covered the pages, burned into the pages with her phoenix quill, the symbol of her member of the Great Library. She was a librarian.

The library was now in the control of Fuegin and his monster girls. A dungeon builder had done the impossible and penetrated the wards of her forested nation and conquered Varimilianiatha. That wasn't what weighed down on the elf's heart.

She turned to the back of the journal where Hagane had written in normal ink, copying down the information that Fauraliiithiliana had uncovered while researching in the library. She had risked her life to return to her people to uncover this knowledge and was relieved that Hagane had copied it mostly accurate.

Fauraliiithiliana just re-copied it to make it clearer. Tweak some of the mistakes. It was easier than dwelling on Halia's death. Fauraliiithiliana had never been closed to the human paladin, but she had served Lord Leo for even longer. His first native servant. The first being who wasn't a monster girl who swore homage to him and followed him. His defender. His sword. His lover.

The door to her study opened. Hagane and Nina Naughty entered, the two monster girls she had worked with closely.

Hagane was a slender girl made entirely of a silvery metal polished to a mirror-finish. A Metal monster girl known as an animated statue. She had hair made of fine wire that spilled down her back and the frames to her “glasses” on her nose, though she didn't have the corresponding lenses. They corrected her vision in the world she came from.

Here, her sight was perfect.

Nina Naughty was an older woman. Mature with full breasts that thrust out proud and firm before her. She possessed the red skin of a devil, a Fire monster girl. Horns peeked out of her black hair that tumbled around her beautiful face. Her eyes glowed like coals as she smiled at Fauraliiithiliana. The devil's hips swayed as she walked with a sensuous grace. She oozed sexuality, almost a living personification of desire.

She seemed more a representation of sensuality than Garnet the succubus. In the other world, Nina Naughty was a porn star, a prostitute who performed sexual acts in plays.

“Back at work?” Nina Naughty asked. “Just like that. No break.”

“No,” the elf said, her tone flat. She never felt comfortable showing emotions. Hagane was equally reserved. “You did well in translating the information I relayed to you.”

Hagane nodded. With their connection to Lord Leo, Fauraliiithiliana and Hagane had communicated telepathically. She could do that with any member of Leo's vast array of servants. She could include however many she wanted or all of them. It was a gift they all possessed.

“We should start mapping out where these cities lie,” Hagane said. “We need to figure out the best order to pursue the Blessed Blades.”

“Nope,” Nina Naughty said and held out a double-headed dildo. “Right now, we have to fuck.”

The elf arched an eyebrow.

“Yes, fuck,” said Nina Naughty. “You're gloomier than ever, Fara. You end to feel some life bursting through you before you get back to work. You need to unwind. Enjoy some passion. You survived something massive.”

“I suppose you are correct,” the elf said and smiled. She did enjoy their passionate trysts. They would get wild together. It was always such a wanton time. Her cunt burned hot as she rose to her feet, her small breasts quivering. Juices beaded the hairless folds of her pussy. “I could relax before we embark upon our work.”

“I always have to fuck after a funeral,” Nina Naughty said. “Halia would want us to keep living. She had passion, unlike you two. Hagane's made of metal, but you... You're flesh and blood, Fara.” Nina shoved one end of the dildo into her pussy, shuddering as she did. Her large breasts quivered and her bat-like wings spread wide behind her. Her eyes burned hot as she moaned in delight. “Mmm, let's fuck!”

“Indeed,” Fauraliiithiliana purred.

Nina threw herself on the elf's bed. This room doubled as Fauraliiithiliana's quarters. They were just off the living space for Lord Leo and his harem of monster girls. The twelve that he had directly chosen from the other world like the two in the room. Plus Kassie, Hagza, and...


Fauraliiithiliana swallowed her grief and joined Nina on the bed. The elf scissored her legs with the devil. Their legs slid past, the devil's flesh hot. The elf scooted closer, her pussy itching deliciously. It had been over a week since she had an orgasm. That used to be normal. She would get wrapped up in her research and go for months without masturbating.

Then she came here and lost her virginity to Lord Leo. It was a strange day when she only made love once. She missed those orgasms. The intimacy of enjoying Lord Leo and his monster girls. The passion. The pleasure.

The dildo touched the folds of her pussy.

“Yes,” she breathed and pushed her cunt down the shaft.

The elf shuddered as the thick shaft penetrated her pussy. The polished rod of wood sank deeper into her pussy. She trembled at the coolness of it in her hot twat. Her silky walls dark in the friction, the heat melting through her body.

“Moldy leaves,” she whimpered at the pleasure, her eyes squeezing shut.

“Fucking hell, that's good,” moaned Nina Naughty as their pussies kissed. Their folds, stretched around the thick shaft, rubbed together. Their clits brushed.

Both of them gasped in delight.

“That is a delicious sight,” the metallic Hagane said. She climbed onto the bed, the wood creaking. She was made of metal and yet wasn't heavier than a girl her size should be.

She straddled Fauraliiithiliana's head. The metallic folds of Hagane's tight slit parted. The tang of her pussy filled the elf's nose. She licked her lips as Hagane lowered her twat until that cool cunt planted on the elf's mouth.

Fauraliiithiliana licked.

She slid her tongue through the metallic folds, loving that tang. Hagane didn't have juices, not really, but she still tasted delicious. The animated statue moaned and quivered on the elf, shuddering there as she moaned out her delight.

She might be made of metal, but she had nerves. Pleasure shot through her body. “Yes, yes, Fara, it is so wonderful that you are back with us.”

“Safe and sound,” Nina Naughty moaned. “Now let's fuck.”

Fauraliiithiliana just moaned into Hagane's pussy as Nina did the fucking. The devil undulated her hips, stirring the double-headed dildo in both their twats. The devil drew back, shifting the shaft even more in the elf's juicy snatch.

Nina Naughty humped against Fauraliiithiliana.

The elf moaned her delight, feasting on Hagane's tangy twat. The dildo slid in and out of the elf's pussy. Pleasure washed through her. She moaned her delight, savoring that delicious plunge into her cunt. It was so good for her to savor this.

She trembled with those plunges. With the delight that her lover gave her. The elf tongued Hagane's pussy, stroking those smooth, metallic pussy lips with gusto. The shaft pumped a few inches in and out of Fauraliiithiliana's pussy, stimulating her.

Their vulvas slapped together, sparks flaring from the elf's clit. She loved those sizzling impacts. Her body trembled and ears twitched. She thrust her tongue into Hagane's pussy. She danced around in the tangy depths of the metal woman's cunt.

“Oh, yes,” moaned Hagane. “Oh, you're so good at that. Ooh, Fara!”

“Yes, yes, yes, Fara,” moaned Nina Naughty. “Oh, fuck, that's good. That's so good!”

“Mmm,” purred the elf.

She stroked her tongue through Hagane's folds, finding the metal girl's clit. She stroked over that, the animated statue gasping out in delight. She shuddered there, whimpering and moaning her delight. It was such a delight for the elf to hear.

Just like the dildo churning up her pussy was a delight to experience.

Fauraliiithiliana humped back against Nina Naughty. Their vulvas ground together. They caressed each other, massaging each other's clits as the dildo worked in and out of their cunts. Just a few inches, but that was more than enough to stimulate the elf.

To swelled her toward her orgasm.

She quivered there, rising and rising toward that moment when she would burst. She suckled on Hagane's metallic clit. She nibbled on it. The animated statue moaned, her steel ass clenched and relaxed.

“Oh, Fara,” gasped Hagane. “Yes!”

The animated statue trembled through her orgasm, smearing her metallic pussy lips on the elf's lips. Fauraliiithiliana moaned her delight, her own pleasure about to burst through her. She humped against Nina Naughty.

Their clits brushed as the dildo plunged deep into the elf's cunt.

“Moldy leaves and rotten roots!” squealed the elf as she burst in delight.

Her cunt writhed around the wooden shaft as she bucked. She moaned out her passion, her entire body trembling. The bliss washed through her. She felt so good. It swept through her body as she cried out in delight. It all swept over her. She felt so amazing.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Nina Naughty moaned, humping against the cumming elf's twat. “Oh, fuck, that's it!”

Waves of delight drowned her mind. She groaned at the heat that crashed into her mind. Her eyes trembled with this pleasure. It was an incredible moment to have it all washing through her. Fauraliiithiliana let it carry her off.

She floated on the pleasure as her pussy writhed around the dildo. She tongued Hagane's metal twat, licking at her cunt. The elf bucked through her delight, her ears twitching. She ground her clit into Nina's again.

“Oh, fuck, that's good!” gasped the devil.

“So good,” the elf moaned in delight. She was home. She had work to do for Lord Leo and pleasures to enjoy with him and his monster girls. She would uncover all the secrets and pleasures of this world.

She would help Lord Leo complete the Incarnation's wishes and end the cycle of invasions and violence. There would be a world of peace born. A better world under the rule of Lord Leo the True, the savior of her world.

She believed that with all her might.

Chapter Two

Kissing Halia did not work. She still lay there sleeping. I straightened, staring at the beautiful, young woman. Her black hair spilled in a thick braid over the pillow. Her breasts rose and fell beneath the covers.

“Maybe we should take her to the hospital,” I said.

“I don't think she has ID,” said Maya. “I don't think she's from here. Besides, it's too soon to give up on waking her.”

“I kissed her!” I stared at her. “Isn't that what does it in the fairy tales.”

Maya flashed me a big smile. “Big perv, you need to eat her pussy! Some cunnilingus loving will wake her up!”

I stared at her in shock. “And you call me a big perv with that suggestion? Geez, she's unconscious. I really won't have her consent to do that!”

“It's fine,” Maya said. “I read it in this book, The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. Kissing wasn't enough with Sleeping Beauty, so the prince cut open her dress and ate her pussy.” Maya's eyes widened. “Ooh, ooh, let's do it together.”

“You're a way bigger pervert than I am,” I protested as Maya yanked back the sheets, unveiling the voluptuous curves of the sleeping Halia. She did have big breasts and a trimmed bush of black hair that covered her pussy lips. They peeked through.

“You're the one who's banging the married woman,” Maya said. “That's way pervier than me.”

“You're also fucking her,” I muttered as Maya pulled me onto the bed with her.

“Mmm, let's eat her pussy and make her cum,” Maya purred. “Just like we do with Mrs. Lucina. That always gets her going.”

I couldn't deny that the idea of waking up Halia with some pussy eating was appealing. I did like eating Mrs. Lucina out with Maya, or eating Maya out with Mrs. Lucina. I leaned over with my girlfriend, my cheek pressing into hers. The tangy aroma of the sleeping woman filled my nose.

It was an appealing aroma.

Our lips nuzzled into her pussy. We pressed into her curls and found the folds of her pussy. Together, Maya and I licked the sleeping beauty. Our tongues flicked through the girl's petals, gathering up her tangy juices.

Halia whimpered.

“Yes,” Maya purred. “Let's make her cum, big perv.”

I had such a perverted girlfriend.

We licked at Halia's pussy together. Our tongues stroked through her folds, lapping up her tangy juices. Her cream flowed while she moaned. Her big boobs trembled. Her belly tensed and relaxed as we lapped at her delicious petals.

I brushed her clit.

Halia whimpered, her boobs jiggling now. This was working. We were waking her up. It was so perverted to do it this way, but it was working. Our tongues flew over her folds, licking and lapping at her with such passion.

It was so wild to do this. My tongue thrust into Halia's pussy. So did Maya's. My girlfriend and I were practically French kissing as we swirled our tongues about in the sleeping beauty's tangy depths. It was delightful to wiggle around in there with my girlfriend.

I did love Maya. I had loved her since we were kids. I was glad we were dating. Glad that we could share in things like this. My hand found hers. I squeezed it. She gripped me back, purring her own delight as we feasted on Halia.

We licked at her.

Lapped at her folds.

We tongued her clit.

Maya suckled on the sleeping beauty's bud as my tongue plunged back into her tangy depths. I loved swirling around in Halia's pussy as Maya nibbled on the woman's clit. She moaned louder, her slumbering form quivering.

She had to be close to cumming. Close to just bursting in delight. It was so much fun to tease her like this. To lap at her with passion. It was a delight to stroke my tongue through her petals and tease her. She whimpered, her entire body quivering.

Halia moaned louder.

Maya suckled hard on her clit, making such obscene suckling noises. My tongue swirled around in Halia's cunt. Her pussy clamped down on my exploring appendage. I loved flicking about in her. It was so much fun.

Halia moaned.

Her pussy convulsed around my tongue. Juices gushed out. A tangy flood of delight. She climaxed. Joy shot through me. Triumph. I licked up her cream with Maya, both our tongues flicking over Halia's delicious petals.

I feasted on her, waiting for her to cry out with words. To do more than moan and shudder. I licked at Halia's tangy twat with Maya. It didn't happen. Halia whimpered a few more times than she just slumped, her breathing heavy. Her impressive breasts rose and fell, nipples hard. Pink capping such lush mounds.

“Well, that didn't work,” I said as I sat up. I licked my lips and stared at her sleeping form.

“So you'll have to make love to her,” Maya said and attacked the fly of my jeans.

“What?” I gasped as she ripped my zipper down and shoved her inside. “Maya!”

She pulled my cock out of my boxers while purring, “That was what the prince did next. That was what fully woke up Sleeping Beauty. His dick ramming into her virgin pussy. Isn't that such a wonderful story.”

“Are you serious?” I asked my girlfriend. “God, you are. You want me to fuck an unconscious woman.”

“She wants you to do it,” Maya said. She stroked my cock. “Now take off that T-shirt and make love to your Sleeping Beauty. Your Halia. She's waiting for you, big perv. Now go and fuck her.”

“Big perv,” I muttered.

“You're the one with girls popping out of thin air who need your cock,” Maya said with a bright smile on her lips. “So if the label fits, bub. Now stop whining and get that dick in her. Make love to her. She needs you, Leo.”

Maya's last words caught me off-guard. Her hazel eyes brimmed with such sincerity. There was no denying them. I swallowed and realized I had to do this. There was no getting around it. Halia needed me to do this. She needed me, and, damn, that felt good to be needed by a woman.

I ripped off my T-shirt and leaned over Halia. Maya kept a grip on my cock as I lowered myself to my elbows over her. I brushed Halia's flushed cheeks. Her lips were parted ever so slightly. I kissed her, letting her taste her own tangy mouth.

I swear her lips moved against me for a moment.

I slid my arms beneath Halia, holding her big breasts to my chest. Maya rubbed my cock through the sleeping beauty's curls. I loved the feel of Halia's hot cunt against my dick. That was just wild. A shiver ran through me. I nuzzled against her folds, finding the entrance to her pussy.

To her dripping womanhood.

Still kissing my sleeping beauty, I thrust into her twat.

“That's it,” Maya purred as she watched on.

I loved her eyes on me as I slid to the hilt in Halia's pussy. She was no virgin, though. Her pussy was delicious and tight. She moaned beneath me, her body shifting. She felt so good. Just amazing beneath me. I was so glad to enjoy her gripping me. I loved the way she held me. She felt fantastic. I shuddered beneath her and drew back my cock.

Her pussy gripped me with that wondrous dick. It was just so delicious to thrust into her pussy. To fill her up with my dick. She gripped me with that hot snatch. She held me tight as I pumped away at her. I loved being in her.

I savored that amazing cunt squeezing down around my dick. She massaged me with her wondrous flesh. I moaned into her lips, savoring every last second of being in her. It was just fabulous. She quivered beneath me.

“That's it, Leo,” Maya moaned as I fucked Halia.

I my cock in and out of the sleeping beauty's cunt. I savored every second of thrusting into her pussy. I was in heaven. Halia trembled beneath me. She whimpered, her eyes dancing beneath her lids. Her twat clamped down on me.

Her thighs squeezed around my hips. She hugged me. She wasn't awake yet, but she gripped me as I thrust away at her pussy. I buried into her cunt with hard strokes, my nuts slapping into her taint. She whimpered as I did that.

Her pussy held me tight. I loved every last second of burying into her snatch. I stared into her closed eyes, wanting them to open. I rubbed my nose into hers, feeling this connection. It was hard to explain as more than that.

She just felt like... she was mine.

Being in her was like remembering something from a dream. A familiarity that I could never have experienced before. I drove into her hard and fast. I plowed into her with all that I had. It was just so delicious to churn her up. Just so fantastic to plow into her cunt.

I fucked her hard and fast. I loved the way she gripped me. How she felt around me. It was such a perfect delight. I plunged my cock into her faster and faster. She shuddered beneath me, her cunt massaging my dick. She whimpered, her head tossing as I fucked her with force. I pounded her with all that I had.

“Damn,” I groaned. “Wake up, Halia.”

“Yes, yes, wake up,” Maya moaned.

My nuts swelled with the pressure of my cum. I wanted to spurt into Halia's depths. To flood her with all that I had. She trembled beneath me, moaning louder. Her silky depths massaged my cock. She felt amazing beneath me.

I slammed deep and hard into her, her silky twat swelling the need to cum at the tip of my cock. I rushed toward that amazing moment when I would erupt in her. I would spurt into her with all that I had. Just flood her with so much spunk.

I buried into her, staring at her closed eyes. “Wake up, my sleeping Halia. Wake up and cum!”

She whimpered something, her lips starting to move. A sigh that almost sounded like my name.

Her pussy clamped down tight on me as I thrust away at her, so close to bursting. Her eyes danced beneath her lids. Her arms and legs tightened about me. I shuddered as I thrust to the hilt in her snatch. I buried deep.

Her blue eyes snapped open.

“Lord Leo!” she cried.

Her pussy went wild around my cock.

She bucked beneath me, her cunt worshiping my dick. She suckled at me. The heat rushed through her body. I groaned as she did that. She felt so amazing around me. I loved the way she massaged me with her hot flesh. It was an incredible delight to have her doing that.

I shuddered and drove my cock into her pussy and grunted, “Halia!”

“Lord Leo!” she gasped in delight as my cum pumped into her.

She kissed me with such passion as her pussy milked my dick. She suckled at me. I groaned as her flesh rippled around me. She felt so good around me. I loved every last second of her cunt spasming around me. She nursed at me.

She worked out my cum as I spurted my cum into her. I groaned, my tongue dancing around in her mouth. She tasted so good. Felt so good. I was so glad to kiss her. To make out with her. She was such a sexy thing.

Just so passionate.

She quivered beneath me, her pussy convulsing around me. She was just such a sweet thing. I loved this moment so much. I treasured this delight. The heat rushed through me. It was just spectacular to have all this delight rushing through me.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she whimpered, breaking the kiss. “Lord Leo!”

I spurted the last of my cum into her pussy as I stared into her blue eyes. They brimmed with love for me. It was spectacular to have her convulsing around me. She quivered beneath me as her orgasm slowed.

“My Lord,” she breathe and kissed me again.

*  \ * /  *

Halia Vobria, Daughter of Anguin, Paladin of Lady Sherida, and Champion of Leo the True trembled through the last moments of her orgasm. She didn't know how this was possible. She kissed her Lord Leo. She held him tight as her pussy rippled around his cock. His cum was in her.

He filled her up.

Confusion rippled through her. She remembered dying. The betrayal by the elves. Throwing herself into the attacks. The burning pain of the fire. How Leo had held her in her final moments before she had crossed over. Lady Sherida's embrace and now...


Halia lived.

She was definitely living. They were in a bed. she broke the kiss and stared around at the strange room. Walls of plaster painted white. A window with the largest pane of glass she had ever seen without a hint of defect. Bright light bled through. The blue sky above. This was not the dungeon. A woman knelt by them. Human with brown hair and hazel eyes, her cheeks freckled like...


It was Maya but she wasn't made of water. She was human and wearing clothes. Strange clothes that were sewn with stitching so fine and fit her body so tightly. Leo himself didn't feel quite the same on her. Not as muscular. Not as fit and strong. A softer Leo.

I'm in their world, Halia realized. I've crossed over through death. Which was how builders crossed over. Well, near death. She knew her Lord had been struck by lightning in his side. Her hands stroked his body and found the puckered skin there. A scar. This Leo had survived. Halia knew that from reports from Maya, Garnet, Crystal, Mrs. Maia, Mrs. Lucina, Hagane, Morana, Alizee, and Terra. They all knew him in their normal lives.

I died and came here. Why?

No, that did not matter. This was still Lord Leo. They were the same person just in different worlds. She had lost one and gained the other. Joy burst through her. Her goddess had given her another chance.

Halia would embrace it.

“You do know me,” Lord Leo said.

“Yes,” Halia said and rolled him over. He didn't resist. She came out on top, sitting up. Her big breasts jiggled before her. She knew in this world that her Lord only had a relationship with Maya. The other women were not his lovers.

But she was here and... she was ripping off her top. She revealed a strange garment that hugged he breasts. Lacy cloth held up by straps. The legendary brassier. Halia smiled at seeing it, her pussy clamping down on Leo's cock.

She slid her pussy off his dick. He groaned as that happened. She gripped his thick cock and winked at him. She pressed him into her butt-crack. His wet tip nuzzled against her asshole. He still felt the same in this way.

“My Lord,” she purred and pressed her asshole down on him. “I am ready to serve you again. I am Halia Vobria, Daughter of Anguin, Paladin of Lady Sherida, and your champion. I wielded the Blessed Blade of Light and Stormlight in your name!”

“Stormlight?” His gaze shot to a bookshelf that had tomes on it with shiny covers that were not made of leather at all. She could not read any of the strange characters. “Damn. That's strange.”

“You named the sword Stormlight,” purred Halia. “Not strange at all.”

“Such a dork, big perv,” Maya said as she freed her round breasts from her brassier. The legendary garment fell to the floor.

Halia smiled, so glad that Maya had the same personality in this world. It was Maya, just one not made of water. Her love for Lord Leo remained. That made Halia so happy as she pressed her asshole down on his cock.

“Fuck!” Lord Leo groaned as her anal ring stretched and stretched.

She swallowed his dick.

“Oh, yes,” whimpered Halia as her asshole swallowed his cock. Her pussy clenched, his cum matting her black curls. Her braid swung down her back as she sank down his mighty shaft. She loved surrendering to the domination of his thick scepter. “My Lord!”

She bottomed out on him. He groaned, his face twisting in pleasure. He didn't have the glyphs on his chest. That was strange not seeing the twelve elemental markings. Still, it was him. His glorious cock. She was about to slide up him when Maya acted.

She ducked her head down and buried her face into Halia's pussy.

The paladin gasped in delight as Maya licked and lapped at her folds. The naughty girl gathered up Lord Leo's cum. Halia smiled, feeling so at home here. She squeezed her bowels down on that mighty cock and slid up him.

“Shit,” groaned Leo. “That's good.”

“So good!” moaned Halia, savoring that wonderful cock in her asshole.

She worked up and down him, Maya licking up the cum spilling out of the paladin's pussy. The pleasure swept through the delicious Halia, mixing with the heat burning in her asshole. She squeezed her flesh down on his mighty scepter.

He groaned, his face twisting in delight as she rode him. She worked her cunt up and down that mighty dick. She loved every last second of riding him. She savored that delight so much. It was so good to have that amazing dick in her.

“Damn, damn, damn,” he groaned. “That's so hot, Maya!” He slid his fingers through her brown hair. “Feast on her!”

“Mmm, she's delicious,” purred Maya. “Even better with your cum in her twat!”

“His cum always improves the flavor of pussies,” whimpered Halia.

“Shit, how can you know that?” Lord Leo groaned. “I just met you.”

“Later, my Lord!” Halia moaned, unable to stop riding him to answer questions. Her boobs bounced and heaved. “Just let me cum on your mighty cock. Grant me this boon!”

“Granted!” he groaned.

Maya's naughty tongue penetrated Halia's pussy. The wicked girl swirled around and scooped out the spunk that she found in the paladin's depths. The pleasure mixed with the bliss burning in her asshole. She rode Lord Leo's mighty cock faster and faster.

She built and built toward her climax, soaring every second of massaging his cock with her asshole. It was quite the delight to have that thick dick in her. She whimpered, her face contorting with all that delight. She would cum so hard.

Especially with Maya's tongue adding that additional delight. The naughty girl swirled around in Halia's depths, scooping out more of Lord Leo's delicious cum. Halia whimpered, her boobs bouncing and heaving. She loved this so much.

She hurtled toward her climax. She would have a big burst of delight. Just explode with all that passion. It would be so amazing. She whimpered, hurtling closer and closer to that moment when her pleasure would sweep through her.

“Lord Leo!” she moaned.

“Cum,” he growled.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she whimpered, her head tossing, her face contorting with delight.

She plunged her bowels down that thick shaft. Maya's tongue found Halia's clit. The naughty girl danced her tongue over that sensitive bud. The paladin moaned, her tits bouncing before her. She gripped Lord Leo's thick scepter.

She plunged down him, the heat melting to her pussy. Maya suckled hard on Halia's clit. The bud sizzled with delight. The paladin's head tossed, her braid sweeping down her as she rose up that glorious cock and reached the pinnacle.

“My Lord!” Halia squealed as she impaled her asshole down his cock and climaxed. “I love you!”

Her asshole spasmed around his cock as her pussy juices gushed into Maya's mouth. Halia bucked through her orgasm, her bowels nursing at Lord Leo's cock. He groaned as he savored the delicious heat of her bowels.

“Fuck, yes!” he snarled.

His cum erupted into her bowels.

Halia rejoiced as blast after balls of his cum spurted into her asshole. It was so amazing. She whimpered in delight, her boobs bouncing and heaving as he loved every last second of this pleasure sweeping through her. She felt so good as she milked him.

He grunted with each blast of his cum. Maya licked at her. She lapped the cream, stroking her tongue up and down Halia's slit. The paladin quivered, her ecstasy drowning her mind. It soaked through her thoughts. It was just wondrous.


“Shit!” he groaned and erupted into her asshole one more time.

She shuddered through her pleasure, her body swaying. Maya licked at her pussy, gathering up the juices. A big smile spread on her lips She felt so amazing. She could just float away. This was such a wondrous moment.

“God, what is going on?” asked Leo. “Where did you come from?”

“First, I just need to confirm that this is the other world,” Halia answered, her body feeling so good. “The one with porn stars and movie stars and coffee houses.”

Lord Leo and Maya exchanged looks.

“Other world?” Lord Leo asked.

Click here for the next part! 



Will there be more ai art for the other girls?


Awesome start!! Love it!!


Probably some Morana stuff coming up since I want her to be on the cover of Book 7.