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“Fuck this,” you mutter. She can't make you do this. Can't make you stay here cuffed. You shudder, a momentary stab of fear washing through you.

Ms. Kato is so dominating, but...

You don't have to endure this.

You find the release on the fuzzy cuff and press it. it springs open. You straighten up and pull the vibrator out of your cunt. You twist the base, turning it off. Then you undo the cuff. Your futa-dick throbs before you.

It aches, but you ignore it.

You grab your panties and pull them up your stocking-clad legs. You tuck your futa-cock into your underpants, your breasts jiggling. You snag up your bra and slip your arms into the straps. You hook it behind you and adjust your tits to fit the cups. You hum as you draw up your charcoal skirt and zip it. Last, you pull on your blouse.

You button them one after the other until you're dressed. You turn to leave the office when the door opens and Ms. Kato steps back in. Her face freezes into ice at the sight of you dressed. You swallow as she puts her hands on her hips. This draws your eyes to her crotch.

To the massive cock bulging her skirt.

“You can't keep me cuffed like that,” you protest, your heart pounding in fear. “It's not right. It goes against company policy.”

“I see,” she says with a frosty fury. You can see the rage in her eyes. A blizzard about to sweep over you and smother you in her snowy anger. You swallow, your skin goose-pimpling. It feels like the temperature plummeted.

She unbuttons her blouse. She works her fingers through her buttons and soon pulls off the mauve top. Her round breasts are cupped in a cream-colored bra. She unhooks that and drops it. Then she pulls off her skirt. The fabric slides over her cock. You swallow, sweeping it tenting her dark-brown pantyhose and the cream-colored panties.

She rolls those off, her clit-dick popping out. Your own is throbbing. Hers thrusts from a thick, black bush that gleams with pussy cream. She steps out of her panties and pantyhose, her futa-cock swaying from side to side.

“I expected better from you,” she says and picks up her phone. She dials an extension. “Get in my office. Now.”

She hangs up.

You swallow. Who did your futa-boss call?

A knock wraps the door.


Cassie opens the door and gasps at the sight of Ms. Kato's naked body. And then your friend groans at the futa-dick. Your cheeks warm. She knows about your condition. She swallows, her hips swaying.

“Suck it,” Ms. Kato commands. She glances at you. “Bend over my desk, pull up your skirt, and drop your panties.”

Cassie falls to her knees and engulfs Ms. Kato's cock. You whimper in envy and then you draw up your skirt. You glance at the vibrator and the handcuffs. You guess you'll be enduring those again. Sighing, you peel down your panties next, your futa-cock popping out.

Panties around your ankle, you bend over the table. This time, your nipples have a bra and blouse in the way of the table. Your cock throbs there while Cassie sucks and nurses with hunger on Ms. Kato's girl-dick.

“You've been a naughty futa,” Ms. Kato says. “You were about to leave instead of enduring and receiving the rewards to come. Mmm, but Cassie here... Why, she's very obedient. Just sucking on my futa-dick with hunger.”

“Sorry,” you mutter sullenly. “I just... You couldn't really expect me to wait here.”

“I expected my sex slave to obey, but...”


You gasp at the stinging pain that bursts through your ass. Your futa-cock throbs and twitches beneath you. A shudder runs through your body. You groan as your dick convulses. That just happened. You just got smacked on the ass.

“Ms. Kato,” you groan.


“Oh, my god!” you hiss.

“Bad futas are punished,” Ms. Kato purrs while Cassie nurses on the futa-boss's big dick. Your own throbs, hard despite the pain burning on your rump.

“For not wanting to—”


The even harder spank blazes on your butt-cheek. You gasp, tears bursting in your eyes. You whimper, your butt-cheeks clenching beneath the pain. You can't believe that this is happening. You shudder, your fingernails scratching at the desk.

“Excuses do not matter,” Ms. Kato purrs, her voice throaty as she enjoys Cassie's BJ. “Just obedience.”


Not as hard, but you still shudder, your eyes squeezing shut. Your dick throbs, pussy cream running down your shaft and your thighs. The drops soak into your stockings and bead at the tip of your dick.

“Cassie!” you moan. “You promised to back me up. Help me!”

Cassie continues to suckle on Ms. Kato's cock.


“She understands obedience!” Ms. Kato moans while your ass burns.

You tremble there, hearing the sucking sounds of your friend choosing the big futa-dick and Ms. Kato. You whimper, your face scrunching up from the pain. You shudder there, licking your lips. This is insane.


“Oh, my fucking god!” you moan.

“Such a bad futa,” purrs Ms. Kato. “Mmm, but you're a good girl. I'm going to keep you, Cassie. Collar you.”


“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you moan, your ass blazing. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!”

“You're sorry?” Ms. Kato groans. “Oh, it is too late for that. Mmm, yes, yes, suck on my cock. I'm going to cum.”

Cassie suckles louder.

“Yes, yes, you want all my jizz, don't you. Just want to drink down all my cream. You'll get it.”


You groan through the pain, your futa-dick twitching. Then Ms. Kato moans. You throw a look over your shoulder. Her round breasts jiggle and face twists in pleasure. She's cumming. You can hear Cassie gulping down the cum. She's swallowing every drop of the futa-boss's jizz.

You quiver there, listing to the sound. Your mouth is suddenly so thirsty to taste futa-jizz. You swallow there, your ass burning. You're ready to do whatever Ms. Kato wants. Your dick twitches and throbs.

“Oh, yes, yes, what a good sex slave you'll make,” purrs Ms. Kato. “And you.”


Your head snaps up as you gasp out in pain.

“Draw up your patients and get out of my office. I wish to fuck my new sex slave.”

Cassie moans, “Yes, yes, fuck me, Ms. Kato.”

You shudder, “But, I let you spank me.”


You squeak and bolt upright. You reach down and draw up your panties. In moments, you're tucking your cock into the tight cloth and rushing out of the office. You close it behind you and dart to your cubicle. You sit down, your ass burning.

The next time you see Cassie, she's being led around by a leash attached to her collar. She's Ms. Kato's new pet while you are working beneath Paris. And it sucks. She's thrilled to run roughshod over you.

You sigh in envy at the joy on Cassie's face. She loves being Ms. Kato's sex slave. That could have been you if you had just endured the vibrator.

You Missed Out on Being the Futa-Boss's Slave Ending

Author note: These links are to give the poll context!

Do you stop Paris right now from going after the futa-pill? 

Do you disobey Ms. Kato's order to strip naked?

Do you continue on to coming clean with Ms. Kato?

Do you reject Dr. Isabella's offer?


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