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Chapter Thirty-Five

I sobbed as I held her limp body. I could feel it. She was gone. Something left her body. It drifted away from her, right through my fingers. I trembled, holding her. I had to save her. I was supposed to save her. To heal her.

I could have if it wasn't for this damned bracer.

Why? I came to them as a friend! I came to them in peace! Why had they murdered her?

“Leo,” Xiongbu whispered. “You have to get up. It's not safe for you here.”

I looked up at her motherly face, black mist spilling around her.

“I was supposed to protect her,” I said.

“And she was supposed to protect you,” the wraith said, her voice gentle. “She loved you so much, Leo. Don't let her sacrifice be for nothing. There might be more soldiers. Fuegin's forces could have heard the commotion. Come on.”

“Take this bracer off me.” I command.

She touched it and gasped. Magic arced into her finger. She shook her head. “I don't think I can.”

He nodded and set down Halia gently. He stared at her burned face. She was so beautiful even like this. A numbness settled on him. He had lost Halia. She was gone. There was no reviving her with the Void Crystal like his monster girls. He had lost her forever. He would never have her by his side, watching his back.

Halia, Daughter of the Hero Anguin, died saving his life.

“I love you, Halia,” he whispered to her and grabbed the hilt of Stormlight. He picked up the sword and rose. “We have to save Fara now.”

“You need to go back to your dungeon,” she said. “You're vulnerable.”

“I have to save Fara.” I closed my eyes and sent a message to everyone. “Halia is dead. It was a trap. We're saving Fara. Attack.”

I ignored the gasps. The cries from all my monster girls. Their shock and grief. I marched to the door around Xiongbu. The ghosts glanced at me as I stepped outside into the street. One of the ghosts gasped and passed through me, her body chill.

Lightning slammed down from the sky and struck her. Tisa. She burst into motes and was gone. I jumped back inside. Adrenaline slammed through the shock of losing Halia. The grief. She died protecting me, and now I was in danger already. No magic. Just the sword.

There are two cherubs up there,” reported Smirta.

Kill them!” Xiongbu shouted in my mind.

The ghosts rose up through the roof. Xiongbu followed them, leaping up and clawing into the roof. They all vanished. Lightning crackled outside. I peered up to see one of the ghosts vanishing. Ogledalo, I believed. The others swarmed one of the cherubs flying in the sky.

The cherub burst with lightning as the ghosts attacked, killing Smirta and Stalko. The cherub died a moment later, finished off by the ghosts. The other cherub saw me and blasted lightning. I didn't think. I raised Stormlight.

The bolt struck the blade.

Electricity arced. My skin tingled and hairs prickle don my arms, but I lived. The cherub swooped down at me, murder in her eyes. Xiongbu leaped into her. The wraith, trailing black mist, tore into the cherub's side.. The cherub screamed. Lightning burst from her and into Xiongbu.

They both vanished into motes.

The last surviving ghost, Pogrebi, swooped and said, “Lord Leo, we must get back to the tunnel.”

She held out her hand to me.

I shook my head. “We're going to the library to save Fara.”

*  \ * /  *

“We have at get to Leo!” Maya said with absolute certainty, her entire body quivering with grief. Halia was dead? A tear spilled down her cheek only to be reabsorbed back into her body. “Agubnamus, can you...?”

“Lord Leo has to release me,” the blue-scaled dragon-MILF said. “He has not.”

Maya nodded. She tried to orient herself in the city. “That way! Come on!”

She rushed down a street made of buildings grown from the brush. They looked made of evergreen branches woven together with root foundations. Paanee slithered at her side, the naga's cheeks wet with her tears. Halia dead.

How can she be dead? Why would they hurt her?

The two kappas, Kasava and Sela, rushed at the back, their big breasts bouncing. Maya hit an intersection. Sounds exploded through the seat. Monster girls flew overhead. Fire burst to the right. She looked around and spotted an ethereal sight.

“There!” Maya shouted and rushed down the street toward that glimpse. She raced to reach her boyfriend, terror for him. What was he doing? He had to get to safety. This was madness.

She reached the next intersection and found him marching with a ghost.


He stopped and turned around. She rushed down the street and threw her watery form into him. She hugged him tight, her body rippling from the violent impact. She trembled in his arms. Halia was gone. She was really gone.

“I know,” he said. “We can cry later. Fara needs us to save her. She's not going to die.”

“Right, right,” Maya said. She shuddered, trying to control the grief. “Why do you still have the bracer on?”

“I can't remove it,” he said. “It's not—”

Maya grabbed it and pressed on the lightning glyph. Power shocked through her. She ripped her hand away, her fingers numb. She stared at Leo in shock. He nodded to her and turned, marching toward the library.

“You have to get to safety,” Maya said.

“I have to save Fara,” he said.

“Then unleash me, Lord, Agubnamus,” growled Agubnamus. “Let me show this city true power! Let me make your enemy tremble.”

He glanced at her. “You think I haven't tried to unleash you. I can't burn any mana veins with this thing on. No teleportation. No unleashing my dragons. I can't—”

“Massster!” Paanee hissed and slithered ahead of him. She spat acid down the street as a snarling beast darted around the corner. A werewolf.

The spit struck the wolf in the face. She howled in pain as her fur sizzled. She collapsed on the ground as the rest of the pack rushed around the corner, snarling with fury. The one hit burst into motes. The ghost surged forward as the first werewolf jumped. She merged with it. The wolf snarled as she thrashed in the ethereal figure.

The kappas jumped before Leo. Spouts of waters grew from the tops of their smooth heads to form thick lashes that swung before them. The water battered into the charging werewolves with crunching impacts. They were throne to the ground, bodies broken, but a flood of the bitches rushed at them.

Agubnamus took to the air as Leo raised Stormlight. He held Halia's sword as the wolves attacked the kappas. Their water slashes battered down the bitches. Paanee spat again, striking another one. A cunning bitch ducked low and sprung forward, hitting Sela in the throat.

She savaged Sela as Agubnamus breathed water on the pack. Her waves crashed one hard into a building. The werewolf burst into motes. Sela attacked the one savaging her throat, beating her arms. Another werewolf jumped through, rushing at Leo.

Maya thrust herself before her boyfriend while Paanee's tail lashed out. She struck the jumping werewolf and wrapped the furry enemy up in a crushing grip. She squeezed. Bones crunched. The werewolf howled and burst into motes.

That bitch wasn't the only one that got through. Another leaped past Paanee. Maya threw herself at the werewolf. Her watery form slammed into the beast. The werewolf tried to bite the undine, but she flowed around the creature and engulfed her. The werewolf thrashed inside of her.

“Maya!” Leo cried.

He drew back his sword. She opened a hole to the werewolf's chest. Leo thrust. Lightning sizzled through the creature and light flashed. The beast burst into motes. Maya reformed out of it. Sela collapsed beneath the savage attack and burst into motes. Kasava broke that one's back. The last werewolf died to Agubnamus diving down on her and crushing her.

Maya reformed into a human woman. She would be panting if she breathed. Leo was.

“There are fliers!” Agubnamus snarled. “Go! Go!” The dragon-MILF jumped into the air and took off into the sky. Her breath flashed.

“Right,” Paanee hissed and slithered forward to Kasava.

Hoof beats drummed. Leo tensed. So did Maya. From the same corner the werewolf pack had come, a dullahan appeared. She turned and threw her head straight for them. Paanee spat her acid, striking the projectile.

It burst into an explosion that rippled down the street. Maya threw herself around Leo as the heat rushed at them. Her body rippled from it, her temperature soaring up toward boiling. It was over a moment later. She flowed off Leo.

Paanee was gone, the walls of the buildings around her burst apart. Fire burned along the side of one. A crater pockmarked the street. The dullahan galloped for us, a new head forming on her head. She reached for it.

Kasava, her arm burned, lashed out with her watery tentacle. She struck the dullahan and pinned the Death monster girl's arms to her side. The kappa lifted the enemy out of the saddle of her horse. The beast charged at Maya.

She threw herself into the horse to drown it, not sure if that would do anything. Leo rushed forward as the dullahan thrashed in the grip of Kasava's water. He swung his sword and cut through the dullahan in a burst of sparks. She vanished.

So did the horse Maya engulfed. She crashed to the ground and rippled, flowing back into her human form. She grabbed Leo's hand and spun him around. She had to get through to him that this was madness.

“We need to get you into the dungeon,” she said. “We have to get that bracer off you.”

“I'm getting Fara back,” he said, his eyes bleak. They were full of pain.

“Leo, you're not thinking straight,” she said.

“I know.” He ripped his grip out of her hand “I'm getting back Fara. Nothing will stop me.”

“How?” she demanded as he kept walking.

“I don't know. We have half the city to cross to figure that out.”

Chapter Thirty-Six

Morana needed to find the Dark Lord and protect her. She rushed down the street with Hagza on her right and Kassie on her left, the dullahans riding on either side of them. The trio of vampires flapped in the air over their heads. The banshee ran, her undead body free from fatigue.

Konja, one of the dullahans, ripped her head off her shoulder and hurtled it down street. It crashed into a group of werebears. The explosion burst into flames that set a roof on fire and sent the werebears bursting into motes.

“Well thrown,” Morana said. “The Dark Lord will be pleased.”

The headless dullahan bowed with her upper body, a new head forming on the stump of her neck.

Urudu Hum!” Hagza cried.

A bar of steel shot up into the air and struck a diving quetzalcoatl. The Level 2 monster girl burst into motes before she could breath lightning on them. The bats over their head kneed with excitement and turned to the right.

The group rounded the corner. Leo appeared before them, marching with Maya at his side, a kappa and a ghost with him. He looked so strong and powerful in his gray robe, the shining sword in his hand. An avenging lord.

“Finally!” Kassie shouted as they rushed to him.

Leo wore such a grim expression as the dullahans reached him first. They galloped around him. The vampires flew over his head, dancing about in excitement and yipping and kneeing with joy. Morana, Kassie, and Hagza reached him.

He thrust out his left arm, the sleeve of his robe revealing the bracer. “Take this off, Kassie.”

“Yes, Lord Leo,” the halfling said. Morana knew how to do it like everyone else. Kassie reached for it. She pressed the lightning glyph.

Sparks sizzled.

“Cholera!” she gasped, jerking her hand back and waving it. “That hurt. Why can't I take it off.”

“Let me try,” Hagza said, the dwarf grabbing Leo's arm. She had the same results, gripping her hand.

“No one sworn to me can remove it,” growled Leo. “Even Siwang's step-mother couldn't remove it.”

Unicorns incoming!” Palka the Vampire sent from above. “Herd of them from that intersection.”

The bats flew toward it. The two dullahans wheeled their horses around and ripped their heads from their shoulders. The unicorns appeared, more than a dozen of the graceful Light monster girls, their silvery hair spilling behind them. Golden horns thrust from their foreheads.

The dullahans threw their heads. Glavata's flew the farthest, striking the unicorns in the back, bursting them apart while Konja's head slammed into the lead. The explosion shook the air. The mist spilling down Morana's back blew away.

The unicorn survivors leaped over the new crater in the street. Morana opened her mouth wide and shrieked. The air rippled before her. The two lead unicorns dropped dead and burst into motes The others jumped over her sonic attack.

Izi Er-Pad!” Kassie shouted.

Fire exploded, killing one of the jumping unicorns.

Na Kak!” roared Hagza.

A stone ripped through the belly of another. She hit the ground and burst into motes. Morana shrieked again, killing off the last of the unicorns. Motes twinkled through the air. She nodded in satisfaction.

“The enemies have been defeated, Dark Lord,” she said, bowing to him.

The ground shook beneath her feet, giving lie to her words. Then the road ripped open. The cracks burst beneath the feet of the two dullahans. They gasped as they vanished into the earth. The ground slammed back together, crushing them.

Beautiful, slender women with stony flesh rose around them. One reached for Morana. She jumped back as the oread tried to grab her. Leo thrust her back and swung his sword, cutting off the of that earth nymph.

The vampires dove on the others, blurring into their human forms. Their black hair streamed around behind them as they landed on the oreads' backs. The vampires' fangs flashed. They bit the necks of the oreads, feasting on their blood.

Morana screeched at another two oread. They shuddered and dropped dead. There were more of them. Maya jumped on one. Leo slashed his sword again. Morana turned to find an enemy to kill. Motes burst from Krvi, the vampire dying.

The ground ripped open beneath Morana's feet. She gasped and fell into the ground. The dirt slammed shut around her. She felt pain for a moment as her body broke before she died. Her soul came free. She rose, but not into the Void.

She was captured by crystal. She was trapped in a gray room. No one hugged. She looked around to see other monster girls. Paanee hissed at her. The two dullahans were here. Sela the Kappa. Nimfa the Siren. A few others. This wasn't right. Where was Souleen?

Fear washed through Morana. Where they trapped forever in this featureless prison.

*  \ * /  *

“Fuck!” I snarled as Morana vanished into the ground.

Kasava's slammed her water lash into an oread, breaking her neck. The ground shook beneath my feet. Palka threw herself at the oread. The vampire, blood on her lips, grabbed the creature. I raised my sword and darted to help. Rock thrust up and struck Palka, ripping through her.

The vampire died.

“Leo!” Maya cried. She grabbed me and yanked me back as a crack ripped open at my feet. The oread glared at me.

Urudu Hum!” Hagza roared.

A bar of steel slammed into the oread's head, caving in her forehead. The ground stopped rumbling as she burst into motes. I panted, the buildings around us groaning. The street managed by the rents that opened and shut.

“We have to...” I trailed off. Hoof beats. More of them. “Shit!”

A cadre of dullahans appeared around the corner. A half-dozen all raising heads and throwing them.

“Run!” I shouted and grabbed Maya's hand.

I darted for a building as the others scattered. Udel turned into a bat and took to the air. I vanished I the doorway, not sure where the others are. The explosions struck the house. The blast pitched me forward. I fell on the ground, Maya on top of me.

Kasava died.

The building groaned over us. Rubble crashed to the ground behind us. I scrambled forward, Maya covering me. Her body rippled. And she gasped. Beams burst through the roof and slammed into the floor. The building collapsed around us.

I reached the far wall, Maya huddling with me. More debris struck the floor. Dust washed over us. My heart hammered. Was this it. I held my undine to me as I waited for us to be over. The building shuddered one last time.

Then it went still.

“Fuck,” I groaned and looked at it. We were trapped by rubble. I didn't see a way I could get out. Maya, yes, but not me. I needed...

Ms. Trueno.

*  \ * /  *

Ms. Trueno, do you see the collapsing building?” Leo asked. “Where a massive explosion just happened. Are you near there?”

I think so,” the thunder sprite answered, looking toward a cloud rising up in the sky. It was a few blocks away. “It's chaos.”

Maya and I are trapped in here. We need you to get us out.”

Ms. Trueno nodded. She glanced over at Vilkas who was dispatching a hydra that had found them. Nimfa, one of the sires, had perished. The two kitsune had survived. Vilkas crackled, in her wolf form. The lightning creature glanced at her.

“Leo's in trouble,” Ms. Trueno said. “That way! We have to save him.”

Smoke rose thick. Fires burned in that direction. Hoofs drummed a few blocks away. She raced down a street and glimpsed as troop of dullahans racing by down a street. They vanished from sight. She ran with Vilkas at her side, the kitsune and sirens hurrying after. They weren't the best combat team, but they could befuddle monster girls.

The hydra's heads had all grown so confused.

The building was a large one, the roof collapsed. Fire burned on one end that had already been reduced to rubble. Toward the south, the wall rose intact. She didn't know where Leo was in this mess. She moved down the street.

Where are you in the building?” she sent.

Near an intact exterior wall,” he answered.

There's a lot of wall,” she said. “If we're in the right place.”

I'm pounding,” he shouted.

Magasa, a kitsune, stiffened. All three of her blue-gray fox tails twitched behind her. She moved down the wall and pressed her ear against it. She nodded and motioned for Ms. Trueno. Vilkas crouched low, ready to spring into action.

I'm breaking open a hole,” Ms. Trueno said. “Be careful.”

I have Maya around me.”

Ms. Trueno was heartened to hear that. The thunder sprite drew in a deep breath and shouted. Her screech slammed into the door. It struck it with power. The already damaged masonry burst apart. It showered inward in a billow of dust.

“Owe!” gasped Maya, her form rippling. She hugged Leo.

He rose with the undine around him. He stepped out as Maya flowed off him. He hugged Ms. Trueno tight. She returned the embrace. Vilkas growled a warning as the drumming of hoofs grew louder.

“Fuck,” Leo Snarled. “The dullahans again.”

The kitsune blurred into their small fox forms with nine tails and darted forward, bounding across the walls. A trio of dullahans appeared, their heads flying. Ms. Trueno screamed. The air distorted. Part of the damaged building collapsed as she struck the heads in flight. They burst.

The dullahans horses neighed, the riders thrown from their mounts by their own detonating heads. A loud crash burst as the rest of the building collapsed. Dust spilled across the road and washed over them, cutting off sight of the enemy monster girls.

The two kitsune sang.

Their beautiful voices echoed through the dust as Ms. Trueno raced forward, Maya and Leo at her side. Vilkas bounded ahead of them. The two surviving sirens sang out behind them. The dust billowed and cleared to reveal the three dullahans. They stood catatonic by their horses, bewitched by the kitsune.

“Have them step forward,” Leo said and raised Stormlight.

The kitsune's song changed. The three dullahans stepped forward. He swung the blade thrice, cutting each one down in bursts of sparks. The monster girls vanished into motes that sizzled down around them.

“Okay,” Leo said. “We need—”

Fire slammed down into Magasa, engulfing the kitsune. She vanished in a scream that cut off, the flames burning nothing. A seraph flew over. She banked around for another attack. Ms. Trueno drew in a breath and screamed.

The air distorted and slammed into the seraph just as a lightning bolt breathed from Vilkas struck the monster girl. The two attacks destroyed her. She varnished in motes that billowed in Ms. Trueno's sonic attack.

“Fuck,” Leo muttered.

*  \ * /  *

“We have to get to cover,” I shouted as another seraph flew over.

Her fireball struck Vilkas. The heat burst from the attack. Maya jumped over me as the flames engulfed Dala, the siren. Maya screamed around me she boiled. The flames cleared a moment later, Ms. Trueno's scream filling the night sky.

The seraph died along with Vilkas and Dala.

Anger boiled through me. “There are too many enemy monster girls out.”

“Exactly,” Maya said as she spilled off me. She clung to me, her body still steaming. “Let's get you to safety.”

“I'm unleashing the Level 1 monster girls,” I said. “Let's add to the chaos.”

“Leo,” Maya groaned. I didn't care. I would save Fara.

I gave the order to the Level 1 monster girls. They were eager to join the fight.

*  \ * /  *

Lana Fulmine needed to keep her number one fan safe.

She flew through the skies with Ljosa, the thunderbirds, and cherubs. They blasted lightning at ground targets as they flew toward a massive explosion. Another burst in the air while two seraphs were dispatched by Ms. Trueno.

The lightning sprite flew over the street and glanced down, hearten to see her number one fan with Maya, Ms. Trueno, a kitsune, and a siren. Lana Fulmine glanced at Ljosa. The lampetia wore a big smile on her glowing face.

“Hippogriffs and griffins flying in!” Aureole, one of the cherubs, shouted.

“Destroy them!” Lana Fulmine cried, turning her attention to the approaching fliers.

Her wings crackled as the griffins accelerated from the flock of hippogriffs. Blurs. Lana Fulmine's lightning shot out and struck one of the blurs. The griffin spun in the air and crashed into one of the large trees, bursting in spots.

Lightning flew from the thunderbirds and cherubs, striking more of the griffins. Motes burst into light. Ljosa's light beam cut through a group of hippogriffs, destroying them. But they counterattacked. A barrage of turquoise arrows flew behind the surviving griffins.

Lana Fulmine flapped her wings hard and soared over a screeching griffin. The blur nearly ripped her head off, but the lightning sprite dodged it. She spun around and fired a blast of lightning, striking the turning enemy.

Kardas's blasted another griffin before being hit only to be struck from behind by another griffin. Talons ripped through the cherub's back. She burst into motes and vanished. Ljosa's eye-beams burned through that one, killing it.

The hippogriff feathers shot among them. Griausti, one of the thunderbirds, burst apart into motes of dancing light. Lana Fulmine flapped her wings and blasted a hippogriff. Feathers hissed past the former movie star.

It was chaos in the skies. She glimpsed Aureole flying past on her wings of lightning. Her halo crackled and discharged, killing a griffin. Ljosa's light beam flashed by, ripping through another hippogriff.

“No!” Ljosa screamed in pain.

A griffin ripped into her belly and left her spinning in the air.

“You fucker!” Lana Fulmine roared and blasted lightning at the griffin.

The bitch ducked beneath the blast and slammed down into Erelisa. The thunderbird screeched in pain. Ljosa vanished into motes as Erelisa exploded with lightning. She blew back the griffin who attacked her, the enemy monster girl smoking.

Erelisa smiled up at me. I could see the joy in her eye that she fought for Leo. Then she was gone.

Lana Fulmine snarled, her wings crackling. She discharged my fury and struck the half-burned griffin as the monster girl recovered from her fall. The lightning struck the griffin in the face. She screamed and burst into dancing glitter.

Lana Fulmine turned around, fury beating in her.

A feather struck the lightning sprite in the side. A glancing blow.

Aureole hit that hippogriff with a crackling bolt from her halo. The cherub beat her sparking wings. A griffin slammed into her from behind, talons ripping through the beautiful lightning angel's back. The cherub screamed.

Her halo burst with lightning, striking the griffin's wings.

Aureole died for Lana's number one fan.

The griffin tumbled and crashed into a tree, dying, too.

Lana Fulmine tracked another, but the skank was as fast as a coked-out hooker racing of the last bump. She got behind the lightning sprite and darted in for the kill. Lana Fulmine spun around and fired her lightning

The griffin ducked beneath it and twisted around. Her talons hurtled for Lana Fulmine's belly.

Watery fire slammed into the griffin. The force threw her out of the sky. She crashed into the tree below and spattered into a glittering specs. A moment later, Agubnamus soared past Lana Fulmine. The water dragon pulled out of her dive.

“Thanks,” Lana Fulmine said. She glanced down at Leo's group moving through the street. “We have to keep them safe.”

The water dragon grinned, eager for the fight.

*  \ * /  *

I ran down the street with Maya, Ms. Trueno, Veszeli, and Roka racing at my side. I spotted a group of my satyrs bounding down a side street, causing chaos. I held my sword. I glanced up to see Agubnamus and Lana Fulmine flying off to the right.

More fights in the sky. A flight of pixies rushed after them.

Ethereal forms rose up in the streets. Not my ghosts of Siwang's.

“Shit!” I snarled.

Ms. Trueno opened her mouth to shout, but two of the ghosts thrust their hands into her. She stiffened as they drained the life from her. One lunged for me, but Veszeli and Roka burst into songs. Their music captured the several of the ghosts, including the one reaching for me.

I cut that one down. Stormlight burst with lightning and killed the ghost.

Ms. Trueno collapsed into motes.

“Shit,” I snarled and jumped back as the ghosts lunged for me, my heart racing.

One reached out and brushed Veszeli. Her song cut off. The siren swayed and collapsed, dying like Ms. Trueno. I roared and cut that ghost down, too. Her form glittered around me as I backed away from more of the death.

Maya dodged an attack, rolling between them, but there were so many ghosts around us, all reaching for us. Eager to finish us off. I slashed at another, my heart racing. I needed help right now.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Garnet soared through the air, looking for trouble. She had lost the leprechauns when she took to the air with Isatu and the demons to fight off a group of harpies. They had killed them, but the leprechauns had gotten distracted by their own ground battle.

Ahead, Lana Fulmine and Agubnamus battle a group of seraphs, fireball, lightning, and water showering through the air. Garnet thrust out her hand and beat her wings, flying with the dragon-puppy and the sexy demons for them.

Only to spot a worse threat.

I need help!” her Owner shouted in her mind. In all their minds.

I'm on it, Big Bro!” Garnet answered and dove with her forces at Leo and the ghosts. Several of them were bewitched by Roka's song. Maya rolled on the ground, dodging touches, while her Ownerswung Stormlight.


Garnet channeled her grief into her rage.

The demons suddenly jumped out of shadows around Leo and Maya. They could do that. Whips of shadows lashed out, striking the ghosts with darkness, and killing a pair of them. Isatu's flames engulfed several ghosts as she strafed over them. Roxa's singing distracted three of the ghosts.

Garnet formed a leash out of shadows and landed, whipping those ghosts asses. She cracked her whip on them as they swayed there. Anger burst from her throat. Halia was dead. Killed by all these dumb people that just wouldn't let her Owner save the world.

“Stupid dumb idiots!” Garnet screeched as she whipped those asses.

They burst into motes.

She spun around to see her Owner stabbing the last of them, the demons flanking him. Maya sprang up into her human form, her body rippling. Garnet ran to her Owner and threw herself into his strong arms.

“She's not really dead, right?” Garnet asked, her heart breaking.

Pain crossed his face.

She buried her face into his chest. Tears spilled from her eyes. “M-maybe she's waiting in the Void Crystal. You can bring her back.”

“Her body didn't disappear into motes,” Leo said. “Just like the soldiers who died. She's gone. Her soul has moved on to heaven.”

“Lord Leo!” Isatu shouted above.

Her fire crackled. A form crashed through her flames. Feathers burned as a griffin struck Isatu and slammed the fire dragon into a building. Both her and the enemy monster girl burst into motes and vanished, the flames catching the roof on fire.

“You can bring her back, right?” Garnet whimpered, her tail swishing behind her.

“If we survive,” Leo whispered.

“Leo!” Maya shouted.

*  \ * /  *

Crystal threw a dagger of ice and killed the unicorn bounding away from her group. The ambush had left Zuby, a yeti, dead. Chara, the other two yetis, and the two jotnar still were with the ice sprite. They marched through the chaos of the city.

Wildhounds bayed to the right. A large pack of them, both the old ones and the new, bounded together to find chaos. Hellhounds chased them. Friendly hellhounds. Balls of lightning shot up in the air, striking a group of enemy pixies. The will o' wisps were a few blocks from here.

Crystal was just looking for Leo. She had to find that dirty boy before he got them all killed. She would bend him over her lap and spank him hard for this recklessness. He was moving for the library, so she did the same.

“He's a bold man,” Chara said, the slithering snake girl said. Her boobs jiggled as she moved in her undulating fashion.

“Bold. Stupid.” Crystal shook her head.

“I love it,” said Lednika, one of the jotnar. “So strong and mighty.”

“Yes,” Goloda added. The yeti grinned. “Let's find more enemies to kill for him.”

“And eat,” added Yesti. “We can get a mouthful or two before they day.”

“Well, look at that,” said Chara. She pointed to a group of ogresses and oreads at an intersection. The slender rock nymphs bent over and touched the ground. A wall erupted, blocking off the street.

“That's strange,” said Crystal as the enemy ogresses readied their clubs to smash with them.

Two demons burst out of the shadows and attacked. Deamhana and Olca hit with their shadowy whips. One of the oreads screamed and died. The ogresses attacked. Olca dodged a heavy club, but Deamhana was not so lucky.

The attack pulverized the demon.

“Come on!” Crystal shouted, rushing forward and throwing her icy daggers. Chara slithered with her, spitting her own blades of ice. They struck a pair of oreads, killing them.

The ogresses turned toward them, raising their stone clubs.

The jotnar ran past Crystal and Chara. The two white-skinned giantess formed hammers of ice and attacked the ogresses. The enemy monster girls formed shields of stone to block the attacks. Vysokiy's struck one shield, her icy hammer bursting on the attack.

The other ogress did a surprise attack on Lednika. The jotunn blocked with her own hammer. The two tall and muscular monster girls were locked in a bind before Lednika headbutted the ogress, sending her stumbling back.

The ground shook.

Crystal threw a dagger at an oread, taking her in the eye. She died and the shaking stopped.

Lednika took a hard blow back. The ogress turned her club into a sword and slammed it through Lednika's chest. The jotunn gasped and burst apart into motes of light. They spilled around the weapon. Crystal snarled in fury.

Her icy blades struck the ogress in the breasts. Those big tits took the blows, acting as armor. Chara spat her own attacks, peppering the enemy. The ogress threw her sword at Crystal and Chara. The ice sprite ducked.

Chara wasn't so nimble.

It cut her in half.

As her glitter spilled around Crystal, she came up and threw an icy dagger that struck the ogress in the throat. Blood fountained. The ogress stumbled as Crystal's next attack to her in the eye. The ogress collapsed and died.

Vysokiy battered her ogress with a hard blows. The ice hammer cracked open the ogress's skull. The yetis reached the surviving ogresses in that moment, their claws tearing and teeth ripping. They gobbled down the mouthfuls of flesh before the oreads died.

One of the enemy rock nymphs ripped open the ground. Yesti and the oread she feasted upon vanished in the earth. Just then, Leo scrambled over the wall with Maya at his side. Roka leaped over in her fox form.

His sword slammed into the last ogress fighting Olca. He cleaved through the ogress's knee. She collapsed. Garnet flew over and brained an oread with a shadowy dildo. Crystal just smiled in delight to see her dirty boy.

Leo nodded to her and led the way.

*  \ * /  *

Hagane found riding on Stiprsa's shoulder to give a commanding view of the battle. The giant had attained her full height, allowing Hagane to see over many buildings. It made them vulnerable to attack, but Leo was drawing most of the enemy monster girls.

Those who were getting bogged down in the chaos of the fight.

Brunasi,” Hagane ordered one of the animated armors, “take the wildhounds and hit that force of werewolves a block over.”

Yes, Captain Hagane,” Brunasi replied. The wildhounds bayed and went on the attack.

Choirs and will o' wisps,” Hagane sent next, focusing on a new group, “I need you moving north. A group of enemy arachne are setting up an ambush for Leo. Take them out.”

Will do,” said Sviesos, the oldest of Leo's monster girls.

Hagane would aid Leo in saving Fara in every way she could. They had to take advantage of the chaos. Fuegin's forces were in disarray. He had not been expecting this sort of attack. He had expected us to hit the library, not to flood the city.

Milzisi, there's a giant heading your way,” Hagane said to Leo's second giant. “Ambush her from behind.”

At her small size, Milzisi darted off in the direction of the tall monster girl. The giant looked up and snarled as lightning struck her in the face. Lana Fulmine swooped in. Agubnamus was on her heels, hitting the giant with water. A flock of pixies chased the water dragon and threw their own attacks on the giant.

As the enemy staggered, Milzisi sprang up to her full height and attacked with a massive sword. She cleaved the enemy giant in half, the sparks lighting up the night before they vanished. Milzisi shrunk back down to her human size.

Agubnamus, take the pixies and hit those phoenixes winging to the west,”

Leo came closer to the library.

Siwang, there's a large group of jotnar near you. They are advancing from your right.”

*  \ * /  *

Thanks,” Siwang sent back to Hagane.

He had lost Muyang and Kyuuma in the fight, but he still had a large force. He reached the next street and peppered around it. He spotted the half-dozen or so jotnar marching up the street with their icy hammers. They were all big women and burly. Amazonian monsters girls that could flatten him like a crepe.

Siwang thought of Anni, picturing his betrothed in his mind, then led the attack.

Caihong burst into song, her music inspiring Siwang's force of companions to close the distance fast. The jotnar drew up in a fighting stance, ready for the attack, their hammers poised to crush the lead monster girls.

Incarnation of flames, let the passion of Lady Lamashtu embrace!” Siwang chanted.

Fire engulfed him. He became flames, using Flamebody for the first time.

Yinfu burst into a firewhirl. The ifrit swept at the jotnar. The lead one swung at her, but she flowed around is hammer and into the jotunn. The monster girl screamed as the flames engulfed her. Motes burst from withing the ifrit.

The other jotnar attacked the whirling flames with their icy hammers. Steam sizzled and Yinfu's flames sputtered out. She screamed as she died, her fire transforming into glittering fireflies that all winked out after a moment.

Flame burst and burn, let the anger of Lord Gibil destroy!” Siwang roared.

Flame Spurt stuck one of the jotnar, engulfing her in fire. She screamed as she burned.

Savurma, the maenad, jumped on that dying jotunn and tore at her. Blood flew from the air and Shui caught the red with her hand. She manipulated the blood, it was a liquid. The nixie turned it into a read spear that she slammed into the throat of another jotunn, killing her.

Savurma jumped off the dying, burning jotunn only to be struck by a hammer. She flew into a building and exploded into lights. Siwang hated feeling his monster girls dying. The jotunn drew back her hammer for another swing.

Mei and Skrige, Siwang's two cyclopes, got there first. Their hammers slammed into the jotunn's kneecaps, breaking both her legs.She collapsed on her back. The two cyclopes raised their weapons for the finishing blow.

Another jotunn swung for them. Siwang acted.

Thunderclap deafens, let the roar of Lord Ishkur disorient!”

Concussive Blast knocked back the attacking jotunn. The cyclopes finished off their foe while Guang's light beam struck the stunned jotunn, finishing off the last of the icy monster girls. Their motes swirled through the airs for a moment.

Fire crackled and burst. Guang shrieked. The lampetia vanished in a ball of flame.

From above, a flock of phoenixes swept down at them. Verja fired off a stinger from her tail, the manticore hitting one phoenix in the throat, killing her. Kao bent her goat-like legs and jumped into the air. The vampiric sigin crashed into a phoenix. Fiery wings beat as Kao bit, sucking the enemy monster girl's blood. Kao landed on the roof, feasting and killing her foe.

From above it falls, let the ice of Lord Anshar crush!” Siwang cried.

A chunk of ice crushed the phoenix. The others flapped wings and took to the sky as water engulfed her. Then motes of light fired as Agubnamus led a flight of pixies after the phoenixes, killing them.

“Come on,” Siwang said. They had to keep Leo alive.

*  \ * /  *

Terra came around a corner to find Leo's lemures fighting a squad of animated armors. The Level 3 Monster girls swung their swords, cutting down the lemures. The poor Level 1 Monster girls managed to kill one of the animated armors.

Just one.

Then they were gone. Cuvar, Vojnik, Porta, Predoka, Svetiliste, and Oltari were all dead.

“Rug-munchers!” Bjorni roared.

The bugbear charged forward, snarling like a bear. She slammed into the lead animated armor, biting into the monster girls' breastplate. Metal crunched as she tore it apart. The others turned to attack her, but the two ogresses were right behind Bjorni. Voina and Pacvara both swung stone swords and cleaved into the enemy animated armors. The three oreads ripped open the ground, swallowing up another pair of the enemy monster girls.

Terra reached the fight and swung her hammer fists, crumpling the helmet of an animated armor. She burst into motes. Terra dodged another's swung, the large patrol dying. The ogresses swung their stone blades, crunching through the villains.

“You think that's enough!” roared Bjorni, a sword thrust through her chest.

Her bear head ripped off the animated armor's head. Then her hands grabbed the open neck hole and ripped the breast and backplates apart. The animated armor died. Bjorni staggered, blood gushing from her wound.

“See you soon, Terra,” she growled before the bugbear vanished.

Terra swung her hammer fists, battering them. The ogresses fought at her side, crushing all they came upon. Hunks of sheered metal flew through the air before vanishing into motes of lights. In moments, they had won.

Terra, A giant is about to be on you,” Hagane said calmly.“It's marching straight for Leo, but you're in its path.”

Terra turned as she spotted it. The giantess marched right through a wooden building growing around a tree. Debris flew. Pacvara charged at her, the ogress raising her stone sword. She swung it at the giant.

The giant slammed her foot down, crushing Pacvara with ease.

“Oreads!” Terra shouted as the giant formed a mighty metal hammer that could crush half a city block in a single blow.

The ground ripped open beneath the giant's right foot as she stepped forward with her left. She gasped and collapsed to her hands and knees. The building behind Terra exploded in debris. She hoped they were empty. So many elves were fleeing left and right in the chaos.

Voina attacked with her sword. The ground beneath her shoved upward, the oreads giving her a springboard. She flew and slammed her sword in the giant's neck. Blood spurted. The giant swatted Voina and crushed her like a bug.

Terra rushed forward, not sure what she was doing. The giant reached for her. Terra tired to dodge it, but she failed. The hand grabbed her. She was lifted in the air and hurtled like a missile. She slammed through the ruins of the building. Her arm ripped off. Her head.

She burst out the other side. Her head rolled to Leo. She stared up at her stunned lover. She smiled at him before she died and found herself in the gray emptiness with the many other monster girls who had died today.


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