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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Garnet was enjoying the peace. The tranquility. No disasters. No new dungeon builders threatening to raze a city or saints attacking her Owner. And there were so many new monster girls for her to play with.

She was spoiled with choices. Which outpost should she visit first? The lemures were neat while the wendigos were so dangerous. The choirs must sing such beautiful songs, and the fire sprites were hot.

Treants with those cool branches on their heads? That was so weird but also so neat.

Gorgons had... snake-hair. That might be sexy, right?

Her wings flapped as she paced back and forth, trying to figure out which outpost to have her Owner send her to. She just didn't know. There was just so much fun for a sexy little succubus like her to enjoy.

It was paralyzing.

Big bro shouldn't be allowed to make so many monster girls at once! Garnet stamped her foot petulantly. It's not fair to me. I have to make love to them all! How do I choose?

She sank to the ground to ponder this weighty matter.

*  \ * /  *

I have reached the Library and begun my research,” Fauraliiithiliana sent to Lord Leo as she headed into the Theology Wing of the library. Her meeting with the Great Sage had just ended.

Any problems?” he asked.

Some. I may need assistance in withdrawal. I will keep in touch.”

I see.” After a pause, he asked, “Do you need me to send monster girls to ready to extract you?”

I would prepare for it, but it will be some weeks before it is necessary.” Trials tooktime to organize, especially one this big. And there would be plenty of pretrial motions that could slow things down. Fauraliiithiliana would see to it. “I will keep you appraised.”

Do that.”

He did not sound happy about the situation. Well, there was nothing to do about it. Fauraliiithiliana had her work to do. She passed into the large stacks of books and moved toward the catalog to start pulling the books she believed she would need.

Master Librarian Jamianliliiithan looked up from his desk at the front. He was a quiet elf who kept to himself, slender as a twig. He shook his head and looked back down at his own work. She was glad he wouldn't interfere.

First, she had to identify where the great temples of the world. The ones who boasted to being the temple to the different gods. Obviously, she could ignore the Lord and Lady of Water and of Light. She found references to a number of books all in one section.

The one on worship practices.

She went into the stacks and found the books. They were heavy tomes that she stacked in her arms. The weight grew until she had all she could carry. She made her way back to her table and set them down. She decided on a book that provided a general overview of the world's religion and temples. She had to identify which Lord and Lady were seen as the patrons of a region or where they were almost exclusively worshiped.

Later, she would correlate that with legends of guardians or dragons.

So she began her work, writing in her journal her findings while simultaneously reporting them to Hagane. She was writing all this done in the copy of the journal that Fauraliiithiliana had made before embarking on this plan.

So long as she delivered this information to her Lord, she would be satisfied with death. She would receive her reward in the next life for helping to fix this world. She had no doubts on that. She was on the right side of history.

She worked for hours, finding many candidates. She talked back and forth with Hagane, relaying what she found. What cities were good candidates. She worked through the books, ignoring the hunger in her belly and her thirst.

She had to find this information as swiftly as possible.

Fauraliiithiliana believed she had some good candidates for all the remaining ten temples and the possible resting places of the other Blessed Blades. She was happy as she wanted to start narrowing down the list.

That was when the howling started.

*  \ * /  *

I did not like the sound that she needed help getting extracted. Not one bit.

I had the lemures moved off. And it turned out, after doing a careful survey, there was still one more group of monster girls I had overlooked. Cockatrices. This time, they were definitely the last ones. Level 1 Thunder monster girls.

I was positive that was all of them. They would staff Outpost Eta. I gripped the Void Crystal. I was familiar with them. Siwang and Munjan both had them. Green-scaled lizard women with bird feet and round breasts. They had red, feathery hair that reminded me a bit of a rooster's comb.

Not that there was anything masculine about these beauties with their hard nipples and dripping pussies. I was eager to try them out. And Thunder meant they probably gave really, really great blowjobs.

“Csirke and Asszony, appear!” I commanded then released the grip.

The two cockatrices spun out of the either. I was so ready for this. They appeared both of them stretching, their arms thrust over their head. Their plump boobs jiggled, covered in their fetching, green scales. Talons clicked on the floor.

“Lord Leo,” Csirke cooed.

“Mmm, yes, yes, Lord Leo,” Asszony said, her eyes flicking down to my cock. Her tongue flicked around her lips.

“Kneel and blow me,” I commanded. “I want to feel both your mouths around my cock.”

“Yes, my Lord,” they both purred and dropped to their knees.

They grabbed my cock with their scaled hands and both leaned in together. They kissed at the tip. Their tongues flicked around the crown. That felt so good to have them do that. I was in heaven here. I groaned, my cock twitching in their hands.

Their lips nibbled on the tip. They might have scaled, but they were warm blooded. Their tongue stroked hot over the crown, brushing each other. The coacktrices kissed, their lips melting together as they gripped my cock. They made me feel so damned good.

I groaned as their tongues stroked over my cock. I loved how great that felt. My eyes rolled back in my head as the delicious things both stroked their tongues around my cock before Asszony slid her lips over my crown.

“Mmm, suckle on him,” Csirke purred and licked her fellow cockatrice's ear.

I groaned as Asszony suckled hard on my cock. She hummed. I loved the vibrations that only a Thunder monster girl could make. They massaged my cock. Pleasure swept over my cock. The delight rushed through me. It was just a fantastic treat.

She bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down my cock. I loved the feel of it. That was just fantastic. She nursed on me with such passion. Her cheeks hollowed as she hummed around my cock. Csirke watched on, eager for her turn.

She didn't have to wait long. Asszony ripped her mouth off and handed my dick over to Csirke.

“Mmm, yes,” the cockatrice cooed before swallowing my cock.

I groaned at the delight of her hot mouth suckling on my dick. She hummed, too, at a slightly different frequency from her fellow coacktrice. It was an exciting moment to have her loving me like that. I groaned as I slid my fingers through their red hair.

Csirke bobbed her head while Asszony watched with hunger in her eyes. She was so eager for me to erupt. I was so ready for that delight. To erupt onto their faces. I would coat their green scales with so much jizz.

That would be so hot.

Csirke popped her mouth off my dick and traded me back to Asszony. The cockatrice suckled on my dick with all that she had. It was just amazing to have her do that. I loved it so much. I was so happy to have her nursing on me.

She suckled on me with passion. She worked that hot mouth up and down my cock. She brought me closer and closer to cumming. I groaned as she swirled her tongue around my cock. The passion felt just amazing.

“Shit!” I groaned, rising toward that moment of climax.

She purred around my cock, nursing on me with all that she had. She winked at me as she danced her tongue around my dick. It was such a wild moment. Just such a wicked thing to enjoy. I loved it so much. I savored it.

“Damn,” I groaned as Csirke popped her mouth off my cock and traded me back to Asszony.

She suckled on me with passion. Her tongue danced. She hummed with that delicious frequency.

Csirke loved my cock with the same passion. It was just incredible to have the cockatrices suckling on me like that. The pressure grew and grew as Asszony then Csirke then Asszony suckled on me. Back and forth.

“You know what I want to do to you?” I groaned. “Where I want to cum?”

“Where, my lord?” cooed Csirke.

“Your faces,” I groaned. “I'm close!”

Asszony popped her mouth off my cock. She stared up at me, pressing her green-scaled into her fellow coacktrice's. She stroked her hand up and down my cock and licked her lips. She was so eager for it. So ready to have me just erupt. I wanted to spray her face with my cum.

“Give it to me, my Lord,” she moaned.

“Cum on our faces, Lord Leo,” Csirke cooed, her hand pumping up and down my cock. She massaged me with her scaly touch.

“Yes!” I growled and erupted.

My pearly spunk sprayed over their green-scaled faces. I painted them in my jizz. It was just fantastic to coat them all in my cum. The heat rushed through me as I unloaded again and again. I covered them in my seed.

My nuts twitched as I pumped blast after blast of my cum across their faces. The pleasure shuddered through me. It was just fantastic to have all this jizz erupting from my cock. I coated their faces with all that I had.

It was just fantastic. An excellent delight. The pleasure rushed through me as I coated them. They purred in delight as I drenched them in my passion. I hosed them down with all that I had. Stars flashed across my vision.

“Fuck!” I groaned. “Oh, fuck, yes!”

I erupted one more time onto their faces.

They turned and licked it off them as I grinned. I released their red hair and headed to the Void Crystal. Time to summon the other cockatrices. I gripped the stone and found them again. New names rose in my mind.

“Zoldi, Hangosy, Keki, and Sikoly, appear!” I cried.

The four I named spun out of the darkness and appeared in the room. They all moaned and darted for the two I drenched in cum. They bent down to feast on them. I caught Keki as she went to pass and pulled her to me. I kissed her.

I made out with the cockatrice as the other lapped cum off Asszony's and Csirke's face. Keki moaned into my mouth, her lips soft and stiff thanks to the scales around them. I squeezed her ass, massaging her through her natural armor. My dick rubbed against the pebbly texture of her belly.

I broke the kiss and said. “Mmm, I am going to fuck you so hard.”

“Yes, my Lord,” she moaned, her red hair quivering around her head. It was so feathery like she was a glam rocker from the 80's. But she didn't need to use an entire bottle of hairspray to get that effect.

She sank to the ground and spread her legs, her bird-like feet clenching into... fists, I guessed. I don't know if there was a special term for the feet of birds able to close up like that. I just dropped to my feet, my cock bobbing before me.

Her hand grabbed my dick and guided me to her pussy. She pressed me into the folds of her pussy. That felt so nice. I kissed her with passion and thrust my tongue into her mouth. I swirled around in her. She squirmed on me as I did that. I loved how she felt beneath me.

Her breasts rubbed into my chest. Her nipples hard and solid. I thrust into her cunt as she wrapped her arms and legs around me. Her scales rubbed pebbly across my body. That felt so delicious as she moaned into me.

The others were clucking about cum. Jizz.

“Pussy,” one of them moaned.

“Yes, yes, Hangosy,” purred another. “Let's eat pussy.”

I broke the kiss and groaned, “Daisy chain. That's what you have to do!Just feast on each other's pussies. That would be amazing.”

“Lord Leo!” the five cockatrices clucked.

They fell into a daisy chain, a ring of monster girls feasting on each other's cunts. I loved the sight of them. And the sounds. They moaned and gasped and cawed in delight as they licked at each other's pussies. I thrust hard into Keki's snatch.

“They're so beautiful,” Keki moaned as I drilled into her pussy.

I thrust away at her cunt. I fucked her with all that I had, reveling in how delicious she felt wrapped around my cock. She squeezed down on me like a good monster girl. She whimpered, my nuts slapping into her taint. I loved the feel of her squeezing down on me. That was just an amazing sensation.

I loved it immensely as I thrust away at her cunt. I fucked into her pussy with hard strokes. I plowed into her with all that I had. It was just amazing to have her squeezing her twat down on my dick. It was fantastic.

“Sikoly! Sikoly!” gasped from the daisy chain.

“Oh, Zoldi!”

“Hangosy, that yummy pussy!”

“Ooh, ooh, Asszony! Lick my twat!”

“Mmm, you're so juicy, Csirke!”

“So are you, Keki,” I growled, burying to the hilt in her pussy. I fucked her with force. I plowed into her with all that I had. I thrust into her with passion. It was just amazing to plow into her with force. It was fantastic. “Damn!”

“You're so big and thick, my lord!” she moaned. “Thank you! Thank you, Lord Leo! Thank youfor creating me!”

“You're welcome!” I pounded her. “I hope you have a happy life! I just want my monster girls to be happy. To love you all! You're my family!”

“We love you, Lord Leo!” sang out from the five daisy-chaining.

“Yes, yes, yes, we love you,” moaned Keki. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down for a kiss.

I shuddered, making out with her. It was a wonderful moment to do that. I loved the feel of her lips on mine. she felt so good. Tasted so good. She was such an amazing creature. I enjoyed every last second of this. Just every last moment of kissing her.

I thrust away at her. I pounded her cunt with all that I had. It was fantastic. The need to cum swelled in me. It rose and rose with my every plunge into her cunt. I pounded her with all that I had. I gloried in it.

I pumped deep and hard into her pussy. I fucked her with all the passion that I had. It was a beautiful thing. I buried into her with force. I plowed into her hard and fast, loving the way she held me tight.

I broke the kiss and groaned, “Damn! That's good!”

“So good,” she whimpered, her silky pussy clamping down on me. It was just a wonderful moment. I slammed into her snatch, her pussy clamping down on me. “Oh, that's so good! Just so wonderful!”

I loved it. I buried into her with force. It was just a beautiful thing. I plowed into her with all that I had. It was just fantastic. I groaned with passion. I loved how I buried into her with everything that I had. Her pussy clamped down on me.

She held me tight. She massaged with her cunt. I savored it. I gloried in it. I hurtled toward my climax. I pounded her with all that I had. I buried to the hilt in her snatch. She squeezed her cunt down on my cock.

“Damn!” I groaned. “Oh, damn, that's good. That's so good!”

She gripped my dick. She massaged me with that hot snatch. It was fantastic. I groaned, savoring the passion of that moment. I plowed deep and hard into her, my nuts slapping against her taint. She shuddered beneath me.

“Lord Leo!” Keki moaned. Her pussy went wild around my dick. “Yes!”

I groaned at the heat of her snatch rippling around me. She felt so good spasming around my cock. It was a wondrous treat to feel that. It was just outstanding. Her cunt massaged my dick, sending such heat racing through me.

I plowed to the hilt in her and gasped, “Yes!”

I erupted.

As the daisy-chaining cockatrices clucked and moaned their passion, I flooded Keki's pussy with my cum. The pleasureslammed through me. I groaned at the heat coursing through my body as her scaled form bucked beneath me.

Her pebbly boobs rubbed into my chest as her pussy milked my cock. She worked out all the cum. It was just incredible to feel that hot snatch suckling at me. It was amazing. I pumped my spunk into her. I filled her to the brim with my jizz.

“Damn,” I groaned. “Oh, damn, that's good. That's just wondrous. You cockatrices are amazing!”

“Because we love you, Lord Leo,” Keki groaned as spurted the last of my cum into her pussy.

I smiled at her. I rose from her. The other cockatrices all spilled from their daisy-chain and rushed to me. They hugged me. Csirke, Asszony, Zoldi, Hangosy, and Sikoly all pressed against me. They felt so wondrous as they kissed me, their lips stained in tangy pussy juices.

They were all just so wonderful.

I kissed them for a few minutes, making out with all of them, even Keki, before I grabbed the Void Crystal and sent them off to man Outpost Eta. I had that done, and I needed to think about which monster girls to send next, or if I had to send more of them.

Hagane was missing.

Are you busy?” I sent to my animated statue.

Yes. I am recording the research that Fauraliiithiliana has found in the library.”

Okay, I could do this myself. I had my monster girls. I sorted them by type in the interface. I started with the satyrs. My Life monster girls with their big tits and hoofed feet patrolled the initial labyrinth of the dungeon.

I have a new task for my gorgeous satyrs,”I said to Bakara, Seeng, Havas, Khur, Doodh, and Ullo.“You're going to be manning Outpost Theta and patrolling the surrounding area, looking for rogue builders and to protect the locals.”

We'll make you proud, Lord Leo,”Bakara answered.

I moved them to Outpost Theta—and why did theta come after eta?

Next I considered my first monster girls. My will o' wisps. In the beginning, it had just been a few of them and Lana Fulmine. I had them in the Darkness Room, but no penetrated that far except saints. So I just deleted the Darkness Room in its entirety and transferred Sviesos, Zaibas, Svyte, Kibir, Gintaras, and Dvasia to Outpost Iota.

Eta, Theta, Iota?

Welcome to your new post, ladies,” I sent to the will o' wisps. “Guard it well and search for any dangers.”

We will, Lord Leo,” Sviesos said. She sounded happy.

I didn't staff the wildhounds in any tower since I loved using them for scouting. The oozes could be expanded to guard one outpost, but then I ran into a problem. All my other Level 1 Monster Girls were guarding outposts or embassies.

I still had six outposts to fill.

First, I made three more oozes. Debake, Ole, and Vanaspati. They were delicious to fuck. Always a pleasure to enjoy their flowing bodies. They were such happy creatures. I then sent them with Cikhala, Cikata, and Philtara to staff Outpost Kargan. That was the towerin the heart of the dwarven kingdom located in the Greater Carianith Mountains.

We'll do you proud, Lord Leo,” Cikhala said.

For Outpost Kyonis Alpha, the first watchtower in the country of Kyonis, I decided that wildhounds would be perfect to guard it. So I made six new wildhounds. Eager monster girls that yipped excitedly. Garda, Cior, Faire, Sula, Tura, and Caisleana were soon rubbing all over me as I created them.

Just so happy.

Then they were off to their new posting at Outpost Kyonis Alpha

For Outpost Kyonis Beta I went with the hyperactive goblins. Skatitiesa, Sargsi, Tornisa, Acsi, Mekleti, and Pilsa appeared before me, swarmed me, left me groaning from how horny they were, before I sent them off to man the tower.

Don't spend all your time fucking,” I told them.

Only most of the time, Lord Leo!” Skatitiesa answered. I hoped she was joking.

The next outpost was in the halfling kingdom of Milianire. For Outpost Milianire Alpha I made hellhounds. They would be as useful their as the wildhounds would be. With a command, I conjured Mirara, Escolta, Torre, Ojo, Buscara, and Castilla into existence and sent them on their way.

For Outpost Milianire Beta I went with a new cadre of rock elementals.Achova, Achounika, Vieza, Voka, Posuk, and Zamaki were whisked off to their new post.

For the last one, Outpost Milianire Gamma, I went went with pixies. I summoned Oralosuva, Araksakaya, Kuluna, Aesa, Sevima, and Balakotuva. They vanished into the most southern extant of my dungeon. The farthest reach of the power I projected.

This tower was almost due east of the library. I was worried about Fara. I don't know what she meant by her cryptic message that she might need extraction. So I drove my dungeon west toward it. I went for miles and miles before I struck a barrier.

It felt like I hit a dungeon.

I started probing it, spreading out my dungeon. It was a solid wall that spread for miles in all directions. I went deeper and deeper and found I could go under it. it was like a large dome that force me deep into the earth. I could feel that I was going too deep. To the limits of what a dungeon could handle.

Damn, the elves there really did have a way to keep builders back. I drew back all my probing tunnels and formed a staging area. Just in case. Nothing that broached the surface. I didn't want to alarm the elves.

Not with Fara in their clutches.

Kassie, we're going to need more magic circles,” I sent.

I know,” she said. “I've been carving them while you've been locked in your vault fucking your monster girls.”

A bit of embarrassment washed through me, but... “Good, good, we're going to need them.”

I felt a free pair in the teleport hall and added a sign to “ELVEN STAGING AREA” and moved the other end to it.

Are we attacking the elves?” she asked.

Fara might need rescuing,” I answered.


Chapter Twenty-Eight

Fauraliiithiliana swallowed at the shouts that echoed through the library. She closed the book. She had found most of the information she needed and relayed it all to Hagane. Her heart sped out as howls echoed from inside the library.


The doors to the wing burst open. A big, gray wolf burst into the room. Fauraliiithiliana's heart beat faster. A werewolf. An enemy monster girl. That wasn't one of Leo's. She would have recognized Chaandi, Cheekha, or Bhediya on sight.

How had another dungeon builder reached the library? Fauraliiithiliana didn't know how the protection of her nation worked, just that it was supposed to be inviolable.

She thrust her journal down the front of her dress as the werewolf snarled at the librarians. They all jumped to their feet and backed away. Master Librarian Jamianliliiithan held out his hands before the wolf, advancing slowly.

“What do you want?” he asked. “I know you are not a normal beast.”

“Move!” the werewolf snarled, nodding toward the door to the central hall. “Now!”

Fauraliiithiliana joined the other scholars as they shuffled around the wolf and toward the room. They stepped into the great hall. Her father was there with his arm around her trembling mother. Though Fauraliiithiliana's mother wasn't a scholar, she often was here helping her father run the Dungeoneering Wing. A petite and naked woman with orange-red hair and green eyes dragged out the Great Sage from his offices.

A werefox. While Lord Leo had werefoxes as Level 1 monster girls, they were normally companions to a dungeon builder. The lieutenant of whatever builder had sent this force here. And it was a small force. Only two other werewolves were present as they herded the librarians into the center.

“I am aware that the defenses of this nation are found beneath this library,” said the werefox to the Great Sage. “Lord Fuegin wishes to visit this library, but he is denied by this defense. You will lower the barrier or he shall destroy this nation. He will raze the city of Lyrialiasa, sparing only this city. You know he can do it. He has done it in the past.”

“He cannot reach here.”

She grabbed him by the throat and squeezed. “Is his power not here?”

The room shook. Footsteps pounded. The guardians were threw open the doors to the hall and stepped through at crouches. The rock golem sentries strode toward the monster girls ready to dispatch them. They should have no problem with the force.

How many of us will die in the fight.

The werefox smiled. “Well, this is interesting. Lord Fuegin, mind showing up?”

Fuegin appeared in next to the werefox out of thin air. Gasps of shock ran through the room. Fauraliiithiliana jumped herself at the sudden appearance of the tall man with bronze skin and coal-bright eyes. He wore his cloak of flame, his chest bare. He was an imposing, handsome man who looked utterly monstrous.

He had reshaped his body with the dungeon. Fauraliiithiliana knew Lord Leo had done the same, making himself stronger, but he had not gone to this length. She studied Lord Fuegin, struggling to understand how he could appear her.

Yes, yes, he burned a mana vein to make a teleportation spot, she thought. That's fascinating how it bypasses the defenses. It must only keep out a dungeon. A builder can still send his minions into it.

The rock golems swung their glaives at Fuegin. The massive weapons would reduce him to a mass of quivering jelly. Fauraliiithiliana had no hope of attack working. These golems would not be able to defeat her lord.

Why would Fuegin fall to them?

The hammer falls, let the strength of Lord Abzu smash!” boomed the rogue builder.

The first of the rock golems burst into pieces. Debris exploded across the room, striking one librarian in the head. He went down with a gasp. Others struck librarians in the torso. Fauraliiithiliana threw herself on her belly, landing near her parents. Her father draped his own body over her mother to protect the sobbing woman.

The second's glaive struck the ground, but he had darted out of the way of the attack.

The hammer falls, let the strength of Lord Abzu smash!”

More screams echoed through the room as the debris shattered tables and flung bits of rock into the floor and ceiling. A chunk shattered a support beam above. The librarians were wailing and shuddering. The scent of hot piss filled the air. Fauraliiithiliana's heart pounded fast. She fought off terror. Lord Fuegin had them in his hand.

He glanced to the trembling man being held in the werefox's grip.

“The Great Sage?” Fuegin asked.

The elderly elf nodded. He kept his back straight. Looking proud and haughty. Defiant. “You will not profit from this raid. Our nation has brought low many of your ilk.

Fuegin smiled and pointed at him. “Seductive song, let the voice of Lord Ishkur dominate!”

The sage's eyes widened. Fauraliiithiliana's heart clenched. What was this spell? It must be Ultimate Magic. The words were horrifying as the Great Sage looked dazed, his eyes glazed over. A confused expression crossed his face. Had he been... dominated by the dungeon builder. There were rumors of this ability, but Fauraliiithiliana's father had never come across a documented occurrence of its use.

“Take me to the whatever device shuts out my dungeon,” ordered Fuegin.

The Great Sage nodded slowly. “Of course, my Lord.”

“Great Sage!” shouted Master Librarian Erathiliania, the youngest of the masters. He ran the Historical Philosophy wing. “You cannot. What are you doing?”

“Helping Lord Fuegin,” the Great Sage said and turned, his movements slow. He shuffled along.

“This is an outrage!” continued Master Librarian Erathiliania. “This—”

A werewolf bounded at him. The beast growled and he stumbled back and fell on his rump before her. The werewolf's lips curled back in a satisfied smile. She sat there, her gaze sweeping around the room. Elves cowered beneath her gaze.

Lord Leo, there's been an unsettling development,” she sent, keeping the terror out of her voice.

What?” he asked.

Fuegin is here.”


The barrier only stops dungeons from entering. Not builders. He... teleported. I presume he sacrificed a mana vein. He sent a werefox and three werewolves to find the library for him. And... he has just used Thunder magic to dominate the Great Sage. He is going to shut down the barrier. I do not know any magic that can do control a person's will.”

Siren Wail,” said Lord Leo. “Ultimate Thunder Magic. It mind controls a person. I haven't played with the magics yet, but I know I can do that.”


What?” He sounded shocked by her tone. “Exactly where is the library?”

Nearly in the center of the city. You should be prepared to drive your dungeon here. He is about to disrupt the magics defending my land. He will be invading.”


Fauraliiithiliana glanced at her terrified mother cowering on her hands and knees, Father still over her. Fauraliiithiliana smiled at her mother. “It will be fine, Mother. Lord Leo will be coming.”

*  \ * /  *


“Fuck,” I muttered. I was in my Vault. I had just finished creating the staging area. I had been about to get some food.

“My Lord?” Souleen asked.

“It's Fuegin,” I said. “He's at the library with Fara. Shit, is it really time to confront him? I mean, it's Fara, but...” Fear rippled through me. Fuegin was a whole other level. He was almost my ally. I wanted to trust the man. He extended me a hand of friendship. The first to do so in this world.

“This is the time,” Souleen said.

“Shit,” I growled, my heart pounding.

“You knew this day would come, Lord Leo.”

I swallowed, waves of fear washing through me. “He's stronger than me. If it's war... I'm not ready.”

“The Incarnation believed in you.”

He snorted. “Your greater half is looking for despots. For conquerors like there were in ancient times. Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar. Not some dumb kid from America that never was in a fight.”

“You don't have to conquer. You just have to defend. To protect. Isn't that what she asked of you?”

I breathed in slowly. That was true. “I'm closing off the main entrance to the dungeon. He can easily sabotage me with that teleport spell.”

“Wise,” she said as I modified the dungeon. Then I began shifting around everyone important to the meting room. We had plans to make.


Chapter Twenty-Nine

I finished explaining what I knew to my council. All my companions were here, then ones I personally summoned and the ones that I had gained from other builders. With them I had Halia, Kassie, Hagza, Vern, Siwang, and Munjan.

“Let's kill him,” Munjan said. “Fuegin sounds evil. A right bastard.”

“He is evil,” Halia said, fury burning on her face. She stood, her breasts jiggling in her golden low-cut breastplate. “Fuegin the Inferno! The Black Flame of Nyias! The Razer of Kelias! Those are his names! He has earned them and more.”

“Then it's settled,” said Munjan. “We kill the bastard.”

“Fuegin has more power than Leo,” Siwang said. “He has an empire to the east and fifty or more years to build up his army of monster girls and companions. He might be able to fill dozens of valkyrie or efreet or wraiths. He might have whole cadres of companion level monsters, plus who knows how many Level 4 monster girls.”

“My Owner is the Dark Lord and can kick that skeezy guy's ass!” Garnet exclaimed and jumped to her feet. Her black pigtails bounced and red wings flapped behind her.

“Yes, Dark Lord, you shall swallow up this evil,” Morana said, the banshee nodding with a look of complete faith on her pale face.

I shook my head. “Siwang is right. He has been around for fifty years. I've not even been here a year. I don't think we have a chance in a direct fight.”

“He's encouraging on your land,” Hagane said, her voice calm. “He has crossed Kormialia Strait. He has never done that in fifty years. I believe he stopped his more conquests thirty years ago. He grew content with his warmonger. He no longer attacked cities. He seemed to change, but now... Now he's expanding toward us.”

“He's expanding toward the library,” I countered.

“He does have the same goals we do,” said Nina. “That could be all this is. Just bad luck that Fara was there. The Great Library is still far from our core territory. We can't assume this is a hostile move. Fuegin knows we found something and are holding back. Perhaps diplomacy is the way.”

Halia slammed her fist on the table. “We can't negotiate with the Razer of Kelias.”

“We have negotiated with him,” said Mom. “He could have destroyed Leo when he arrived, instead, he came to him and offered friendship. He saw something in my son.”

“He suspected that the first dungeon was beneath us,” said Hagane.

I frowned. “What? That's why he chose me?”

“Probably. Young. Naive. We are far from his power base, but he still was quick to realize a new dungeon was here. He had been watching this area for a while now. It is the only thing that makes logical sense. It would take a great deal of resources to drive his dungeon this far. No one challenges him. He probably has every mana vein in his territory locked down so no new builders can spawn in his lands. He isn't gaining a larger reserve. So he waited for a new builder in the right spot to appear.”

“That's so skeezy,” Alizee said. “He's just using us. Gross.”

“What matters is getting Fara out alive,” I said.

“Then let's sneak in there and get her,” said Crystal. My ice sprite arched her eyebrow, mist spilling off her body.

“We can't build a dungeon into it. I tired. They really have something that keeps us out. Fara says the barrier will be coming down, but what if it doesn't. Hope is an awful plan.”

“Wow,” said Alizee. “I mean, wow. A barrier? That's wild.”

“So send monster girls overland,” said Siwang. “Flying monster girls. With your seraphs at the vanguard. Fara reports only four monster girls with Fuegin. If we move quickly, that will work.”

“Griffins are faster,” I said, leaning back in the chair. “That's not a bad idea. Clearly, monster girls can enter it.”

My father reports that the means of shutting down the protection are in the library,” Fara said. “They might be down already.”

“Shit,” I said. “He'll flood the area with his monster girls. Raid's out of the question.”

I'm talking to my father right now. He knows how it works.”

*  \ * /  *

“I must know how the barrier works, Father,” Fauraliiithiliana said. “Fuegin will flood the library with monster girls. Will that allow Leo to do the same?”

“It depends,” he said, looking grave. “These are truths that must not get out.”

“It's about to. Fuegin is trespassing in the library, doing what no other dungeon builder has ever done. Please, tell me. Will he drop the barrier for all builders or just him?”

Her father closed his eyes and sighed. “Just builders who have the same initial glyph. Fuegin is Fire. Is Leo?”

Fauraliiithiliana shook her head. Leo was Lightning. “Why does that matter.”

“Your journal,” he said.

She pulled it out of her blouse. Her father produced his phoenix quill and opened to her final page. “There are twelve elements.”

She nodded. This was basic.

He drew the glyph for Thunder at the top. Three horizontal arrows, two pointing right, the one in the middle pointing left. Then he drew a circle with from that glyph across the page. He started drawing more glyphs as he worked sunwise, making Light, Earth, Metal, Dark, Death, and Fire.

“Lightning is due south, yes?” asked Fara, playing on a hunch she had before he could draw Leo's glyph.

He glanced up at her. “Yes. Opposite of Thunder.”

She taps the one that would be North-Northwest on the circle. “That is Water.”

He nodded. “Opposite fire in the South-Southeast part of the circle.”

He kept drawing sunwise from Lightning, marking Dark, Air, Ice, Life, and Water where she had indicated, closing the circle. It was the map of the shrines. Thunder at the north, Water to its left on the circle, Light to its right.

“This forms a magic circle of power,” continued her father, “the three overlapping squares in it, each corresponding to the Three Levels of the Elements.”

“Three levels?” This was knew to Fara.

“These are the deep secrets of our universe,” her father said. “Mysteries that we keep guarded for fear of the builders ever learning on them. But the universe is built on three Levels. The Real, the Ideal, and the Ephemeral. Each is stacked on each other with the Real on the bottom and the Ephemeral on the top. Each of the three levels has four properties. Four elements.”

Her heart raced with this knowledge.

“The Real possesses Thunder, Metal, Lightning, and Ice.” He drew a line from each glyph as he spoke, drawing the first square. “The Ideal is made of Water, Air, Fire, and Earth.” He drew another square, this was turned. It started to make a geometric flower.

“And the Ephemeral is Life, Dark, Death, and Light,” said Fauraliiithiliana as her father sketched those out, finishing the flower.

“Now,  to keep the builders out of our lands, we have set up a ward. There are twelve parts to the ward arranged in this pattern. Each one stops a different type of builder. Whatever their initial glyph is, that one keeps them out. You can remove any one of the components and the ward still functions, but it is weakened. One of the twelve types can enter.”

Fauraliiithiliana nodded.

“What are the wards themselves?” she asked. “What will Fuegin remove to allow him to build his dungeon into our lands?”

“They're builders,” said her father. “We have twelve builders, one of each type, that are imprisoned forever, slaved to the ward. It is their power that we use to repel their kind.”

“That's monstrous,” Fauraliiithiliana gasped, picturing Lord Leo trapped to some arcane device for centuries.

“So are what they do to our world,” he father hissed back, heat in his eyes.

*  \ * /  *

The Great Sage led Fuegin beneath the library into a room. It was circular with twelve stone biers arranged around a circle spaced equally apart. On it were twelve bodies each covered by a shroud. He thought they were dead, but their chests all rose slowly. The cloth over their faces fluttered ever so slightly with their breaths.

“The Ward,” the Great Sage. “The twelve builders we have bound to form a protective circle around our nation.”


The Great Sage shuffled to the one at the north of the room. He pulled back the shroud to reveal a pale-faced young man, eyes closed. On his wrist was a metal brace with the Glyph of Thunder craved into it.

“This is the Bracer of Binding,” the Great Sage said, his words slightly slurred. He was almost catatonic beneath the power of Siren's Wail. “It was invented by the great hero Kovianiliiseam, first wielder of the Blessed Blade of Thunder. He gave this to his people. He was a brilliant inventor. It was said he had created something more powerful, the Binding Collar.”

“Which is?” Fuegin asked.

“It could allow a builder to be controlled by whomever placed the collar about his neck. The Bracers of Binding render a builder powerless. Unable to use their Void Crystals or their magic. They are helpless. When they lie on the bier, their power is directed into the magic circle.”

“So I just remove the Fire builder's binder and I could enter your lands?”

The Great Sage nodded and turned, pointing to a builder almost opposite from Thunder.

Fuegin rushed to the man, eager to do this. He pushed back the shroud. It tingled. His fingers felt numb handling the magic device. Is this what keeps them asleep? He tugged on the bracer. He felt around for a clasp.

“How do I remove it?” asked Fuegin.

“Push down on the central glyph and imagine it unclasping in your mind,” the Great Sage said.

He pushed on it and thought of it opening. It did. The builder didn't stir even as his power returned to him. Fuegin didn't want to pull back the shroud. This young man could have been sleeping for thousands of years.

Dreaming for that long.

“It's the shroud that keeps him asleep?” asked Fuegin.

“The Shroud of Sleep was developed with Death to keep them asleep and to sustain their lives. Since builders are immortal if they are not killed by violence, they will last for eternity.”

“And their dungeons are all in your first, right?”

The Great Sage nodded.

Fuegin slipped the bracer into a pouch. It was a dangerous item. He had what he needed. He looked around at the others. He didn't want to release them. Part of him did, but he needed to make sure that he wasn't interrupted.

The last thing he needed was for Leo to get wind of this and play hero. Luckily, his dungeon was still far away from here.

Fauraliiithiliana witnessed Fuegin emerge. Her stomach sank as he vanished.

Lord Leo, I know how you can turn off the barrier so you can enter. Only Fuegin can bringing his dungeon in at the moment, but I have a plan for you to do the same. It is one you will approve of, though I fear many of your companions will object.”

*  \ * /  *

“I have to turn off the barrier by myself,” I said after hearing Fara's plan. “I have to go into the library alone.

“I have to make myself invisible and sneak around in there.”

They all shook their heads.

“No argument.” I rose, giving them a flat look. “I'm doing this. We have to move fast before Fuegin fully occupies the city if we want to get Fara out of there.”

“I don't like this,” Crystal said. “You have to take someone.”

“Yes, yes, big bro!” Garnet hopped up and down. “You have to take someone sexy and stealthy. I'm perfect for it.”

Everyone stared at Garnet. Clearly, no one agreed with her.

“Leo, you can't do it all on your own,” said Mrs. Lucina, the motherly angel looking so worried.

“I can do it,” said Siwang. “You don't have to risk it. I can do this.

“You can't cast Lightweave yet,” I pointed out. It was Expert Tier. He only had Intermediate. “I'll grab Fara and take her back in the process. It's the easiest way.”

Garnet stamped her food. “No, no, no, you need someone to watch your back.”

I waved my hand before my face. “I'll be fine.”

Maya sighed. “You better be.”

Click here for the next part!



The great sage pointed to the lightning builder, did he trick feguin and get him to disable the ward for lightning?


No, fire is next to Lightning. That's why it says "almost opposite." I doubled checked. Sorry if that wasn't clearer.


Gotcha. Feel like it would be better to just say "at the fire builder"