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Chapter Eighteen

I woke up the next day feeling refreshed. After the delicious dinner that Mrs. Maia prepared, I was ready to start making some changes to the dungeon. I had plans that I wanted to implement. Things that I had to change.

I glanced at the chair in the corner that Fara often sat at. I missed my elf.

How are things going?” I sent to Fara.

I am riding south,” my elf reported. “The undead steed you have gifted me is tireless and I am making much better time than even I estimated. I shall arrive at the Library in a few days.”

Good, good. I miss you. Take care.”

Yes, my heart does yearn for you, Lord Leo,” she answered. “But this is a necessary price to pay. We must gain this information else you will be attacking too many cities. That is not a good reputation for you, Lord.”

No. Well, I'm going to change the dungeon around. Getting rid of one of my favorite room.”


The Flooded Bridge Room.”

I had always been proud of it. A rotating bridge that led from the entrance to a dead-end. There was another door, a decoy that led to a trap-filled maze. To turn the bridge to get to the door, the adventurers would have to dive into the warm waters. First, only my mermaids populated it. Later, I added the hippocampi and a few quetzalcoatl to shoot lightning at adventures as they crossed. Then I added kelpies to the mix. A second, hidden switch found even deeper in the water, revealed the true door that led the deepest level of my dungeon.

But adventures had never once made it that deep.

None were even attacking my dungeon. Things had changed. I had grown too powerful. My threats were the Saints, and my monster girls were not a match for one of them. I barely was.

I'm deleting it,” I told Fara.

That is... an interesting choice,” she said. “Why?”

I'm moving all the Water monster girls to a new outpost I'm erecting up from the sea bed above the Water Shrine. It has the very creative name of... Water Outpost.”

Very creative,” she said without a hint of mockery. “It tells us exactly what it does. Some times names do not do that. I dislike names that do not accurately fit their environments.”

Yep, me, too.” It wasn't that I was lazy. “So I'm going to erect a tower from the sea bed. It shall thrust up and over the water, acting like a lighthouse, I suppose, to watch over ships and search for dangers.”

And move the dungeon closer to Fuegin's lands.”

I swallowed. One of the shrines was located on an Island farther south in Kalayna Bay where the Water Shrine was located. The island was right off the coast from Kelias, one of the cities Fuegin was famous for razing. The island might be occupied by him. The next shrine was just south of his Empire's official borders in unclaimed wilderness. I wasn't sure if I would pass my dungeon through his territory. Maybe if I went deep to reach the shrine. The most direct route from my dungeon to that shrine would skirt the barrier that protected the elves of Varimilianiatha.

That nation having protection from dungeons so close to the midpoint of the circle the shrines made was annoying.

It would certainly be a start if we had to challenge Fuegin,” I said, gripping the Void Crystal. “But from the Water Outpost, the mermaids, hippocampi, and kelpie can swim out into the water. The quetzalcoatl can fly from the top and scout around the waters and look for anything.”

Smart,” she said. “Good luck.”

Hurry up and find what we need so you can come back,” I told her. “I'll probably have the dungeon close to the woods by then.”


I broke the connection and created Water Outpost. It was open at the bottom, letting the monster girls come freely. Then I added a locking hatch to the top. I wasn't worried about people diving down five hundred feet to the ocean floor and entering the dungeon. That done, I transferred all the members of the Flood Bridge Room. Then I deleted it. I just streamlined the dungeon. It was a shame to go, but the monster girls there understood.

We'll keep everything safe,” Pani promised, the mermaid sounding eager.

We'll be vigilant,” Sparnas the quetzalcoatl promised.

I knew they would be. They were good monster girls.

In between, I wanted to create two more outposts on land and I needed to move Outpost Alpha, staffed by the red caps. There was no point in not having it over the mana vein that crossed through Zamrazen's dungeon. I shook my head at that idiot. He broke his word and paid for it.

I would have killed him anyways. He didn't have a chance against me. It was such a waste. All of it was. The deaths. The pointless killings. I squeezed down on the Void Crystal and drove a few tunnels through Zamrazen's dungeon and found it in a few minutes.

I shifted the tunnel so it curved to intersected it and moved Outpost Alpha the dozen miles to be over it. If anyone was watching, the tower would just appear to teleport. In a blink of an eye, the original terrain would be restored and a new tower would exist.

It was such a strange power.

Intoxicating and frightening.

So I wanted to make Outpost Beta and Outpost... I frowned. What would the third one be. Delta? Was that right? D was the fourth letter in the Roman Alphabet, but this was the Greek one, and it had some weird letters.

Hey Nina, what comes after Beta in the Greek alphabet. Delta?”

Gamma,” she said. “Why?”

Gamma as in G? Not something that starts with C?”

There is no C in Greek. Though there is the CH from Chi which became our X. Again, why?”

Numbering Outposts and I realize I don't know the Greek Alphabet at all. I feel like I was taught this back in junior high. Greek roots and all that.”

Well, good luck.” She paused. “I could suck your dick while you work, Director. Mmm, knowing you're re-shaping the world is making me so hot and wet.”

Then you should cool off. Here.” I shifted Nina to the Outpost Water. “Say hi to the mermaids!”

You are such a wicked director. Ooh, Skale's already found my pussy.”

I smiled and let her have her fun.

So Outpost Gamma would be third. I pulled out a map from storage that Fara had marked. I judged where I should put the two outposts. Outpost Beta would be north of the city of Canitha, the third larges city in Myreman. It was on the Canith River that flowed into the greater Myr before both emptied into Kalayna Bay. Outpost Gamma went on the coast north of Hagan, the port city at the mouth of the river.

The two outposts were copies of Outpost Alpha. I thrust them out of the ground with places for the monster girls to watch from. They could scale down the outside with rope ladders. I didn't want to have any doors on ground level to make it easy for adventures to break in. These Outposts were far from the center of my power, and the moment they were breached, I couldn't shift monster girls to them.

Of course, the adventures would have days of walking in the tunnels after breaching it to reach me. Still, it would be a pain in the ass to deal with.

Well, I needed to have monster girls to defend them. I started with Outpost Beta. I still had a variety of Level 1 monster girls to make. Some I never made because by the time I gained their element, I already was onto Level 2 or even Level 3 monster girls. Others were available to me because the builder's companions rejected serving me.

I drifted into Earth. I hadn't made gorgons. I don't know if Ziamili's two companions would have served me, but I was so angry at what they did, I didn't allow either of his to serve me. I rejected them. The only time I did.

So I could make gorgons.

I found them in the interface. A sinuous monster girl appeared with light-green skin and red, serpent-like eyes. Instead of hair, she had dark-green snake-hairs that writhed about her, all hissing and snapping. She looked like Medusa, I supposed.

“Parklioni!” I cried. “Appear!”

From out of the Void, she spunk. My first gorgon. She appeared, her snake-hairs writhing around and hissing at each other. They looked angry, but she looked so happy to serve me. She moved toward me and knelt between me and the plinth.

“Allow me, my Lord,” she said with a sibilant whisper. “You need to have your cock sssucked.”

“Sssssssucked,” all the snake-hairs hissed together as her lips kissed my dick.

She swallowed my cock. I groaned as she did that. Her mouth slid down my dick. She swirled her tongue around it. I groaned as she did that. Her hands and her snake-hairs all slid around my waist. The scales were rougher compared to the silky smoothness of her hands. She gripped my ass, nursing with force on me.

“Ssssuck,” all the snake-hairs hissed in unison. “Sssseeed.”

“Yeah, you're going to get lots of my seed,” I groaned, gripping the Void Crystal. Two more names rose in my mouth as Parklioni suckled on me. “Voka and Poznik, appear!”

They both swirled out of the darkness near each other. They shuddered and turned to face the other. Their snake-hairs nuzzled together as the gorgons came together for a kiss. Their lips melted together in a hot kiss.

“Kissssss,” their snake-hairs all hissed, almost in unison. Voka's started before Poznik's.

I watched them as Parklioni's mouth worked up and down my cock. I savored the power of her suction. She had a beautiful mouth that felt so wonderful as she worked on me. It was an incredible moment to have her bobbing her head.

I knew I would have a big burst of cum. I would fire all that jizz into her mouth. Just erupt into her again and again. I couldn't wait for it. Her fingers bit into my rump as she suckled on my cock with all that she had.

“Damn,” I groaned, watching the two gorgons making out.

Their bodies pressed tight, their round boobs pressed together. It was exciting watching them. I loved how their nipples brushed. How they moaned together as they worked. It was an exciting moment to witness them doing that.

It was beautiful. They were so beautiful. I was just so glad to witness this as Parklioni suckled on my dick. She nursed with such passion on me. It was an exciting moment to have her bobbing her head. Her snake-hairs rubbed up and down me, their scales rough.

I loved the warmth of her mouth. That was surprising. Serpent monster girls tended to be cold-blooded, but she didn't have a scaled body but green skin. I supposed that made her different. I shuddered, loving how she suckled on me.

“That's so good,” I groaned as she nursed on me.

“Yeessssss,” her snake-hairs hissed in delight, her red eyes shining up at me.

“Kissssss,” Voka's and Poznik's serpents all purred as the pair kept kissing. Their lips worked together, their hands sliding up and down each other' bodies while their snake-hairs were intertwined.

They thighed each other, too. The two gorgons humped their pussies up and down each other's thighs. That was hot. They ground on each other, their snake-hairs hissing and sighing in delight as I enjoyed that hot mouth on my cock.

“Pusssssyyyy,” Voka's serpents purred.

“Yessssss,” Poznik's serpents answered. “Pusssssyyyy.”

I smiled at the sight. It was exciting to watch. I was so glad that they were sharing in something so beautiful. Something so wonderful and pure. My dick throbbed in Parklioni's mouth. She suckled hard on me, her serpents rubbing up and down me.

My nuts twitched as the pressure hurtled for the breaking point. I couldn't take much more than this. I groaned as Parklioni bobbed her head. She worked her mouth up and down my cock. It was an exciting delight.

A wonderful moment of bliss.

I threw back my head, hurtling toward that climax. I was so ready for it to burst out of me. Just so eager for all that cum to spurt out of my cock and pump. She swirled her tongue around my cock. I growled out in passion.


“Jizzzzzz!” the snake-hairs hissed as my cum spurted into Parklioni's mouth.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I growled as I spurted my cum into her mouth over and over again. Stars flashed across my vision.

My nuts emptied everything I had into her mouth. She gulped down my cum, her snake-hairs hissing in delight as she enjoyed my cum. I groaned, loving every last second of this heat rushing through me. It was spectacular.

“Damn,” I groaned with each blast.

Voka and Poznik continued making out as they thighed each other. Their hands gripped each other's rumps as they ground those twats on the other's legs. It delicious to watch as I dumped blast after blast of cum into her mouth.

I shuddered through the joy. The heat rushed through me. It was fantastic to experience this delight. She gulped down my cum. I erupted one last time, the pleasure slamming through my body. I grabbed the Void Crystal, holding to it as I swayed through the last heady bliss.

“Good one?” asked Souleen.

“Oh, yeah,” I groaned. Two more names rose in my mind as Voka's and Poznik's snake-hairs hissed louder. The two gorgons thighed each other faster, building toward their orgasm as I commanded, “Valasy and Istota, appear!”

The two spun out of the darkness, their snake-hairs hissing. I grinned at them as I pulled out of Parklioni's mouth. I had two more monster girls to enjoy. I grinned at them. Their snake-hairs both swayed rhythmically back and forth.

“How do you wishhhhh to usssse ussss?” asked Istota as her snake-hairs hissed, “Ussssse.”

“Yessssss?” asked Valasy, hers purring, “Yessssss!”

“Valasy, eat out Istota's pussy while I fuck your cunt,” I said. It was simple enough instructions.

“Massster!” Valasy hissed.

Istota nodded and sank to the floor, the snake-hairs dancing around her head hissing, “Yessssss!”

Voka and Poznik kept thighing each other, the two gorgons about to cum on each other. Their snake-hairs hissed and rubbed together as the two monster girls trembled. Valasy sank to her knees and bent over, thrusting her green ass at me. Her bald pussy dripped with her juices. She started feasting on her fellow gorgon's cunt.

“Pussssssy,” Valasy's snake-hairs hissed.

“Oh, my, that'ssss good,” Istota moaned in wantonecstasy. Her snake-hairs whispered, “Yessssss!”

I smiled and dropped to my knees. I pressed my cock into Valasy's pussy, loving the warmth of her cunt. “Massster,” the snake-hairs purred as I thrust into her pussy. “Yessssss!”

I groaned as I sank into that pussy. It was wonderful being in the gorgon's cunt. Her heat swallowed my cock. The pleasure rushed over me as I gripped her hips. I watched the other two gorgons making out with passion.

“Blisssss!” both their snake-hairs cried out together as the kissing gorgons trembled in each other's arms. They were cumming. That was so beautiful to see. Just so wonderful lot watch them quivering together.

I grinned and fucked Valasy's pussy with force. She devoured Istota's cunt, feasting on her fellow gorgon's snatch with all that she had. I loved it as I pumped away at her. I fucked her cunt with all that I had. I pounded her with such wild force. It was just an incredible moment to pound her. I fucked her with all that I had.

I pounded her hard and fast. I fucked her with such passion. It was just a delight to bury into her with hard thrusts. I groaned, plowing into her with everything that I had. It was just an amazing moment. I wondrous bliss.

“Massster,” Valasy's snake-hairs purred as I fucked her cunt.

“Yesssss,” Istota's hissed as I slammed into hers.

“Pusssssy,” both Voka and Poznik's whispered as they rubbed together, the pair kissing and shuddering through their orgasms.

The two gorgons broke apart and sank to the floor. Voka ended up on her back, Poznikon top. They feasted on each other. They pressed their bodies together and just stared licking. Lapping. They stroked their tongues through each other's pussies, their snake-hairs slithering over the other's bodies.

I loved the sight as I pumped away at Valasy's pussy. I fucked her cunt with passion. I hammered her snatch with all that I had. I buried into her twat again and again, slamming deep and hard into her. It was amazing to thrust into her.

To enjoy her pussy squeezing down around my dick. I groaned with each plunge. Each thrust. I churned her up. I fucked her with force as she devoured her fellow gorgon's pussy. Istota stared at me, her snake-hairs swaying back and forth.

“Massster, she'ssss eating my pussssssy sssssso good,” cooed Istota. Her snake-hairs whispered, “Pussssy.”

“Ssssso good,” moaned Valasy as I fucked her. “Massster,” whispered her snake-hairs as they danced around. I loved it. I plunged over and over and over into her cunt. I buried into her with everything that I had.

It was hot fucking the gorgon's cunt. I buried into her with passion as she feasted on her fellow gorgon's cunt. The delicioussight before me had my dick throbbing had as I buried to the hilt in her cunt. I plowed over and over into her snatch, her cunt squeezing down on me. My nuts tightened.

My balls slapped into her clit. I loved that sound as I buried into her snatch again and again. I plowed into her with all that I had. I fucked her with force. She moaned into her fellow gorgon's pussy. Istota gasped out her pleasure.

“Yesssssss!” Istota's snake-hairs as she moaned, “I'm going to cum. I'm going to bursssst! Yesssss, yesssss, Valasssssy!”

“Make her cum,” I growled.

I fucked Valasy hard and fast, the pressure building at the tip of.I pounded her with everything that I had. I rose toward that amazing moment of cumming. I just wanted to flood her with everything that I had. I pounded her with force.

I grunted with each plunge into her pussy. I fucked her with a wild amount of force. Valasy clamped her cunt down on me. Her snake-hairs slithered over her fellow gorgon's belly. Istota shuddered, her boobs quivering and snake-hairs writhing in the air.

“Valasssssy!” gasped out the gorgon as she bucked. “Yesssssss!” her snake-hairs cried out in sibilant passion.

She drowned her fellow gorgon in pussy cream. Valasy's snaked danced in delight as she licked up the flood of Istota's cunt. I slammed into Valasy's twat, her hot snatch clamping down on me. I was so close to bursting.

“Masssssster!” Valasy's snake-hairs all cried out as her pussy went wild around my dick.

“Fuck!” I growled and buried into her writhing snatch.

I flooded my gorgon's pussy with cum. I spurted blast after blast of jizz into her twat. I loved it. stars flashed across my eyes. It felt so good having all this rapture shooting through me. I gripped my gorgon's waist as the ecstasy flooded through my body.

It was an amazing delight. Stars twinkled across my vision. The gorgon's pussy spasmed around my dick, milking me. She moaned into Istota'spussy. Both gorgons' snake-hairs hissed their pleasure.

“Yes!” I growled and dumped the last of my cum into that hot pussy. “Damn!”

“Massster,” purred Valasy's snake-hairs as she kept munching on her fellow gorgon's cunt.

I felt good as I rose, pulling my dick out of her snatch. I reached for the Void Crystal. Voka and Poznik continued their sixty-nine, their snake-hairs slithering over each other's bodies as they feasted, lost to their lesbianpassion.

“Cryvony, appear!” I commanded, summoning the last of the gorgons. *  \ * /  *

Siwang strolled through Astovin, enjoying the sunny day. It had rained earlier, and everything had this freshness to it. Washed clean by the shower. It smelled good. This earthy scent that was so foreign to the smoggy environs of Beijing.

Anji held Siwang's arm as the strode through. The villagers all nodded and smiled to the couple. The older women all beamed, looking like proud mothers to see me with Anji. In fact, Anji's mother was beaming even wider as she waited out before a house where the best seamstress in the village lived.

Siwang could make Anji a wedding dress, but then he would have seen it before the day. Xiongbu was absolutely against that.

“I can't wait to see you in it,” Siwang said as he faced his beautiful bride-to-be. “I know you'll be so beautiful in it.”

Anji wore a radiant smile. He had to capture those lips in a kiss. So he did. He was a dungeon builder. A duke beneath Emperor Leo. She moaned into his mouth. Her lips were so soft. He was so happy with her.

He broke the kiss. She smiled and turned, heading toward the seamstress and her mother. Xiongbu followed, the wraith moving through the sunny day as if it was normal, black mist spilling down her back. The villagers nodded to her. Several waved.

Friends of hers? Siwang imagined his step-mother hosting teas like she had with the other married women of the apartment complex.

They all vanished inside into the seamstress's house.

Siwang put his hands behind his back, savoring the sun on his face. He was so excited by the wedding. Just so eager for it. He couldn't wait to see his blushing bride walking down the altar. He never thought that would be him.

Master, we have found a dungeon,” reported Baji, a fenghuang stationed at Outpost 2. “We spotted lemures scouting a village and trailed them back to their lair.” *  \ * /  *

For Outpost Gamma, I settled on choirs for the defenders. I never made Level 1 Light monster girls.

“Dobre, appear!” I commanded.

The choir swirled out of the darkness. I had seen Siwang's and Munjan's, but here was my first one. She had golden, glowing skin and dainty, white angel wings that were almost lost to the halo of light that engulfed her. She was a petite thing, small breasts, and sapphire eyes.

“Master,” she sang, her voice as beautiful as a siren's. “It's such an honor to serve you and service you!” She flapped her wings and rose into the air. She drifted over the Void Crystal and settled right on my shoulders. She pressed her jasmine-flavored pussy into my mouth. “And to be serviced by you.”

Her sing-song voice as so beautiful. I didn't mind her sitting on my face. She tasted so good. I gripped the Void Crystal and growled into Dobre's pussy, “Nebesa, appear and suck my dick!”

I heard her spinning out of the darkness as I tongued Dobre's twat. Her jasmine flavor was so delicious. A unique flavor among monster girls. I tongued her again. She shuddered on me, squeezing her thighs around my face.

“Oh, Master, I am ready to service you,” Nebesa said.

I heard her moving, her humming growing louder. Then she grabbed my hips and swallowed my cock. She kept singing around my dick as she suckled me, the vibrations providing a wonderful delight around my cock.

“Damn,” I moaned into her fellow choir's pussy. “Oh, damn, that's good. Zoloto and Dіvca, appear and eat each other's pussies!”

They appeared and sang out, “Master! We'll devour each other! For you!”

They both sang as they did just that. Their light pulsed as they both started moaning, feasting on the other's jasmine-flavored pussy. I feasted on their Dobre's with hunger, lapping up and down her as she quivered over me, her passion singing through the room.

“Oh, Master, Master!” gasped Dobre. “You're so good. Ooh, ooh, I love being your choir! Yes, yes, let's sing, ladies!”

Nebesa sang around my dick. The choir suckled hard as she hummed, the passion buzzing around the crown of my dick. The pleasure shot down my shaft and washed through my body. I gripped Dobre's ass, gripping her as I feasted on the choir's snatch.

My tongue probed into her angelic pussy. The heavenly flavor of jasmine soaked my taste buds. I swirled around in her as Nebesa's suckled my cock with force. She nursed on me with all that she had. It felt so good having her do that. I loved it so much. I savored the heat of her bobbing her head and blowing me with passion.

With such force. My nuts twitched as I enjoyed what she did to me. The heat washed through me. I groaned, my face twisting in delight. She bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down my cock. She suckled with such passion on me.

I groaned into her tongue, dancing around in her snatch. She tasted so good. Just so wonderful. I loved how great she was. My hands gripped her rump. I held her tight and danced my tongue about in her twat. It was wonderful.

Just fantastic.

“Oh, oh, that's so yummy,” sang one of the sixty-nine choirs.

“It is, sweet Dіvca,” the other, Zoloto, purred. “Ooh, ooh, I love eating my fellow choir's cunt.”

“Me, too,” sang Dіvca.

“It's wondrous having our Master eat my pussy,” cried out Dobre. Her wings fluttered as my tongue swirled around in her jasmine-flavored depths. “Oh, oh, Master Leo, I am yours to service!”

Nebesa sang her agreement around my cock, the humming intensifying for a moment.

I groaned at that delight, the pleasure shooting down to crotch. I shuddered here, enjoying this delight. It was a wonderful moment. My heart pounded in my chest as I swirled my tongue around I her snatch. I flicked about in her, enjoying every last second of this delight. It was wondrous.

I flicked about in both their pussies. I danced around in them, wanting to make them both cum. To have them howl out in delight. That would be an amazing moment. I flicked around in her snatch, enjoying the way they cried out.

“Oh, oh, oh,” gasped out Dobre as I licked at her twat.

I stroked through her folds and found her clit. Nebesa suckled hard on my dick as I flicked my tongue over her fellow choir's bud. I lapped at her with passion. It was just such a rush to stroke her bud as that hot mouth sang around my dick.

Nebesa bobbed her head, her tongue swirling. The pressure grew and grew at the tip of my dick. I loved it so much. I hurtled toward that moment when I burst. I would flood her mouth with all my jizz. It would be just an incredible moment.

I couldn't wait for that heat to sweep through me. It was just so passionate. So amazing. So wondrous. I grunted with each second she suckled on me. She nursed with wild abandon on my dick. She swirled her tongue around it.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I growled out, loving what she did to me. She felt so amazing around my mouth. I savored that heat. “Oh, that's amazing. Yes, yes, that's wondrous.”

Nebesa suckled with all her might while I nursed on Dobre's clit. The choir gasped, her wings flapping. She shuddered on my shoulders as I nibbled on her wonderful bud. The choir's light shone brighter.

“Master!” Dobre cried out.

Her jasmine juices gushed out and bathed my mouth.

I licked at her tongue. I stroked through her bud, enjoying her taste. She had a wonderful delight. I licked at her with hunger. It was an incredible moment to feast on her like that. I flicked around in her snatch, savoring the ecstasy building in my cock.

Nebesa sang around my dick. The humming massaged the tip.

As I drowned in Dobre's juices, I erupted.

I fired blast after blast of my cum into her mouth. I spurted again and again. It was just such an amazing moment. The heat rushed through me. I licked up Dobre's jasmine-flavored juices as I pumped Nebesa's mouth full of cum.

I enjoyed firing my jizz into Nebesa's mouth. She gulped down my cum as I drank her fellow choir's pussy cream. It was a heady moment. I gripped Dobre's rump as she squirmed on my shoulders. She gasped and flapped her wings.

She rose off my shoulders and settled on the ground, panting. Her entire body quivered as she suckled in deep breaths. She fluttered her wings, looking rather shocked that she had done that. Her breasts roe sand fell. She looked around.

I grinned at her as she glanced up at me, her eyes sparkling. I fired the last of my cum into Nebesa's mouth. She rose and turned, grabbing Dobre and kissing her fellow choir on the mouth. They shared my cum while Zoloto and Dіvca moaned on the floor, lost to their lesbian sixty-nine.

I grabbed the Void Crystal and summoned the last two choirs. “Povstanetsa and Bohynya, appear!”

The two choirs spun out of the darkness as Zoloto and Dіvca squealed out in their rapture, cumming on the other's faces. The two new choirs pulled each other close and stared at me with such passion in their eyes.

“Master, we love you!” the two new choirs cried before they kissed each other, their slender bodies pressing together.

I smiled at the sight of them. “Bohynya, eat out Povstanetsa while I fuck you in the ass!”

“Ooh, yes, Master,” cooed Bohynya as she broke the kiss with her fellow choir.

I smiled as Povstanetsa leaned against the wall. She spread her legs wide, heat in her eyes. Bohynya licked her lips and dropped to her knees. She pressed her face into her fellow choir's snatch and feasted on her. She licked and lapped at her with hunger.

I loved it.

Bohynya's glowing ass awaited. I dropped to my knees, my dick bobbing before me. I aimed it right at her crack and pressed in between her butt-cheeks. I found her anal ring and thrust against her. She moaned as I did that, licking her fellow choir's twat.

“Oh, oh, that's so good, my dear Bohynya,” sang Povstanetsa, her light pulsing around her body. She squirmed on her fellow choir's face. “Devour me!”

“Yes,” I growled, loving the feel of Bohynya's asshole surrendering to my cock. Her anal ring devoured my tip. I popped into her bowels. “Damn!”

I sank into her asshole, reveling in that velvety delight around my cock. I went into her deeper and deeper. It was an incredible such having her asshole around me. The other choirs moaned behind me, loving each other.

I savored it as I watched Povstanetsa's slender form quivering in delight. Her small breasts jiggled as she ground her shaved snatch on her fellow choir's face. Bohynya's asshole gripped my dick as I bottomed out in her, the choir singing her delight into Povstanetsa's twat.

“Master,” Bohynya sang. “That's so wondrous. Glorious.”

I drew back my cock. Her bowels clamped down hard on me. I groaned at the velvety massage. It was a perfect delight. I stroked my hands over her glowing body. Her dainty wings fluttered before my face. A gentle breeze caressed my cheeks.

I plowed back into her asshole. I savored that velvety grip around my dick as I plowed into her. I fucked her with all that I had I thrust in and out of her anal sheath. It was fabulous. Just amazing to bury into my choir's bowels.

“Master,” she cried out into Povstanetsa's twat.

“Yes, yes, fuck the dear one so hard, Master,” Povstanetsa moaned, her head throwing back as she savored being devoured by Bohynya. “Just ass-fuck her so hard!”

I did just that, grinning at Povstanetsa.

I plowed into Bohynya's bowels again and again. I hammered her with force. I loved how she squeezed down on me. She held me in her bowels. It was wild having her do that. I loved it so much. I grunted, burying into her anal sheath with hard thrusts.

Powerful plunges.

Her bowels clamped down on me. I savored that delight. I enjoyed it immensely as I fucked into her asshole again and again. I pounded her with all that I had, loving the way she gripped me. She massaged me with so much passion.

I slammed to the hilt in bowels as she munched on her fellow choir's cunt. Povstanetsa shuddered, her small boobs jiggling as she ground her snatch on Bohynya's face. I slammed into the choir's asshole, her asshole, her bowels gripping me.

It was a beautiful thing to feel. A wondrous delight to enjoy that hot asshole around me.

“Master,” moaned Bohynya. “Thank you for fucking my asshole as I eat the dear one's pussy!”

“Munch on dear one's cunt,” I growled as I plowed into her bowels, my nuts slapping into her taint.

“Yes, yes, devour me, sweet Bohynya!” gasped Povstanetsa. Her head shook, her glowing hair dancing around her head.

I grinned at the sight as I fucked Bohynya's asshole. I pounded into her anal sheath again and again. The heat rushed through me. I groaned, the pleasure hurtling toward that bursting point. I slammed to the hilt in her anal sheath, enjoying this treat so much.

Her bowels clamped down hard on my dick. I enjoyed that delight as I fucked her hard and fast. I pounded her with all that I had. She moaned, her anal sheath massaging me. She moaned into her fellow choir's snatch.

“Oh, oh, dear one!” gasped Povstanetsa. “That's so good. Yes!”

The choir sang out her passion as she climaxed on her fellow choir's mouth. She drowned Bohynya with jasmine-flavored cunt cream. I loved it, hammering Bohynya's asshole. My nuts tightened as I fucked the choir's tight anal sheath.

I slid my hands around Bohynya's waist and found her small breasts. I rubbed those. I massaged them as she gasped. Her nipples poked into my hand as I hammered her asshole. I twisted her nubs. She squealed into her fellow choir's cunt.

“Master!” sang Bohynya as her asshole convulse around my dick.

I buried into her and erupted.

I pumped blast after blast of my cum into her anal sheath. The heat swept through me. Stars burst across my vision. I grunted with each blast. I savored that heat rushing through me. The bliss was incredible. I groaned with each eruption.

I fired—

Leo, my fenghuang have found a Death dungeon builder,” Siwang sent.

“Fuck!” I snarled, flooding Bohynya's asshole with cum. I ripped out of, splashing her rump and spun around.

It looked like the peaceful times were over.

Chapter Nineteen

Kassie's back ached as she finished craving the second magic circle. She wasn't in her Lord's dungeon, but Siwang's. The first set of magic circles that she had drawn for him, a linked pair that he could move around.

She rose and wiped her brow. I glanced back at Halia. She was standing in her golden armor, her hand resting on the hilt of Stormlight. With here was the burly dwarf Akiz and Vern, the human warrior. They were both in their armor. The slender Ashiliozia wore her black, leather gear. Those three were part of the first adventuring group that had signed up with Leo.

After Halia, of course.

The circles are drawn, Siwang,” Kassie sent. She stretched, rubbing at her sore back.

The room was set up similar to Leo's teleportation hall. Each circle was in an alcove, basically a separate room. One of them vanished, a wall just appearing there. He had moved it across his dungeon. It wasn't necessary for him to move us around, but he couldn't do that for himself.

Lord Leo had put Siwang in charge of this mission. It was a low-level dungeon. Something that was easily handled. In a few minutes, Siwang entered wearing his black robes. He was alone, his back straight.

“None of your monster girls?” asked Kassie.

“They'll meet us there,” he said as he stepped onto the circle.

Halia smiled, looking eager. She wanted to fight rogue dungeon builders. She might especially want to fight Fuegin, but Lord Leo and the Black Flame of Nyias were allies, so that might never happen. Or maybe it would.

The future was never certain.

“Let's go, Kassie,” Siwang said.

Asud Gu,” I chanted.

Light engulfed us. *  \ * /  *

Halia brimmed with excitement as she stepped out of the door of Siwang's Outpost Two. It was a tower built in the middle of nowhere. A glassy plain. In the skies above flew the fenghuang. Monster girls with colorful wings.

“This way, my Lord,” said Baji. She swooped down low and flew to the northeast from the tower. The sun was passing into afternoon.

Halia, Daughter of Anguin, was excited for this. She wanted to use Stormlight in battle. Watch over and bless us, Lady Sherida, she prayed to her slumbering goddess. She still worshiped Sherida even after seeing her corporeal form.

After having worshiped her pussy.

The group traipsed across the plain, the fenghuang circling overhead with Baji leading the group, swooping before them. Siwang's robes were not well suited for crossing the grassland, but he pressed on. He had his spells. He would be useful.

Kassie wasn't doing much better, taking to ghosting behind Akiz. The dwarf plowed his way through the grass that was up to his chest. It tickled Halia's thighs as she moved through it. They climbed a rise and overlooked the vast plain. A river flowed to the right across it, a village built on the banks.

“That's the Red Selvie,” said Vern. The adventure studied it.

“The Red Selvie?” asked Siwang.

“The Blue, Red, and White Selvie Rivers water the Kingdom of Chabonnea,” said Halia. “I passed through these lands two years ago. I fought my first dungeon builder near the city of Nerith where the Red and the White Selvie Rivers meet.”

Siwang nodded as they headed not to the village, but toward a small, rocky hill rising over the plain. It looked out of place. Like it had been transplanted here from some vast distance away. Halia had no idea how that as possible. She really didn't care.

They headed for it, descending into the valley. They were near farmlands. Smoke rose from the cottages around here. Had they been victimized by the prowling lemures? They were nearing the dungeon now. She could fill it. The excitement built in her. They weren't an overwhelming force. They didn't want to scare this builder.

Maybe he would be an ally.


She had come to turns to allying with them. They weren't all evil. Fuegin was. A liar. A deceiver. One day, Lord Leo would see the truth, and Halia would get to use Stormlight upon him. She would split him in half and avenge her father.

Warning cries erupted from the fenghuang above.

Lemures!” Baji cried in Halia's minds. In all of them.

She drew Stormlight. The glowing blade crackled with lightning. Akiz drew his ax, Vern his sword, and Ashiliozia her daggers. She then ducked into the grass and hid herself. Excitement surged cold through Halia's veins.

Steel wards with unyielding strength, let the defense of Lady Nisaba protect!” chanted Siwang.

Steel armor engulfed him. He was gaining a great deal of power, but he was loyal. A friend of Leo. Siwang trusted him at her back. She turned as suddenly ghosts rose out of the ground around them. Not enemy ghosts. These were Siwang's ghosts.

Passing beneath us in the ground, Halia thought. It was a smart plan go hide the strength of his forces.

With them was Xiongbu, Siwang's step-mother. The wraith had used her ability to phase through materials to good use to kill Tuerien. A moment later, a lemure jumped into the wraith. The two death monster girls fell to the ground, thrashing. A second lemure landed on her.

More leaped around them and jumped through the protective ring of ghosts. Normally, they were deadly monster girls, but Death did not kill Death.

One of the black-skinned monster girls crashed into Halia's armor. She stumbled back and swung with Stormlight. She struck the lemure a glancing blow to the hip. Lightning discharged from from the weapon and fired her.

Her white hair streamed behind her as the lemure fell to the ground in convulsions, the fingers on her hand flexed as the stunning attack disabled her. Not a killing blow. Akiz buried his ax into her head a moment later, killing the lemure.

She burst into motes.

From above it falls, let the ice of Lord Anshar crush!” cried Siwang.

A chunk of ice cashed into another lemure rushing for Siwang, crushing her to the ground. The glow in her eyes vanished a moment before she became motes that disappeared. Vern stabbed his sword into another while Ashiliozia stabbed a third from ambush, her dagger ripping across the lemure's back.

The elven rogue danced back with grace as the lemure whirled and slashed. Vern's sword struck off her head. The lemure vanished. Halia slashed at a new one that burst out of the grass. She struck her foe in the face, lightning bursting. She cleaved the monster girl into glowing motes.

Izi Zum!” Kassie cried.

Flames burst from the halfling's hands and engulfed a lemure and set the green grass on fire. Greasy smoke rose in the air as the lemure burst into motes. The ghosts moaned in frustration, not able to do much to the lemures who couldn't do much to them.

“Xiongbu!” cried Siwang.

Had Xiongbu perished.

Thunderclap deafens, let the roar of Lord Ishkur disorient!”

Siwang's spell exploded the grass where Xiongbu had vanished. Three lemures flew through the air with blades of grass. They burst into motes, vanishing.

A beautiful song whipped Halia's head around. Baji had landed and serenaded a lemure. The Death monster girl rose to her feet and swayed back and forth, bewitched by the fenghuang's gorgeous song. She didn't move as Akiz casually beheaded the monster girl.

The dwarf chuckled evilly. “We are definitely on the right trail. He tracked us.”

“No, it was an attack party,” Halia said, pointing to the village behind them. “We blundered into them.”

“Doesn't seem like that great of a dungeon builder,” Vern noted.

“Lord Leo might not want us to negotiate with him,” Ashiliozia said, moving toward Vern. They were lovers.

“No, this is exactly the sort that Leo wants us to negotiate with,” said Halia. “We need every dungeon builder on our side. Siwang, your monster girls caused some problems.”

“I never sent them to attack,” Siwang protested. “They were just searching. I was trying to understand, but that was a raiding party. He might already be gone.”

“You are in charge, Lord Siwang,” Halia said, bowing.

He nodded.

*  \ * /  *

Siwang wished his step-mother hadn't died. It had been such a good plan to bring her and the ghosts, to sneak more forces so as not to alarm them, but the ghosts were useless in a fight. They were not useless in searching for the dungeon.

The builder had shifted his entrance. They had reached the cave Baji had seen the lemures vanishing into, but there was nothing there. The ghosts probed into the walls and found no entrance. He had shifted it.

A smart move.

So they followed the tracks of the lemures. Those raiding the village hadn't come to this outcropping. They followed those to just an empty part of the field. There was nothing there. The tracks just ended.

“He created the opening, unleashed them, and closed it,” Ashiliozia said.

“He's scared because we killed his monster girls,” Vern said.

Akiz chuckled. “We massacred the bitches.”

Siwang sighed. “He could have pushed his dungeon farther in another direction. We might be miles from him.”

“Fan out,” Halia said. “Ghosts, start quartering the hills.”

Siwang nodded. The sun was sinking toward the horizon as his ghosts did that. He held his hands behind his back, looking around. The fenghuang were scattered, flying a search pattern, looking for Lemures. He stared at the ground.

“He could open a dungeon right beneath our feet and drop us in,” Akiz said before tearing into some trail rations.”

“Yes, he could,” Halia said and drank from a waterskin.

“That's great,” muttered Siwang. “Do we have the force to take him on?”

“He's new,” said Ashiliozia. “He has lemures. Not the most dangerous of Level 1 monster girls. No long range attacks. No charms. Just teeth and claws. If he was Level 2, it would be scary. We would need priests to ward us from their deathly touches.”

“We'll be fine,” said Akiz. “We can always retreat if we have to.”

I can make the teleport spot and get back to my dungeon quickly, Siwang thought. He knew the secret. He'd lose power, though. Maybe we can still negotiate.

As the hour wore on, the idea of going back to his dungeon and getting a larger force became more and more promising. He could shift his dungeon closer to here and flood the area with his low-level monster girls. Blanket it. It would scare the villagers, but it would protect them.

That was what mattered.

Just as he made his decision, Stalko sent, “I found the dungeon. There is a tunnel running north.”

Track it,” he sent. “Ghosts, converge on Stalko.”

They headed north, the ghosts guiding them. His stomach twisted in knots, wondering what they would find. His feet and back ached, so he cast Endure Pain to ignore it. He felt good as he walked along, eating the bland and hard trail rations. Adventuring was work. A lot of walking.

We found the entrance, Lord Siwang,” Smirta, another ghost, reported.

He took a deep breath, not sure what they would encounter.

Chapter Twenty

The entrance was another cave in the rocky hill, miles from the original. The moment Siwang stepped into it, he felt that he had crossed into another's domain. He closed his mind and opened up his thoughts to the dungeon.

Greetings, I am Siwang, a Dungeon Builder, and I am just here to talk,” hesaid to the Soul of the Void Crystal. “Please inform your lord. I am not here to do him any harm.”

Siwang felt the Soul of the Void Crystal received it and waited for the answer.

No harm?” a new voice demanded. The builder's voice. “You are the one who attacked my monster girls!”

They ambushed us,” Siwang replied, hearing his agitation. “And you have revived them, so no harm was done. I am here to talk to you. I am Siwang, a vassal dungeon builder to Lord Leo. I am his envoy to discuss an alliance with my Lord. I swear by my Void Crystal that I, Siwang, shall not harm you or yours. I ask to leave to enter your dungeon and be granted safe passage to your presence.”

You can fuck off!” This is my territory. This is King Make's territory.”

You won't hear what I have to say? I am here to ask you to serve a great—”

Serve! Serve! When I am king of mydungeon. Go jump in a volcano and fuck right off!”

Siwang blinked. “He, er, refused to meet with us.”

“Then we put him down,” Akiz said with far, far too much glee in his eyes. His bearded lips spread in a big grin.

Siwang swallowed, not liking doing this. “I'm not an executioner.”

“We're exterminators, my Lord.” The dwarf glanced at the dungeon. “Hagane told me that, once. They're from your world. Warriors who put down infestations of disgusting bugs. Pests. Like this one. He would have slaughtered that village to gain the power of their deaths. He's already crossed the line into evil.”

Halia nodded, her crackling blade held in hand. “Lord Siwang, send your ghosts to scout. We shall invade and kill him.”

He knew the truth. This man had shown himself to be a beast. He would have raided that village. There was no doubt. No refutation of that fact. It saddened Siwang, but he knew that it was the truth. He had to act.

Stalko, lead the ghosts in. Search for dangers ahead of us,” Siwang ordered.

Yes, my Lord!” Stalko rose from the ground before him, a mournful smile on her face. She wrapped her translucent arms around his body and kissed him with her cool lips.

He closed his eyes, enjoying this moment of love before the ghost turned and swept into the cave.

Izi Su,” muttered Kassie. The halfling body becomes fire.

I can cast that spell, Siwang realized, the words for Flame Body echoing in his soul. I should cast it.

Incarnation of flames, let the passion of Lady Lamashtu embrace.”

It engulfed him in fire. It was so strange blazing. But he was still flesh and blood beneath. This wasn't the more powerful version. Then he cast Endure pain to refresh the spell in case he got hurt. It wouldn't slow him down.

A dangerous spell to use, but he didn't have Life magic.

Pain retreats, let the chill of Lady Ereshkigal sustain.”

Last, he cast Metalcoat to clad himself in armor again.

Steel wards with unyielding strength, let the defense of Lady Nisaba protect.”

I just wanted to talk to him. Siwang marched forward. Why won't he talk to me?

He knew why. Pride. It always walked before the Fall.

The ghosts swept ahead as they entered the dungeon proper. It was cared of black stone. Basalt like the builder had hollowed out a dead volcano. It seemed fitting for a Death dungeon builder. If something as awesome as a volcano could die, why not carve it up. Of course, Siwang recognized the material from the list in the interface.

He could make his dungeon look like this. Instead of seeming awesome and bold, it felt like something a boy would do. What did the Americans call it? An Edgelord telling racist jokes in internet comments and acting like he was a badass.

It would lead to Make's death if he didn't listen to reason. He was too dangerous to leave alive. He wasn't like Munjan or Siwang. He was a vicious dog who reveled in the power. Make's true character had been revealed.

Maybe that as the point. The Incarnation wasn't searching for a brutal man who could conquer, but for a true embodiment of masculine traits. A leader. Defender. Protector. A warrior who didn't make war for power or ambition or territory but to stop those who did.

A hero who stood to the bullies.

To the gods that hounded Queen Puabi.

Leo. She's been waiting for Leo. Or a Leo to arrive.

Siwang would make sure his friend survived to accomplish the Incarnation's need to be protected. For a King that could stand at her side. So Siwang marched forward in his armor, Ashiliozia at the lead, Halia behind her, flanked by Vern and Akiz. Kassie marched at Siwang's side with the fenghuang at the rear. They couldn't fly in here, but they could sing.

“Pit trap,” the elf said, pausing before a section of the floor. Her ears twitched. She pried open a stone and somehow disarmed it. She marched across it.

The ghosts kept him reported. They would leave one of their numbers behind at intersections to point the correct place or where they found any traps. The dungeon was a labyrinth, full of pit and arrow traps. No sign of the lemures.

That worried Siwang. His heart raced, fear about him, but the adventures were eager for it. Kassie even looked like she was having a good time. As much as a burning halfling could show excitement. It was in the way the flames danced on her face.

“Wow,” Ashiliozia said, studying the roof above them. “Moldy leaves!”

She humped back as the roof burst open, two slabs of basalt swinging down. Lemures dropped down before her. She threw a dagger, taking one in the eye. The lemure fell back in a burst of motes, but the others lunged at her.

Vern stepped before her, his shield held before him, an armored bulwark. Two lemures crashed into his defense and were thrown back. He slashed, cutting one. Another grabbed his leg and dug in claws. Blood spurted.

Halia sword thrust forward and rammed through that one in the chest. Vern staggered, blood spurting from the gap in his armor. It splashed crimson on the black stone. Siwang gathered himself, stunned by the ambush.

Thunderclap deafens, let the roar of Lord Ishkur disorient!” Siwang shouted.

Concussive Burst exploded in the midst of the lemures. It threw them about, killing one and staggering five or six of them. They were shaking. Akiz ax brained one. She burst into motes. Halia cried something and swung her sword.

Izi Er-Pad!” chanted Kassie.

Fire exploded among the lemures, setting three on fire. They fell to the ground, blazing. Another lunged at Halia, Her blade rammed through the lemure's open mouth. It burst out the back of the skull in a sizzle.

Hard and unyielding, let the steel of Lord Nabu attack!” Siwang roared.

A bar of steel slams into two more lemures, knocking them over. It crushed ones head in the, the other landing on the ground, wheezing. Vern staggered and leaned against the wall, the wound bad. Siwang hurried to him, but Ashilioziaalready whipped out a bandage.

The elven rogue shook her head. “Sloppy.”

“Least the dead bitch didn't slash higher,” Vern said. “Then I'd have a cunt.”

Akiz laughed as the elf shot her lover a frustrated look. She bandaged him as the fenghuang sung behind him, disorienting the surviving lemures. Halia and Akiz made quick work of them. Siwang panted, the adrenaline cooling off in him.

Ashiliozia finished bandaging her lover's leg. He pulled off his helm, sweat covering his pale face. He looked like he could barely stand. He wore all that armor. He sheathed his sword as the bandage was already red. Ashiliozia frowned and wrapped a second around the leg.

“Are you going to be okay, Vern?” Siwang asked.

“Fine, fine,” said Vern. “I'll just slow you down. Get going, my Lord.”

Siwang hesitated. He glanced back at the fenghuang. “Madartoll and Szarny, keep an eye on him.”

“Of course, Lord Siwang,” sang Madartoll.

“We will keep you safe, noble warrior,” Szarny added, her wings folded behind her.

Vern grinned. “See, I'll be fine.”

“Just don't stare at their tits so much your eyes fall out,” Ashiliozia said.

“I'll alternate with their asses.”

The elf rolled her eyes but smiled.

Click here for the next part! 


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