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Knowing you'll be her sex slave, you fall to your knees before the naked Ms. Kato. Your futa-cock bounces, weighed down by the pair of clit rocket vibrators tied to the front of your dick. You shudder, the buzzing delight washing delight down your dick.

That feels amazing.

She smiles and then she grabs her phone off her desk. She's playing with it as you kneel there before her. You stare at her round tits as they jiggle before her. She's doing something on her phone. Impatience flashed across her features.

Is she opening up her camera? Is she going to take pics of you or make a video? A shiver runs through you, those buzzing clit vibrators massaging the tip of your cock. Your cunt clenches, the heat rushing through your body.

“Miranda, put on the strap-on,” orders Ms. Kato.

“Yes, Ms. Kato,” Miranda says.

You keep watching Ms. Kato as she plays with her phone. In the background, you hear Miranda working on a strap-on. Vinyl squeaks over the skin. A rubbery scent catches your nose. You hear her working it up and up.


“Faster than my phone,” muttered Ms. Kato. “Fuck the futa from behind with it.”

“Yes, Ms. Kato,” Miranda moans.

A smile crosses Ms. Kato's face while behind you, knees hit the thinly carpeted floor. A rubbery cock presses into your right butt-cheek, dimpling your ass. You rise on your thighs and work your knees apart, your pussy so juicy. Your cock aching.

“Now eat my pussy,” Ms. Kato says.

As Miranda's dildo reaches your pussy, you lean forward and nuzzle into Ms. Kato's thick bush. Her tart aroma fills your nose. Her silky hairs caress over your face a moment before your lips kiss at her twat. You groan as you revel in the feel of her hot snatch on your mouth.

You lick.

Miranda thrusts.

Ms. Kato taps her phone.

The two vibrators on your cock buzz with more intensity. Your eyes widen, your pussy clenching down on the invading dildo. Pleasure rushes down your cock as Miranda sinks that big, fake dick into your juicy cunt.

“Oh, my god,” you moan into Ms. Kato's twat.

“Enjoy your reward,” she purrs. “Now eat me or it can all stop.”

You eat her with alacrity. With eagerness. Her tart juices coat your tongue. Pussy is way, way better than you ever imagined it could be. You feast on her, licking and lapping with hunger. You slide your tongue through her folds.

Miranda fucks your cunt. She hugs you from behind as she drives that thick dildo into your bowels. She buries into you again and again. She rams hard into you. You groan, clenching your pussy down on that wonderful intrusion. It's amazing to feel. You revel in it. You savor every moment of getting that big fake cock fucked into your cunt while the vibrators buzz away at your cock's tip.

You thrust your tongue into Ms. Kato's tart pussy as you revel in the pleasure rushing through your body. It's amazing for you to experience. You groan, your cunt clenching down hard on the dildo thrusting into you. Your dick bobs, weighed down by those amazing toys.

A finger taps a screen. The vibrators buzz harder.

“Holy fucking shit!” you howl as the tip of your cock nubs from the delight. Your cunt clenches down on Miranda's dildo. “Fuck, yes!”

You cum.

Your futa-cock erupts. Hot cum fires from your girl-dick. Your mind melts from the rapture. Your pussy convulses around the dildo thrusting in and out of your cunt. You bury your tongue deep in Ms. Kato's pussy as the rapture rushes through your body.

Ecstasy fires over and over from your girl-dick. Rapture floods out of your cunt being massaged by that big dildo. You moan into Ms. Kato's furred muff. Stars explode across your vision. Those vibrators buzz against your aching crown.

“Yes, you love your reward, don't you?” Ms. Kato purrs.

“Yes!” you howl, your mind melting beneath the onslaught of rapture and ecstasy.

Your futa-dick keeps rupturing. Spurt after spurt after spurt of cum fires from your clit-dick. Those vibrators keep your pleasure alive. Keeps the bliss firing out of your futa-cock and splashing the floor. You moan, your pussy writhing in delight.

Miranda hammers your cunt, juices gushing out around her dildo. Your pussy goes wild around it as your climaxes burst through you. You moan into Ms. Kato's cunt as you go multi-orgasmic. They rush through you one after another.

“Yes, yes, yes!” you moan. “Ms. Kato!”

“That's it!” she coos. “Mmm, yes, just make me cum. You can have all the pleasure you want until then.”

“Yes, Ms. Kato!” you moan, your body trembling.

Miranda's crotch smacks into your rump as she drills your pussy with the dildo. You groan, sucking on Ms. Kato's clit as the pleasure rushes through your body. You keep cumming and cumming and cumming.

Your ovaries feel inexhaustible.

You've fired thirty blasts of cum. Forty. There must be a puddle of jizz of the floor know, just staining the fibers with their pearly delight. You groan, your body bursting with delight. Your mind is melting from the onslaught of bliss coming from those vibrators.

“Oh, this is hot!” Miranda moans. “I'm going cum! Mmm, yes, yes, I love this. Thank you, Ms. Kato!”

“I'm going to cum, too!” moans your boss. “Yes!”

Her tart juices gushed out of her pussy. You drink it down while your orgasms continue to rush through your body. Burst after burst after burst of bliss erupts from your cock. More cum bursts out of you.

It's amazing. Delicious. You love it so much. You drink down Ms. Kato's cream as you keep cumming. Miranda slams into you. She gasps, her boobs rubbing into your back as she trembles through her orgasm.

“Yes, yes, yes!” you moan into Ms. Kato's pussy.

“Mmm, it's delicious,” she moans as you drink up her cream.

Your dick keeps spurting, twitching with the vibrations humming away at that delicious tip. Your pussy convulses around Miranda's dildo. She's groaning behind you, clearly lost to her own pleasure. Your mind is melting. Your futa-cock aches.

The vibration suddenly ends.

“Oh, god,” you moan, freed of your orgasms. You lost track of how many times you came. You feel dizzy from it.

“That was delicious,” your boss purrs. “Miranda, take off her vibrators.” Ms. Kato shifts onto the desk. She spreads her legs apart and leans onto her elbows. “Then, futa, fuck me with that dick. Pound me hard. Miranda, feel free to fuck her asshole. Your dildo should be more than sufficiently lubed.”

“Yes, Ms. Kato,” pants Miranda. She slides her dildo out of your pussy and then crawls around you.

She undoes the ribbon tying on the two vibrators. You groan as your dick comes free of them. It feels so much lighter. You lick your lips covered in Ms. Kato's tart juices. Before you on the carpet is a thick and long puddle of futa-jizz. The pearly spunk is melting into the fibers.

You pant and shudder as you're free to stand up. Your legs are rubbery. The tip of your futa-cock feels numb from the fucking, but you have to plow into her. You have to fuck your boss hard and fast. That urge is on you.

“Mmm, yes,” Ms. Kato moans. She reaches up and pulls out the chopsticks holding her bun up. Her black hair spills loose down and around her face. “Ram that big dick into me. Fuck me hard, futa.”

“Yes, Ms. Kato,” you moan and nuzzle your girl-cock into her silky bush.

The touch of her pubic hair on your dick is enough to electrify your blood. You smile and press into her. You're going to fuck her hard and fast. You're going to plow into her and make her explode. You slide your futa-cock through her folds into her pussy.

You slam into her with hard strokes. Powerful ones. She gasps, her pussy clenching down on you. The heat of it rushes through your body. You smile as you experience the bliss of it. The heat melts down your cunt. It's delicious. Amazing. You savor every moment of it. You sink deeper and deeper into her cunt.

“Yes, yes, yes!” you moan as more and more of your cock vanishes into her cunt. “Ooh, that pussy.”

“That cock” she purrs. “Fuck me hard. Make me cum on that futa-dick.”

“Yes, Ms. Kato!” you groan as you bottom out in her. The thick curls of her pubic hair rub into your shaved pussy lips. The sensation is amazing. It sends such heat rippling through your body.

You draw back your hips, loving every moment of being in her pussy. As you pull back, a plastic dildo soaked in your juices nuzzles into your butt-crack. You shudder as it presses on your asshole. You gasp as you have to press your bowels around that cock to draw back further.

“Yes,” Miranda moans as you do that. “Ooh, that feels amazing on my clit.”

You groan as your anal ring stretches around her dildo's tip. The toy pops into your bowels. You slide your asshole down it while you pull your cock out of Ms. Kato's pussy. The dual frictions ripple through your nethers and meet in your pussy.

With a groan, you thrust back into your boss's pussy. You bury to the hilt in her. She gasps as you slam to the hilt in her. This heat rushes through your body. You bury hard into her. Fast. Your breasts jiggle from the force. Your asshole pops off Miranda's dildo.

She follows and buries her toy back into your asshole.

Her round breast rub into your back as her dildo sinks into your bowels. You groan, squeezing your asshole down around her toy. She pulls back, that delicious shaft stimulating your velvety sheath. You chase her, sliding your girl-cock out of that silky pussy.

Two wonderful, delicious, and different pleasures swirl around in your pussy.

“Yes,” you groan.

Miranda thrusts forward, driving you into Ms. Kato's pussy. The redhead hugs you tight, her tits rubbing across your back. She moans into your ear as she fucks your asshole. You match her rhythm, fucking Ms. Kato's pussy with the same intensity.

“Oh, that's it,” moans Ms. Kato. “That's how you fuck me, futa.”

“Yes, Ms. Kato!” you groan, your asshole savoring that dildo penetrating into your bowels as you drive your cock into your boss's silky cunt.

The two different frictions swell the heat in your cunt. In your ovaries. Your cunt drinks in the velvety blaze in your asshole and the silky heat engulfing your girl-dick. Miranda fucks you hard, driving you into Ms. Kato's snatch, your pussy lips drinking in the boss's thick bush tickling your folds.

Your next load of futa-cum brims in your ovaries, but you know you can't cum before Ms. Kato. You have to make her explode. Your hands slide up her body to those round breasts. She smiles and you grab them. Knead them.

You squeeze those boobs, digging your fingers into their round flesh. Her pussy clenches on your withdrawing cock, You savor it. This wonderful heat rushes through your body. You groan as the pressure builds in your ovaries.

“Mmm, that's it, futa,” she moans. “Miranda, fuck her harder. Drive her cock deep into my cunt.”

Yes, Ms. Kato,” Miranda pants.

She pounds your asshole harder.

That dildo buries into your bowels with such powerful strokes. Your anal sheath is melting around her toy. Your pussy is dripping juices down your thighs. You shudder, hurtling towards your orgasm. But you have to make Ms. Kato cum.

So you grab her nipples and twist.

Ms. Kato squeals at your touch. Her pussy clamps down around your girl-dick. The heat rushes through your body. You shudder, your back arching. Your hair dances down around your back as you plow into her.

“Ms. Kato!” you whimper, your asshole clamping down on Miranda's dildo plowing into your bowels. “Don't hold back, Ms. Kato! Cum!”

“Mmm, you want to cum in me, don't you?” Ms. Kato purrs as you tweak her nipples.

“Yes!” you hiss. “But you have to cum first.”

Delight crosses her face. Triumph. “Yes!” she gasps. “You, I do! You understand. You're mine, futa!”

“Yours!” you cry out.

Your boss cums.

Her pussy convulses around your girl-dick. You gasp as her hot flesh spasms around your cock. Miranda drives her dildo into your asshole, the force ramming your shaft to the hilt in your boss's inviting twat. The writhing flesh sucks at your cock.

Your pussy clenches. Your ovaries tighten.

You erupt.

“Ms. Kato!” you howl and cum.

You fire spurt after spurt of your girl-cum into Ms. Kato's pussy. Your asshole writhes around Miranda's dildo as she draws it back. She keeps fucking your bowels as you unload your cum into Ms. Kato's pussy.

“Yes, yes, yes!” you moan, your pleasure rushing through your body.

Ecstasy fires from your girl-dick and rapture wash out of your pussy. Your cream floods down your thighs. It soaks your flesh and fills the air with your sweet musk. You shudder as you fire the last of your cum into Ms. Kato's pussy.

“Oh, yes!” Miranda moans, hugging you tight. She slams the dildo into your asshole. “So good. I love these strap-ons!”

“Good,” Ms. Kato moans, her own orgasm dying down. “Both of you kneel and Miranda, take off the strap-on. It's time to be collared. You're my slaves.”

“Yes, Ms. Kato!” you moan.

“Yours, yours!” Miranda groans.

She pulls the strap-on out of your bowels and starts ripping it down her thighs. You pull your girl-dick out of Ms. Kato's pussy. Miranda steps out of her strap-on and sets it on the desk. Then the pair of you both kneel before her as she stands up. You know that you're going to be her good sex slaves from now on.

Continue on to you are Ms. Kato's good slave! 


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