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Chapter Seven

Siwang rubbed at his temple. He had finished summoning his hordes of new Level 1 and Level 2 monster girls, but now he had to summon his companions. And he had no idea who to choose. He hadn't been close to many in the real world.

His leukemia made that difficult.

So he gathered his three companions—his step-mother, favorite teacher Guang, and the friendly neighbor Lei—and his fiancee Anji. The beautiful village girl sat down in a tiny apron that draped over her waist and left her big boobs exposed, her dark eyes shot up to him with love. She was hoping to have his baby.

Sitting on her right was his step-mother, Xiongbu the wraith. Black mist spilled around her skin which was equally as dark though her hair was pure white. She had needle-like nails that could rip out throats and the ability to pass through solid objects. On Anji's left was Lei, the cyclops. She had one big, blue eye and skin of bronze. Her blonde hair spilled around her shoulders. Guang, the lampetia, glowed brightly as she sat down on a chair. She was made of light, her body often hard to make out fully save for her blue eyes.

“I don't know who to chose for the companions,” Siwang said as he sat down in another chair. “I have Fire, Wind, Ice, Metal, and Water to summon. That's five women, and I don't know who they should be. Any ideas?”

“I'm sure there are some women that attracted your attention in your world,” Anji said.

Siwang gave an embarrassed shrug.

“There's Caihong,” said Guang. “She was a beautiful girl. Do you remember her? She even came to your funeral.”

Siwang did remember Caihong. She had porcelain skin and glossy-black hair. Like a living doll. “She came to my funeral?” He swallowed. “I didn't think she knew me.”

“She was always asking after you,” Guang added. “Worried about you. She knew I visited to bring your schoolwork.”

Siwang swallowed against the emotions, touched by Caihong's care. “I... I thinks he would make a great one.”

“You remember my friend, Shui?” Xiongbu asked. “She always brought you candy when you came over. She would make a delightful companion.”

“Er, sure,” said Siwang. He did remember Shui. She was a pretty woman. “Okay.”

“Well,” Lei said, “there's my lover.” She squirmed. “My lesbian lover. She lived in the apartment complex. Yinfu.”

“Yinfu!” gasped his step-mother. “She's married. And you were a lesbian? I had no idea.”

“That explains why she's so good at licking pussy,” Guang said.

Siwang's cock throbbed. He remembered Yinfu. A beautiful wife.

“And, well, she wasn't the only wife I had an affair with,” admitted Lei. “There was also Jinzi.”

“The landlord's wife!” Xiongbu leaned back, looking utterly dumbfounded at those words.

“Er, yeah,” said Lei. “Yinfu, Jinzi, and I eve used to have afternoon tea together. We spent it in my bedroom. Or Yinfu's. Never Jinzi's. Her husband was always in the building.”

“I think Siwang likes that,” Anji said and giggled, staring at him. He was hard, his cock thrusting up before him.

“I know those women,” said Siwang. “They were all proper wives. I never thought they would...”

“Me, either,” his step-mother said, sounding disapproving of their actions.

“Well, that's four,” he said. “I need one more.”

“Well, I have heard from Lord Leo's monster girls something about stars in your world.” Anji smiled. “Beautiful women who were so famous, they shone in the night sky for all to see. Lady Lana Fulmine and Lady Nina Naughty are two, yes? Famous.”

“That's a good idea,” his step-mother said. She smiled. “I think I knew who you should pick.

“Muyang,” Siwang said. “Dongtian Muyang.” She was a Hong Kong actress that stared in many movies. He had seen all of them. He was sick and sometimes all he could do was watch something. “Yes, yes, she's perfect.”

*  \ * /  *

Next up was Darkness. That would make my little succubus happy.

“Ooh, ooh, what monster girls are we summoning, big bro!” gasped Garnet as she bounced up and down. My roommate loved calling me big bro since she met me last year. “Puppies?”

“I don't think so,” I said. Tuerien didn't have the Darkness Glyph, so I hadn't seen those on the battlefield. Like with the cherubs, they would be a surprise. “Let's find out!”

Garnet rubbed her hands together, her scarlet wings fluttering behind her. Her tail swished back and forth with glee, slender and ending in a spade-like tip. Her black hair fell in pigtails that draped over her small breasts. She was a succubus.

And a damn cute one.

I sank into the interface and found the Darkness monster girls. The Level 4 ones were demons. They were busty and pale-skinned women with black wings and matching hair. Horns curled out of their glossy tresses. They looked dangerous and sexy with their shadowy lashes. I wondered what else they could do?

The first name whispered out of the ether. The Void. Deamhana.

“Deamhana, appear!” I commanded, my voice firm as I gripped the Void Crystal.

The gem hummed as Souleen turned to where Deamhana swirled out of the blackness. The shadows seemed to become her black wings wrapped around her body, her black hair sweeping down her back. She unfurled her wings to reveal her pale and curvy figure.

“My Lord,” she said with such a delicious hint of cruelty in her eyes. Her fingers flexed like she wished to be holding a lash.

“Deamhana,” I said, my hands tightening on the Void Crystal. A second name drifted from beyond. “Olca, appear!”

Souleen turned to where the second demon swirled into existence. Did Souleen always do that? Did she always know where they would form. Olca stretched her wings, that same smile on her lips that verged on sadism.

“Lord Leo,” she cooed. “Do you... need us.” A shadowy lash appeared in her hand. Insubstantial and yet I knew it could cause pain.

“My, my,” said Souleen as I shifted through the menus. “Such... interesting monster girls.”

“Yeah,” I said as I shifted Garnet into the room.

She gasped as she looked around. She spun about, her crimson tail swishing behind her. She looked like a smaller version of the demons. Same sort of wings and tail, but her coloring was different. Her gaze fell on me. My little succubus smiled from ear to ear.

“Big bro!” she squealed. “It's playtime! Yay!” She bounced up and down, her black pigtails flying as she squealed in delight. A shadowy strap-on thrust from her crotch. She darted up beside me, her hands on her hips. “Ooh, ooh, let's fuck them! They're so cute!”

“My, my, what an energetic little sister,” purred Deamhana. The monster girls often considered my companion their “sister” in metaphorical sense. With Garnet, it was often a little succubus, though with some of the others like Lana Fulmine, it was a big sister relationship.

“Isn't she just... delicious,” said Olca, sauntering forward. “Mmm, do you like to be whipped, little succubus?”

“Yes, yes, do you love the feel of the lash whipping that pale skin?” cooed Deamhana, her own lash appearing in her hand.

“Big bro!” Garnet whimpered and jumped behind me. “You're not going to let them spank me, right?  I do the spanking!”

“They're just messing with you,” I said as I released the Void Crystal. “I'm sure if you give them a command, they'll obey.”

“Ok-kay.” Garnet thrust her head out to the side of me. “Olca, I want you t-to get on your knees and... and...” My little succubus yelped and ducked her head back behind me at the expression on Olca's face.

I gave both demons a flat look. “Stop messing with her. She thinks you're seriously going to whip her.”

“I want to whip her so badly, my Lord,” Olca cooed. Pussy cream dripped down her thighs. “Mmm, I'm so wet to lash her pretty body.”

“She'll love it,” added Deamhana. “Haven't you always wanted to whip her naughty ass, my Lord. Hasn't her brattiness ever made you want to spank her pretty rump. Make it glow red.”

“Well...” I said. There was something to that. Garnet rarely took things seriously.

“Big bro!” gasped Garnet in shock. “Why would you ever want to spank your cute and adorable little succubus?”

I smiled. “Well... Sometimes you go to far in your jokes. Maybe you should be spanked.”

She yelped.

“But not right now,” I said. “You haven't been bad, right? I'm not going to find out from Mrs. Maia that you did something naughty, right? Right?”

“No, no, I've been good, big bro! I promise. I'm a good little succubus. I never do anything bad.”

“Riiiiiight,” Deamhana cooed. “Just a single lick, my Lord. One stroke of the flail on her pretty ass.”

“Yes, yes, just one,” moaned Olca, her hips wiggling from side to side.

“No,” I said firmly. “We're going to fuck you two instead. On your knees. Both of you.”

“Yes, Lord Leo,” Olca and Deamhana cooed together. Their flails vanished back into the shadows as they turned around and dropped to their knees in perfect unison. They bent over and presented their rumps to us, their asses pale and curving, their pussies dripping with their juices. They folded their wings along their backs.

“Olca's all yours, Garnet,” I said. “Fuck her really hard with your dildo!”

“I'm going to fuck her in the ass for being such a meany!” Garnet said, hoping out from behind me.

“Oh, yes,” Olca moaned. “Come fuck my ass, little sister. Ram that dildo into my asshole and make me howl. I'll remember it for when I whip you.”

Garnet yelped again.

“She's not going to whip you,” I said. “Olca, Deamhana, you're not allowed to whip any of my monster girls or the monster girls of my vassals without my permission.”

“Yes, Lord Leo,” purred the two demons. They both glanced at me over their shoulders, such delight gleaming in their black eyes.

I was curious, though. If Garnet ever was too bratty, maybe I would have her whipped. Just once. She might even like it. She was a succubus. She did like whipping other monster girls. My dick twitched as I moved way from Garnet toward Deamhana.

Garnet darted up and gave me a nervous look. I grinned at my little succubus and dropped to my knees behind Deamhana. My cock slapped the demon on the rump. Her wings quivered. I slapped to her other butt-cheek, loving the power I had over her.

Then I slid my cock down to her pussy. I was so ready to fuck them both. To ram my cock into her pussy and make her cum. I glanced at Garnet. She dropped to her knees and slapped her shadowy dildo on Olca's ass.

“Yeah, you have to ask permission to spank monster girls!” said Garnet. “Ooh, I can spank you, though. If I want to!”

Olca threw a look over her shoulder, her black eyes fixing on Garnet.

“But I won't!” Garnet yelped. “Not unless your bad! And you want be bad. You're g-good demons. Right?”

“Maybe,” cooed Olca.

I fought my grin.

Garnet threw me a nervous look, her red eyes quivering. I winked at her and thrust my cock into Deamhana's pussy. I buried to the hilt in the demon's warm and juicy snatch. She groaned, her head tossing. Her horns thrust out of her hair. They looked so delicious.

Garnet swallowed and pressed her dildo into Olca's butt-crack. She slid down and down to find Olca's asshole and drilled against it. The demon moaned, her wings quivering. She arched her back as Garnet thrust harder, her tail wishing behind her.

With a squeal of delight, Garnet rammed her dildo into the demon's asshole. My little succubus's wings flapped. The demon moaned her pleasure at being sodomized. I smiled as I gripped Deamhana's hips and pulled back my cock.

“My Lord,” groaned the demon. “Mmm, that's a delicious treat.”

“Yes, it is,” I said and thrust back into her pussy. I buried deep and hard into her cunt. “It is one delicious treat!”

I fucked away at her. I thrust to the hilt in her cunt again and again. I buried deep and hard into her snatch. It was a fabulous moment to fuck into her hard. Fast. Her butt-cheeks rippled from my thrusts. I loved the way her plump butt-cheeks jiggled.

So did Olca's as Garnet thrust away with her dildo. My little succubus wore a big smile on her lips, her pigtails bouncing, as she pumped away. She thrust with hard strokes, burying to the hilt in Olca's anal sheath over and over again.

“Yes, yes, take that, you naughty demon!” gasped Garnet, her wings fluttering behind her. “Ooh, ooh, you're being fucked by Lady Big Perv Garnet, Mistress of Horniness, Queen of Depravity, and Empress of Kinkiness!”

“My Lady!” Olca moaned. “Ooh, ooh, one day, I am going to spank your queenly ass until it glows!”

“No you're not!” Garnet squeaked. “Big bro?”

I grinned at her as I thrust away at Deamhana's pussy.

“Yeah, yeah, you can't,” my little succubus gasped as she kept thrusting away with her dildo. “My Owner won't let you! He owns you, too!”

“Yes, he does,” moaned Deamhana.

“Body and soul!” groaned Olca. “Oh, but doesn't the Queen of Depravity want to experience every delicious thing. Being whipped can be a high as sweet as cumming!”

“What?” gasped Garnet. “No, it's not.”

“You won't know until you try,” cooed Olca.

“You're just playing tricks on me!” Garnet drew back her dildo and slapped Olca on the ass. “Bad demon!”

Both demons laughed, their delight echoing through the room as we fucked them. I couldn't help but smirking. Bad demons? Oxymoron of the year there. I loved it as I fucked Deamhana's pussy, her hot cunt bringing me closer and closer to cumming.

I thrust in and out of her cunt, loving the way she gripped me. She held me tight with that hot pussy. She clamped down on me with that wonderful snatch. It was an amazing delight. I groaned, thrusting deep and hard into her cunt. I fucked her fast.


I buried into her with all that I had. It was a fantastic moment to have that pussy clamping down on me. I groaned with each thrust into her pussy, reveling in that delight. I groaned, burying into her snatch with all that I had. I fucked her harder. Faster.

I pounded her with all that I had, hurtling toward that moment of climax. I would have a huge one. Just fire all my cum into her cunt. I couldn't wait for that moment. I thrust away with force. I fucked her hard and fast.

The pressure rose and rose in my nuts as they slapped against her taint. She moaned, her hips wiggling from side to side. She glanced back at me, her black eyes burning with such delight. She was so eager for my cum

“Lord Leo!” she moaned.

“Let me feel that pussy going wild,” I growled. “Then you'll get the cum!”

“Yes, yes, yes!” my little succubus gasped. “Ooh, ooh, cum on ourOwner's cock! Ooh, just cum so hard on him!”

She thrust away hard and fast at Olca's asshole. She churned her up with such force. It was a delicious sight to witness as I fucked hard into that tight anal sheath. I loved it so much. I savored it with all that I had.

I groaned, pounding her hard. Fast. I buried into her again and again. I loved how she gripped my dick with her asshole. It was a fabulous treat. I shuddered, savoring that wonderful passion. I loved the way she gripped me. It was just a fantastic delight.

“Lord Leo,” groaned Deamhana.

“Little sister,” purred Olca. “That's it. That's so good. Ooh, you are driving me wild! Yes, yes, keep pounding me! I'm going to cum! Ooh, I can't wait to return the pleasure!”

“You are!” gasped Garnet as she thrust forward. “I'm going to cum so hard. I love fucking monster girls with my dildos. Yes, yes, yes!”

I slammed into Deamhana's pussy. Her cunt went wild around my cock. She spasmed about me in such a delicious way. I savored that rush of delight. The pressure swelled at the tip of my cock, her silky flesh suckling at me. I groaned as I pumped away at her.

Olca gasped out, too. Her wings flared as Garnet buried her dildo into the demon's asshole. My little succubus gasped in delight, her head throwing back. She cried out in ecstasy as she joined the other two Darkness monster girls in climaxing.

“Yes, yes, Lady Big Perv Garnet tames another monster girl!” cried Garnet.

I grinned and buried to the hilt in Deamhana's pussy. Her cunt spasmed around me. I groaned and erupted.

My cum pumped into the demon's pussy. I flooded her with spurt after spurt of my jizz. The pleasure swept through me. I groaned with each spurt. Each blast of cum that erupted for my nuts. They twitched with the delight of this moment.

I groaned, spurting into her over and over again. She trembled, her pussy writhing around me. I loved all the pleasure shooting through me. Sparks flared across my vision as I dumped load after load of my spunk into her pussy.

“Oh, Lord Leo,” moaned Deamhana. “Yes, yes, my Lord! All your seed!”

“That's right!” gasped Garnet. “All that seed. Ooh, ooh, I am going to lick it all out of you! Just gobble all that cum out of your pussy!”

I smiled as I spurted the last of my jizz into Deamhana's pussy. I ripped my cock out of her snatch and stood. My dick bobbed before me. My little succubus glanced at me. She licked her lips, wanting to suck my cock and eat out the demon's cunt.

But she could only do one.

Her dildo burst into smoke as she pulled it out of Olca's asshole. She shifted over before me, grabbed Deamhana's butt-cheeks, and buried her face into the demon's hairless pussy. Garnet licked up my cum. She lapped up that creampie, her wings flapping.

Olca sat up and formed a lash. She arched an eyebrow at me.

It was tempting, but...

“Olca, sit before Deamhana. Let fellow demon eat your cunt out.”

“Yes, my Lord,” she cooed and crawled before Deamhana. I smiled as the demon spread her legs and leaned back on her hands.

Deamhana, enjoying having her pussy licked by my little succubus, buried her face into Olca's cunt. I smiled at the lesbiansight before me, my dick so hard. I dripped with the demon's pussy juices, and Garnet's cute ass was swaying before me.

How could I resist?

I dropped to my knees and pressed my dick into my little succubus's butt-crack. She moaned in delight, her wings fluttering. She was such a kinky thing. She would love this. I pressed my cock right into her asshole and thrust.

She moaned in delight as I did that. Her entire body quivered as I drilled my cock against her backdoor. Her anal ring widened and widened. She moaned into the demon's sloppy cunt as her asshole surrendered to me.

“Big bro,” she sighed in delight.

Her asshole swallowed my cock. I groaned at the feel of her velvety asshole around me. I sank deeper and deeper into her bowels, reveling in this delight. It was a wonderful moment to have all that velvety delight around my dick.

“Garnet,” I groaned.

“Oh, yes, yes, big bro!” she groaned. “Ooh, your cum taste so good in the demon's pussy.”

Deamhana purred in delight, feasting on Olca's pussy.

I bottomed out in my little succubus's asshole. I loved her tight bowels squeezing around me. She held me tight. I smiled from ear to ear as I drew back my dick. I shuddered, savoring that amazing anal sheath gripping me.

She massaged me with that wonderful asshole. It was a treat to have her massaging me. I thrust back into her bowels. I fucked her hard and fast. She groaned as I did that. I buried into her with force. I fucked her with such passion. It was an amazing moment to slam into her like that.

I loved every last second of fucking her bowels with such force. I pounded her with all that I had. I groaned, burying deep and hard into her asshole. I thrust into her again and again, savoring the way she gripped me. She held me tight with that amazing anal sheath.

“Ooh, ooh, big bro!” she moaned. “That's so good. Yes, yes, just fuck me like that! Just keep pounding me with that big dick!”

I pounded her hard and fast. I fucked her with force, slamming my cock into her asshole with such force. It was a delight to do that. I thrust into her over and over again. She moaned into the demon's pussy, licking out my cum.

“Big bro!” Garnet gasped, her wings flapping, her anal sheath swelling the pressure in my nuts.

“Mmm, you like that, don't you?” I asked, stroking her sides.

“I love it!” Her tail swished over my chest. “Ooh, ooh, my Owner's cock in me! Yes!”

The hotgrip of her asshole squeezed down on my cock. I loved it. The pressure in my nuts swelled toward my orgasm. I watched Olca shuddered as Deamhana devoured her cunt. I loved my monster girls. They were all so delicious. I was so glad to have them.

I pumped away at her with everything I had. I thrust in and out of her bowels, pounding her, reveling in that tight grip. It was perfect to pound her. I grunted with each thrust. Each plunge into her bowels was just fantastic.

The little succubus and the two demons were all gasping and moaning. The Vault echoed with their passion. Souleen rubbed her little pussy as she watched us from her perch on the Void Crystal. I smiled at her as I fucked to the hilt in Garnet's bowels.

My nuts swelled with the pressure.

The ache built and built at the tip of my cock.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Garnet moaned. “Fuck me, big bro!”

I fucked her hard and fast. I buried into her with everything that I had. I loved how she squeezed her bowels down on me. She held me tight with her anal sheath. It was fabulous burying into her asshole again and again. I thrust into her with all that I had.

Her anal sheath massaged my cock. I loved the grip of her anal sheath. I hurtled toward my climax. I would have big cum. Just a mighty burst of jizz to flood her asshole. She wiggled her hips, stirring her anal sheath around my cock.

“Oh, Deamhana!” Olca moaned. “You naughty demon. Ooh, lick my pussy! Eat my cunt! Yes, yes, feast on it!”

“Feast on it!” squealed Garnet. Her hand slapped down on Deamhana's butt-cheeks. “And drown me in all your yummy pussy cream. There's no more cum left in you! I got it all! Every drop, big bro!”

She clamped her asshole down on my cock as she sounded so proud of her pussy licking. I smiled at that and thrust away at her asshole. I buried to the hilt in her bowels. I fucked her with force. She gasped as I did that. Her hips wiggled from side to side, stirring her anal sheath around my dick.

I loved that sensation. It was an amazing one. I groaned, pumping a deep and hard into her bowels with everything that I had. I groaned, drilling into her with hard strokes. Powerful plunges. Her asshole gripped my dick.

“Big bro!” she whimpered.

“Deamhana!” gasped the Olca.

“You wicked, little sister!” moaned Deamhana.

All of them were cumming. Garnet's asshole convulsed around my dick while the two demonesses gasped, their wings fluttering. I loved it as I buried to the hilt in my little succubus's bowels. I plowed hard into her, savoring the way her flesh rippled around my dick. It was a fabulous delight.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I groaned. “Oh, damn, that's good!”

I erupted into my little succubus's asshole.

“Big bro!” Garnet gasped, her asshole rippling around my dick. She suckled at me with all that she had.

It was just a delight to have her nursing at me. I shuddered, savoring the pleasure shooting through me. I grunted with each blast of cum that fired into her asshole. She moaned, rubbing her face into the demon's cunt.

I savored the bliss. I loved sharing my little succubus with the demons. I fired each blast of cum into her asshole. Her wings fluttered as I enjoyed that delight. The pleasure swept through me. I hit that wonderful peak.

I erupted a final time into her asshole.

“Oh, big bro,” she moaned as I pulled out of her. “Ooh, ooh, that's so good.”

“Yeah,” I said. “Now, where should I send the three of you to play?”

“Play?” Garnet gasped as I grabbed the Void Crystal. “What do you mean, play?”

Shadowy flails appeared in the hands of the demons as they rose. They smiled at her.

“No, no, big bro! Big bro! What are you doing? You're—”

I shifted my little succubus to somewhere she would have lots of fun. I dropped her in with the horny goblins. Right now, they would be swarming her and keeping her distracted. Deamhana and Olca both pouted.

“That's no fun, Lord Leo,” Olca said.

“Sorry,” I said and winked at her. “I have work for you two, as well, but for now...” I shifted them to where I had put the cherubim.

Big bro!” Garnet shouted in my mind. “The goblins have me! Help! Help! They're so horny!”

You'll right in,” I told her. “Have fun!”

Chapter Eight

Siwang wasn't sure where he should start. He decided to go with Lei's first suggestion. Yinfu the cheating wife. She would make a great Fire monster girl. There was a certain symmetry that appealed to the young man.

Lei was with him, her big, blue eye gleaming with eagerness. She rubbed her bronze hands together, clearly ready to see her lover. I still can't believe that such things were going on in the apartment complex. Married women having lesbian sex with each other!

It had shocked Siwang's step-mother.

Siwang sank into the interface and found the Fire section. He knew who he wanted. He had Yinfu focused in his mind. The housewife appeared now as an ifrit. Leo had one. Yinfu had the same dark-red skin and black hair. Her eyes were coal-black. She was tall and busty. Flames whirled around her.

“Yinfu, I command you to appear before me!” Siwang called, reaching across the Void separating the worlds to call a copy of Yinfu here. A copy that would love and serve him.

“Yes, appear,” Lei purred, her hands rubbing together eagerly.

Out of the swirling black, Yinfu appeared as she had in the interface. Her breasts swayed from the motion. She stretched her arms over her head as she looked around. A big smile spilled on her lips as she stared at Lei.

“My, my, this is a strange dream,” she said. “You just made me cum so hard.”

“Mahjong night?” asked Lei.

Yinfu nodded. “It was quite the delicious night. Mmm, my husband is still on nights. Poor him, but...” She glanced at me. “Siwang. My, my it seems your spirit has reincarnated in such a handsome and healthy body.”

“Yes, yes, look at him,” Lei said, pressing against her lover. Bronze and dark-red flesh rubbed together. “Isn't he so handsome. Now that he's healthy in this world, he has such virility. He is making up for such lost time.”

“Good, good,” she said. “Oh, your poor step-mother still weeps for you. She misses you dearly.”

“Well, there's a version of her in the other room,” said Lei.

“How naughty.” Yinfu grinned. “I always did want to sleep with her, but she was a faithful wife to your father. I never could get her attention.”

“She's very... delicious here,” Lei said. “Now, we have Siwang to attend to. He is our delightful lord. We must serve him. That's what he wants from us.”

“Yeah,” Siwang said, a tad intimidated. He wasn't sure why. The way they talked, so open, had him a tad unnerved.

But his new ifrit was gorgeous as she sank to her knees. She was another man's wife. Leo had one in his harem, Mrs. Lucina, but now Siwang, did, too. Well, his step-mother did count, but he never thought of it as cuckolding his father. Now...

Now Lei and Yinfu rubbed their lips against the crown of his cock. He groaned as their tongues flicked out. A double blowjob from his two monster girls was a treat that Siwang was more than eager to enjoy.

Their tongues flicked out and danced around the crown of his cock. They both rubbed their lips on him. Yinfu's black eyes and Lei's blue eye started up at him as they both purred. He smile down at them, his hand sliding through black and blonde hair.

Yinfu swallowed his cock.

“Oh, my, she's a slut,” purred Lei. “She tried to get me to do this with her husband, but I was never interested.”

“Really?” Siwang groaned as Yinfu moaned around her cock, nodding. “Wow.”

“There's a reason that I was never married,” Lei added, winking her big eye. “You made me straight. Well, straighter. I do still love pussy.”

I'm learning so much today.

Siwang savored Yinfu's hot mouth working up and down his cock. She suckled with passion on his cock, bobbing up and down him. His nuts twitched as his ifrit worked her delightful magic. He shuddered, rising toward that moment of climaxing.

Then Yinfu popped her mouth off and handed it over to Lei. The cyclops swallowed his cock with such eagerness. She slid her mouth over his cock and nursed on him. He groaned as his one-eyed beauty loved him now.

“Ooh, look at her suck cock,” purred the ifrit. “She's changed so much.”

“She's a wonderful companion,” Siwang groaned. “I know you'll be, too.”

The ifrit winked.

Siwang groaned as that hot mouth worked up and down his cock, his nuts twitching. Lei's tongue danced around his cock. She nursed at him with such delight. She was just an amazing cock-sucker. He love what she did to him.

“You're so good at that,” Yinfu purred. “I'm so proud of you, Lei. Suck that dick!”

Lei popped her mouth off his cock. “We have to share. Siwang like sit when we share. Then he cums on our faces.”

“Hot!” The ifrit swallowed his dick with her hot mouth. He groaned as the heat melted down his dick. She definitely was warmer than Lei. He enjoyed it as she swirled her tongue around his cock.

It was so delicious to have them trading his cock back and forth. One suckled than the other, going back and forth, making him feel just so amazing. He loved this delight. A big smile spread on his lips as they suckled on him with passion.

Each one had a different feel. Lei could really moan when she suckled on his dick. She was a Thunder monster girl. Yinfu had that warmth that soaked down his shaft to his nuts. They both brought him closer and closer to cumming.

“Yes!” he groaned, his dick throbbing.

His nuts tightened as they loved him. Drool spilled down their chins as they took their turns sucking on him. He gripped their hair, holding them tight as he hurtled closer and closer to that moment when he would cum.

“You're just going to jizz all over our faces, aren't you, cutie,” Yinfu moaned while Lei suckled on his dick.

“Yes!” he gasped.

They switched, Yinfu swallowing his cock as Lei cooed, “Yes, yes, jizz on us!” Her one eye fluttered. “Splash us in your cum!”

“I'm getting there!” groaned Siwang, Yinfu sucking so hard with her warm mouth. His nuts twitched. “Oh, yes, yes, that's it! I... I...”

Yinfu popped her mouth off with a wet smack and gasped, “Cum on us, cutie!”

“Cum on our faces, Siwang!” Lei moaned with throaty passion, her hand flying up and down his cock. She had such a tight grip. On amazing one. Her one eye stared up at him with such hunger.

“Yes!” he growled and erupted.

Lei closed her big eye, his cum splashing across her face and drenching her thick eyelashes. He splattered the ifrit's dark-red face. He grunted with each spurt of cum. He pumped all that jizz onto their features as the pleasure slammed through him.

He groaned out in delight. It was just amazing to have all this pleasure surging through him. He loved every second of splashing their faces in his cum. He drenched their features in jizz. He hosed them down, loving this moment.

The pleasure slammed through him. It was such a perfect delight. He smiled from ear to ear as he loved this pleasure. It was perfect. He shuddered, his dick spurting that final time onto their features. He drenched them both in his spunk.

“Damn,” he groaned. “Oh, damn, that was so good!”

“Yes, yes, yes,” whimpered Lei.

“Such delicious cum, cutie,” moaned Yinfu. “Ooh, ooh, I have to feel this cock in me. I want to ride you!”

“Yes, yes, let's ride him,” cooed Lei. “And we'll lick his cum off our faces.”

They both smiled up at Siwang with his jizz dripping down their features. Gobs clung to Lei's eyelashes while spunk dripped onto Yinfu's big boobs. The young man groaned and sank to the floor of his Vault.

Lei threw her bronze leg over his head, her blonde bush dripped with her juices. The tangy aroma filled his nose as she lowered her furred muff to his face. She planted it on him, grinding on him. He licked at her twat.

“Oh, yes,” she moaned. “That's so good.”

“I bet,” purred Yinfu as she straddled his waist and grabbed his dick. She pressed his cock into her shaved pussy. “Ooh, this is so strange. I have no pubic hair here, and you're the one with the bush. And you're blonde now, Lei.”

“I now. It's delicious.” Lei shuddered on him as he licked her. “Ooh, and so is having Siwang lap at my pussy. He loves cunt.”

“Good!” Yinfu plunged her cunt down his cock. “Oh, yes, cutie!”

He moaned into Lei's pussy as he savored having that hot twat around his cock. Yinfu's snatch gripped his dick and slid up him. She massaged him with her hot twat. He plunged his tongue into Lei's furred muff and swirled around in her.

She moaned, her bronze butt-cheeks clenching. The two monster girls leaned forward. They both moaned as they rode him. He heard something wicked. Was that the sounds of them licking cum off each other's faces.

That was hot.

Their lips smacked.

Siwang pictured them swapping his cum back and forth as he licked at Lei's pussy. He lapped at her with hunger. His tongue stroked over her flesh. She moaned as he did that. She squirmed on his face, tickling him with her bush.

Yinfu worked her hot twat around his dick. She was boiling hot. A fiery monster girl loving his dick with her hot snatch. He savored that wonderful treat. He enjoyed her massaging him. He rose toward that climax. He would have a huge one.

He couldn't wait to flood her twat with his cum. He licked and lapped at Lei with hunger while enjoying Yinfu's snatch massaging his dick. The ifrit gripped him while the cyclops ground her furred muff on his face.

It's so wonderful sharing your cum with her,” Lei purred in his mind, her lips obviously busy.

Ooh, we can speak like this,” Yinfu groaned. “Your cock is so amazing in my pussy, cutie. And your cum taste so good. I love sharing it with Lei!”

Yes, yes, it's so much fun,” Lei added.

“Glad you love it,” Siwang groaned aloud. He slid his tongue through Lei's folds and found her clit.

He lapped at her bud as the pressure in his nuts rose. He had to dump his cum into Lei's pussy. Her loved her working that hot twat up and down him. He rose toward his climax as he nibbled on Lei's clit. He suckled on her.

She gasped, her back arching. Her blonde hair danced down her back. She squirmed on him, smearing her hot cunt on his face. Her curls tickled him. Yinfu moaned louder, her pussy growing hotter and hotter.

“I'm going to cum on this dick!” she moaned.

“Don't hold back!” gasped Lei. “Plunge that hot pussy down him and cum!”

“Yes!” he growled into his cyclops's pussy, about to erupt. “I want to feel my ifrit's cunt writhing on my cock!”

“Yes, cutie!” gasped Yinfu. She plunged down him and squealed. Her hot cunt writhed around his cock. Pleasure shot down his shaft to his nuts.

He growled around Lei's clit as the pressure burst. He erupted into Yinfu's pussy. He pumped blast after blast of his jizz into her. Stars flashed across his vision as he dumped his spunk into his ifrit's cunt. He nursed on lei's bud.

“Siwang!” the cyclops gasped, her voice echoing through the Vault.

Her tangy juices gushed out of her pussy and bathed his mouth. He lapped and lapped them up, groaning into her twat. His cum pumped over and over into Yinfu's pussy. He flooded the married woman with his cum, the heat sweeping through him. It was such an incredible rush to enjoy.

Siwang filled Yinfu to the brim with his cum as he lapped at Lei's twat. He flicked his tongue through her folds. He savored that flavor of her pussy. She had a delicious one. She quivered on him as he licked his tongue through all those delightful petals.

“Oh, that was amazing,” groaned Yinfu. “Mmm, cutie, I'm glad you summoned me. This is going to be an interesting life.”

“You have no idea,” said Lei. “Wait until the next fight comes.

Will there ever be an end to it? If Leo had his way, yes, but until then...

*  \ * /  *

“Oh, my, you've been fucking in here, Leo,” Mrs. Maia purred when she appeared. She dropped to her knees and moved between me and the plinth. The dryad sniffed, her green hair rustling. “Someone's ass... Is that Garnet's? I think it is!”

“Mrs. Maia,” I groaned as she swallowed my cock. I savored her bobbing her head and polishing my cock. She felt amazing doing that. I loved how she worked her mouth up and down my cock. It was fantastic having her doing that. “Oh, wow, Mrs. Maia, that's good!”

She winked at me as she suckled on my cock. She nursed on me with all her passion. I loved her doing that. It was such a sweet delight to feel. Just such a wondrous one to enjoy. She groaned around my dick, nursing on me with all her might.

“You are such a good Mrs. Maia,” I groaned, savoring what she did to me.

Her tongue flicked around my cock as she polished me clean. I was supposed to be summoning the Life monster girls. I had no idea what they would be. Right now, I was just enjoying the way Mrs. Maia suckled on me. How she blew me.

It was perfect.

“Damn,” I groaned.

She purred around my cock.

My naughty dryad-MILF suckled hard on my cock. She bobbed her head, putting her all into it. It was such a thrill having her do that. I loved what she did her a lot. She drove me wild with that hot mouth of hers. I shuddered as her sucking felt just amazing on my cock. Just fantastic for me to enjoy. I groaned, hurtling toward my orgasm.

I would spurt all my cum into her mouth. She knew it. She was so skilled at sucking my dick clean. She danced her tongue around my cock, the pressure in my nuts hurtling toward that bursting point. I groaned as she suckled and slurped on me. I groaned as she polished me clean.

“You are such an amazing MILF!” I groaned.

She winked at me. I savored that wondrous heat soaking my dick.

My nuts twitched as I hurtled closer and closer to cumming. I rushed toward that amazing moment. I shuddered, the heat sweeping through me. This was just such an amazing moment. I loved it so much. I savored her sucking on me.

My nuts swelled. Her tongue danced around me. The heat melted through me. I let go of the Void Crystal and slid my fingers through her green hair. I held my dryad-MILF's head in place as I hurtled toward my orgasm.

“Fuck, Mrs. Maia!” I groaned. “That's so good!”

“Feed her that wonderful cum,” purred Souleen.

“Yes!” I growled as Mrs. Maia moaned around my cock. She suckled hard.

I exploded.

My cum erupted into Mrs. Maia's hungry mouth. I shuddered as I flooded her with blast after blast of my jizz. It was an amazing moment of bliss. The rapture shot through me as Mrs. Maia swallowed my seed. She gulped it all down.

I grunted with each eruption. I gripped the sides of her head, savoring my dryad-MILF's nursing. She swallowed every last drop of the cum that spurted from my dick. I groaned, loving this delight so much. It was such a perfect treat. It was fabulous.

“Damn, damn, damn,” I groaned, my cock spurting one last time. “Oh, damn, thank you, Mrs. Maia!”

She popped her mouth off my cock and purred, “You're welcome, honey. Now, I know you're playing with all your new monster girls, but I have dinner to make.” She rose to her feet, her big boobs jiggling. “So you have fun, sweetie.”

I snorted. “Yes, Mom.”

My MILF-landlady smiled at me calling her “mom” like that.

Well, back to what I was doing.

Click here for the next part! 


Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-27 01:18:48 Hello, I found your dungeon builder story on a free to use site and really enjoyed the blend of setting and lewd overlap and coundn't stand being so far behind. Ive noticed that in the most recent chapters there has been significantly less plot than there had been leading up to these chapters even though the story felt like it has several compelling threads that have been developed. Im not asking you to change you intentions for the story nor for you to change the vision you have, but i am curious if you'd reveal your expectations on whether this ratio of story to smut is likely to continue or of there are plans for several plot heavy chapters in the near future? Thanks for your dedicated work and great content.
2023-05-26 22:54:56 Hello, I found your dungeon builder story on a free to use site and really enjoyed the blend of setting and lewd overlap and coundn't stand being so far behind. Ive noticed that in the most recent chapters there has been significantly less plot than there had been in the chapters leading up to where we are now even though the story felt like it had developed several compelling threads that are currently dangling with possibility. Im not asking you to change you intentions for the story nor trying to influence the vision you have, but i am curious if you'd reveal your expectations on whether this ratio of story to smut is likely to continue or of there are plans for much more plot heavy chapters in the near future? Thanks for your dedicated work and great content. PS. the "bleed over" influence of the Dungeon builder world on the original is a very exciting angle with some very intriguing implications and Im enjoying seeing those glimpses quite a lot.

Hello, I found your dungeon builder story on a free to use site and really enjoyed the blend of setting and lewd overlap and coundn't stand being so far behind. Ive noticed that in the most recent chapters there has been significantly less plot than there had been in the chapters leading up to where we are now even though the story felt like it had developed several compelling threads that are currently dangling with possibility. Im not asking you to change you intentions for the story nor trying to influence the vision you have, but i am curious if you'd reveal your expectations on whether this ratio of story to smut is likely to continue or of there are plans for much more plot heavy chapters in the near future? Thanks for your dedicated work and great content. PS. the "bleed over" influence of the Dungeon builder world on the original is a very exciting angle with some very intriguing implications and Im enjoying seeing those glimpses quite a lot.


It's just getting a bunch of new monster girls at once. This is the last time in the story this many monster girls will be added at once. There is a lot of plot coming in the second half and we'll get some hints coming soon.


thanks for the info, I'm excited to see what comes next as the story unfolds