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You shove your cock back into your panties and clutch your hand around the slut-pill. It's time to make Ms. Kato into a bimbo and take over this company. You hope this works. Dr. Isabella is sure of it. You just have to bold.

Something easier said than done with Ms. Kato.

“Just remember to dominate her sexually,” Dr. Isabella says. “You're presence makes women horny. Some sort of pheromones.”

You glance at the black-haired scientist as you head out of her lab. You arch an eyebrow. “Are you dripping wet right now?”

“Yes,” she moans and quivers. “God, if you told me to suck your cock or something, I would have done it.”

It's tempting, but you want to focus everything on Ms. Kato. As you leave her lab and head down the austere hallway towards the elevator, you draw in a deep, steadying breath. You'll have to march in there, whip out your cock, and seize her by her hair bun or something. Just dominate her and make her so horny that she'll swallow the pill for you.

“Just get her to swallow the pill, and she'll be your bimbo slut,” Dr. Isabella says as you reach the elevator. She hits the up button. “Just be assertive. Dominant. You're going to do great.”

“Yeah,” You say, your futa-dick throbbing hard in your panties. It makes a noticeable bulge at the front of your gray skirt. You draw in a deep breath, your pussy on fire.

The elevator slides open. You stand in and hit the 75th floor. It's a long climb from your current floor: the 13th. It could take a few minutes if there's a lot of traffic. Or you could get lucky and have an express ride straight up to the top.

Your futa-dick throbs and aches as you squirm. You can't help but notice how sexy Dr. Isabella is. You want to seize her and see how far you can push her, but the numbers are rising higher and higher. You're past the thirtieth floor. Then the fortieth. Your nerves are tightening the skin on your body even as your cock pulses with your rapid heartbeat.

Fiftieth-floor flashes by.

“Trust me, this will work,” Dr. Isabella says, but there's a nervousness in her voice. Who is she trying to convince; you or herself? “I feel like jumping you right here. I mean... God, your cock is sexy. I can see that bulge. I just want to play with it.”

Sixtieth floor.

“Mmm, maybe we could fool around before we get up there,” she moans. “Just have some wild fun. God, I'm soaked. I want your girl-dick.”

“You'll get fun when we're with Ms. Kato,” you pant, your breasts rising and falling in your blouse with your quickened breath.

Seventieth floor.

The elevator begins to slow. The numbers tick up slower and slower. A hand feels like it's crushing your chest as you pass the seventy-fourth floor. The red digits flick once. The four becomes a five. The elevator slows.


The doors ding open.

This is it. Time to dominate the most frightening woman you've ever met in your entire life with your new futa-cock.

You march off the elevator and almost run into Paris. She looks like she's about to head down. She frowns at you and gasps, “What are you doing? You were supposed to get my coffee fifteen minutes ago. And what are you doing with Dr. Isabella?”

“Ms. Kato sent me on an errand,” you say. Your confidence is growing as you noticed the color beginning to blossom in Paris's cheeks. You are affecting her.

“She didn't tell me about it,” she mutters. “I had to get her coffee. That was the job I assigned you.”

“After she assigned it to you,” you say, grinning. “Maybe she doesn't have as much faith in you as she implied in the meeting.”

Paris swallows and you saunter by her, your futa-dick throbbing. This will work. You can do this. Paris is a bitch, but she was affected. Ms. Kato might be an ice queen, but what you're packing in your skirt will melt her.

You stride down the cubicles, passing the restrooms, then your own where this all started not too long ago. Cassie spots you. Your blonde friend gives you an inquiring look. You did bolt from her pretty suddenly.

“It's okay,” you say as you walk by. “I'm seeing Ms. Kato. Get this all straightened out.”

“Oh, good luck,” she says and sits down.

Dr. Isabella follows after. You can feel her excitement mounting. Well, it is her life work you're about to test out. You round the corner and approach Ms. Kato's office. A final wave of nerves washes through you, but you're not going to let that stop you. Not when you're so hard and wet and aching to use this new futa-cock of yours.

You knock hard and then you thrust the door open.

Ms. Kato looks up, a coffee mug beside her hand, steam rising from it. The elegant Japanese woman narrows her eyes at you. Her black hair is still pulled up in a tight bun, held in place by elegant, lacquered chopsticks. She rises at the sight of you as you march in, fury in her face.

“I did not give you permission to enter,” she hisses.

“I don't need it because of this,” you say as Dr. Isabella closes the office door behind you both.

Locks it.

You yank up your gray pencil skirt in a single, smooth motion. It ripples over you to expose your futa-cock tenting the front of your soft-blue satin panties. Then you shove those down, letting your thick clit-dick thrust out before you, massive and hard, pulsing with the beat of your heart.

“That is a... futa-cock,” says Ms. Kato, somehow recognizing it. You thought you are the first futa, but has Deandra experimented with the pill already? Is that the true reason that Ms. Kato passed on your project?

“Yes, it is,” you say. “And you're going to get to know it well.” Your confidence swells through you. “You're going to fall to your hands and knees, suck my dick, and then you're going to swallow this little pill for me.”

Ms. Kato arches an eyebrow. “Do you think you can intimidate me with a large cock?” She turns and heads to a cabinet she has, a large bureau that you've never seen open. “Am I to be impressed that your clit turned into a dick.”

“Oh, you're going to be more than impressed,” you say as you rush around the dick. Your futa-cock bobs before you. “You're going to be on your knees worshiping it before we're done. You're hot, little mouth is going to be sucking on my futa-dick. Just slurping and sucking and bobbing up and down my cock.”

She opens the cabinet just as you reach her. Does she have a large collection of whips? Flails? Paddles, dildos, cuffs, manacles, and more BDSM implements. She reaches for one of the floggers, black with long, leather tails.

You're not about to let her use that stuff on you. You're the futa here. You're the one in charge. Your girl-dick will turn her on. You just got to break through her icy exterior. You grab her arm as she reaches for it and yank her around.

She gasps as you spin her to face you. As you do, you realize that you're taller than her. She's a petite, Japanese woman. She projects this calm demeanor, but there's shock on her expression. In her eyes. There are spots of color blushing her cheeks.

Power, you are realizing, is an illusion. People think they have power. Or that they can take power. But really, it is given. Someone has to surrender to another. Most don't even realize they do it. They just give up their autonomy to another for so many reasons. Out of fear. Out of respect. Because the rules say to, because they're your boss, your principal, your parent. You do it out of love, to avoid conflict, or because a personality is so strong, shines so bright, you can't help but worship it.

When that illusion is stripped from someone, that their power isn't what they think it is, they can be off-balance. You see that in her eyes. You know right then and there, you have her. So long as you don't let her gather herself.

You dart your left hand up and pull out the chopsticks hooding up her hair. The black falls down her face, enhancing the girlishness of her features. You smile at her as she trembles there. She licks her lips.

“You're going to do whatever I say because you're going to surrender to that hot, little cunt between your thighs,” you purr. There was another reason people surrendered their autonomy.


You stroke down her face, feeling the softness of her skin. It's almost smooth like porcelain. You reach her lips and rub across them. She quivers while your futa-dick throbs. She's surrendering to you. She's giving you her autonomy.

“You know what I am,” you say.

“Futanari,” she breathes. “How. They're just perverted comics from my homeland. Not real. Not like this.”

“Perverted comics, huh?” You grin. “Do you read them? Do you masturbate to them?”

She looks away.

You cup her chin and lift her eyes. “Yes, you have. You've rubbed your hot cunt wishing a futa would come along and just fuck you. To take command of you. How many times have you ached for that? To surrender to a futa and do whatever she wanted. To be her little fuck toy.”

She quivered.

You smile. “Nowhere is your chance. Fall to your knees, Ms. Kato, and suck on my girl-dick. Revel in your fantasies come to life. Engulf my cock and make me cum.” An idea strikes you. You shove the pill in your free hand into your urethra. “Suck out that pill. You're going to love it. It's going to make you feel so good.”

“Yes!” whimpers Dr. Isabella. “Do it, Ms. Kato!”

You slide your hands down to her mauve blouse. You pop the first button through its eyelet while you stare at the choker of pearls around her throat. A collar. She's been wearing it for all to see, just waiting for someone to come along and leash her.

You pop another button through and then a third. With the fourth, her blouse is open and she pulls it off her shoulders with grace. Her small breasts are cupped in a cream-colored bra. Without even being prompted, she unhooks it and reveals her perky tits, nipples a dark olive-brown. You shudder at the sight of them.

Then she falls to her knees before you. She groans as she grabs your big futa-dick. Her black hair sways loose about her face. Lust consumes her. She engulfs your futa-dick with her pink lips. She sucks hard.

The slut pill pops off your cock. She swallows.

You shudder as you stare down into her eyes. They swell with intelligence and lust. She nurses and sucks and then they widen. She gasps and shudders. You grab her head, holding her in place. The brilliance in her eyes dulls.

The intelligence is replaced by cow-eyed lust. She whimpers and then you notice her small breasts are swelling. They're growing larger and larger as she sucks and slurps with joy. There's only happiness in her eyes now, an empty-headed delight in doing something fun as her tits keep on ballooning.

“Fuck, yes,” you moan as you stare down at your bimbofied boss.

She sucks on you with this wonderful hunger. It's clear your bimbo boss loves your cock. She grabs your thighs and sucks with such delight. Your futa-cock throbs and aches in her mouth. This wonderful pleasure surges through you. You groan, your pussy clenching with her every suckle while her tits get larger and larger.

“Oh, they're going to be J-cups, I just know it!” moans Dr. Issy. She's rubbing her pussy. You don't remember when she got naked, but she is and she's frigging herself as she watches Ms. Kato's ballooning chest. “They're already G-Cups and... Ooh, they're H-cups. Oh, god, she's going to be a J-cup. With that small, petite form.”

You shudder at the intensity in Dr. Isabella's voice. Your dick throbs in Ms. Kato's naughty mouth. Her tits press into your thighs, rubbing soft against you as she bobs and slurps and loves your girl-cock with every ounce of her being.

You keep staring into the joy-filled, if vapid, eyes of Ms. Kato. She loves it. You can tell. Her tits keep swelling into your legs, caressing your skin as she sucks hard on you. Dr. Isabella gasps out in rapturous passion.

“She's a J-cup!” howls the woman. She's already cumming. You can't believe how fast she got off.

Dr. Isabella's knees buckle. She sinks to the floor, staring at those massive tits with such hunger while the pressure builds and builds in your mouth. This is so hot. You can't hold back. You're going to explode. The cum is going to burst from your cock and spray into the bimbo's mouth.

“Oh, yes!” you pant, your pussy clenching. More juices dribble down to your thigh-high stockings, soaking the nylons. “Ms. Kato! I'm going to cum!”

“Yes, yes, flood the bimbo with all that yummy cum!” moans Dr. Isabella as she shudders. Pussy juices dribble out of her black bushes. She's squirting so much around her fingers. “Yes, yes, yes! I love bimbos!”

Your cock erupts.

Your hot cum fires into Ms. Kato's mouth. She sucks hard on your girl-dick. She nurses with passion. It's incredible. You groan, loving as she drinks down drop after drop of your spunk. This wonderful passion ripples through your body. You groan, your heart pounding in your chest. Your eyes flutter as the pleasure ripples through your flesh.

“Oh, my god, yes!” you moan. “Oh, that's good. Just drink it all! Drink all my spunk! Suck it down!”

She does. She's slurping down your cum. It's incredible to experience. You shudder as the bimbo guzzles the cum firing out of your cock. The pleasure surges through your body and slams into your mind. Your hair dances around your shoulders.

Ms. Kato keeps sucking as you hit that peak. You fire that last blast of cum into her mouth. Your orgasm peaks. Her noisy nursing echoes through her office. Drool runs down her chin as she worships you.

Then she rips her mouth off and moans, “Where's all the yummy cummy gone?” She pouts. “I want futa-cummy! I want futa-cummy!”

“Oh, you'll get it!” moans Dr. Isabella. “But only if you're a good bimbo-slut, Ms. Kato!”

“I'll be a good bimbo slut for cummy!” she gasps. Delight shines across her face. She bounces in place, heaving her massive tits before her. “Yes, yes, I'll be super-duper awesome goody! Just give me more yummy cummy!”

“She has to fuck you in the ass first,” purrs Dr. Isabella. “While you lick my pussy. I'm going to sit on that face and drown you in cunt cream.”

“Ooh, ooh, I looove cunt cream! I love making girls eat my pussy and then I cum on their faces and then they let me spank them and love them and fuck them with my dildos!”

“That's what bad girls do,” you say, realizing your boss is a lesbian dominatrix. “You want to be a good girl so you can get all the yummy futa-cum you want from me.”

“Yes, yes!” she gasps. “I have to let you fuck me in the ass while I sit on your face. That sounds so amazing. I can do that.”

She rips down her skirt so fast, you think you heard it tear. She is wearing pantyhose with cream color panties beneath them. She shoves those down to her knees, peeling the nylons and her underwear off in one go, exposing a thick, black bush drenched in her pussy juices. Next, she sits down and then hooks her hands to her knees and pulls them to those massive breasts of hers as she rolls onto her back. They are so huge on her small frame. Her knees press into them, nudging her flesh.

They ripple.

“See, see, there's my naughty, dirty hole for you to fuck,” said Ms. Kato, her asshole peeking out between her butt-cheeks. “It's my butthole,” she says in a half-whisper like she's a little girl not wanting to get caught saying a bad word.

“Yes, it is,” you groan, your girl-dick twitching and throbbing. You just came in her mouth, but you want more.

Dr. Isabella plants her pussy and black bush on the bimbo's mouth before you even start to move. The wicked scientist shudders, her round breasts jiggling before her as she enjoys the oral pleasure of the bimbo boss.

You kneel before her. You press your girl-cock between the cheeks of that beautiful asshole. You feel Ms. Kato's sphincter against the tip. It's rough and naughty. You groan, savoring the delight of having your very own dick.

You thrust into her.

Her asshole surrenders to your cock like it were ready for it. Eager. Almost no resistance, and then you have her sweet, velvety sheath wrapped around you. A loud groan bursts from your lips. You shudder as you slide deeper and deeper into her bowels.

“Oh, yes, this is incredible!” you moan. “Oh, yes, yes! I love this. I love being in your asshole!”

“It's so good in my dirty hole!” the bimbo moans, her words half-muffled by hot cunt.”

“Yes, you love it, you wicked slut,” Dr. Isabella gasps, squirming on the bimbo's face.

Ms. Kato's legs spring out around you as she moans into Dr. Isabella's cunt. The busty, Japanese bimbo grips you with her thighs and her asshole, holding different parts of your body with a different amount of vigor.

You draw back your cock. Her large tits jiggle and sway. Your futa-dick throbs in her velvety grip. Pleasure flows up your cock to your pussy. You revel in it as you thrust back into her. You plow into her bowels and groan at the delight of her girl-dick being wrapped around you. It's an incredible passion that holds you. An amazing delight that ripples around your girl-dick.

“These tits are amazing!” moans Dr. Isabella. She grabs both of the bimbo's tits, squeezing tight. Her pale fingers dig into the soft, olive hue of Ms. Kato's enormous breasts. “Oh, they're so big.”

“They are!” you pant and join her.

There's so much titty flesh for you both to play with. You're kneading her boobies as you pump away at her bowels. The heat melts down to your cunt with every thrust. You can feel the powerful ache in your ovaries.

You're going to flood your bimbo boss's ass with so much jizz.

“Boobies!” Ms. Kato moans. “Big dicks in my naughty hole and yummy pussy to lick and lap and lovey dove!”

“Yes!” Dr. Isabella gasped. “Oh, you are such an amazing slut, Ms. Kato.”

“My name isn't Miss,” she pants. “It's Orihime! It means 'Weaving Princess'!”

“Yes, yes, you're a bimbo princess,” you moan, thrusting hard and fast into her asshole.

“A sexy, dumb, delicious princess!” groans Dr. Isabella. “Who loves eating pussy!”

“I do! So much! I want to eat it all the time and be fucked by a big futa-dick!”

“Good princess gets that,” you pant, your orgasm building and building.

Your back arches. Your tits heave. You moan as you pump away at her. Your every hard thrust buries into her again and again. Your pussy clenches from the wonderful heat flowing down your cock from Ms. Kato's tight asshole.

You groan as you slam faster. You ram your girl-dick into her bowels. You're getting so close to erupting in her. She feels incredible wrapped around your cock. You pant and moan as you thrust ahead. You bury to the hilt in her again and again. You're so close. Your pussy clenches. Your tits bounce and heave.

“Going to cum!” you moan, squeezing Ms. Kato's big titties. They jiggle in your crap.

“Yes, yes, dump your jizz in her!” gasps Dr. Isabella. “Holy shit, this is incredible. She's got her tongue so deep in my pussy! That's where the tastiest juices are, Princess Bimbo! Right there! Yes!”

Dr. Isabella bucks. Her head throws back. You know she's cumming. You can hear Ms. Kato licking up the pussy cream. She's lapping it up and moaning her own delight. You shudder, slamming your girl-dick hard into the bimbo's asshole.

As you draw back, she squeals. Her anal sheath writhes around your girl-dick. She bucks and moans, her huge boobs jiggling in your hand. The rippling flesh massages your cock as you slam back into her.

“Yes! Yes! Goody good cummy reward!” howls Ms. Kato, her pussy gushing juices that splash your shaved pubic mound. A tart musk fills your nose. Something delicious. Tantalizing. You groan and slam hard into her.

You erupt.

“More cummy rewards!” howls the princess as your futa-cock erupts into her bowels. “Yes, yes, more yummy, goody, delicious rewards for being a goody good princess!”

“Yes!” you howl. “Enjoy your cum, Princess Bimbo!”

“I have the biggest tits and the bests naughty hole and I love pussy!” she moans.

“The biggest tits!” groans Dr. Isabella.

The pleasure slams into your mind with each eruption. Your girl-dick fires hot spunk that bathes her asshole. It spurts out of you over and over. You groan, your entire body trembling. Stars burst across your vision while pussy juices gush down your thighs.

You savor the dual delights being a futa provides. You revel in them. You love how they ripple through your body and make you gasp and moan. That hot asshole milks your cock. You whimper as you fire that last spurt of cum into her asshole.

“Oh, god, we're going to run this company,” Dr. Isabella pants as she slides off the bimbo princess.

“Yes, we are!” you groan. “Isn't that right, Princess Bimbo!”

“Yes, yes, yes!” she moans. “What's right?”

I smiled at her. “You're going to be my good and adorable slut, aren't you, Bimbo Princess?”

“Do I get cummies?” she asks, her asshole still spasming around your girl-dick.

“All the cummies you want,” you purr.

As you pull out of her, you know you're going to use the bimbo pill to take over the company. Then you're going to leverage the futa-pill and put NLP Chemicals on the map. You shudder, your ambition burning bright as your boss turned bimbo princess sucks with hunger on your dirty futa-cock.

These two pills are amazing.

You and Dr. Isabella Run the Bimbo Company Ending

Author Note: These links are to give context to the poll!

Do you decide to double-down to Paris on the lie that you were born futa? 

Do you help Dr. Isabella give the slut pill to Paris? 

Do you disobey Ms. Kato's order to strip naked? 

Do you endure Paris's tirade and be a good employee? 


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