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Chapter Three

I came downstairs with Maya, both of us dressed. She had put on her make quickly. She never wore a lot. Just a light amount to bring out her cheekbones. Her heart-shaped face was so cute on its own especially with her freckles. Her brown hair fell in glossy waves around her shoulders.

Mrs. Maia, my landlady, was making breakfast. She hummed as she worked, wearing jeans and a t-shirt with an apron to keep them clean as the sausages sizzled in the pan. Her black hair spilled down to her shoulders. She was a beautiful MILF.

I had jacked off to her a few times, but since Maya and I started dating, I hardly thought of other women. Really only Mrs. Lucina, and that had only happened for the last week or so. She almost glowed now when I saw her.

“Morning, Big Bro!” Garnet, my younger roommate.squealed as she threw herself at me and hugged me. She wore her black hair in pigtails, her brown eyes so wide. She had a round, cute face.

She had called me big bro as a nickname since we met when she moved in, renting a room from Mrs. Maia like Crystal and I already had. The three of us all went to the same college. So did Maya, but she didn't live here.

“Morning,” I said. She was so clingy, but I never minded.

“Plans?” Mrs. Maia asked as she started dishing up the breakfast sausages.

“He's eager to see his favorite movie star,” said Maya as she poured herself a glass of orange juices. “He's eager to get a big signature from her.”

“I can't believe that bimbo wrote a book,” said Crystal. My bitchy roommate strolled in wearing a pair of tight jean shorts and a belly shirt that left her stomach bare.

“Someone ghost wrote it,” Mrs. Maia said. “That's how it works.

“I don't care,” I said as I took a plate from Mrs. Maia and a glass of OJ from Maya. “It's Lana Fulmine—Jane Dangerous!”

Maya chuckled.

Jane Dangerous was one of my favorite film series. I mean, Lana Fulmine was a hot actress and she wore shorts even tighter than the ones Crystal had on while she looted dungeons. God, those camera shots always lingered on that ass.

I was eager to meet her in person.

Breakfast was normal. Crystal didn't mention the shower fucking. She was all talk and no bite. She liked to tease, but she never wanted it to go farther. Maya knew this and so called her bluff. Now Crystal scowled while Maya wore a smug smile.

Crystal left to drive to college while Maya, Garnet, and I headed off to college. My cute roommate clung to my arm while I held Maya's hand. I liked walking between the two of them. A guy walking with his little sister—Garnet really felt like my little sister even though we'd known each other for less than a year—and his girlfriend.

Mrs. Lucina was out gardening in those tight, white shorts. I swear, her ass practically glowed through them. I tried not to be so obvious about ogling her, but she really had my notice these days. I don't know why, but that MILF...

She seemed like she wanted me looking more at her. Like it was purposeful that she was out here bent over as we passed, her rump wiggling back and forth. Ideas of slipping off with her flashed through my mind.

But I had Maya.

I was happy with Maya. I loved her.

I squeezed her hand as we headed to the coffee shop. Terra would be working. She was always a fun tease. Then it was off to classes.

*  \ * /  *

Mrs. Bella Lucina smiled, feeling Leo's eyes on her ass as he passed with Garnet and Maya.

Before, Mrs. Lucina used to find it fun to tease the neighborhood men and boys by wearing tight shorts while gardening. Showing off a big and knowing she was still sexy even after having kids. She would never cheat on my husband. She loved him.

But now...

Mrs. Lucina was thinking about Leo a lot. The idea of an affair was... intriguing to the married woman. Her sex life was rote with her husband. Wouldn't it be exciting to have a young buck like him who could make Maya shine with joy? He would make Mrs. Lucina radiate. She practically felt like she was glowing right now, her pussy soaking her panties.

She felt like he owned her.

Ever since that... that light had burst through her. It had shined through her soul from somewhere else. She knew that Leo had somehow done it. Somehow touched her soul, and now... Now she hummed as she thought about Leo fucking her from behind.

Right here.

Right now.

Pity, he wasn't taking the initiative. A plan percolated in the married woman's mind.

*  \ * /  *

Siwang was hard at work as he stood before his Void Crystal. His fingers flexed before he grabbed it. He had new monster girls to summon. Thanks to killing Tuerien Ironbane, Siwang had gained the Fire, Wind, Ice, and Metal glyphs, and after visiting the Water Shrine, he had that element, too.

Five new elements.

Five new sets of Level 1 monster girls he could summon. Hellhounds from Fire, pixies from Wind, wendigos from Ice, goblins from Metal, and mermaids from Water. But, no, he had other types of Level 1 monster girls because many of Tuerien's companions had refused to serve Siwang. In fact, all of the ones that Tuerien had conjured personally remained loyal to him in death, only the companions he'd claimed from other dungeon builders had come to serve Siwang.

He hadn't inspired them. No wonder with his brutal methods and dark plans. Wiping out all the men in a city and keeping all the women for breeding stock was... despicable. That was the word for it. Siwang was glad Tuerien was dead.

He was a cancer blighting this world, and Siwang was very familiar with cancer. Leukemia had killed him.

So in addition to the monster girls above, he had liches in Death, fenghuangs in Thunder, redcaps in Metal, cherfus in Fire, tennyo in Wind, and lamias in Ice. And that wasn't counting the Level 2 Monster girls he could now make from the Fire, Wind, Ice, Metal, and Water elements. Salamanders, harpies, yuki-onna, orcs, and hippocampi were all at his disposal.

He wanted to summon them all and make a larger army. He had a great reserve of power built up thanks to killing Tuerien, but Siwang also wanted to expand his dungeon. He was driving his tunnels west to find shrines in that direction and help Leo out.

And Leo's plan to build watchtowers along his routes, projections of his power to watch out for rogue dungeon builders preying on the weak appealed to Siwang. They could be turned into new allies or their attacks could be stopped.

Siwang ached to recruit more builders to Leo's cause. It was a noble one that Siwang fully supported.

So he had a lot of work ahead of him. He gripped the Void Crystal when he realized he had another problem. He had his own new companions to summon. Women from his world to line up with those five new glyphs, and he had no idea who they should be.

*  \ * /  *

Lana Fulmine smiled as she sat antsy at the signing. She was on a press tour on the publisher's behalf, hoping to milk out every dollar they could from her fame. Her luster was on the downturn. She wasn't as hot as she used to be, and that was stressing her out.

She wanted to do some coke. Just a bump to get her going, but she had an endless line of mostly men here to get her autograph. And to stare down her cleavage. She wore a tight-fitting and low-cut top to titillate them. Her agent wanted her to talk about how she hated being objectified by the male gaze. Get her brownie points with the media.

So she did even as she dressed so they would look at her. Male attention validated her. At least she felt desirable right now as man after man leered down at her breasts. She signed books for them while flirting with them.

Giving them a cheap thrill.

The books each had a picture of her most famous role, Jane Dangerous. It was a shot of her looking over her shoulder in those tight, khaki shorts that hugged her ass and made her look so hot. They all wanted to bend her over and fuck her.

It was exciting and tedious all at the same time.

Then one young man appeared before her, a big grin on his face. He was tall and slender with dark hair and matching eyes. A deep brown the drank her in. The joy in his expression sent a shiver racing through Lana Fulmine. He had her book and handed it out to her eagerly.

He was only nineteen, a boy, and yet she straightened up, wanting his attention more than any of the other men in the line. Something about him just made her... tingle. She couldn't quite place it as she opened the book.

“Mmm, and who should I make it out to, cutie?” she purred, her voice sultry.

“Leo Baldwin, your number one fan!”

He said it with such enthusiasm, she believed him. This was her biggest fan in the world. She wrote out, “Love and kisses to Leo, my number one fan!” She added some XO's at the bottom and signed her name with a flourish.

“How wonderful to meet you,” she said and handed him the book. “I won't forget my number one fan.”

“Thanks,” he said. “Can't wait to see you in your next movie. I know you'll be kicking ass.”

That was the hope of this book tour. To get her another movie. She winked at him as he left. Leo Baldwin. She had a feeling, that was a name she would remember. She squirmed in the chair and reached out for the next book to sign, feeling re-invigorated by his presence.

She could sign all day long.

*  \ * /  *

Mrs. Bella Lucina couldn't hold back her desire to have an affair with Leo any longer. It burned through her. She had fought it, thinking of her marriage, but he was filling her mind. She had strange... impulses. Like she had half-remembered dreams of being his angel.

His angel-MILF.

She waited and waited and waited for him to come home from school. Garnet had returned alone, and Mrs. Lucina started to despair that the he had made other plans and she wouldn't get to see him today. That her seduction attempt would have to wait.

Her pussy burned.

She had soaked the sexy pair of panties she wore beneath her tight shorts. A silky delight she had bought just for him. White and frilly, matching the bra cradling her large breasts. She ached for him. Was so ready to do whatever he agreed.

But where was he?

She fretted. Paced. She wanted to pretend to be gardening, but she couldn't focus on anything but his young cock slamming into her pussy. She wanted him filling her up. Just thrusting over and over into her mature cunt. Her married twat dripped for him.

Finally, more than an hour later than usual, Leo and Maya came strolling down the street. Leo held a bag in his hand and looked to be in such a good mood. He had a large smile on his lips. He strolled with a casual ease with Maya, the pair chatting.

He was dating her. In love with her, but Mrs. Lucina was too selfish to care. She didn't care if he still loved her. She didn't want to break up his relationship with his girlfriend, she just wanted that same cock putting that delighted smile on her lips.

She knew Maya was getting it from Leo.

She had to be.

H was so cute. Such a stud. She would be a fool not to have that young man thrusting away at her cunt. The MILF shuddered. She had to make her move. She had her excuse. She looked up from her “gardening,” and waved to him.

“Hi, Mrs. Lucina,” he said.

“Hey, Mrs. Lucina,” Maya said, her brown hair spilling around her shoulders.

“Leo, would you be a dear and help me move some heavy stuff around in my backyard?” Mrs. Lucina asked. “Sorry to be a bother, but I need a young buck to help me.”

“Sure,” he said and gave Maya a quick kiss on the lips. “I'll catch up.”

“Sure,” she said and took the bag from him. “Don't want your precious book to be damaged. After all, Lana Fulmine signed it while you were staring down her top.”

“I know, just shameful of me,” Leo said in a joking manner, “but it's Jane Dangerous, Maya!”

She rolled her eyes and slapped him on the butt. “Dirty perv.”

He laughed and strolled over to the trembling Mrs. Lucina. She wanted that dirty perv to bend her over and stuff his cock into her juicy pussy. To make her into an adulterous whore. She should feel so guilty about it, but...

Mrs. Bella Lucina felt like Leo owned her. That idea had been growing in the back of her mind like it bled from those dreams that she couldn't remember having. The ones were she felt she was his angel-MILF serving him.

Making love to him. Bathing him in her light.

Mrs. Lucina led him into the backyard, knowing this was her chance. He was such a good boy. Just so polite. They passed through the gate and into the privacy provided by tall fences and rows of hedges. He looked to the gardened shed in the corner of the yard.

“What do you need?” he asked, turning to her.

“Your cock in my mouth,” she moaned with such boldness as she threw her arms around his neck and finally kissed him.

She thrust her tongue into the boy's mouth. He was nineteen. Her children were about his age. A little older. He groaned and struggled as I kissed him with such passion, holding him so tight that he couldn't get away. I had to have him.

He felt so wonderful against me. He groaned, his resistance dropping as he kissed her back. His hard cock pressed against the naughty MILF through his jeans. The cheating wife had to suck him. A way to a man's heart was through cooking and blowjobs. It was something her mother had told her when she was Leo's age.

The younger Bella had been horrified, of course. It sounded so demeaning. Like something out of the fifties, and yet as she grew older, she saw the wisdom. It was easy to keep her husband happy. Good food. Sex. That was all it really took.

And he provided for her. They had a comfortable life, but it had never been exciting. Never been truly passionate. Mrs. Bella Lucina had never truly felt loved like she did in those dreams. In that other life she couldn't truly remember but that had filled her thoughts for the last week.

A world were she was loved by Leo. Passionately loved.

I am his angel.

She broke the kiss and he gasped, “Mrs. Lucina! What are you doing?”

“Seducing you,” she moaned and dropped to her knees before him.

“What?” He stared down at her in confusion as she unzipped his pants. She unfastened them and yanked them down. His cock bulged his boxers. “Mrs. Lucina! I have a girlfriend! Maya!”

“I don't care!” She ripped down his boxers. His cock popped out before her. He was bigger than her husband like she knew he would be. “I won't you, Leo! I love you!”

The words burst from her lips before she could stop them. She shuddered, resonating with them. They were true. She was a different Mrs. Bella Lucina now. She had changed a week ago. That other her had bled into this life and infected her with this new desire. For him.

For her Leo.

She swallowed the boy's cock. He gasped as she did that. She felt like such a wanton MILF for sucking on him. She was old enough to be his mother, and she reveled in that thrill. She suckled on him hard, swirling her tongue around him.

“Mrs. Lucina!” he gasped, his head casting around. “I... I... I love Maya, and... This...”

She grabbed his hips and bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down his cock. She suckled with all her might. He groaned as she did that. Her tongue stroked around his cock. He shuddered as she did that. It was so exciting to do this to him.

His salty precum soaked her tongue. That was a delicious treat. She moaned around his dick, nursing on him with wall that she had. His face twisted in delight as she pleasured him. She wanted to swallow all his cum.

“Mrs. Lucina!” he groaned. “Your husband.”

I love you, Leo, she thought as she stared up at him, her blue eyes burning with such lust. I love you! You make my heart beat so much! I want your cum. I want to be your MILF-angel. Your slut. Your lover. Your woman. Your concubine.

The thoughts spilled through her as she suckled on his cock. They were all so depraved. Her pussy clenched as she nursed on him. He groaned, his dick twitching in her mouth. She savored this pleasure. It was so delicious to love him like this. She just wanted to gulp down all his cum. To swallow every drop of his jizz. That would be such a wonderful moment. She suckled with all her might.

He groaned as she did that. His hands slid through her blonde tresses. He gripped them as she suckled on him. His eyes stared down at her with such passion. That was what she craved. She could see it in her eyes.

He had always wanted her. He had just given up that dream for Maya, but now...

Now he was realizing he could have both.

Mrs. Lucina winked at him.

“Damn,” he groaned, gripping her blonde hair. Her stared into her blue eyes. “Oh, damn, what a naughty wife you are. That's it!”

She loved being a naughty wife for him. Her pussy soaked her panties as she suckled so hard on him. He groaned, his cock throbbing in her mouth. She reveled in all that precum that spilled out of his dick. That was just perfect to suckle up.

She loved that so much. She nursed on him for all that he was wroth, wanting all that cum spurting into her mouth. It was just a perfect moment. She swirled her tongue around him as he groaned his pleasure. His fae twisted in delight.

It was so beautiful to witness.

“Yes, yes, yes,” he growled. “That's it. That's fucking it, Mrs. Lucina. You want my cum?”

She moaned around his cock. He was so strong. So in charge of her. This is why Maya is always smiling.

“Yeah, you do,” he growled. “Just keep sucking, and you're going to get it!”

She trembled, wanting that so much. She nursed on him for all she had. Her cheeks hollowed. Drool spilled down her chin as she worshiped his cock. Leo's big dick filled her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the crown of his cock.

He growled out his pleasure as he erupted.

His cum pumped into her mouth.

Spurt after spurt of his jizz flooded her. She groaned and gulped down that jizz. She swallowed it all with such passion. It poured down her gullet. She shuddered there, loving this so much. Her pussy clenched as the spunk spilled down her throat. She trembled there, gulping down blast after blast of his spunk.

She swallowed it all. She nursed it all down. It was such an amazing thing to gulp down all that jizz. It spilled down her throat and warmed her belly. She groaned in delight, her pussy clenching as he drowned her in his jizz.

She swallowed every last drop of his cum that he had.

“Mrs. Lucina!” he growled.

Yes, yes, I'm yours, Leo!

She nursed it down as he grunted, erupting again and again. He had so much spunk for her. Way more than her husband. This was a man. He might only be nineteen, but he had such talent. She worshiped his cock. She swallowed every last drop of his spunk.

It was amazing to gulp it down.

Just wondrous to swallow every drop of his spunk. She wiggled her hips back and forth as he spurted the last of his cum into her mouth. She loved it. She stared into his brown eyes and witnessed the lust in them.

The desire.

The strength.

She ripped her mouth off his cock and moaned, “I'm yours, Leo!”

She spun around and pressed her face into the grass. She thrust her ass up into the air clad in those shorts. She knew he loved her ass. That he stared at her rump all the time. He dropped to his knees and slapped his cock down on her rump.

She shuddered as he slid his hands around and unsnapped the fly. He drew them down as she quivered there. He witnessed her white panties. She knew the crotch was soaked in her juices. She whimpered here, her heart pounding in her chest.

She knew this would only get hotter. She was so ready for that moment. So eager for it.

He drew down her panties and groaned, “Damn.”

“Mmm, you love my ass, don't you, Leo,” Mrs. Lucina purred.

“Yes, I do,” he groaned.

“I always bent over on purpose,” she cooed. “I wanted you to stare at me. But now... I want you to do more than stare.”

He pressed his cock not into her bush like she thought he would. No, no, he pressed it into her butt-crack. Against her asshole. She gasped, her eyes widening. She had never done anal in her life, but she knew that other her, the angel her, had done this many, many times.

“Use me however you want, Leo,” she breathed. “I'm yours. I love you.”

The words shocked her because they were true. She loved him. She moaned as his wet dick drilled against her asshole. “And you've never done this, have you, Mrs. Lucina? This is something that only I will enjoy.”

“I haven't,” she moaned, wanting to give him this special treat. He was her lover.

That made her so excited as he drilled against her anal ring. She quivered as her backdoor spread open wider and wider. She whimpered at what he did to her. Her asshole burned as she shuddered there. She breathed in the scent of the lawn as she cheated on her husband.

“Yes,” she moaned as she stretched open wider and wider. “Fuck my asshole, Leo!”

He growled and thrust harder. Her eyes widened.

Her young lover's cock popped into her asshole.

She savored her first taste of anal as his cock sank into her bowels. Inch after inch of his dick sank into her backdoor. It was just such a wicked thing to feel. She loved it so much. It was so wonderful feeling that hard dick sinking into her bowels. He filled her to the brim.

She shuddered at the feel of him doing that. It was so wild having his cock sinking into her bowels. She clamped her anal sheath down on him. It was wonderful having him doing that. She shuddered in delight, her anal sheath devouring his cock.

Mrs. Lucina loved feeling that big dick in her bowels. It was amazing. The naughty wife trembled here as her lover filled her backdoor up. His nuts rested against her taint. She had taken him all in her anal sheath. Just every last inch of him.

This is fantastic, rippled through her mind.

She trembled, savoring this delight. The naughty wife squeezed my bowels down around on his cock. It was just wondrous to have her lover in her. She savored pleasuring him with her asshole and quivered with delight. Her heart pounded wildly as he gripped her hips and drew back.

He pulled back and back as she whimpered from the velvety friction. Her anal sheath gripped him. She held him tight and loved every second of it. He buried back into her asshole. It was so hot having his dick plow to the hilt in her bowels. She moaned in delight.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she gasped as his cock drew back again. “Oh, that's so good!”

“Yes, it is!” he groaned as he pumped away at her asshole. “Mrs. Lucina!”

He pumped away at me faster and faster. He thrust into the hilt in her, slamming that big dick into her bowels. She whimpered, her asshole gripping his dick. He plowed to the hilt in her again and again. The cheating MILF loved it.

She savored her young lover's dick hammering her asshole. The heat melted to her bowels. She loved that. She squeezed down on him as he fucked into her with force. He plowed into her with all that he had. It was just magical having him doing that.

She groaned as he thrust into her again and again. He fucked her with force. He plowed into her with all that he had. It was just an amazing rush to have that big dick thrusting into her. It was magical having him do that. She loved it so much.

She enjoyed that huge dick fucking her bowels. He pounded her anal sheath with force. He thrust into her with all that he had. She loved it. She savored this amazing moment. He buried deep and hard into her asshole.

“Shit, shit, shit,” he growled as he fucked her. He pounded her with such force. “Mrs. Lucina!”

“Leo!” she moaned. “Oh, god, I love this! I love your big dick fucking my asshole!”

She rubbed her face into the grass as her orgasm built and built. She would cum from being ass-fucked. She never thought that could be possible, and yet it was. He was thrusting into her asshole with all that he had. It was magical having him fuck her like that.

He plowed deep and hard into her bowels. He thrust to the hilt in her again and again. His nuts slapped into her taint. The heat soaked her cheating cunt. Her naughty pussy reveled in her adulterous passion. He buried deep and hard into her bowels.

“Leo!” she moaned.

“Cum on my dick, Mrs. Lucina!” he growled. He was so in charge of her. Just like she craved.

“Yes, Leo!” she gasped as he buried into her. She burst with rapture.

The ecstasy shone through her body, illuminating her thoughts with rapture. Her cunt spasmed as more and more brilliance radiated out of her cheating snatch. She suckled at his cock with her asshole, her bowels writhing, too

He growled out and erupted into her bowels.

He filled her anal sheath up with his cum. She gasped in delight as the pleasure crashed into her mind. She moaned, her anal sheath spasming around his dick. She suckled at him. Nursed at him. It was so amazing. The pleasure washed through her.

“Yes!” he growled. “Oh, yes, yes, that's so good! That's amazing!”

“It is!” she moaned, rubbing her face into the grass. “Oh, Leo! Oh, yes, yes, that's it! That's so amazing!”

Her asshole spasmed around his dick as he pumped more and more of his cum into her. Her mind drowned in rapture. She soared through the heavens, shining with the rapturous light. He grunted, spurting the last of his seed into her—

“Leo!” a pained voice said.

“Maya!” Leo gasped. “I...”

Mrs. Lucina raised her head to see the girl staring in horror. Tears beaded in her eyes as she witnessed her boyfriend's betrayal. Mrs. Lucina had to say something as Maya buried her face into her hands, weeping. Tears dripped between her fingers and rained down on the ground.

Chapter Four

Maya's watery body rippled as she entered the newest Shrine discovered.

The Glyph of Water hovered in the air. She could feel it. If she had a heart as an undine, it would be pounding right now. She was so grateful to Kassie for teleporting her across a third of the world. From one end of Leo's dungeon to the other.

Her lover was standing naked and watching as Priestess Lysila raised the Blessed Blade of water, lining it up for the slot in the wall. A shiver ran through her body. It was like the sword was an extension of Leo. His mighty, steel blade ramming home into Maya's own sheath.

Priestess Lysila groaned, “Lady Ninli, be free!”

She rammed the sword home into the slot.

Maya gasped as she felt the goddess being freed. The sensation rippled through the undine's body, waves that distorted her curvy form. She quivered as energy flashed before her. A wave that burst upward like the surf crashing into a cliff.

The energy swirled into a woman made of water. Lady Ninli, Goddess of Water, knelt before Maya. The undine shuddered as she felt such a connection to the divine being kneeling there. Maya's body rippled with her excitement.

The Goddess turned to face Priestess Lysila. “You freed me.”

*  \ * /  *

Priestess Lysila trembled as she faced her Goddess. She had served the Lord and Lady of Water since birth, raised and groomed to be the High Priestess by her parents. Lysila had always felt an affinity for the Lady. For the feminine aspects of water.

Not the violent floods and pounding surfs that could carve new tracks across the land or wash away the shore, but the gentle and nurturing part. The fresh spring. The refreshing rain. Now there she was.

She was similar to Maya, but the water that made up the Goddess was bluer. Purer. Maya had been a human, once, from her world, but this being was truly alien and divine. The priestess trembled as Lady Ninli rose to her feet and moved to her.

“Thank you,” the Goddess said and cupped Priestess Lysila's face.

Their lips met in a kiss.

The priestess shuddered as her lips melted to her Goddess's. A wave of heat rushed through her body, her cunt melting. She was naked, of course, adopting the garb favored by Leo's servants. A pure one. In the dungeon, it was never hot or cold. It was always perfect. Comfortable.


And now Lady Ninli was safe in his dungeon.

Priestess Lysila dropped to her knees. She had to worship her Goddess. The High Priestess of Water faced the Font of the Goddess's passion. From here, the Goddess's passion sprang forth. The sweetness filled the priestess's nose.

She leaned in and kissed her Goddess's pussy folds. They were formed out of water, delicate and silky. Priestess Lysila licked them. She stroked her tongue through her Goddess's petals and gathered her juices.

The sweet waters of Lady Ninli's spring.

Moaning, Priestess Lysila thrust her tongue into her Goddess's pussy and swirled around in her. She danced about, staring up her Goddess's body to those bountiful breasts jiggling. The watery mounds swayed as she Goddess moaned.

“Oh, my beloved priestess,” Lady Ninli purred.

“She is beloved,” Lord Leo said as he moved behind the priestess. His cock nudged her asscheek. “I love her greatly, Lady Ninli.”

“Mmm, as you love that poor dragon my husband tormented,” said Lady Ninli.

Agubnamus, thought Priestess Lysila.

The ancient water dragon has been chained to guard Myrecilla and the Blessed Blade of Water held in its temple for thousands of years. Charged to keep the sacred treasure out of a dungeon builder's hands so that the Goddess held in the blade would not be freed.

But now she is.

That thought made Priestess Lysila tremble in awe as she kept feasting on her Goddess's pussy.

Lord Leo's magnificent cock found the priestess's shaved pussy. He thrust into her cunt. She moaned, her black hair swaying down her back. She closed her blue eyes as she enjoyed that mighty cock thrusting into her cunt.

“Lord Leo,” she moaned into her Goddess's pussy.

“Yes, yes, reward this noble woman with your passion, Lord Leo,” moaned Lady Ninli.

“That's the plan,” Leo growled as he fucked away at the priestess's pussy.

Her cunt clamped down on that mighty cock. She was in heaven as he thrust away at her. She loved every moment of his dick plunging in and out of her pussy. She gripped him as he ravished her. He fucked her hard and fast.

He buried into her again and again. He fucked her with all that he had. It was amazing having him churn her up. She loved it as he plowed into her twat. She squeezed down on him as she devoured her Goddess's snatch.

The priestess feasted on Lady Ninli's sweet juices, reveling in the flavor. Pleasure flowed through the priestess as she took her Lord's dick. He fucked her with passion. Such joy filled Priestess Lysila. She was so happy to worship them both.

“Damn,” groaned Lord Leo. “You got such a tight cunt right now, Lysila.”

“She's excited eating her Goddess out,” Maya said.

“Oh, yeah,” Kassie purred. “That's so amazing to see Lady Ninli there. She's rippling like an undine.”

“Just so beautiful,” groaned Lord Leo as he used my pussy.

I'm warming him up for the Goddess. That idea swept such delight through Priestess Lysila.

She quivered in delight, her cunts squeezing around his dick as he thrust into her over and over again. He fucked her with such force. It was such a wonderful delight to have that big dick fucking her pussy while she devoured her Goddess.

She stroked through Lady Ninli's folds to her clit. She flicked over that bud, stroking her with hunger. It was a magical moment. She was so glad to do this to the Goddess. To feast on her like that. She devoured her with hunger.

She flicked her tongue through her folds. It was magical moment. She savored every last moment of it, her entire body shaking. She quivered in delight, taking that huge dick in her cunt. She loved that big cock fucking her.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned, squeezing her cunt down on his dick. “Oh, Lord Leo!”

“Fuck,” he growled, fucking her hard and fast. He thrust into her twat again and again. He buried deep and hard into her pussy. “That's so good.”

“Mmm, make him cum, my beloved priestess,” Lady Ninli cooed.

“Yes, my Goddess!”

The priestess rose toward her orgasm, her pussy churned up by Lord Leo's mighty rod. She suckled on the Goddess's clit. she nursed on that wonderful bud, loving this moment so much. She enjoyed his big dick slamming into her snatch.

She gripped him. Held him tight. She wiggled her hips from side to side, reveling in that huge cock fucking her. She was having such a great time. It was amazing having him fuck her like that. She loved it so much.

The priestess enjoyed every last second of him fucking her. He plowed to the hilt in her snatch over and over again. He buried into her with such hard strokes. He thrust to the hilt in her twat again and again. Her orgasm built and built with that passion.

It was amazing. She moaned around the Goddess's clit, suckling so hard. Lady Ninli threw back her head, her body rippling. She quivered, her big boobs heaving. Maya and Kassie watched. That made this hotter for Priestess Lysila.

“Oh, my beloved priestess,” whimpered the Goddess. “That's it! Yes!”

The Goddess's passion gushed from her spring. Sweet juices poured from her font and anointed Priestess Lysila in passion. She licked and lapped up all that wonderful cream. She thrust her tongue into that delight, savoring licking at her. It was a magical moment.

Just a wondrous one.

Priestess Lysila climaxed.

“Polluted waters!” she gasped into her Goddess's sweet pussy. She drowned in all that cunt cream.

It was wondrous having all that pussy juices spilling over her lips. She licked and lapped up the cream as her cunt writhed around Lord Leo's thrusting dick. He groaned as he buried to the hilt in her pussy and groaned.


His cum flooded her pussy.

“Lord Leo!” she moaned into Lady Ninli's cunt as his jizz spurted into her again and again.

He flooded her pussy with his wondrous seed. She hoped her womb quickened with his child. She rippled around him. Her twat writhed around his cock, milking out all that cum. He grunted and groaned, flooding her twat again and again.

He filled her to the brim with his cum. More and more spurted into her pussy. She whimpered, her cunt writhing around his dick. She trembled as she suckled out all that cum. It was incredible having all that jizz spurting into her.

“Oh, Lord Leo!” she gasped.

“Mmm, flood her,” whimpered the Goddess. “Flood my beloved priestess with all your cum!”

The priestess bathed in her Goddess's juices as her Lord filled her cunt with his jizz. She trembled, her orgasm sweeping through her. The pleasure crested in her mind. She loved every last moment of this. She was so happy as her Lord flooded her cunt with a final burst of cum.

He panted behind her while her Goddess purred in delight. Lady Ninli's water breasts rippled with her pleasure. She smiled down at the priestess. Such joy exploded through Priestess Lysila's heart. She had served her Goddess.

Worshiped her.

She felt so special right now.

*  \ * /  *

I grinned as I pulled out of Priestess Lysila's pussy. The watery Goddess smiled at me. She reached out as I rose and stroked my face. I leaned in and kissed her. Her husband had already sent a saint to kill me, and I had burned so hot, I boiled the fucker away.

All to stop me from doing this.

I kissed her with passion. My tongue danced with hers. I would fuck her so hard. Just pound her right here in the Water Shrine. My dick dripped with pussy cream. I couldn't wait to slide into the Goddess and cuckold her husband.

Lord Enki would howl in impotent fury.

She broke the kiss and smiled at me. “Shall we consummate it, Lord Leo. Shall I add the Blessing of Water to you.”

“Please,” I said, my cock throbbing. “If I collect all twelve of you, I'll save her. The Incarnation.”

“Hopefully,” she said and sank down to the ground. She spread her legs wide. I stared at the folds of her watery pussy. She looked so much like Maya. Well, more mature. A MILF-undine instead of my nubile girlfriend.

Maya grinned at me. “Dirty Perv, just leering at the Goddess's naughty bits.”

“Yep,” I said. “Sit on her face. I am sure the Goddess will pleasure you.”

“Mmm, you're waters look so sweet, Lady Maya,” Lady Ninli said.

“Lady Maya!” My girlfriend grinned from ear to ear. “I could get used to that.”

“You're practically my wife,” I said. “If I was going to marry one of my monster girls, it would be you.”

“Damn straight you would, big perv,” she purred and dropped to her knees, straddling Lady Ninli's face.

“Mmm, she has all the passion of the sea in her,” Lady Ninli purred into Maya's pussy.

Both their bodies rippled, Maya's a darker shade of blue. Not as vibrant as the Goddess, though she was cuter with those freckles dotted over her face. I dropped to my knees between the Goddess's thighs and grabbed her legs.

They were warm and rippled beneath my touch. Waves washed out through her body as I lifted her legs and brought her pussy to my cock I was so ready to fuck another Goddess and cuckold another god. It was an amazing moment. I reveled in it.

I thrust my cock to the hilt in her cunt. I fucked her with force, savoring this delight. It was a wild experience feeling her pussy engulfing my dick. She swallowed my cock. I loved the feel of her silky snatch engulfing me.

It was perfect.

Just a wonderful moment to have her snatch sliding into my twat. It was a magical moment. I loved it so much. Her juicy, divine twat engulfed me. I groaned as I sank to the hilt in her flesh. Her cunt squeezed down on me.

I groaned in delight as that. She moaned into Maya's pussy.

“Oh, that's good, Lady Ninli,” gasped Maya. “Oh, my, yes, yest, that's just wondrous.”

“It is,” purred Lady Ninli.

I drew back my cock. She clenched her twat down on me as I watched Maya squirming. Her round boobs rippled as she ground her snatch on the Goddess's mouth. I thrust to the hilt in Lady Ninli's delicious pussy. Waves washed over her belly and her large tits.

I gripped those big, warm breasts. I squeezed them.  I fucked into her twat, loving the way her pussy clamped down on me. Maya moaned, such joy spilling across her face as she enjoyed the Water Goddess's licking.

“Lady Ninli,” whimpered Maya. “Oh, you're a dirty Goddess!”

“I'm a clean one,” she purred. “My waters aren't polluted.”

“They will be with my man's cum!” Maya moaned.

“Oh, yes,” whimpered Priestess Lysila.

I glanced back at her and smiled. Kassie was feasting on the priestess, the halfling at the perfect height to eat the standing human's pussy. I slammed hard into the Goddess of Water, enjoying the sight while savoring that hot, juicy snatch squeezing down on me.

Lady Ninli's pussy felt incredible around my cock. She squeezed me. Massaged me. She brought me closer and closer to climaxing. I would have a huge climax. Just spurt all my cum into her pussy. I would flood her with all that I had. It would be an incredible moment.

I slammed deep and hard into the Goddess's pussy, her snatch clenching down on me. She held me tight with that hot twat. It was an incredible rush to fuck her like this. I buried into her with all that I had. It was amazing. I hurtled closer and closer to climaxing. I rushed toward that mighty burst of bliss.

“Oh, Lord Leo,” the Goddess moaned, her pussy clamping down on me. “That's so wondrous.”

“Yes!” I groaned.

“Fuck her, big perv!” Maya moaned and threw her arms around my neck. She kissed me.

I moaned into her lips as I pumped away at the Goddess's cunt. I fucked her with such force, my tongue dancing with Maya's. That added to the thrill of fucking her. I plowed into her with force. I thrust to the hilt in her.

The goddess shuddered, her pussy gripping me. I buried deep and hard into her twat, my nuts slapping onto her taint. They filled with the cum that I would dump into her pussy. I fucked her hard and fast. I thrust to the hilt in her with everything that I had. I churned her up.

She moaned into my undine's pussy. Maya broke our kiss and threw back her head, her body rippling more. She squirmed more and more, rising toward her climax. I slammed to the hilt in the Goddess's pussy.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Maya whimpered. “Oh, Lady Ninli! Oh, you're so good at that!”

“You're just so wet and tasty,” the Goddess purred, her pussy massaging my dick.

I pumped away at her, squeezing the Goddess's big boobs. They were so wonderful to play with. I brushed her nipples. They thrust out harder than her soft tits. I twisted those. She moaned into Maya's cunt.

My undine gasped. She bucked and shuddered, squealing, “Yes!”

Maya drowned the Goddess in pussy juices. I loved the sight as I plowed my cock to the hilt in her snatch. Her pussy clamped down on me. I groaned at the increased friction. My nuts tightened as I slammed to the hilt in her.

“Oh, yes!” moaned the Goddess.

Her pussy convulsed around my cock. Her hot flesh suckled at me. I made the Goddess cum. Such triumph shot through me. I trembled at that heat washing over me. It was perfect. I thrust back into her pussy and erupted.

My cum pumped into her snatch. I flooded her with spurt after spurt of cum. I loved the moment of flooding her pussy with all my jizz. The heat washed through me. I groaned with each spurt of passion into her cunt.

“Fuck, yes!” I snarled.

“Oh, Lord Leo!” the Goddess moaned, her entire flesh rippling.

Her cunt spasmed around my cock as waves washed through her body. Maya bucked on the Goddess, shuddering with all her beauty. She was such a gorgeous thing. I loved watching her quivering through her bliss. Her face twisted with delight.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned, her head tossing. “Oh, that's so good. That's just amazing! Leo!”

“Lord Leo!” the Goddess moaned as my cum spurted into her pussy.  I flooded her with all that I had. It was amazing to do that. I loved every last second of that delight flooding her cunt. It was amazing.


“Fuck!” I groaned as I erupted that last spurt of cum into her pussy.

The passion surged through me. Maya shuddered, her body almost merging with the Goddess. Lady Ninli purred one more time before she panted. I savored her pussy rippling around my cock a few more times.

Maya slipped off her and trembled. “Ooh, I just came on a Goddess's mouth! That was hot.”

“Yeah,” I admitted, grinning at her. “Very, very hot!”

“Mmm, it was.” Lady Ninli glanced at me. “Thank you.”

Her eyes closed and she went still. I picked her up, sliding her pussy off my cock. I held the Goddess in my arms as I glanced back at the high priestess. She gasped out in rapture, drowning Kassie in pussy juices.

I smiled, watching the priestess's round breasts jiggling. She whimpered, her blue eyes closed. Kassie ripped her mouth away from her pussy and spun around, cum and cream on her lips. She licked them and nodded.

We returned to the teleportation circle.

Asud Gu,” chanted Kassie. Light embraced us.

We were back in the Teleport Hub off my throne room. We moved out of it and into the throne room where Naughty Nina and Crystal were throwing flaming pitchforks and ice daggers at each other. They looked to be sparring.

I headed into the living area, Mrs. Maiacooking dinner. My little succubus darted up to us, her red tail twitching behind her. She grinned at the sight of the sleeping Goddess. I winked at her and passed through the Vault to the room behind it. Two beds were in here, one holding the glowing Lady Sherida.

I sat Lady Ninli on the other bed and kissed her lips.

She would sleep safe and sound here until it was time to save the Incarnation.

Click here for the next part! 


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